Progress report on the investigations of bauxite deposits in the eastern part of Kauai, Hawaii

Open-File Report 60-109



Investigations of bauxite deposits on Kauai by the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the State of Hawaii were begun July 1, 1959. The investigations, as planned, are to consist of two phases, each of two years duration. The geological investigations of the bauxite and associated rocks in the field and a considerable amount of chemical and mineralogical work in the laboratory are planned for completion during the first two years of the project. During this phase, a geologist and an assistant will be working on Kauai and geologists, mineralogists, and chemists will be analyzing and studying samples of the bauxite in laboratories of the Geological Survey at Beltsville, Maryland, and Washington, D. C. The work during the second phase of the investigations will be carried on at Beltsville and Washington and will consist of completion of chemical and mineralogical investigations, compilation of maps, analysis of field and laboratory data including determination of the size and quality of the bauxite deposits in the eastern part of Kauai, mineralogical research on bauxite samples, and preparation of a final geological report.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Progress report on the investigations of bauxite deposits in the eastern part of Kauai, Hawaii
Series title Open-File Report
Series number 60-109
DOI 10.3133/ofr60109
Year Published 1959
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Description 12 p.
Country United States
State Hawaii
Other Geospatial eastern Kauai
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