
Teton Dam flood of June 1976, Woodville quadrangle, Idaho

Hydrologic Atlas 576
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The failure of the Teton Dam caused extreme flooding along the Teton River, Henrys Fork, and Snake River in southeastern Idaho on June 5-8, 1976. No flooding occurred downstream from American Falls Reservoir. The inundated areas and maximum water-surface elevations are shown in a series of 17 hydrologic atlases. The area covered by the atlases extends from Teton Dam downstream to American Falls Reservoir, a distance of 100 miles. The extent of flooding shown on the maps was obtained by field inspections and aerial photographs made during and immediately after the flood. There may be small isolated areas within the boundaries shown that were not flooded, but the identification of these sites was beyond the scope of the study. The elevation data shown are mean-sea-level elevations of high-water marks identified in the field. This particular map (in the 17-map series) shows conditions in the Woodville quadrangle. (Woodard-USGS)

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Teton Dam flood of June 1976, Woodville quadrangle, Idaho
Series title Hydrologic Atlas
Series number 576
DOI 10.3133/ha576
Year Published 1976
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Contributing office(s) Idaho Water Science Center
Description 1 Plate: 21.00 x 27.00 inches
Country United States
State Idaho
Other Geospatial Woodville Quadrangle
Datum 1927 North American Datum
Projection Polyconic projection
Scale 24000
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