System Characterization Report on Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 (LISS–3) Sensor
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Executive Summary
This report addresses system characterization of the Indian Space Research Organisation Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 (LISS–3) sensor and is part of a series of system characterization reports produced and delivered by the U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science Cal/Val Center of Excellence in 2021. These reports present and detail the methodology and procedures for characterization; present technical and operational information about the specific sensing system being evaluated; and provide a summary of test measurements, data retention practices, data analysis results, and conclusions.
Resourcesat-2 is a medium-resolution satellite launched in 2011 on the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C16 launch vehicle. Resourcesat-2 carries the same sensing elements as Resourcesat-1 (launched in October 2003) and provides continuity for the mission. The objectives of the Resourcesat mission are to provide remote sensing data services to global users, focusing on data for integrated land and water resources management.
Resourcesat-2A is identical to Resourcesat-2 and was launched in 2016 on the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C36 launch vehicle for continuity of data and improved temporal resolution. The two satellites operating in tandem improved the revisit capability from 5 days to 2–3 days. The Resourcesat-2 platform is of Indian Remote Sensing Satellites-1C/1D–P3 heritage and was built by the Indian Space Research Organisation. Resourcesat-2 and Resourcesat-2A carry the Advanced Wide Field Sensor and LISS–3, as well as the Linear Imaging Self Scanning-4 for medium-resolution imaging. More information on Indian Space Research Organisation satellites and sensors is available in the “2020 Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation—Remote Sensing Satellite Compendium” and from the manufacturer at
The Earth Resources Observation and Science Cal/Val Center of Excellence system characterization team completed data analyses to characterize the geometric (interior and exterior), radiometric, and spatial performances. Results of these analyses indicate that LISS–3 has an interior geometric performance in the range of −4.620 (−0.154 pixel) to 13.230 meters (m; 0.441 pixel) in easting and −12.360 (−0.412 pixel) to 1.500 m (0.050 pixel) in northing in band-to-band registration, an exterior geometric error of −27.805 (−0.927 pixel) to 26.578 m (0.886 pixel) in easting and −35.341 (−1.178 pixel) to −6.286 m (−0.210 pixel) in northing offset in comparison to the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager, a radiometric performance in the range of −0.096 to 0.036 in offset and 0.585–0.946 in slope, and a spatial performance in the range of 1.87–1.95 pixels for full width at half maximum, with a modulation transfer function at a Nyquist frequency in the range of 0.045–0.070.
The Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 (LISS–3) sensor onboard the Indian Space Research Organisation Resourcesat-2 satellite is a high-resolution land observation instrument consisting of four bands: green, red, near infrared, and shortwave infrared. Resourcesat-2 was launched in 2011, and an identical mission, Resourcesat-2A, was launched in 2016. The primary objectives for data acquired by LISS–3 include monitoring biomass, vegetation, land cover, leaf area index, and normalized difference vegetation index.
The data analysis results provided within this report have been derived from approved Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation (JACIE) processes and procedures. JACIE was formed to leverage resources from several Federal agencies for the characterization of remote sensing data and to share those results across the remote sensing community. More information about JACIE is available at
Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this report is to describe the specific sensor or sensing system, test its performance in three categories, complete related data analyses to quantify these performances, and report the results in a standardized document. In this chapter, the LISS–3 sensor is described. The performance of the system is limited to geometric, radiometric, and spatial analyses. The scope of the geometric assessment is limited to testing the interior alignments of spectral bands against each other and testing the exterior alignment in reference to the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI).
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Cal/Val Center of Excellence (ECCOE) project, and the associated system characterization process used for this assessment, follows the USGS Fundamental Science Practices, which include maintaining data, information, and documentation needed to reproduce and validate the scientific analysis documented in this report. Additional information and guidance about Fundamental Science Practices and related resource information of interest to the public are available at For additional information related to the report, please contact ECCOE at
System Description
This section describes the satellite and operational details for Resourcesat-2 and provides information about the LISS–3 sensor.
Satellite and Operational Details
The satellite and operational details of Resourcesat-2 are listed in table 1.
Table 1.
Satellite and operational details for Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3.[kg, kilogram; NIR, near infrared; SWIR, shortwave infrared; W, watt; AH, amp hour; Ni-Cd, nickel-cadmium; Mbps, megabit per second; ~, about; km, kilometer; °, degree; min, minute; ±, plus or minus; lat., latitude; N/A, not applicable; m, meter; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey]
Product information | Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 data |
Product name | Level 1T |
Satellite name | Resourcesat-2 |
Sensor name(s) | Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 |
Lift-off mass | 1,206 kg |
Instrument mass | 106 kg |
Sensor type | Multispectral, visible, and infrared (green, red, NIR, SWIR) |
Scanning technique | Pushbroom; 6,000 detectors array |
Power | Solar array generating 1,250 W at end of life; two 24 AH Ni-Cd batteries |
Data rate | 52.5 Mbps |
Mission type | Global land-monitoring mission |
Launch date | April 20, 2011 |
Number of satellites | 2 |
Expected lifetime | ~5 years |
Operator | Indian Space Research Organisation |
Operating orbit | Circular polar Sun synchronous |
Orbital altitude range | 817 km |
Sensor angle altitude | 98.7° inclination |
Altitude and orbit control | Three-axis body stabilized using reaction wheels, magnetic torquers, and hydrazine thrusters |
Orbit period | 101.35 min |
Imaging time | 10:30 descending node |
Geographic coverage | Land imaging ± 81.3° lat. |
Temporal resolution | 24 days |
Temporal coverage | 2011 to present |
Imaging angles | N/A |
Ground sample distance(s) | 23.5 m |
Data licensing | Free through USGS for the United States only |
Data pricing | Free through USGS for the United States only |
Product abstract | |
Product locator | |
Sensor Information
The spectral characteristics and the relative spectral response are listed in table 2 and figure 1, respectively.
Table 2.
Imaging sensor details for Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3.[The Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 (LISS–3) sensor has a swath width of 140 kilometers; μm, micrometer; m, meter; NIR, near infrared; SWIR, shortwave infrared]

Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 relative spectral response.
ECCOE has established standard processes to identify Earth observing systems of interest and to assess the geometric, radiometric, and spatial qualities of data products from these systems.
The assessment steps are as follows:
• system identification and investigation to learn the general specifications of the satellite and its sensor(s);
• data receipt and initial inspection to understand the characteristics and any overt flaws in the data product so that it may be further analyzed;
• geometry characterization, including interior geometric orientation measuring the relative alignment of spectral bands and exterior geometric orientation measuring how well the georeferenced pixels within the image are aligned to a known reference;
• radiometry characterization, including assessing how well the data product correlates with a known reference and, when possible, assessing the signal-to-noise ratio; and
• spatial characterization, assessing the two-dimensional fidelity of the image pixels to their projected ground sample distance (GSD).
The observed USGS measurements are listed in table 3. The mean of interior (band-to-band) and exterior (image-to-image) mean errors, standard deviation (STDDEV), and root mean square errors (RMSEs) are listed in meters (pixels). Details about the methodologies used are outlined in the “Analysis” section.
Table 3.
U.S. Geological Survey measurement results.[USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; m, meter; RMSE, root mean square error; NIR, near infrared; SWIR, shortwave infrared; LISS–3, Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3; L8 OLI, Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager; FWHM, full width at half maximum; MTF, modulation transfer function]
This section describes the geometric, radiometric, and spatial performance of LISS–3.
Geometric Performance
This geometric performance for LISS–3 is characterized in terms of the interior (band-to-band alignment) and exterior (geometric location accuracy) geometric analysis results.
Interior (Band to Band)
The band-to-band alignment analysis was completed using the EROS System Characterization (EROSSC) software on three separate images over the United States. Band combinations were registered against each other to determine the mean error, STDDEV, and RMSE, as listed in table 4 with results represented in pixels at a 30-meter (m) GSD (the LISS–3 image was resampled to 30 m). Geometric error maps for each assessed band combination over the New Mexico image, as well as the corresponding histogram graphs, are shown in figures 2–5. The geometric error maps indicate the directional shift and relative magnitude of the shift, and the histogram and error distribution indicate frequency of observed mean error measurements within the image. Together, the interior and exterior geometric analysis results, as reported in the “Interior (Band to Band)” and “Exterior (Geometric Location Accuracy)” sections, provide a comprehensive assessment of geometric accuracy.
Table 4.
Band-to-band registration error (in pixels).[ID, identifier; STDDEV, standard deviation; RMSE, root mean square error]

Band 2 (green) to band 3 (red) geometric error map for New Mexico.

Band 2 (green) to band 3 (red) geometric error histogram (upper) and error distribution (lower) for New Mexico.

Band 3 (red) to band 5 (shortwave infrared) geometric error map for New Mexico.

Band 3 (red) to band 5 (shortwave infrared) geometric error histogram (upper) and error distribution (lower) for New Mexico.
Exterior (Geometric Location Accuracy)
For this analysis, band 2 (green) of the LISS–3 data was compared against the corresponding band from three Landsat 8 OLI images over sites in the United States using the EROSSC software. Conjugate points in the reference and search images were identified automatically and refined using similarity measures such as normalized cross-correlation metrics, and the mean error, STDDEV, and RMSE results are listed in table 5 with results represented in pixels (and meters) at a 30-m GSD (LISS–3 was resampled to 30 m). For each of the three images, geometric error maps showing the directional shift and relative magnitude of the shift, when compared with the Landsat 8 OLI, along with the corresponding histogram and error distribution, are provided in figures 6–11. The Landsat 8 OLI imagery had a control uncertainty of about 8 m.
Table 5.
Geometric error of Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 relative to Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager.[ID, identifier; STDDEV, standard deviation; RMSE, root mean square error; m, meter]

Relative geometric error for Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager and Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 for Fargo, North Dakota.

Relative geometric error histogram (upper) and error distribution (lower) for Fargo, North Dakota.

Relative geometric error for Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager and Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 for Maine.

Relative geometric error histogram (upper) and error distribution (lower) for Maine.

Relative geometric error for Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager and Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 for New Mexico.

Relative geometric error histogram (upper) and error distribution (lower) for New Mexico.
Radiometric Performance
For this analysis, cloud-free regions of interest were selected within three near-coincident LISS–3 and Landsat 8 OLI scene pairs using the EROSSC software. Once the relative georeferencing error between Landsat 8 OLI and Resourcesat-2 LISS–3 has been corrected, Top of Atmosphere reflectance values from the two sensors are extracted. The scatterplot (fig. 12) is drawn in a way that the x-axis is the reference sensor and the y-axis is the comparison sensor. The linear regression, thus, represents Top of Atmosphere reflectance relative to that of the reference sensor. Ideally, the slope should be near unity and the offset should be near zero. For instance, if the slope is greater than unity, that means the comparison sensor has a tendency to overestimate Top of Atmosphere reflectance compared to the reference sensor.

Top of Atmosphere reflectance comparison for Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 (LISS–3; Maine).
Top of Atmosphere reflectance comparison results are listed in table 6. A band-by-band graphical comparison between the LISS–3 image over Maine, when compared with the corresponding Landsat 8 OLI band, is shown in figure 12.
Table 6.
Top of Atmosphere reflectance comparison of Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 against Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager.[ID, identifier; NIR, near infrared; SWIR, shortwave infrared; %, percent; R2, coefficient of determination]
Spatial Performance
For this analysis, spatial analysis based on Helder and others (2004), was used to determine the full width at half maximum and modulation transfer function at Nyquist frequency, as listed in table 7.
Summary and Conclusions
This report summarizes the sensor performance of the Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 (LISS–3) sensor based on the U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science Cal/Val Center of Excellence (ECCOE) system characterization process. In summary, we have determined that this sensor provides an interior geometric performance in the range of −4.620 (−0.154 pixel) to 13.230 m (0.441 pixel) in easting and −12.360 (−0.412 pixel) to 1.500 m (0.050 pixel) in northing in band-to-band registration, an exterior geometric error of −27.805 (−0.927 pixel) to 26.578 m (0.886 pixel) in easting and −35.341 (−1.178 pixel) to −6.286 m (−0.210 pixel) in northing offset in comparison to the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager, a radiometric performance in the range of −0.096 to 0.035 in offset and 0.585–0.946 in slope, and a spatial performance in the range of 1.87–1.95 pixels for full width at half maximum, with a modulation transfer function at a Nyquist frequency in the range of 0.045–0.070.
In conclusion, the team has completed an ECCOE standardized system characterization of the Resourcesat-2 LISS–3 sensing system. Although the team followed characterization procedures that are standardized across the many sensors and sensing systems under evaluation, these procedures are customized to fit the individual sensor as was done with LISS–3. The team has acquired the data, defined proper testing methodologies, carried out comparative tests against specific references, recorded measurements, completed data analyses, and quantified sensor performance accordingly. The team also endeavored to retain all data, measurements, and methods. This is key to ensure that all data and measurements are archived and accessible and that the performance results are reproducible.
The ECCOE project and associated Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation partners are always interested in reviewing sensor and remote sensing application assessments and would like to see and discuss information on similar data and product assessments and reviews. If you would like to discuss system characterization with the U.S. Geological Survey ECCOE and (or) the Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation team, please email us at
Selected References
Indian Space Research Organisation, 2021, Resourcesat-2: Indian Space Research Organisation web page, accessed June 2021 at
Ramaseri Chandra, S.N., Christopherson, J.B., and Casey, K.A., 2020, 2020 Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation—Remote sensing satellite compendium: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1468 (ver. 1.1, October 2020), 253 p. [Also available at] [Supersedes USGS Circular 1455.]
U.S. Geological Survey, 2020a, EROS CalVal Center of Excellence (ECCOE): U.S. Geological Survey web page, accessed June 2021
U.S. Geological Survey, 2020b, EROS CalVal Center of Excellence (ECCOE)—JACIE: U.S. Geological Survey web page, accessed June 2021 at
U.S. Geological Survey, 2020c, Landsat missions—Glossary and acronyms: U.S. Geological Survey web page, accessed June 2021 at
EROS Cal/Val Center of Excellence
Earth Resources Observation and Science
EROS System Characterization
ground sample distance
Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation
Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3
Operational Land Imager
root mean square error
standard deviation
U.S. Geological Survey
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Suggested Citation
Ramaseri Chandra, S.N., Christopherson, J., Anderson, C., Stensaas, G.L., and Kim, M., 2021, System characterization report on Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 (LISS–3) sensor (ver. 1.2, December 2024), chap. H of Ramaseri Chandra, S.N., comp., System characterization of Earth observation sensors: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2021–1030, 20 p.,
ISSN: 2331-1258 (online)
Publication type | Report |
Publication Subtype | USGS Numbered Series |
Title | System characterization report on Resourcesat-2 Linear Imaging Self Scanning-3 (LISS–3) sensor |
Series title | Open-File Report |
Series number | 2021-1030 |
Chapter | H |
DOI | 10.3133/ofr20211030H |
Edition | Version 1.0: October 21, 2021; Version 1.1: August 29, 2024; Version 1.2: December 2, 2024 |
Year Published | 2021 |
Language | English |
Publisher | U.S. Geological Survey |
Publisher location | Reston, VA |
Contributing office(s) | Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center |
Description | iv, 20 p. |
Online Only (Y/N) | Y |
Additional Online Files (Y/N) | Y |
Google Analytic Metrics | Metrics page |