Water resources of the Kodiak-Shelikof subregion, south-central Alaska
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Hydrologic data for the Kodiak-Shelikof subregion of south-central Alaska are summarized to provide a basis for planning water resources development, identifying water problems and evaluating existing water quality and availability. Average annual precipitation, measured at a few coastal locations in this maritime climatic zone, ranges from 23 to 127 inches. Mean annual runoff for the Kodiak Island group ranges from 4 to 8 cfs/sq mi. A maximum instantaneous runoff of 457 cfs/sq mi has been determined from a small basin on Kodiak Island. Lowest measured stream discharges range from no flow to 0.91 cfs/sq mi. Surface water is the primary source of water supplies for the city of Kodiak and other communities. The geology of the subregion is characterized by metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks with only a thin mantle of unconsolidated material. A few small, alluvium-filled coastal valleys offer the most favorable conditions for ground-water development, but moderate yields (50-100 gal/min) have been obtained from wells in fractured bedrock. Water in streams and lakes generally has a dissolved-solids concentration less than 60 mg/L, and the water varies from a calcium-bicarbonate type to a sodium-chloride type. The chemical composition of ground waters has a dilute calcium-bicarbonate type in unconsolidated materials and a sodium-bicarbonate type in bedrock. The dissolved solids in the groundwater ranges from 170 to 250 mg/L.
Study Area
Publication type | Report |
Publication Subtype | USGS Numbered Series |
Title | Water resources of the Kodiak-Shelikof subregion, south-central Alaska |
Series title | Hydrologic Atlas |
Series number | 612 |
DOI | 10.3133/ha612 |
Year Published | 1978 |
Language | English |
Publisher | U.S. Geological Survey |
Description | 2 Plates: 45.59 x 35.20 inches and 45.81 x 35.39 inches |
Country | United States |
State | Alaska |
Other Geospatial | Kodiak-Shelikof subregion |
Google Analytic Metrics | Metrics page |