Twenty-seven measurements of traveltime and longitudinal dispersion in 10 Illinois streams provide data needed for estimating traveltime of peak concentration of a conservative solute, traveltime of the leading edge of a solute cloud, peak concentration resulting from a given quantity of solute, and passage time of solute past a given point on a stream for both measured and unmeasured streams. Traveltime of peak concentration and of the leading edge of the cloud are related to discharge at the downstream end of the reach, distance of travel, and the fraction of the time that discharge at a given location on the stream is equaled or exceeded. Peak concentration and passage time are best estimated from the relation of each to traveltime. In measured streams, dispersion efficiency is greater than that predicted by Fickian diffusion theory. The rate of decrease in peak concentration with traveltime is about equal to the rate of increase in passage time. Average velocity in a stream reach, given by the velocity of the center of solute mass in that reach, also can be estimated from an equation developed from measured values. (USGS)