The purpose of this map is to show the location of and evidence for recent movement on active fault traces within the Berryessa section and parts of adjacent sections of the Green Valley Fault Zone, California. The location and recency of the mapped traces is primarily based on
geomorphic expression of the fault as interpreted from large-scale 2010 aerial photography and from 2007 and 2011 0.5 and 1.0 meter bare-earth LiDAR imagery (that is, high-resolution topographic data). In a few places, evidence of
fault creep and offset Holocene strata in trenches and
natural exposures have confirmed the activity of some of these traces. This publication is formatted both as a
digital database for use within a geographic information system (GIS) and for broader public access as map images that may be
browsed on-line or download a
summary map. The
report text describes the types of scientific observations used to make the map, gives references pertaining to the fault and the evidence of faulting, and provides guidance for use of and limitations of the map.