Colorado River Basin Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology (ASIST) Pilot Project Progress Toward an Information Management and Technology Plan
- Document: Report (4.12 MB pdf) , HTML , XML
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Executive Summary
The U.S. Geological Survey carries out a wide variety of multidisciplinary science projects through the Bureau’s regions, mission areas, programs, and science centers. However, this structure can limit interactions among individual scientists, segregate data holdings, and make it difficult to apply holistic, interdisciplinary science. In addition, technological advances in sensors, data storage and analysis, computing power, and networking have resulted in an exponential growth in the volume, variety, and complexity of data. To address some of these challenges, the U.S. Geological Survey initiated the Colorado River Basin Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology (ASIST) pilot project to facilitate interdisciplinary science in the drought-stricken basin and apply information management and technology (IMT) resources that can be used to deliver actionable science efficiently and effectively.
In fiscal year 2021, the Data Management and Advanced Technology subgroup of the ASIST pilot project worked toward developing an IMT plan that includes several advanced IMT solutions that are being implemented Bureau-wide by the Office of the Associate Chief Information Officer. This plan identifies applications, opportunities, and steps to leverage new and existing technologies, data, models, and knowledge to support integrated science projects across the Colorado River Basin. The subgroup also created an inventory of available IMT resources and their locations. The Colorado River Basin ASIST pilot project also developed a multiyear approach to build capacity for supporting integrated science projects in the Colorado River Basin, which provides an advanced IMT framework for expediting the production of interdisciplinary science related to the basin.
Suggested Citation
Anderson, E.D., Erxleben, J.R., Qi, S.L., Monroe, A.P., and Dahm, K.G., 2023, Colorado River Basin Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology (ASIST) pilot project progress toward an information management and technology plan: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1510, 11 p.,
ISSN: 2330-5703 (online)
Study Area
Table of Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Activity Highlights and Lessons Learned in Fiscal Year 2021
- ASIST Data Management and Advanced Technology Working Group Action Plan for Fiscal Years 2022–26
- References Cited
- Appendix 1. Advanced IMT Resources
Publication type | Report |
Publication Subtype | USGS Numbered Series |
Title | Colorado River Basin Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology (ASIST) pilot project progress toward an information management and technology plan |
Series title | Circular |
Series number | 1510 |
DOI | 10.3133/cir1510 |
Year Published | 2023 |
Language | English |
Publisher | U.S. Geological Survey |
Publisher location | Reston VA |
Contributing office(s) | Rocky Mountain Region Director’s Office |
Description | viii, 10 p. |
Country | United States |
Other Geospatial | Colorado River basin |
Online Only (Y/N) | Y |
Google Analytic Metrics | Metrics page |