System Characterization Report on Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 (LISS–3) Sensor

Open-File Report 2021-1030-H
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Executive Summary 

This report addresses system characterization of the Indian Space Research Organisation Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 (LISS–3) sensor and is part of a series of system characterization reports produced and delivered by the U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science Cal/Val Center of Excellence in 2021. These reports present and detail the methodology and procedures for characterization; present technical and operational information about the specific sensing system being evaluated; and provide a summary of test measurements, data retention practices, data analysis results, and conclusions.

Resourcesat-2 is a medium-resolution satellite launched in 2011 on the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C16 launch vehicle. Resourcesat-2 carries the same sensing elements as Resourcesat-1 (launched in October 2003) and provides continuity for the mission. The objectives of the Resourcesat mission are to provide remote sensing data services to global users, focusing on data for integrated land and water resources management.

Resourcesat-2A is identical to Resourcesat-2 and was launched in 2016 on the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C36 launch vehicle for continuity of data and improved temporal resolution. The two satellites operating in tandem improved the revisit capability from 5 days to 2–3 days. The Resourcesat-2 platform is of Indian Remote Sensing Satellites-1C/1D–P3 heritage and was built by the Indian Space Research Organisation. Resourcesat-2 and Resourcesat-2A carry the Advanced Wide Field Sensor and LISS–3, as well as the Linear Imaging Self Scanning-4 for medium-resolution imaging. More information on Indian Space Research Organisation satellites and sensors is available in the “2020 Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation—Remote Sensing Satellite Compendium” and from the manufacturer at

The Earth Resources Observation and Science Cal/Val Center of Excellence system characterization team completed data analyses to characterize the geometric (interior and exterior), radiometric, and spatial performances. Results of these analyses indicate that LISS–3 has an interior geometric performance in the range of −4.620 (−0.154 pixel) to 13.230 meters (m; 0.441 pixel) in easting and −12.360 (−0.412 pixel) to 1.500 m (0.050 pixel) in northing in band-to-band registration, an exterior geometric error of −27.805 (−0.927 pixel) to 26.578 m (0.886 pixel) in easting and −35.341 (−1.178 pixel) to −6.286 m (−0.210 pixel) in northing offset in comparison to the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager, a radiometric performance in the range of −0.096 to 0.036 in offset and 0.585–0.946 in slope, and a spatial performance in the range of 1.87–1.95 pixels for full width at half maximum, with a modulation transfer function at a Nyquist frequency in the range of 0.045–0.070.

Suggested Citation

Ramaseri Chandra, S.N., Christopherson, J., Anderson, C., Stensaas, G.L., and Kim, M., 2021, System characterization report on Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 (LISS–3) sensor (ver. 1.2, December 2024), chap. H of Ramaseri Chandra, S.N., comp., System characterization of Earth observation sensors: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2021–1030, 20 p.,

ISSN: 2331-1258 (online)

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • System Description
  • Procedures
  • Measurements
  • Analysis
  • Summary and Conclusions
  • Selected References
Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title System characterization report on Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 (LISS–3) sensor
Series title Open-File Report
Series number 2021-1030
Chapter H
DOI 10.3133/ofr20211030H
Edition Version 1.0: October 21, 2021; Version 1.1: August 29, 2024; Version 1.2: December 2, 2024
Year Published 2021
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Publisher location Reston, VA
Contributing office(s) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
Description iv, 20 p.
Online Only (Y/N) Y
Additional Online Files (Y/N) Y
Google Analytic Metrics Metrics page
Additional publication details