Chapter I: Geology of a Middle Tertiary Clay Deposit in thePatagonia Mountains near Harshaw, Santa Cruz County, Southeastern Arizona

Bulletin 2209-I



A middle Tertiary rhyolite tuff on the northeast side of the Patagonia Mountains in Santa Cruz County, southeastern Arizona contains lenses of calcareous low-swelling montmorillonite clay, as much as 10 to 15 m thick. The presence of the tuff has been known for years, but the clay has not been described previously. The clay lenses, which are virtually silt- and sand-free, were probably formed by diagenetic alteration of fairly clean ash-fall-tuff beds. In preliminary tests, the clay exhibited only about 9 percent shrinkage on drying and about 1 percent shrinkage on firing. Cracking and distortion were minimal in both drying and firing. Further testing needs to be done on the clay to determine its suitability as a specialty clay or as an additive to other clays.
Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Chapter I: Geology of a Middle Tertiary Clay Deposit in thePatagonia Mountains near Harshaw, Santa Cruz County, Southeastern Arizona
Series title Bulletin
Series number 2209
Chapter I
DOI 10.3133/b2209I
Edition Version 1.0
Year Published 2005
Language ENGLISH
Contributing office(s) Western Mineral Resources
Description iii, 7 p.
Larger Work Type Report
Larger Work Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Larger Work Title Contributions to Industrial-Minerals Research
Online Only (Y/N) Y
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