Simulation of Potential Water Allocation Changes, Cape May County, New Jersey

Scientific Investigations Report 2020-5052
Prepared in cooperation with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection



Saltwater intrusion and declining water levels have been a water-supply problem in Cape May County, New Jersey, for decades. Cape May County is surrounded by saltwater on three sides. Several communities in the county have only one aquifer from which freshwater withdrawals can be made, and that sole source is threatened by saltwater intrusion and (or) substantial declines in water levels caused by groundwater withdrawals. Growth of the year-round and summer tourism populations have caused water demand for some purveyors to approach the full-allocation withdrawal rates set by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, leading these purveyors to request increases in allocations. Simulated water levels resulting from withdrawals including proposed increases in allocations by four purveyors and a shift of some withdrawals from one aquifer to another by a fifth purveyor were compared to simulated baseline water levels with withdrawals at 2012 full-allocation rates.

The Lower Township Scenario simulates proposed full-allocation withdrawals of 1,079 million gallons per year (Mgal/yr) from the Cohansey aquifer, 211 Mgal/yr (24 percent) higher than the 2012 full allocation withdrawals. Lower Township Scenario simulated water levels are between 2 and 4 feet (ft) lower than those of the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario simulation in much of Lower Township. The simulated 250-milligrams per liter (mg/L) isochlor is a maximum of 750 ft farther eastward than the simulated position in the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario, and the isochlor is simulated to be 700 ft from the northwestern-most Lower Township Municipal Utility Authority well at the airport in 2050.

The Wildwood Scenario simulates proposed full-allocation withdrawals of 388 Mgal/yr at the Wildwood Water Utility Rio Grande well field in Middle Township from the Rio Grande water-bearing zone (upper Kirkwood Formation) and 776 Mgal/yr from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand (lower Kirkwood Formation). Simulated water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand near the well field are 30–55 ft lower than in the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario, more than 15 ft lower south and west of Cape May Court House, and 5–10 ft lower between Cape May Court House and Woodbine and Upper Township.

The Avalon Scenario simulates proposed full-allocation withdrawals from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand in Avalon Borough of 495 Mgal/yr, which is 141 Mgal/yr (40 percent) higher than the 2012 full-allocation withdrawals. The Cape May Court House Scenario simulates proposed full-allocation withdrawals near Cape May Court House from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand of 495 Mgal/yr, which is 150 Mgal/yr (64 percent) higher than 2012 full-allocation withdrawals. The Strathmere Scenario simulates proposed full-allocation withdrawals in Strathmere from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand of 30 Mgal/yr, which is 11 Mgal/yr (58 percent) higher than 2012 full-allocation withdrawals. All three of these scenarios generally show simulated water levels to be less than 10 ft lower compared to the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario.

The Combined Scenario simulates proposed full-allocation withdrawals, including increased withdrawals from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand in all four locations—the Rio Grande well field, Avalon, Cape May Court House, and Strathmere. Water levels from the Combined Scenario are 40–65 ft lower than those from the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario near the Wildwood Water Utility Rio Grande well field, 15–40 ft lower south of Dennis Township, and 5–15 ft lower in much of the rest of Cape May County.


Providing long-term sustainable water supplies in Cape May County (fig. 1) is challenging because of the limited number of viable water sources, proximity to saltwater, substantial summer demand in resort communities, and a sensitive environmental habitat. Groundwater is the sole source of potable water in Cape May County. Saltwater intrusion has led to the abandonment of tens of public- and industrial-supply wells and hundreds of domestic wells (Lacombe and Carleton, 1992), and threatens some existing production wells. Growing water demand plus conversion of some homes with shallow, private wells (with potentially poor water quality) to public supply have led purveyors to request additional allocation from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). To determine the effects of possible increased withdrawals and a shift of withdrawals between two aquifers in Cape May County, New Jersey (fig. 1 and table 1), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the NJDEP, conducted a study to compare six possible future groundwater withdrawal scenarios to Baseline Scenarios in an effort to balance the need for additional water with protection of the limited water resources in the county.

Table 1.    

Well construction data for selected production and observation wells in Cape May County, New Jersey.

[USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; Obs, observation well; Twp, Township; ft bls, feet below land surface; --, not available; WD, Water Department; MUA, Municipal Utilities Authority; CNSY, Cohansey aquifer; ESRNS, estuarine sand aquifer; KRKDL, lower Kirkwood Formation; KRKDU, upper Kirkwood Formation]

Table 1.    Well construction data for selected production and observation wells in Cape May County, New Jersey.
090027 PW 3 3700000013 Cape May City WD 121CNSY 277–306
090043 PW 5 -- Cape May City WD 121CNSY 246–276
090045 PW 4 3700000231 Cape May City WD 121CNSY 270–300
090048 Canal 5 Obs 3700000159 U.S. Geological Survey 121CNSY 242–252
090052 Lower Twp PW 1 3700000113 Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 241–262
090054 Lower Twp PW 2 3700000223 Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 212–247
090064 Rio Grande 32 3700000062 Wildwood City WD 121CNSY 226–250
090065 Rio Grande 34 3700000235 Wildwood City WD 121CNSY 172–242
090068 Rio Grande 28 -- Wildwood City WD 121CNSY 209–244
090069 Rio Grande 33 3700000234 Wildwood City WD 121CNSY 236–260
090074 Rio Grande 29 5700000007 Wildwood City WD 121CNSY 191–231
090076 Rio Grande 15 5700000005 Wildwood City WD 121CNSY 235
090078 Rio Grande 30 3700000002 Wildwood City WD 121CNSY 229–250
090089 Oyster Lab 4 Obs 3700000158 U.S. Geological Survey 121CNSY 195–210
090150 West Cape May 1 3700000155 U.S. Geological Survey 121CNSY 283–293
090180 Rio Grande 42 3700000375 Wildwood City WD 121CNSY 250
090187 F-35 -- Cape May County 121CNSY 186–190
090188 F-36 -- Cape May County 121CNSY 229–233
090213 F-41/Sealed -- Cape May County 121CNSY 203–208
090302 Coast Guard 800 3700003628 U.S. Geological Survey 122KRKDL 883–893
090304 Airport Rio Grande 3700003763 U.S. Geological Survey 122KRKDU 495–505
090306 Oyster 800 Obs 3500009239 U.S. Geological Survey 122KRKDL 656–666
090310 Rio Grande 39Ne 3700001781 Wildwood City WD 121CNSY 279–357
090314 Recharge 3 3700000640 Wildwood City WD 121CNSY 212–290
090337 N Wildwood 800 3700004660 U.S. Geological Survey 122KRKDL 910–960
090385 Rio Grande 43 3700000861 Wildwood City WD 121CNSY 156–171
090480 6 Desal 3700006314 Cape May City WD 122KRKDL 621–626
090507 7 Desal 3700006563 Cape May City WD 122KRKDL 615–620
090522 PW 47 3700007594 Wildwood City WD 122KRKDL 570–664
090523 PW 46 3700007593 Wildwood City WD 122KRKDL 563–653
090525 PW 6 -- Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 260
090617 7 3700009043 Lower Twp MUA 121CKKD --
090630 Recharge 48 3700009436 Wildwood City 121CNSY 148–254
090662 PW 9 3700009403 Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 245–275
090684 MW 1 E201215464 Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 250–260
090685 MW 3 E201215463 Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 220–230
090686 MW 5 E201300367 Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 243–258
090687 MW 7 E201300369 Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 230–245
090688 MW 8 E201300370 Lower Twp MUA 112ESRNS 110–125
090689 MW 9 E201301310 Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 245–260
090690 TW 8 P201100104 Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 224–264
090691 MW 4 E201215462 Lower Twp MUA 112ESRNS 130–140
090710 ASR 49 E201113837 Wildwood City 121CKKD 285–345
090711 MW-1 E201317480 Wildwood City 121CNSY 230–250
Table 1.    Well construction data for selected production and observation wells in Cape May County, New Jersey.
Points of interest located in the Lower and Middle Townships of Cape May County in
                     southern New Jersey, between Delaware Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.
Figure 1.

Map showing location of study area, Cape May County, New Jersey.

Water levels in the Cohansey aquifer are below sea level in the southern part of Cape May County (Lacombe and Carleton, 2002; Lacombe and others, 2009), creating a widespread potential for saltwater intrusion. Threats to a sustainable water supply in the Cohansey aquifer include saltwater intrusion from the Atlantic Ocean side of the peninsula, which has resulted in abandonment of Cohansey aquifer wells in the Wildwoods (North Wildwood, Wildwood, West Wildwood, and Wildwood Crest) and Cape May City (Lacombe and Carleton, 1992), and from the Delaware Bay side of the peninsula (fig. 2). Water levels in the Cohansey aquifer have been below sea level in southern Cape May County since before 1958 because of sustained groundwater withdrawals (Gill, 1962). In 2013, groundwater levels were more than 10 feet (ft) below sea level in wells in the Wildwood Water Utility (WWU) Rio Grande well field and south throughout all of Lower Township (U.S. Geological Survey, 2015). With continued withdrawals, water levels are unlikely to recover to above sea level in those locations for the foreseeable future and saltwater intrusion is expected to continue.

Saltwater intrusion in the Cohansey aquifer has been observed in sentinel observation wells at the Delaware Bay shoreline west of the WWU Rio Grande well field since about 1987, and chloride concentrations in some Cohansey aquifer wells in the WWU Rio Grande well field have been increasing since about 2003. Chloride concentrations in Lower Township Municipal Utility Authorities (LTMUA) wells have been generally stable from the time they were installed in the late 1950s through 2013. However, saltwater intrusion remains a concern for the LTMUA because LTMUA PW 1 (090052) is located relatively close to the Delaware Bay shoreline (about 2,000 ft inland) and wells at the LTMUA airport well field are less than 9,000 ft from increasing chloride concentrations at the WWU Rio Grande well field.

Location of wells including four public-supply wells and two observation wells in
                     the Wildwoods, three supply and two observation wells near Cape May City, Lower Township
                     MUA supply wells, supply wells in the WWU Rio Grande well field in southern Middle
                     Township, and observation wells along the Delaware Bay shoreline.
Figure 2.

Map showing the location of selected production and observation wells, Cape May County, New Jersey.

In 2008 water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand were about 50 ft below sea level in Ocean City, Cape May County, and more than 90 ft below sea level in the vicinity of Atlantic City, Atlantic County (about 5 miles northeast of Ocean City) (dePaul and Rosman, 2015). Water levels in the aquifer continue a downward trend in coastal communities in Atlantic and Cape May Counties.

To meet future demand in Cape May County, water purveyors—LTMUA, Wildwood Water Utility, Avalon Borough Water Utilities, New Jersey American Water–Cape May Court House, and New Jersey American Water–Strathmere, have requested an increase in full-allocation rates specified in NJDEP water-allocation permits. To determine the effects of the proposed full-allocation withdrawals on the saltwater intrusion rates in the Cohansey aquifer and water levels in the Cohansey aquifer, Rio Grande water-bearing zone, and Atlantic City 800-foot sand, six groundwater flow model scenarios were simulated. In the LTMUA Scenario, proposed full-allocation withdrawals from the Cohansey aquifer are 213 Mgal/yr higher than 2012 full-allocation withdrawals. In the Wildwood Scenario, 766 Mgal/yr of the 2012 Rio Grande water-bearing zone full-allocation withdrawals are simulated to instead be from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand. In the Avalon, Court House, and Strathmere Scenarios, proposed full-allocation withdrawals from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand are higher than the 2012 full-allocation withdrawals in the respective well fields. The Combined Scenario includes the combined changes in withdrawals of the Wildwood, Avalon, Court House, and Strathmere Scenarios.

Purpose and Scope

This report discusses the potential effects of withdrawals at proposed full-allocation rates on saltwater intrusion rates in the Cohansey aquifer and water levels in the Cohansey aquifer, Rio Grande water-bearing zone, and Atlantic City 800-foot sand in Cape May County. Simulated water levels, changes in water levels, and saltwater-front location in 2050 resulting from simulated proposed full-allocation withdrawals for LTMUA from the Cohansey aquifer are discussed and are presented in tables and figures. Simulated water levels and differences in water levels compared to the Baseline Scenario for the Atlantic City 800-ft sand for five scenarios are discussed and presented in tables and figures. The groundwater model archive including the input and output data files generated as part of this study are available as a USGS data release in Carleton (2021).

Well-Numbering System

Wells in the report are identified by their New Jersey Unique Identification (NJUID) number. The well number consists of a county code followed by a sequential number assigned to the well, for example 090043. All of the wells identified in this report are in Cape May County with well numbers starting with 09.

Study Area and Hydrogeologic Setting

The study area is Cape May County, with emphasis on the barrier-island communities along the Atlantic coast, the WWU Rio Grande well field in southern Middle Township, and LTMUA wells in Lower Township. All potable water supplied to houses and businesses in Cape May County is groundwater withdrawn from the five aquifers—Holly Beach water-bearing zone, estuarine sand, Cohansey aquifer, Rio Grande water-bearing zone, and Atlantic City 800-foot sand—that underlie the peninsula (fig. 3). The hydrogeology of Cape May County is described in detail in a number of reports, including Gill (1962), Zapecza (1989), and Lacombe and Carleton (2002) and is summarized below.

Hydrogeologic section drawn from west to east with freshwater and brackish/saline
                        portions of aquifers and confining units below each aquifer. The Holly Beach aquifer
                        and estuarine sand aquifers are the surface and second-from-the-surface aquifers,
                        respectively, and are fresh only under the peninsula. Below them is the Cohansey aquifer,
                        which is fresh beneath and a little west and east of the peninsula, and the Rio Grande
                        and Atlantic City 800-foot sand aquifers, the deepest aquifers, are fresh a little
                        east of the peninsula and updip to the west edge of the diagram.
Figure 3.

Schematic hydrogeologic section of Cape May County, New Jersey.

The Holly Beach water-bearing zone is present only in Cape May County and is the water-table aquifer. The estuarine sand is a minor confined aquifer below the Holly Beach aquifer that is present only in the southern half of Cape May County (south of the Middle Township/Dennis Township boundary), where it is overlain by a confining unit believed to have been deposited in the channel of the ancestral Delaware River estuary during a period of high sea level (Gill, 1962). The Cohansey aquifer is part of the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system that is present throughout much of the southern half of New Jersey and is identified as a distinct confined aquifer only in southern Cape May County. The Cohansey aquifer transitions from fully confined in southern Cape May County (occurring at depths of about 200 to 300 ft below land surface) to semi-confined in northern Middle Township and Dennis Township to unconfined in northwestern Cape May County. The line demarcating where the Holly Beach aquifer no longer is present and the unconfined Cohansey aquifer is the water-table aquifer is not well defined but is sometimes for convenience considered to be coincident with the northeast boundary of Cape May County (Lacombe and Carleton, 2002). The Rio Grande water-bearing zone (also known as the Upper Kirkwood aquifer) is a thin (about 100-ft thick or less), sandy stratum within the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system that is present within the confining unit separating the Cohansey aquifer and the underlying Atlantic City 800-foot sand. The Rio Grande water-bearing zone was first described by Gill (1962) as present in Cape May County only but has since been identified as a narrow band near the Atlantic coast extending from southernmost Cape May County through Atlantic County and into southernmost Ocean County (Zapecza, 1989; Pope and others, 2012). The Atlantic City 800-foot sand (also known as the Lower Kirkwood aquifer) is a major confined aquifer that is the deepest component of the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system and underlies Cape May County and parts of Cumberland, Atlantic, Burlington, and Ocean Counties.

Although parts of Cape May County are underlain by five aquifers containing potable water, for several municipalities only one of the five aquifers contains potable water in sufficient quantities for public supply. The Holly Beach water-bearing zone and the estuarine sand are tapped for water supply primarily by domestic and commercial self-supply wells. The Holly Beach water-bearing zone has high iron concentrations (>0.3 milligram per liter [mg/L]) in some locations (Lacombe and Carleton, 2002) and, because it is the water-table aquifer, is vulnerable to saltwater intrusion from surface water and anthropogenic contamination, such as septic-system discharges or accidental chemical spills. The estuarine sand is affected by saltwater intrusion in western Lower Township in and near Villas (Lacombe and Carleton, 1992) and is limited in its extent and productivity. The Cohansey aquifer is an important water-supply aquifer in Cape May County and is tapped by the LTMUA, WWU, New Jersey American Water–Cape May Court House, Woodbine Water Company, and numerous campground, golf-course, and other commercial and domestic wells. The Cohansey aquifer is the only potable-water aquifer tapped by the LTMUA, in part because in Lower Township the underlying aquifers have sodium concentrations that exceed the secondary drinking water standard (New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, 2005) of 50 mg/L. The only substantial withdrawals from the Rio Grande water-bearing zone in Cape May County are made at the WWU Rio Grande well field. The Atlantic City 800-foot sand is the primary, if not sole, source of potable water for Cape May City, Cape May Court House, and the barrier island communities of Stone Harbor, Avalon, Sea Isle City, Strathmere, and Ocean City.

WWU is the only purveyor in Cape May County that taps all five aquifers. At the Rio Grande well field, WWU in the first quarter of 2014 withdrew about 3 percent of its supply from the Holly Beach water-bearing zone, 3 percent from the estuarine sand, 54 percent from the Cohansey aquifer, and 40 percent from the Rio Grande water-bearing zone and Atlantic City 800-foot sand (Edward Cerrone, Wildwood Water Utility, oral commun., 2014). WWU has four withdrawal wells open to the Cohansey aquifer on the barrier island, but because of saltwater intrusion concerns, these wells are used for aquifer storage and recovery (ASR), in which water from the Rio Grande well field is injected during the offseason and from which water is withdrawn during the summer tourist season.

Downward vertical flow from the water-table aquifer is the primary source of recharge for the estuarine sand and the confined part of the Cohansey aquifer, and lateral flow from northern Cape May County and inflow from saline parts of the aquifers make up the remainder. The altitude of the water table in the Holly Beach water-bearing zone in Middle and Lower Townships ranges from near sea level to about 15 ft above sea level (Lacombe and Carleton, 2002). The potentiometric surface of the estuarine sand aquifer is similar to, but lower than, that in the overlying Holly Beach water-bearing zone north of the Rio Grande well field, but it is below sea level in the vicinity of the WWU Rio Grande well field. The potentiometric surface of the Cohansey aquifer is about the same altitude as the water table in northern Cape May County, but it is below sea level from central Middle Township south, a function of both the greater confinement and higher withdrawals in southern Cape May County (Lacombe and Carleton, 2002; dePaul and Rosman, 2015).

Chloride in Groundwater in Cape May County

Saltwater intrusion has been documented in Cape May County since the 1940s (Gill, 1962; Lacombe and Carleton, 1992; Lacombe and Carleton, 2002), and sodium and chloride concentrations elevated above background levels are a concern in all five aquifers used for water supply in the county. Most areas north of Middle Township that are more than 0.5 mile from surficial saltwater are underlain by aquifers containing freshwater to a depth of about 900 ft (Lacombe and Carleton, 2002). However, no reliable source of fresh groundwater underlies the Wildwood communities, Cape May City, and Cape May Point because of elevated sodium and chloride concentrations in all the aquifers. The secondary drinking water standards for sodium and chloride are 50 and 250 mg/L, respectively (New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, 2005). Chloride concentrations greater than 20 mg/L indicate contamination from anthropogenic sources (for example, road salt or septic systems) or intrusion of saltwater from adjacent, overlying, or underlying sources of groundwater.

Holly Beach Water-Bearing Zone and Estuarine Sand Aquifer

The Holly Beach water-bearing zone is the water-table aquifer in southern Cape May County (south of Dennis Township) and, therefore, directly receives freshwater recharge from precipitation, but is also vulnerable to surficial saltwater intrusion in areas close to saltwater wetlands, bays, and the ocean. The estuarine sand aquifer is present only in southern Cape May County and the aquifer generally is fresh beneath the mainland areas and salty beneath the Wildwoods and Cape May City. Saltwater intrusion in the estuarine sand has been documented since the 1960s in Villas (Lacombe and Carleton, 1992; Lacombe and Carleton, 2002).

Cohansey Aquifer

Saltwater intrusion in the Cohansey aquifer has been documented in Cape May City since the mid-1940s, in Villas and the Wildwood communities since the mid-1960s, and west of the WWU Rio Grande well field since the mid-1970s (Lacombe and Carleton, 1992; Lacombe and Carleton, 2002; Vincent dePaul, U.S. Geological Survey, written commun., 2014). Chloride concentrations in samples collected from selected wells open to the Cohansey aquifer in Cape May County (fig. 4) show that chloride concentrations greater than 250 mg/L underlie the mouth of Fishing Creek, Cape May Point, West Cape May and Cape May City. Also, the Cohansey aquifer beneath the Wildwood communities and Stone Harbor Manor presumably has concentrations greater than 250 mg/L, but there are no recent data to confirm this assumption.

In some locations in southern Cape May County, saltwater intrusion in the Cohansey aquifer is from lateral flow of saltier, offshore water drawn towards pumped wells. However, in some locations the saltwater intrusion is likely from saltier water entering the aquifer vertically because of induced flow through overlying or underlying confining units. In areas of upward intrusion and vertical flow of denser saline water towards a withdrawal well (upconing), if pumping ceases and recharge of freshwater through overlying confining units occurs, the denser saline water will sink, and chloride concentrations will decline. Aspects of saltwater intrusion near the WWU Rio Grande, LTMUA, and Cape May City Water Department (CMCWD) well fields are discussed below.

Points distributed throughout southern Cape May, including in and near the public-supply
                           well fields shown in figure 2, along the Delaware Bay shoreline and along U.S. Route
                           9/Garden State Parkway on the east edge of the Cape May peninsula mainland, just east
                           of the back bays and salt marshes west of the barrier islands.
Figure 4.

Map showing chloride concentrations in the Cohansey aquifer, southern Cape May County, New Jersey.

Wildwood Water Utility Rio Grande Well Field

Chloride concentrations in water-quality samples collected from WWU Rio Grande well field Rio Grande 28 (well 090068, fig. 2) have increased from about 29 mg/L in 2006 to as much as 310 mg/L in 2017 (Ed Cerrone, Wildwood Water Utility, written commun., 2017) (figs. 4 and 5A). Chloride concentrations reached the drinking water standard of 250 mg/L by 2017, about two decades faster than the projections of Lacombe and others (2009). The future rate of increase of chloride concentrations will be governed partly by changes in groundwater withdrawals. Any future increased withdrawal rates from the Cohansey aquifer by LTMUA and others possibly will increase the rate of intrusion, and any future reduced withdrawal rates from the Cohansey aquifer in the WWU Rio Grande well field will possibly reduce the rate of intrusion.

Graph A shows 1971–2013 chloride concentrations in milligrams per liter (mg/L) in
                              WWU Rio Grande well field well 28 (USGS UID 090068) that are a steady until about
                              1995, then are highly variable but increasing. Graph B shows chloride concentrations
                              in well 090187 F-35 obs steadily increasing from less than 20 mg/L in 1965 to about
                              1,000 mg/L in 2010. Graph C shows chloride concentration in three wells: 090089 Oyster
                              Research Lab obs, 090188 F-36 obs, and 090213 F-41 obs. Chloride concentrations are
                              generally below 15 mg/L in all three wells but steadily increase to about 40 mg/L
                              during 2010–13 in 090089. Graph D shows chloride concentrations in five wells in and
                              near the Cape May City Water Department well field. Concentrations in West Cape May
                              1 obs are highly variable, less than 20 mg/L in Canal 5 obs, highly variable but generally
                              increasing to 400–500 mg/L in CMCWD wells 3 and 4, and increasing to about 80 mg/L
                              in 2014 in CMCWD well 5.
Figure 5.

Graphs A-D showing chloride concentrations in samples collected from selected wells open to the Cohansey aquifer, southern Cape May County, New Jersey 1946–2014.

Chloride concentrations in samples from observation well F-35 obs (090187) open to the Cohansey aquifer at the mouth of Fishing Creek, 2.1 miles west-northwest of the WWU well field have been increasing since about 1975, from 16 mg/L in 1975 to 1,154 mg/L in 2010 (figs. 4 and 5B). The increasing Cohansey aquifer chloride concentrations at the mouth of Fishing Creek and the WWU Rio Grande well field are consistent with lateral saltwater intrusion. Chloride concentrations in samples from observation well Oyster Lab 4 (090089) near the Delaware Bay shoreline about 3 miles north of the mouth of Fishing Creek began to increase in the early 2000s, indicating possible saltwater intrusion from the northwest towards the WWU Rio Grande well field, but concentrations remained at or below 40 mg/L through 2018 (figs. 4 and 5C). The chloride concentrations in samples from observation well F-36 (090188) in a wetland area 1.3 miles east of the mouth of Fishing Creek and 1.0 mile northwest of the WWU well field and observation well F-41 (090213) near the Delaware Bay shoreline 1.1 miles south-southwest of the mouth of Fishing Creek and 2.4 miles west of the WWU well field have not increased through 2010 (figs. 4 and 5C), indicating that the lateral saltwater intrusion that has reached the WWU Rio Grande well field is apparently occurring in a tongue that is much longer than it is wide (fig. 4).

Lower Township Municipal Utility Authority Well Fields

The proximity of documented saltwater intrusion in the Cohansey aquifer near the Atlantic Ocean and Delaware Bay shorelines and the lack of offshore chloride data, have caused investigators to assume that the salt front in the Cohansey aquifer is a short distance (thousands of feet) offshore from LTMUA PW 1 (090052) and that the primary threat to LTMUA wells is from the west. Simulations of the predevelopment location of the saltwater front in the Cohansey aquifer (Lacombe and others, 2009) indicate that LTMUA PW 1 (090052) is the closest LTMUA well to the predevelopment saltwater front, but there are not adequate data available to calibrate the model to offshore chloride concentrations and transient aquifer response to the Holocene post-glacial-maximum sea-level rise (Lacombe and others, 2009). The location of the saltwater front near the LTMUA wells is not known and may or may not be an imminent threat. Because saltwater intrusion has begun to reach the Rio Grande well field, LTMUA wells at the airport are at risk for saltwater intrusion from the northwest, and it is not known whether LTMUA wells near the airport will be affected by saltwater intrusion before or after LTMUA PW 1 (090052).

Cape May City Water Department Well Field

Upconing of denser, saltier water during periods of greater withdrawals, and subsequent decline of chloride concentrations during periods of reduced withdrawals, may explain the fluctuating chloride concentration in samples from Cape May City Water Department (CMCWD) wells PW 3 (090027) and PW 4 (090045, figs. 4 and 5D). Chloride concentrations in water from CMCWD PW 3 increased from 34 mg/L to 42 mg/L during 1961-1965 then increased from 54 mg/L to 150 mg/L during 1966-1979 after wells CMCWD PW 4 and PW 5 were installed in 1965. Chloride concentrations in CMCWD PW 3 were generally less than pre-1966 concentrations (less than 50 mg/L) during 1980–83, perhaps because CMCWD PW 1 was pumped to waste for about a year around this time in hopes of drawing freshwater towards CMCWD PW 3 (Pierre Lacombe, U.S. Geological Survey, oral commun., 2012). Seasonal high chloride concentrations in samples from CMCWD PW 3 then increased from about 100 mg/L in 1984 to about 250 mg/L in 1998. Except for a few unexplained high concentrations during 2000–02, chloride concentrations in samples from CMCWD PW 3 remained at about 250 mg/L or less since CMCWD reduced withdrawals from the Cohansey aquifer in 1998.

Chloride concentrations in samples from CMCWD PW 4 (fig. 5C) were, in general, like those from CMCWD PW 3, although concentrations in CMCWD PW 4 were lower during 2000–04 when it was used as a recharge well during the winter (Carl Behrens, Cape May City Water Department, oral commun., 2014). Chloride concentrations in CMCWD PW 4 increased during 2005–10 and were between 350 mg/L and 380 mg/L during 2011–14.

The saltwater intrusion affecting CMCWD PW 3 (090027) is likely vertical intrusion from underlying sediments; if lateral intrusion from the south was the dominant source of saline water, chloride concentrations in samples from CMCWD PW 3 (090027) would be consistently higher than those from CMCWD PW 4 (090045). Furthermore, water levels below sea level would have caused continued lateral intrusion and CMCWD PW 3 (090027) chloride concentrations would have increased during 1999–2014.

It is possible that water is also moving vertically downward from the estuarine sand aquifer to the Cohansey aquifer near CMCWD PW 3 (090027) and PW 4 (090045) because a chloride concentration of 300 mg/L was measured in a sample collected from a well completed in the estuarine sand aquifer in 1987, and the confining unit is locally thinner (25 ft thick) near CMCWD PW 3 (090027) than near CMCWD PW 5 (090043, 90 ft thick) (Lacombe and Carleton, 2002). If chloride concentrations in the overlying estuarine sand aquifer have not increased above 400 mg/L, this may explain concentrations in samples from CMCWD PW 3 (090027) and PW 4 (090045) generally remaining below 400 mg/L.

Chloride concentrations in samples from CMCWD PW 5 (090043) rose steadily after the mid-1990s; concentrations were greater than 50 mg/L in 2007 and rose to 99 mg/L in 2018 (fig. 5C). The rising chloride concentrations in CMCWD PW 5 clearly indicate saltwater intrusion is affecting the well, but it is not yet clear whether that intrusion is lateral from the south, upward (upconing), downward (downconing), or some combination of the three.

Chloride concentrations in samples from USGS observation well West Cape May 1 obs (090150, figs. 4 and 5D), south of the Cape May City well field, began to increase in the late 1950s, spiked in 1962 when the wellhead was flooded by seawater during the March nor’easter, then remained below 500 mg/L from 1977 to 2010, despite water levels remaining below sea level in the area since before 1958 (Gill, 1962, Lacombe and Carleton, 2002, dePaul and Rosman, 2015). Chloride concentrations in samples from USGS observation well Canal 5 obs (090048, figs. 4 and 5D), north of CMCWD PW 5 (090043), have remained constant at background concentrations of less than 20 mg/L from 1958 to 2012.

Rio Grande Water-Bearing Zone and Atlantic City 800-Foot Sand

The Rio Grande water-bearing zone contains water with chloride concentrations greater than 250 mg/L and sodium concentrations greater than 50 mg/L beneath all barrier-island communities south of Sea Isle City and south of the Cape May Canal (Lacombe and Carleton, 2002; Vincent dePaul, U.S. Geological Survey, written commun., 2014). The Atlantic City 800-foot sand contains water with chloride concentrations greater than 250 mg/L south of Middle Township and North Wildwood and sodium concentrations greater than 50 mg/L south of Dennis Township and Sea Isle City. Although sodium and chloride concentrations are a substantial concern in the Rio Grande water-bearing zone and Atlantic City 800-foot sand, no pattern of saltwater intrusion has been detected, despite potentiometric surfaces that are below sea level. The lack of observed saltwater intrusion is likely because the transition zone is sufficiently wide that any intrusion that may have occurred is obscured by the natural variability of chloride and sodium concentrations.

Simulation of Groundwater Flow

Scenario simulations for this study were done using three groundwater-flow models developed or revised by Lacombe and others (2009); the models are described in detail in that report. For this study, proposed full-allocation withdrawals from the Cohansey aquifer (Lower Township scenario) were simulated with the shallow-aquifer system, transient, variable-density model developed by Lacombe and others (2009). Proposed full-allocation withdrawals from the Rio Grande water-bearing zone and the Atlantic City 800-foot sand for the Wildwood, Avalon, Court House, Strathmere, and Combined scenarios were simulated with the deep-aquifer system, steady-state model of Cape May County created by Voronin and others (1996) and modified by Pope (2006) and Lacombe and others (2009). Boundary flows for the deep-aquifer system model were simulated with the steady-state model of the Coastal Plain developed by Pope and Gordon (1999) and revised by Lacombe and others (2009).


The effects of proposed full-allocation groundwater withdrawals are evaluated by comparing baseline scenario results with the results of various full-allocation scenarios. To assess the effects of proposed withdrawals by LTMUA (Lower Township Scenario), water levels and saltwater front location in 2050 are compared to results of a transient baseline simulation that has full-allocation withdrawals beginning at actual 2003 rates and increasing to 2012 full-allocation rates by 2050. Both the baseline and proposed full-allocation scenarios are simulated using the shallow-aquifer-system, variable-density model developed by Lacombe and others (2009). The Baseline Scenario was modified from Scenario 4 of Lacombe and others (2009) and is described in the “Shallow-Aquifer-System Baseline Scenario” Section of this report. The Lower Township Scenario simulates a proposed increase in the full-allocation withdrawal rate by LTMUA by increasing withdrawals from actual 2003 rates to the proposed full-allocation rate in 2050.

The effects of changes to proposed full-allocation withdrawals from the Rio Grande water-bearing zone and Atlantic City 800-foot sand by Wildwood Water Utility, Avalon Borough Water Utilities, New Jersey American Water–Cape May Court House, and New Jersey American Water–Strathmere are simulated in individual scenarios and in the Combined Scenario. The resulting water levels are compared to those from a deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario. The baseline and full-allocation scenarios are simulated using a steady-state coupled-model approach. The baseline simulation of 2012 full-allocation withdrawals is a modification of Scenario 2 of Lacombe and others (2009) using the constant-density Cape May Atlantic City 800-foot sand and Rio Grande water-bearing zone (CMAC) model, described in the “Deep-Aquifer-System Baseline Scenario” section of this report. The boundary of the sub-regional CMAC model does not extend to the natural hydrologic boundaries of the deep-aquifer system. Therefore, the New Jersey Coastal Plain regional multi-density model (NJCP Sharp) of Pope and Gordon (1999), as revised by Lacombe and others (2009), was used to supply fluxes across the arbitrary lateral and vertical model boundaries of the CMAC model of Voronin and others (1996), as revised by Pope (2006) and Lacombe and others (2009). Lacombe and others (2009) conclude that the steady-state, constant-density CMAC model (as opposed to a transient and (or) variable density model) provides accurate simulations of future conditions because water levels in the deep aquifers respond relatively quickly to changes in withdrawals, substantial changes in sodium and chloride concentrations in the deep aquifers have not been observed in Cape May County, and the estimated location of the 250-mg/L isochlor is distant from production wells.

Simulated Groundwater Withdrawals

Groundwater withdrawals for the scenarios are summarized in table 2 and detailed in tables 3 and 4. The following discussion emphasizes the differences between the proposed full-allocation scenarios of this study and those of Lacombe and others (2009).

Table 2.    

Proposed and 2012 full-allocation withdrawal rates for Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority, Wildwood Water Utility, Avalon Borough, New Jersey American Water—Cape May Court House, and New Jersey American Water—Strathmere, Cape May County, New Jersey.

[KRKDU, upper Kirkwood Formation; KRKDL, lower Kirkwood Formation; Mgal/yr, million gallons per year]

Table 2.    Proposed and 2012 full-allocation withdrawal rates for Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority, Wildwood Water Utility, Avalon Borough, New Jersey American Water—Cape May Court House, and New Jersey American Water—Strathmere, Cape May County, New Jersey.
Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority/Lower Township Scenario Cohansey 868 1,079
Wildwood Water Utility/Wildwood Scenario Rio Grande water-bearing zone (KRKDU) 1,164 388
Wildwood Water Utility/Wildwood Scenario Atlantic City 800-foot sand (KRKDL) 0 776
Avalon Borough Water Utilities/Avalon Scenario Atlantic City 800-foot sand 354 495
New Jersey American Water, Cape May Court House Division/Court House Scenario Atlantic City 800-foot sand 235 385
New Jersey American Water, Strathmere Division/Strathmere Scenario Atlantic City 800-foot sand 19 30
Table 2.    Proposed and 2012 full-allocation withdrawal rates for Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority, Wildwood Water Utility, Avalon Borough, New Jersey American Water—Cape May Court House, and New Jersey American Water—Strathmere, Cape May County, New Jersey.

Table 3.    

Simulated withdrawals from shallow-aquifer-system production wells, Cape May County, New Jersey.

[USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; NJ, New Jersey; DEP Department of Environmental Protection; ft, foot; Mgal/yr, million gallons per year; WD, Water Department; WC, Water Company; WU, Water Utility; LT, Lower Township; MUA, Municipal Utilities Authority; Twp, Township; Bd of Ed, Board of Education; Inc, Incorporated; Co, Company; Ctr, Center; Insts, Institutions; Dept, Department; Irr, Irrigation; Dom, Domestic; Ind, Industrial; Rec, Recreational; PW, Pumping well; CKDD, undifferentiated Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system; CPMY, Cape May formation; HLBC, Holly Beach water-bearing zone; ESRNS, estuarine sand aquifer; CNSY, confined Cohansey aquifer; --, not available or not applicable]

Table 3.    Simulated withdrawals from shallow-aquifer-system production wells, Cape May County, New Jersey.
090062 Irr -- Private owner 112CPMY -- 50 1 0 0 0 0
090063 2 1958 -- Private owner 112CPMY -- 50 1 0 0 0 0
090070 Rio Grande 36 3700000242 Wildwood City WU 112HLBC 48 63 1 0 0 0 0
090075 Rio Grande 37 3700000243 Wildwood City WU 112HLBC 40 60 1 0 0 0 0
090084 Irr 2 -- Private owner 112CPMY -- 28 1 0 0 0 0
090085 Irr 3 -- Private owner 112CPMY -- 28 1 0 0 0 0
090137 Irr 3 -- Private owner 112CPMY -- 84 1 0 0 0 0
090138 Irr 1 -- Private owner 112CPMY -- 67 1 0 0 0 0
090139 Irr 2 -- Private owner 112CPMY -- 79 1 0 0 0 0
090142 2-Irr 3700000287 Private owner 112CPMY 25 45 1 0 0 0 0
090463 Irr 1 5700000058 Private owner 121CKKD -- 30 1 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
090471 Irr 1 5700000022 Private owner 121CKKD -- 35 1 0 0 0 0
090484 I-2 3700004447 Cape May National Golf Club 112HLBC 29 32 1 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06
090485 I-1 3700004422 Cape May National Golf Club 112HLBC 29 32 1 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.28
090486 I-3 3700004771 Cape May National Golf Club 112HLBC 28 32 1 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45
090489 Irr 4 3700003350 Wildwood Golf & Country Club 112HLBC 40 50 1 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.63
090502 Irr 1 5700000052 Wuerkers New Acres Farm 112HLBC -- 50 1 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59
090515 I-4 5700005082 Cape May National Golf Club 112HLBC 26 30 1 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
090528 Irr1 3700001398 Private owner 112HLBC 45 65 1 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74
090556 Dom 8 3700004444 Beachcomber Campgrounds 112HLBC 32 42 1 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29
090557 PW 5 3700005436 Private owner 112HLBC 30 40 1 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
090558 PW 6 3700005437 Private owner 112HLBC 35 45 1 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14
090559 Dom 7 3700005438 Private owner 112HLBC 30 40 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
090560 Dom 4 3700005435 Private owner 112HLBC 30 40 1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
090561 Dom 1 3700002389 Beachcomber Campgrounds 112HLBC 27 30 1 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
090562 PW 2 3700000378 Beachcomber Campgrounds 112HLBC 42 46 1 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27
090570 PW 11 3500016842 Cape May County Park Commission 112ESRNS 110 125 1 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
090572 Irr 8 3500012372 Cape May County-Park Zoo 112HLBC 28 38 1 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34
090573 Irr 4 3500006894 Cape May County-Park Zoo 112HLBC 31 34 1 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52
090576 Irr 1 3500007417 Cape May County-Park Zoo 112HLBC 31 34 1 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19
090596 Well 2 3700001128 Cape May County-Park Zoo 112HLBC -- 35 1 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
090597 Well 1 5700000021 Private owner 112ESRNS -- 60 1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
090600 Well 3 3700001940 Beachcomber Campgrounds 112ESRNS 27 30 1 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
090022 Irr 3700000229 Private owner 112ESRNS 56 112 6 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84
090072 Rio Grande 31 3700000012 Wildwood City WU 112ESRNS 108 135 6 56.31 56.31 56.31 56.31
090077 Rio Grande 14 5700000004 Wildwood City WU 112ESRNS 82 103 6 0 0 0 0
090083 Irr 1 -- Private owner 112ESRNS -- 110 6 0 0 0 0
090090 Ind 3700000080 Keuffel & Esser Co 112ESRNS 100 120 6 0 0 0 0
090162 Irr-2 3800000238 Private owner 112ESRNS 90 138 6 0 0 0 0
090171 Institutional 1 3700000289 Lower Twp Bd of Ed 112ESRNS 149 161 6 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75
090209 Ind 1 3700001425 Cold Spring Packing Co 112ESRNS 90 110 6 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25
090260 124 Ft 3600000579 Lutheran Home At Oceanview 121CNSY 104 124 6 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38
090299 Upper 1-A 3600000478 State of NJ-Highway Authority,
Garden State Parkway
112HLBC 62 65 6 0 0 0 0
090356 PW 3 3700002568 Grande Woods Mobile Home Park 112ESRNS 146 176 6 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62
090357 PW 4 3700002569 Grande Woods Mobile Home Park 112ESRNS 145 175 6 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8
090398 2 1986 3500004740 Delsea Woods 112ESRNS 90 100 6 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38
090407 PW 3 3600004715 Lutheran Home At Oceanview 121CKKD 90 100 6 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
090462 Irr 2 5500000069 Private owner 121CKKD -- 40 6 0 0 0 0
090475 Irr 1 5700000053 Private owner 121CKKD -- 110 6 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55
090476 Irr 1 5500000068 Private owner 121CKKD -- 40 6 0 0 0 0
090492 Tw-1 3500016575 Sand Barrens Golf Course 121CKKD 105 135 6 53.95 53.95 53.95 53.95
090500 Institutional 2 3700002979 Lower Cape May Bd of Ed 121CNSY 170 180 6 2.37 2.37 2.37 2.37
090501 PW 1 3700005519 Delcamino Mobile Home Park 121CNSY 150 160 6 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
090503 Irr 3 5500000070 Private owner 121CKKD -- 40 6 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
090516 RWa1-1 3500015509 State of NJ-DEP-Williams Property 112ESRNS -- 70 6 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93
090517 RW93-1R 3500015510 State of NJ-DEP-Williams Property 112ESRNS 48 68 6 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
090531 Dom 1 3600000496 Lutheran Home At Oceanview 121CKKD 106 116 6 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92
090532 Irr 2 3500003314 Cape May Co Freeholders 112ESRNS 70 110 6 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02
090550 Dom 1 3700000307 Cape Island Campground 121CNSY 135 155 6 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96
090551 Dom 2 3700000308 Cape Island Campground 121CNSY 135 155 6 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79
090563 Dom 1 3700002871 Omnivest Consortium Inc 112ESRNS 95 105 6 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13
090564 Dom 2 3700002872 Omnivest Consortium Inc 112ESRNS 95 105 6 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48
090565 Rec 1S 3600021119 Lake & Shore Entertainment Ctr 121CKKD 65 70 6 20.51 20.51 20.51 20.51
090566 Rec 3R 3600021121 Lake & Shore Entertainment Ctr 121CKKD 70 80 6 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82
090567 Rec 2S 3600021120 Lake & Shore Entertainment Ctr 121CKKD 65 70 6 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.06
090571 Irr 9 3500013333 Cape May County-Park Zoo 112ESRNS 106 116 6 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
090574 PW 5 3500018396 Cape May County-Park Zoo 112ESRNS 97 107 6 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43
090575 Irr 10 3500015887 Cape May Co Freeholders 112ESRNS 100 120 6 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03
090585 Well 2 3600022199 Pines at Clermont Golf Course 121CKKD -- 120 6 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31
090591 Well 3 3600022193 Pines at Clermont Golf Course 121CKKD -- 140 6 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.81
090603 Well 1 3700007280 Cape May Park 121CKKD -- 140 6 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95
090605 Well 2R 3600006903 Seaville Rest Area 121CKKD 64 84 6 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44
090612 Well 2 3700005520 Delcamino Mobile Home Park 112ESRNS -- 144 6 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
090012 Columbia 1 -- Cape May City WD 121CNSY -- 395 11 0 0 0 0
090014 Lafayette 2 -- Cape May City WD 121CNSY 282 322 11 0 0 0 0
090019 Lighthouse 1 5700000036 Cape May Point WD 121CNSY 260 592 11 0 0 0 0
090021 Discontinued 2 -- Cape May Point WD 121CNSY 250 280 11 0 0 0 0
090027 PW 3 3700000013 Cape May City WD 121CNSY 277 306 11 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
090028 Ind 2 3700000038 NW Magnesite Co 121CNSY 235 265 11 0 0 0 0
090029 Ind 1 -- NW Magnesite Co 121CNSY 296 321 11 0 0 0 0
090031 Broadway 3 -- Cape May City WD 121CNSY 270 300 11 0 0 0 0
090032 Broadway 1 -- Cape May City WD 121CNSY 270 300 11 0 0 0 0
090041 Discontinued 2 3700000134 Snow Canning 121CNSY -- 11 0 0 0 0
090042 Ind 3 3700000268 Borden Co (Snow) 121CNSY 259 289 11 23.18 23.18 23.18 23.18
090043 PW 5 5700000011 Cape May City WD 121CNSY 246 276 11 96.65 96.65 96.65 96.65
090045 PW 4 3700000231 Cape May City WD 121CNSY 270 300 11 15.37 15.37 15.37 15.37
090052 Lower Twp PW 1 3700000113 Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 241 262 12 117.01 0 0 0
090054 Lower Twp PW 2 3700000223 Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 212 247 12 86.96 86.96 86.96 86.96
090057 Lower Twp PW 3 3700000293 Lower Twp MUA 121CNSY 262.5 302.5 13 87.03 87.03 87.03 87.03
090058 Airport 1 5700000012 Cape May County 121CNSY 248 275 12 61.16 176.75 173.5a 226.25a
090059 PW 2 5700000013 Cape May County 121CNSY 252 278 12 61.65 176.75 173.5a 226.25a
090064 Rio Grande 32 3700000062 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 226 250 11 0 0 0 0
090065 Rio Grande 34 3700000235 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 172 242 12 237.2 97.22 97.22 97.22
090068 Rio Grande 28 5700000006 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 209 244 12 123.71 97.22 97.22 97.22
090069 Rio Grande 33 3700000234 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 236 260 12 214.6 97.22 97.22 97.22
090074 Rio Grande 29 5700000007 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 191 231 11 102.95 97.22 97.22 97.22
090076 Rio Grande 15 5700000005 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY -- 235 11 0 0 0 0
090078 Rio Grande 30 3700000002 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 229 250 12 156.37 97.22 97.22 97.22
090082 1-1969 3700000269 Cape May Canner 121CKKD 229 260 11 7.93 7.93 7.93 7.93
090101 Irr 3500000982 Private owner 121CKKD 40 92 11 43.03 43.03 43.03 43.03
090142 2-Irr 3700000287 Private owner 112CPMY 25 45 11 0 0 0 0
090143 Irr 3700000286 Private owner 121CNSY 110 140 11 0 0 0 0
090145 Acec 1 3600000312 Atlantic City Electric Co 121CKKD 130 150 11 0 0 0 0
090147 2R-Layne3 3600000319 Atlantic City Electric Co 121CKKD 125 145 11 0 0 0 0
090154 PW 2 5700000008 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 293 354 11 0 0 0 0
090157 Discontinued 1 3700000232 Stokes Laundry 121CNSY 312 338 11 0 0 0 0
090159 Recharge 35 3700000241 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 249 360 11 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75
090167 Discontinued 2 3700000217 Woodbine WC 121CNSY 139 159 11 0 0 0 0
090168 PW 6 3700000239 Woodbine WC 121CKKD 134.92 156.75 11 62.74 141.2 141.2 141.2
090169 36-394 3600000394 Private owner 121CNSY 116 160 11 0 0 0 0
090170 Institutional 1 3600000063 Upper Twp Bd of Ed 112CPMY 65 80 11 0 0 0 0
090174 Irr 3500001863 Private owner 121CKKD 45 75 11 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79
090176 35A 3700000319 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 251.92 338 11 0 0 0 0
090180 Rio Grande 42 3700000375 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY -- 250 11 132.38 97.22 97.22 97.22
090182 Ind 2 3700000484 Stokes Laundry 121CNSY 320 350 11 0 0 0 0
090183 Ind 4 3700000403 Borden Co (Snow) 121CNSY 260 290 11 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3
090184 Irr-2 3600004557 Upper Twp Bd of Ed 121CKKD 110 140 11 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
090238 Sod 3500004183 Private owner 121CKKD 60 100 11 17.92 17.92 17.92 17.92
090273 1985 3700001613 Garden Lake Mobile Homes 121CNSY 220 260 11 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8
090289 1981 3700000595 Garden Lake Mobile Homes 121CNSY 237 257 11 0 0 0 0
090297 PW A 3600006829 Shore Acres 121CNSY 145 180 11 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26
090300 Ind 2 3700000314 Lunds Fisheries 121CNSY 261 286 11 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32
090301 44-Recharge 4 3700000831 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 190 245 11 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8
090308 Sod 1987 3500006359 Private owner 121CKKD 58 98 11 19.28 19.28 19.28 19.28
090310 Rio Grande 39Ne 3700001781 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 278.67 357 11 8.66 8.66 8.66 8.66
090314 Recharge 3 3700000640 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 212 325 11 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.06
090315 2-1975-OW 3 3500001373 Wildwood Golf & Country Club 121CNSY 228 248 11 14.39 14.39 14.39 14.39
090316 1-1975-OW 2 3700000306 Wildwood Golf & Country Club 121CNSY 229 247 11 0 0 0 0
090317 Woodbine PW 7 3500002729 Woodbine MUA 121CKKD 135 158 11 40.44 86.96 86.96 86.96
090385 Rio Grande 43 3700000861 Wildwood City WU 121CNSY 156 274 12 99.88 97.22 97.22 97.22
090395 Cart Bldg 1991 3700004368 Cape May National Golf Club 121CNSY 255 275 11 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36
090412 2 Redrilled 3600007565 NJ Marine Science Consortium 121CKKD 155 165 11 0 0 0 0
090464 Irr 1 5700000016 Private owner 121CKKD -- 65 11 0 0 0 0
090465 Irr 2 5700000017 Private owner 121CKKD -- 65 11 0 0 0 0
090466 Irr 3 5700000018 Private owner 121CKKD -- 65 11 0 0 0 0
090477 Obs 1 5600000027 Morie Co-Morie, Jesse & Son 121CKKD -- 75 11 0 0 0 0
090487 S-2 3500011432 Cape May National Golf Club 121CNSY 275 280 11 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
090488 Irr 1 3700000034 Wildwood Golf & Country Club 121CNSY 256 268 11 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28
090490 Irr 5 3700004087 Wildwood Golf & Country Club 121CNSY 200 230 11 10.65 10.65 10.65 10.65
090491 Irr 1 3700000277 Private owner 121CNSY 210 240 11 11.02 11.02 11.02 11.02
090493 Ind 3 5600020039 Tuckahoe Sand & Gravel Co 121CKKD -- 100 11 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.27
090494 Ind 1B 3600010935 Dial Realty 121CKKD 80 100 11 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49
090495 Ind 1A 5600020040 Tuckahoe Sand & Gravel Co 121CKKD -- 100 11 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
090496 Ind 2 5600020041 Tuckahoe Sand & Gravel Co 121CKKD -- 100 11 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05
090497 Ind 1 5600020042 Tuckahoe Sand & Gravel Co 121CKKD -- 100 11 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33
090498 PW 1 5500015249 Soco Enterprises 121CKKD -- 185 11 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06
090504 Irr-1 3700000238 Novasack Bros Turf Farm 121CKKD 90 138 11 10.01 10.01 10.01 10.01
090524 RW-1-91 3500012485 Cape May County MUA 121CKKD 10 25 11 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38
090533 Sc 1 3600000482 Cape May Co Freeholders 121CKKD 66 76 11 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49
090534 Elem 1 3700000285 Upper Twp Bd of Ed 121CKKD 135 150 11 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
090535 Irr 1 3500020490 Tuckahoe Nurseries Inc 121CKKD 115 155 11 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01
090536 Irr 5 3500005712 Private owner 121CKKD 100 160 11 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85
090549 Ind 3 3700000777 Lunds Fisheries 121CNSY 252 288 11 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
090552 PW 2 3500013009 Holly Lake Campground 121CKKD 116 136 11 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93
090553 Dom 1 3700001894 Holly Lake Campground 121CKKD 100 120 11 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89
090554 Irr 1 3500015412 Dennis Twp Municipal Park 121CKKD 85 105 11 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28
090555 Irr 3 3500013236 Bellplain/Edora Area Recreation 121CKKD 124 154 11 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28
090568 PW 3 Repl 3500005411 Private owner 121CKKD 70 90 11 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
090569 PW 1 Repl 3500005368 Private owner 121CKKD 40 60 11 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31
090577 Irr 1 3600010618 B L England Recreation Center 121CKKD 48 52 11 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
090578 Irr 2 3600010616 B L England Recreation Center 121CKKD 48 52 11 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26
090581 Well 4 3600024733 Shore Gate Golf Course 121CKKD -- 180 11 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
090586 Well 1 3600022263 Pines at Clermont Golf Course 121CKKD -- 120 11 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57
090587 Well 3 3600023695 Shore Gate Golf Course 121CKKD -- 184 11 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
090588 Well 1 3600024195 Heritage Links Golf Course 121CKKD 55 75 11 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89
090589 Well 3 3500019563 Holly Lake Campground 112ESRNS -- 130 11 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46
090590 Well 3 3600024196 Heritage Links Golf Course 121CKKD 40 80 11 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1
090592 Well 2 3600024732 Shore Gate Golf Course 121CKKD -- 165 11 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
090598 Well 1 3500011637 Hideaway Beach Campground 121CKKD -- 115 11 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
090602 Well 2 3500006782 Hideaway Beach Campground 121CKKD 100 115 11 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
090604 Well 2 3600024197 Heritage Links Golf Course 121CKKD 70 80 11 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09
110038 Ind 2 3500000984 J S Morie Inc 121CKKD 175 205 11 0 0 0 0
110123 Leesburg 3/Bays 3500000947 State of NJ-Dept Insts & Agencies 121CKKD 248 268 11 68.5 68.5 68.5 68.5
110282 PW 4 3500000948 State of NJ-Leesburg Prison 121CKKD 249 269 11 75.56 75.56 75.56 75.56
110715 Farm 1 5500000003 State of NJ-Leesburg Prison 121CKKD -- 282 11 23.16 23.16 23.16 23.16
110716 Farm 2 5500000004 State of NJ-Leesburg Prison 121CKKD -- 275 11 34.83 34.83 34.83 34.83
111052 Ind 1 3500010522 Surfside Products Inc 121CKKD 192 212 11 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.25
111225 Bayside Prison 3500020016 State of NJ-Dept of Treasury 121CKKD 230 270 11 31.65 31.65 31.65 31.65
111320 Irr 2 3500016814 Tuckahoe Nurseries Inc 121CKKD 115 145 11 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58
LTMUA airport hypothetical 1 -- Lower Township MUA 121CNSY -- -- 12 0 176.75 173.5a 226.25a
LTMUA airport hypothetical 2 -- Lower Township MUA 121CNSY -- -- 12 0 176.75 173.5a 226.25a
Table 3.    Simulated withdrawals from shallow-aquifer-system production wells, Cape May County, New Jersey.

Baseline or LTMUA Scenario withdrawal that is different from Lacombe and others (2009) Scenario 4.

Table 4.    

Simulated withdrawals from deep-aquifer-system production wells, Cape May County, New Jersey.

[USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; NJDEP, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; Mgal/yr, million gallons per year; KRKDU, upper Kirkwood Formation; KRKDL, lower Kirkwood Formation; NJAW, New Jersey American Water Company; Twp, Township; WD, Water Department; Co, Company; PW, Pumping well; Assoc, Association; --, not available or not applicable]

Table 4.    Simulated withdrawals from deep-aquifer-system production wells, Cape May County, New Jersey.
090067 Rio Grande 38 37-271 Wildwood City WD 122KRKDU 461 590 1 248.253 388 388 388 388 388 388
090522 PW 47 37-7594 Wildwood City WD 122KRKDL 570 664 1 or 2a 0 388 388a 388 388 388 388a
090523 PW 46 37-7593 Wildwood City WD 122KRKDL 563 653 1 or 2a 0 388 388a 388 388 388 388a
090002 Avalon 2R-71/Ne 37-280 Avalon 122KRKDL 821 861 2 115.255 115.255 115.255 161.16b 115.255 115.255 161.16b
090005 5-76/New 8 37-313 Avalon 122KRKDL 784 839 2 105.848 105.848 105.848 148.01 105.848 105.848 148.01
090092 NeptunUS 7 37-240 NJAW--Neptune System 122KRKDL 681 791 2 201.148 201.148 201.148 201.148 329.482b 201.148 329.482b
090100 Avalon M Ww 1 37-224 Middle Twp Water District 122KRKDL 763 815 2 5.800 5.800 5.800 5.800 5.800 5.800 5.800
090126 PW 5 37-162 Sea Isle City WD 122KRKDL 736 768 2 118.627 118.627 118.627 118.627 118.627 118.627 118.627
090127 Sea Isle City P 37-64 Sea Isle City WD 122KRKDL 742 830 2 41.471 41.471 41.471 41.471 41.471 41.471 41.471
090135 Stone Harbor PW 37-9 Stone Harbor WD 122KRKDL 837.5 877.5 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
090136 CIWC 1 36-147 NJAW--Strathmere 122KRKDL 802 834 2 -- 6.600 6.600 6.600 6.600 18.000b 18.000b
090148 3-Layne 4 36-364 Atlantic City Electric Co 122KRKDL 645 675 2 230.13 230.13 230.13 230.13 230.13 230.13 230.13
090161 Institutional 1 Eastern Shore Convalescent Center 122KRKDL 639 654 2 10.308 10.308 10.308 10.308 10.308 10.308 10.308
090166 PW 5 37-312 Stone Harbor WD 122KRKDL 820 860 2 39.419 39.419 39.419 39.419 39.419 39.419 39.419
090173 PW 6 37-579 Stone Harbor WD 122KRKDL 810 860 2 66.369 66.369 66.369 66.369 66.369 66.369 66.369
090291 Avalon PW 9 36-9846 Avalon 122KRKDL 764 940.66 2 28.971 28.971 28.971 145.69b 28.971 28.971 145.69b
090359 Middle Twp PW 2 36-7286 Middle Twp Water District 122KRKDL 708 773 2 4.014 4.014 4.014 4.014 4.014 4.014 4.014
090360 CIWC Vincent Ave Sta 2 36-13154 NJAW--Strathmere 122KRKDL 636 836 2 -- 4.400 4.400 4.400 4.400 12.000b 12.000b
090459 Hria 1966 36-377 Harbor Rd Improvement Assoc 122KRKDL -- 620 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
090481 Old Stagecoach 36-17001 NJAW--Cape May Court House 122KRKDL 603 738 2 178.131b 178.131b 178.131b 178.131b 178.131b 178.131b 178.131b
090482 Sea Isle City P 36-20238 Sea Isle City WD 122KRKDL 724 884 2 112.483 112.483 112.483 112.483 112.483 112.483 112.483
090506 PW 3 37-5659 Stone Harbor WD 122KRKDL 795 880 2 65.118 65.118 65.118 65.118 65.118 65.118 65.118
090507 7 Desal 37-6563 Cape May City WD 122KRKDL 615 810 2 140.253 140.253 140.253 140.253 140.253 140.253 140.253
090521 7(4R) 37-7541 Stone Harbor WD 122KRKDL 830 953 2 59.264 59.264 59.264 59.264 59.264 59.264 59.264
090004 Avalon PW 6 37-265 Avalon 122KRKDL 880 920 3 104.187 104.187 104.187 145.690 104.187 104.187 145.690
090106 Shore div 7 56-6 NJAW--Ocean City 122KRKDL 760 810 3 136.981 136.981 136.981 136.981 136.981 136.981 136.981
090108 Shore div 14-19 36-412 NJAW--Ocean City 122KRKDL 774 840 3 197.135 197.135 197.135 197.135 197.135 197.135 197.135
090109 Shore div 9 56-8 NJAW--Ocean City 122KRKDL 749 809 3 60.735 60.735 60.735 60.735 60.735 60.735 60.735
090110 Shore div 12 36-373 NJAW--Ocean City 122KRKDL 759 814 3
090116 Shore div 8 56-7 NJAW--Ocean City 122KRKDL 760 810 3 109.291 109.291 109.291 109.291 109.291 109.291 109.291
090117 Shore div 10 36-17 NJAW--Ocean City 122KRKDL 746 798 3 96.641 96.641 96.641 96.641 96.641 96.641 96.641
090121 Shore div 4 56-4 NJAW--Ocean City 122KRKDL -- 825 3 52.769 52.769 52.769 52.769 52.769 52.769 52.769
090122 Shore div 5 56-5 NJAW--Ocean City 122KRKDL -- 825 3 64.80 64.80 64.80 64.80 64.80 64.80 64.80
090124 Shore div 13 36-413 NJAW--Ocean City 122KRKDL 774 840 3 303.624 303.624 303.624 303.624 303.624 303.624 303.624
090125 Shore div 11 36-314 NJAW--Ocean City 122KRKDL -- 800 3 68.270 68.270 68.270 68.270 68.270 68.270 68.270
090136 CIWC 1 56-147 NJAW--Strathmere 122KRKDL 802 834 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
090144 BL England 5 36-451 Atlantic City Electric Co 122KRKDL 650 690 3 21.506 21.506 21.506 21.506 21.506 21.506 21.506
090296 Hand Ave 8 35-6073 NJAW--Neptune System 122KRKDL 682 812 3 34.025 34.025 34.025 34.025 55.735b 34.025 55.73b
090311 Sea Isle City 6 36-10378 Sea Isle City WD 122KRKDL 732 960 3 167.734 167.734 167.734 167.734 167.734 167.734 167.734
090360 Ciwc Vincent Av 36-13154 NJAW--Strathmere 122KRKDL 636 836 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
090461 Acec 6 Deep 36-15182 Atlantic City Electric Co 122KRKDL 639 710 3 78.93 78.93 78.93 78.93 78.93 78.93 78.93
090480 6 Desal 37-6314 Cape May City WD 122KRKDL 621 626 3 538.247 538.247 538.247 538.247 538.247 538.247 538.247
090514 Ind 7 36-17504 Atlantic Electric Co 122KRKDL 660 710 3 29.702 29.702 29.702 29.702 29.702 29.702 29.702
Table 4.    Simulated withdrawals from deep-aquifer-system production wells, Cape May County, New Jersey.

Wildwood Water Utility withdrawals simulated as being from layer 2 instead of layer 1 in the Wildwood and Combined Scenarios.


Withdrawal that is different from Lacombe and others (2009) Scenario 2.

Shallow-Aquifer-System Baseline Scenario

A transient baseline simulation of the shallow-aquifer system for 1896–2050 was developed to compare with the proposed full-allocation withdrawal scenario simulation for LTMUA. The shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario includes minor modifications of the withdrawal rates used in Scenario 4 of Lacombe and others (2009). In Scenario 4, withdrawals are set at full build-out rates (the rate of withdrawals required to supply all homes and businesses if all land is developed to the full extent of each municipality’s zoning as of 2005), withdrawals from LTMUA PW 1 (090052) ceased in 2010, withdrawals from LTMUA PW 2 (090054) and PW 3 (replaced by PW 7, 090617) are maintained at 2003 rates through 2050, and all increases in withdrawals after 2010 are from two existing and two hypothetical wells near the airport. In Scenario 4, WWU withdrawals are set at full build-out rates, but some withdrawals are shifted from the Cohansey aquifer to the deep-aquifer system after 2010 and proposed full-allocation in WWU withdrawals are from the deep-aquifer system. Withdrawals in the shallow-aquifer-system baseline simulation for this study are the same as Scenario 4 for all purveyors other than LTMUA. Baseline Scenario LTMUA withdrawals were modified as follows: (1) the total LTMUA withdrawal rate is changed from the full build-out rate, 880 million gallons per year (Mgal/yr), to the 2012 full-allocation rate, 868 Mgal/yr; (2) withdrawals from Well 1 (still in service in 2014) continue through 2019; and (3) simulated withdrawals from Well 1 during 2010–19 are offset by reducing to zero simulated withdrawals from one well at the airport during 2010-19. The shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario includes full-allocation, rather than full build-out, withdrawals for LTMUA, therefore, it has characteristics of Lacombe and others (2009) Scenario 2 (full-allocation) and Scenario 4 (full build-out).

The simulated Cohansey aquifer water levels from the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario (fig. 6) are within 1 ft of those from Scenario 4 in Lacombe and others (2009). The simulated locations of the 250-mg/L isochlor in 2050 for the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario (fig. 6) are also essentially identical to those for Scenario 4 in Lacombe and others (2009). The similarities of the water levels and isochlor locations between Scenario 4 and the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario indicate that the minor differences in simulated LTMUA withdrawals between the two scenarios has little effect.

Simulated water-level contours range from 0 ft east-to-west across the middle of Middle
                           Township to –15 contours around the Rio Grande well field and the LTMUA well fields.
                           The simulated 250 mg/L isochlor is near but offshore the Cape May peninsula shoreline
                           but is on-shore west of the WWU Rio Grande and LTMUA well fields and north of Wildwood.
                           The 50 mg/L isochlor parallels the 250 mg/L isochlor and is about 0.5–1 mile inland.
Figure 6.

Map showing simulated water levels, chloride concentrations, and groundwater withdrawals in the Cohansey aquifer in 2050 for the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario, southern Cape May County, New Jersey.

Deep-Aquifer-System Baseline Scenario

Simulations of the deep-aquifer system for this study used the steady-state, coupled-model approach of Voronin and others (1996), Pope (2006), and Lacombe and others (2009) in which fluxes across lateral boundaries of the CMAC model are derived from the NJCP Sharp model. The deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario simulates all withdrawals at 2012 full-allocation rates (table 2), which is the same as the full-allocation Scenario 2 of Lacombe and others (2009), except withdrawals are modified at the WWU Rio Grande well field as follows. The full-allocation Rio Grande well field withdrawals in the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario of this study are 388 Mgal/yr for each well (1,164 Mgal/yr total), the same rate as in Scenario 4 of Lacombe and others (2009). Therefore, the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario for this study has characteristics of Scenarios 2 and 4 from Lacombe and others (2009).

Simulated steady-state water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand for the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario (fig. 7) are similar to, but 10-20 ft lower than, those of Scenario 2 of Lacombe and others (2009). Water levels are lower because of upward vertical flow from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand caused by greater withdrawals from the Rio Grande water-bearing zone. In the Rio Grande water-bearing zone, the effects of larger withdrawals from the aquifer are substantial, with deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario water levels near the well field as much as 140 ft lower than those for Scenario 2.

Simulated water-level contours range from 0 ft in northwestern Cape May County to
                           –110 ft in northern Ocean City. The –50 ft contour is generally parallel to a line
                           running up the center of the Cape May peninsula. Along the barrier islands, water
                           levels increase from –110 in Ocean City to –70 in Sea Isle City, Avalon, and northern
                           Stone Harbor and –60 near the Cape May City well field.
Figure 7.

Map showing simulated water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand in 2050 for the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario, Cape May County, New Jersey.

Lower Township Scenario

The Lower Township Scenario uses a transient shallow-aquifer-system simulation to examine the effect of proposed full-allocation withdrawals for LTMUA of 1,079 Mgal/yr. This scenario differs from the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario with: 1) a 2012 full-allocation withdrawal rate of 868 Mgal/yr (table 2) and 2) domestic wells in Lower Township are removed from service when LTMUA expands its public-supply service area. The simulated LTMUA withdrawal rates are increased in decadal steps, reaching the proposed full-allocation rate of 1,079 Mgal/yr during the 2041–50 stress period. LTMUA PW 1 (090052, table 3) is cut back to zero withdrawals in 2021, and LTMUA PW 2 (090054) and PW 3 (090057, now sealed, replaced by LTMUA PW 7, 090617, at the same location) are held at 2003 withdrawal rates during 2003–50. The remaining withdrawals are made from two existing wells, LTMUA PW 6 (090525) and PW 9 (090662), and two hypothetical wells near the airport. One airport well is assigned zero withdrawals during 2011–19, because simulated withdrawals from LTMUA PW 1 (090052) continue through 2019. Well-by-well simulated shallow-aquifer-system withdrawal rates for users that report withdrawals to the NJDEP are shown in table 3.

Lacombe and others (2009) included withdrawals from domestic wells in the shallow-aquifer-system model throughout Cape May County. The depth and location of domestic wells were determined from NJDEP well-permit applications. Domestic withdrawals from the Holly Beach water-bearing zone are simulated as 100-percent consumptive in sewered areas and 50-percent consumptive in areas with on-site septic systems. Domestic withdrawals from the Cohansey aquifer and estuarine sand are 100-percent consumptive for those aquifers. The simulated rates of withdrawals from domestic wells in each municipality are based on estimates of the total self-supply withdrawal rate for that municipality (calculated by multiplying the self-supplied population for that municipality by estimated per-capita water use) divided by the number of known domestic wells in that municipality (according to available NJDEP well-permit applications). LTMUA expects about 4,500 new connections to the public-supply system (2,015 in Townbank, 1,770 in Villas, and 750 at the Lake Laurie Campground). Assuming a usage of 270 gallons per day per connection, domestic withdrawals would be reduced by 1.23 Mgal/d. Therefore, the domestic self-supply withdrawal rate in the Lower Township Scenario is 1.23 Mgal/d less than the rate in the shallow aquifer baseline simulation with 50 percent of the reduction occurring during the 2011–20 model stress period and 100 percent thereafter.

Wildwood, Avalon, Cape May Court House, Strathmere, and Combined Scenarios

The Wildwood Scenario using the steady-state deep-aquifer-system coupled CMAC-NJCP Sharp models differs from the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario by shifting withdrawals of two of the three deep-system WWU wells from the Rio Grande water-bearing zone to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand. WWU was granted an increase in allocation and in 2005 installed, two wells designed to be open to the Rio Grande water-bearing zone. Unanticipated local-scale variations in the depth of the confining unit separating the Rio Grande water-bearing zone (also known as the upper Kirkwood Formation) from the underlying Atlantic City 800-foot sand (also known as the lower Kirkwood Formation) resulted in the two new wells being open to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand. The total simulated withdrawals in the Wildwood Scenario are the same as the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario except that the Wildwood Scenario withdrawals from the Rio Grande water-bearing zone are lower and withdrawals from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand are higher than the 2012 full-allocation withdrawals.

For the Avalon, Cape May Court House, and Strathmere Scenarios, coupled NJCP Sharp/CMAC model steady-state simulations are used to evaluate proposed full-allocation withdrawals for Avalon Borough Water Utilities and New Jersey American Water (NJAW) systems in Cape May Court House and Strathmere, respectively (table 2). The proposed rates are higher than 2012 full-allocation rates by 40, 64, and 58 percent, respectively. The simulated withdrawals are from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand. Withdrawal rates for all simulated deep-aquifer-system wells are shown in table 4. The Combined Scenario simulates all of the withdrawals described above for the Wildwood, Avalon, Cape May Court House, and Strathmere Scenarios.

All of the deep-aquifer-system scenarios are steady-state simulations and do not represent changes through time, instead representing conditions with steady withdrawals. Therefore, unlike the shallow-aquifer-system model, there is no specific date at which these full-allocation withdrawal rates and subsequent aquifer responses are reached.

Limitations of the Models

As with all numerical models, many simplifying assumptions and approximations are used in both the shallow-aquifer-system model and the deep-aquifer-system coupled models. Lacombe and others (2009) provide calibration statistics that indicate the simulations are good representations of the flow systems, but these calibrations are not unique; different results might be obtained with different values for hydrologic variables (such as hydraulic conductivity) that produced similar calibration statistics. No new calibrations were performed for this study because the only changes made to the models were adjustments of groundwater-withdrawal rates.

The shallow-aquifer-system model explicitly simulates the movement of variable-concentration/variable-density water. Lacombe and others (2009) did not show chloride concentrations of less than 250 mg/L, and that study predated the collection of data during 2010–12 at the WWU well field showing that chloride concentrations of 50 mg/L in the Cohansey aquifer had reached the well field. The simulated 50-mg/L isochlor in 2010 generated by the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario is about 3,400 ft from the well field rather than at the well field (fig. 6), yet chloride concentrations of 50 mg/L were detected in WWU Well 28 (090068) in 2010. Therefore, the simulated location of the Lower Township Scenario 50-mg/L isochlor near the Rio Grande well field in 2050 is not as far inland as would be expected at the simulated withdrawal rates. However, the magnitude of the difference between the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario and Lower Township Scenario 50-mg/L isochlor locations is considered to be relatively accurate, thus the effect of increasing LTMUA's allocation can be determined. The locations of the 50- and 250-mg/L isochlors offshore from the Lower Township well field currently (2018) are not known. The calibration of the shallow-aquifer-system model by Lacombe and others (2009) was based on setting the location of the 250-mg/L isochlor west of LTMUA wells in 1900 that resulted in simulated chloride concentrations near the mouth of Fishing Creek during 1980–2010 similar to measured concentrations. It is possible that the location of the 250-mg/L isochlor in 1900 should have been set closer or farther offshore west of the LTMUA wells and, therefore, that the simulated 250-mg/L isochlor in 2050 would be closer or farther, respectively, from the LTMUA wells in 2050.

The shallow-aquifer-system model does not include fluxes into or out of the model through the confining unit underlying the Cohansey aquifer because Lacombe and others (2009) found that the small changes to the heads and water budget were not important and greatly lengthened the time required for each simulation. Therefore, the effects of changes in allocation for deep-aquifer-system purveyors on the shallow-aquifer system were not simulated.

The deep-aquifer-system coupled CMAC-NJCP model uses simulated fluxes across CMAC model boundaries derived from the NJCP Sharp model (Lacombe and others, 2009). However, the NJCP Sharp model does not include the Rio Grande water-bearing zone so withdrawals from that aquifer are assigned to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand. Therefore, the simulation shifting WWU withdrawals from the Rio Grande water-bearing zone to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand may be limited by the fact that the boundary flows calculated by the NJCP Sharp model for the CMAC model are the same for the Baseline and Wildwood Scenarios. This approach is acceptable because the Rio Grande water-bearing zone is a minor aquifer compared to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, and weighting of boundary flows from the NJCP Sharp model based on transmissivity reasonably allocates the boundary flows from the regional model (Daryll Pope, U.S. Geological Survey, written commun., 2012).

Simulated Effects of Proposed Groundwater Withdrawals

Lower Township Scenario (table 2) simulated water levels are 1 to 4 ft lower than water levels from the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario in an area about 3 miles across and approximately centered on the LTMUA airport well field in Lower Township, (fig. 8, table 5). The 50-mg/L isochlor is a maximum of 750 ft farther east in the Lower Township Scenario than in the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario (fig. 9, table 6) and is 700 ft northwest of the northwestern-most LTMUA airport well PW 9 (090662)). North of Fishing Creek and south and east of the Cape May Canal, the simulated 50- and 250-mg/L isochlor locations in 2050 are unchanged compared to the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario.

Table 5.    

Simulated water levels in the Cohansey aquifer in 2050 near the Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority and Wildwood Water Utility well fields, Cape May County, New Jersey.

[LTMUA, Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority; WWU, Wildwood Water Utility]

Table 5.    Simulated water levels in the Cohansey aquifer in 2050 near the Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority and Wildwood Water Utility well fields, Cape May County, New Jersey.
Shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario –13 –12 –21 –15
Lower Township Scenario –14 –13 –25 –17
Table 5.    Simulated water levels in the Cohansey aquifer in 2050 near the Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority and Wildwood Water Utility well fields, Cape May County, New Jersey.

Table 6.    

Simulated difference in location of the 50-milligram per liter isochlor near the Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority and Wildwood Water Utility well fields, Cape May County, New Jersey, 2010–50.

[LTMUA, Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority; WWU, Wildwood Water Utility; mg/L, milligrams per liter]

Table 6.    Simulated difference in location of the 50-milligram per liter isochlor near the Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority and Wildwood Water Utility well fields, Cape May County, New Jersey, 2010–50.
Shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario 3,300 5,400 3,600
Lower Township Scenario 3,300 6,150 3,800
Table 6.    Simulated difference in location of the 50-milligram per liter isochlor near the Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority and Wildwood Water Utility well fields, Cape May County, New Jersey, 2010–50.
Location of withdrawal wells with proportional circles indicating the magnitude of
                     the withdrawals.  Centered on the Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority airport
                     well field is an area ~3 miles in diameter, in which the simulated water levels are
                     2–4 feet lower than in the Baseline Scenario.
Figure 8.

Map showing difference between Lower Township Scenario and shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario simulated water levels in the Cohansey aquifer in 2050, southern Cape May County, New Jersey.

Location of withdrawal wells with proportional circles indicating the magnitude of
                     the withdrawals.  Also shown are the simulated Lower Township scenario 250 and 50
                     mg/L isochlors in the same locations in the Baseline scenario isochlors, except on
                     the western (Delaware Bay) side of Lower Township, where they are as much as 750 feet
                     farther inland (east).
Figure 9.

Map showing Lower Township Scenario and shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario simulated isochlors in the Cohansey Aquifer in 2050, southern Cape May County, New Jersey. (WWU, Wildwood Water Utility; LTMUA, Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority; CMCWD, Cape May City Water Department)

The location of the 50- and 250-mg/L isochlors in the Cohansey aquifer offshore from LTMUA PW 1 (090052) is not known, so the vulnerability of those wells cannot be estimated with confidence. The simulated 50-mg/L isochlor in 2010 is about 3,500 ft west of the WWU Rio Grande well field, but chloride concentrations in water from wells 28, 29, and 34 (090068, 090079, and 090065, respectively) were greater than 50 mg/L at least once during 2010–17 (Ed Cerrone, Wildwood Water Utility, written commun., 2017). Therefore, the actual location of the 50-mg/L isochlor northwest of the LTMUA airport wells may be farther inland than the simulated 50-mg/L isochlor, and those wells could be more vulnerable than shown by the Lower Township Scenario. However, water samples from observation well Cape May F-41 (090213) open to the Cohansey aquifer on the Delaware Bay coastline south of Fishing Creek, had low chloride concentrations (less than 15 mg/L) during 1966–2012. Therefore, it is possible that the more rapid than predicted saltwater intrusion towards the Rio Grande well field is caused by a local aquifer heterogeneity that is not a factor farther to the south and the simulated 50-mg/L isochlor location is accurate west of LTMUA wells.

Wildwood Scenario

The WWU 2012 allocation allows withdrawals from the Holly Beach water-bearing zone, the estuarine sand, Cohansey aquifer, and the Rio Grande water-bearing zone (upper Kirkwood Formation). WWU Rio Grande well field wells 46 and 47 (090523 and 090522, respectively), installed in 2003, were intended to be completed in the lower part of the Rio Grande water-bearing zone but were inadvertently screened in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand (lower Kirkwood Formation). Water-level data from a nearby Atlantic City 800-foot sand observation well to the northwest along the Delaware Bay shoreline (Oyster 800 obs, 090306) and two wells to the southeast along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline (Coast Guard 800 obs, 090302 and N. Wildwood 800 obs--090337) show a distinct step-function drop in water levels in summer 2008 after wells Rio Grande 46 and Rio Grande 47 were brought into production (fig. 10). In contrast, water-level-altitude data from a nearby Rio Grande water-bearing zone well (Airport Rio Grande obs, 090304) do not show a similar drop in water levels during the same period (fig. 10), further indicating the withdrawal wells are not open to the Rio Grande water-bearing zone.

Water levels shown in graphs A–D fluctuate about 4, 8, 4, and 10 feet seasonally,
                        respectively.  The three Atlantic City 800-foot sand wells have a step-function in
                        2008 in which the water level drops more that summer than previous or subsequent summers
                        and resumes annual fluctuations of about the same magnitude but at a lower altitude.
                        Water levels in the Rio Grande water-bearing zone well do not show the same step-function
                        drop in 2008; water level maxima and minima vary from year to year but do not show
                        an upward or downward trend.
Figure 10.

Graphs showing water levels in three observation wells open to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand (A–C) and an observation well open to the Rio Grande water bearing zone (D), Cape May County, New Jersey, 2004–13.

The only difference between the Wildwood Scenario and the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario is that, in the Wildwood Scenario, wells Rio Grande 46 and Rio Grande 47 withdraw from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand rather than the Rio Grande water-bearing zone. Simulated Wildwood Scenario water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand are 30–54 ft lower than the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario water levels within about 4,500 ft of the WWU Rio Grande well field and are a maximum of 102 ft below sea level at the well field (fig. 11, table 7). Simulated water-level-differences between the two scenarios in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand are less than 5 ft lower in Woodbine, Upper Township and Ocean City, 5–10 ft lower in southern Dennis Township, northern Middle Township, Avalon Borough, and Sea Isle City, and 20–54 ft lower in southern Middle Township, Lower Township, Cape May City, and the Wildwoods (fig. 11). The maximum difference between the Baseline and Wildwood scenario water levels in the Rio Grande water-bearing zone is +111 ft at the WWU well field and +10–15 ft as far northeast as Cape May Court House and Stone Harbor. The maximum change in the Rio Grande water-bearing zone (+111 ft) is greater than the maximum change in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand (–54 ft) because of the higher transmissivity of the latter aquifer.

Table 7.    

Simulated water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand (lower Kirkwood Formation) and Rio Grande water-bearing zone (upper Kirkwood Formation) for the deep-aquifer-system Baseline, Wildwood, Avalon, Court House, Strathmere, and Combined Scenarios, Cape May County, New Jersey, 2050.

[WWU, Wildwood Water Utility; CMCH, Cape May Court House; CMCWD, Cape May City Water Department]

Table 7.    Simulated water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand (lower Kirkwood Formation) and Rio Grande water-bearing zone (upper Kirkwood Formation) for the deep-aquifer-system Baseline, Wildwood, Avalon, Court House, Strathmere, and Combined Scenarios, Cape May County, New Jersey, 2050.
Deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario –180 –52 –26 –115 –70 –71 –61 –49 –68
Wildwood Scenario –69 –50 –30 –118 –74 –79 –72 –102 –86
Avalon Scenario –181 –54 –28 –117 –73 –78 –65 –51 –70
Court House Scenario –181 –55 –29 –118 –74 –76 –70 –53 –71
Strathmere Scenario –180 –53 –27 –116 –72 –71 –62 –49 –68
Combined Scenario –69 –53 –36 –123 –81 –91 –84 –109 –92
Table 7.    Simulated water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand (lower Kirkwood Formation) and Rio Grande water-bearing zone (upper Kirkwood Formation) for the deep-aquifer-system Baseline, Wildwood, Avalon, Court House, Strathmere, and Combined Scenarios, Cape May County, New Jersey, 2050.
Zones of water-level lower than baseline range from less than 5 feet north and northeast
                        of Woodbine, to 5–10 feet in southern Dennis Township and northern Middle Township,
                        to deepening zones centered on the Wildwood Water Utility well field in Rio Grande,
                        reaching a maximum of 50–54 feet lower at the well field.
Figure 11.

Map showing difference between the Wildwood Scenario and the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario simulated water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand in 2050, Cape May County, New Jersey.

Avalon Scenario

The Avalon Scenario simulated an increase in Avalon Borough proposed full-allocation withdrawals from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand of 495 Mgal/yr, a 40-percent increase from the 2012 allocation of 354 Mgal/yr (table 2). The increased withdrawals are distributed among four Atlantic City 800-foot sand production wells at the same ratio as recent withdrawals.

Avalon Scenario simulated water levels (table 7) in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand are 5–8 ft lower than those from the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario in an area approximately corresponding to Avalon Borough limits (fig. 12). Water levels are about 4 ft lower than in the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario at Cape May Court House and about 2 ft lower at the WWU Rio Grande well field and Ocean City.

One zone of water levels 5–10 feet lower than baseline, an oval about 5 miles long
                        and 4 miles wide, the long axis of which is aligned with, and as long as, Avalon Borough.
Figure 12.

Map showing difference between Avalon Scenario and deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario simulated water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand in 2050, Cape May County, New Jersey.

Court House Scenario

The Court House Scenario simulated proposed full-allocation withdrawals from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand for New Jersey American Water–Cape May Court House are 385 Mgal/yr, a 64-percent increase from the 2012 allocation of 235 Mgal/yr (table 2). The increased withdrawals were distributed among two Atlantic City 800-foot sand production wells at the same ratio as recent withdrawals.

The Court House Scenario simulated Atlantic City 800-foot sand water levels (table 7) are 10 to 12 ft lower than in the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario in the immediate vicinity of the Court House wells. Water levels are 5–10 ft lower in about a 6-mile-diameter circle covering much of Middle Township and centered slightly to the east of the well field (fig. 13). Water levels are about 5 ft lower than those from the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario in Avalon and about 3 ft lower in Ocean City and Cape May City.

Zone of water levels 5–10 feet lower than baseline centered on Cape May Court House
                        about 7 miles in diameter. Inside the larger area there is a very small area, about
                        one-quarter of a mile in diameter and centered on the Court House public supply well,
                        of water levels 10–15 feet lower than baseline.
Figure 13.

Map showing difference between Court House Scenario and deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario simulated water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand in 2050, Cape May County, New Jersey.

Strathmere Scenario

The Strathmere Scenario simulated proposed full-allocation withdrawals from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand of 30 Mgal/yr, a 58-percent increase from the 2012 allocation of 19 Mgal/yr (table 2). The increased withdrawals were distributed among two production wells at the same ratio as recent withdrawals.

Strathmere Scenario simulated water levels (table 7) in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand are less than 2 ft lower than deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario water levels at all locations. Water levels are 1 ft lower in Cape May Court House and Ocean City and are less than 1 ft lower south and west of Cape May Court House.

Combined Scenario

The Combined Scenario simulates a combination of a shift of WWU full-allocation withdrawals of 776 Mgal/yr from in two wells from the Rio Grande water-bearing zone to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand and proposed full-allocation withdrawals from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand by Avalon, Cape May Court House, and Strathmere of 495, 385, and 19 Mgal/yr, respectively (table 2). Because the increase in withdrawals by WWU is more than double the other three combined, the WWU withdrawals have the greatest effect on the results of the Combined Scenario, although effects of the Avalon and Court House withdrawals are also evident (fig. 14).

Combined Scenario simulated water levels (table 7) for the Atlantic City 800-foot sand are 40–61 ft lower than those for the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario in the immediate vicinity of the WWU Rio Grande well field (fig. 14), at least 20 ft lower for the part of the county south of Cape May Court House, 15–20 ft lower in Avalon and northern Middle Township, and 5–15 ft lower in the part of the county north of Middle Township (fig. 14).

Zone of water levels lower than baseline are 5–10 feet north of Woodbine, 10–15 feet
                        lower in Dennis Township, 15–20 feet in the northern quarter of Middle Township, and
                        deepening zones centered on the Wildwood Water Utility well field in Rio Grande, reaching
                        a maximum of 50–61 feet lower at the well field.
Figure 14.

Map showing difference between Combined Scenario and deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario simulated water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand in 2050, Cape May County, New Jersey.

Summary and Conclusions

Several water purveyors in Cape May County requested changes to their allocation permits from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the NJDEP, simulated six water-supply scenarios to determine the effects of proposed full-allocation withdrawals on water levels and saltwater intrusion in the Cohansey aquifer and water levels in the Rio Grande water-bearing zone (upper Kirkwood Formation) and the Atlantic City 800-foot sand (lower Kirkwood Formation).

The Lower Township Scenario simulates effects on water levels and saltwater intrusion in the Cohansey aquifer with proposed full-allocation withdrawals of 1,079 Mgal/yr from the Cohansey aquifer for Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority (LTMUA), 211 Mgal/yr (24 percent) greater than the 2012 full-allocation withdrawals. The effects of proposed full-allocation withdrawals on water levels and saltwater intrusion are simulated with a shallow aquifer system variable-density groundwater-flow model developed by Lacombe and others (2009). The Lower Township Scenario simulated water levels are 2–4 feet (ft) lower than shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario simulated water levels in an area about 3 miles across, centered approximately on LTMUA withdrawal wells near the airport. The simulated 250-milligram per liter (mg/L) isochlor is a maximum of 750 ft farther east in the Lower Township Scenario than in the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario. Groundwater with chloride concentrations of 50 mg/L is simulated to be 700 ft northwest of the northwestern-most LTMUA well at the airport in 2050. North of Fishing Creek and south and east of the Cape May Canal, the simulated 250-mg/L isochlor is unchanged in the Lower Township Scenario compared to the shallow-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario. The current (2018) location of the 50-mg/L isochlor in the Cohansey aquifer offshore from LTMUA PW 1 (090052) and PW 2 (090054) is not known, so the accuracy of the simulated 50-mg/L isochlor location near those wells cannot be verified. Although chloride concentrations greater than 50 mg/L have been measured in water from several wells in the Wildwood Water Utility (WWU) Rio Grande well field, the simulated 50-mg/L isochlor had not reached the well field as of 2010. Therefore, the actual location of saline water northwest of the LTMUA airport wells might be closer than the simulated location.

Two production wells installed at the WWU Rio Grande well field that were intended to be open to the Rio Grande water-bearing zone (upper Kirkwood Formation) were later determined to be open to the Atlantic City 800-foot sand (lower Kirkwood Formation). The Wildwood Scenario simulation of withdrawals of 776 Mgal/yr from the two wells shows simulated water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand to be 15–54 ft lower than the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario in southern Middle Township, Lower Township, the Wildwoods, and Cape May City, 5–10 ft lower in southern Dennis Township, northern Middle Township, Avalon, and Sea Isle City, and less than 5 ft in Woodbine, Upper Township, and Ocean City.

The Avalon Scenario simulated proposed full-allocation withdrawals for Avalon Borough of 495 Mgal/yr, which is 141 Mgal/yr (40 percent) higher than 2012 full-allocation withdrawals from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, the sole potable aquifer underlying Avalon. Water levels for the Avalon Scenario are 5 to 7 ft lower than those for the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario within the Avalon Borough boundary and less than 5 ft lower beyond the borough.

The Court House Scenario proposed simulated full-allocation withdrawals for New Jersey American Water–Cape May Court House of 385 Mgal/yr, which is 150 Mgal/yr (64 percent) higher than 2012 full-allocation withdrawals. The Court House Scenario simulated water levels in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand are 10–12 ft lower than those for the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario at the wells and 5–12 ft lower over a circular area about 6 miles in diameter approximately centered on the Court House wells. Water-levels are about 3–5 ft lower than the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario in Avalon, Ocean City, and Cape May City.

The Strathmere Scenario simulated proposed full-allocation withdrawals for New Jersey American Water–Strathmere of 30 Mgal/yr, which is 11 Mgal/yr (58 percent) higher than 2012 full-allocation withdrawals. The Strathmere Scenario simulated water levels are less than 2 ft lower than those for the deep-aquifer-system Baseline Scenario in Strathmere, about 1 ft lower in Cape May Court House and Ocean City, and essentially unchanged south and west of Cape May Court House.

The Combined Scenario simulates withdrawals from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand by Wildwood, Avalon, Cape May Court House, and Strathmere of 776, 495, 385, and 30 Mgal/yr, respectively. Compared to the Baseline Scenario, the simulated water levels in the vicinity of the WWU Rio Grande well field are 40–60 ft lower, more than 20 ft lower south of Cape May Court House, and 5–15 ft lower north of Middle Township.

References Cited

Carleton, G.B., 2021, SEAWAT, MODFLOW-2000, and SHARP models used to simulate potential water-allocation changes, Cape May County, New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

dePaul, V., and Rosman, R., 2015, Groundwater conditions in selected confined aquifers of the New Jersey Coastal Plain, 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5232, 109 p., 9 pl., accessed December 2020 at

Gill, H.E., 1962, Ground-water resources of Cape May County, N.J.—Saltwater invasion of principal aquifers: New Jersey Department of Conservation and Economic Development, Special Report 18, 171 p.

Lacombe, P.J., and Carleton, G.B., 1992, Saltwater intrusion into fresh groundwater supplies, southern Cape May County, New Jersey, 1890–1991, in Borden, R.C., and Lyke, W.L., eds., The future availability of groundwater resources: American Water Resources Association Symposium Proceedings, Raleigh, N.C., April 12–15, 1992, p. 287–298.

Lacombe, P.J., and Carleton, G.B., 2002, Hydrogeologic framework, availability of water supplies and saltwater intrusion, Cape May County, New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01–4266, 151 p., accessed December 2020 at

Lacombe, P.J., Carleton, G.B., Pope, D.A., and Rice, D.E., 2009, Future water-supply scenarios, Cape May County, New Jersey, 2003–2050: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5187, 158 p., accessed December 2020 at

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, 2005, Federal and NJ state primary and secondary drinking water standards as of February 2005: State of New Jersey web page, accessed September 18, 2014, at

Pope, D.A., 2006, Simulation of proposed increases in ground-water withdrawals from the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, New Jersey Coastal Plain: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5114, 17 p., accessed December 2020 at

Pope, D.A., Carleton, G.B., Buxton, D.E., Walker, R.L., Shourds, J.L., and Reilly, P.A., 2012, Simulated effects of alternative withdrawal strategies on groundwater flow in the unconfined Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, the Rio Grande water-bearing zone, and the Atlantic City 800-foot sand in the Great Egg Harbor and Mullica River Basins, New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5187, 139 p., accessed December 2020 at

Pope, D.A., and Gordon, A.D., 1999, Simulation of groundwater flow and movement of the freshwater-saltwater interface in the New Jersey Coastal Plain: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4126, 159 p. accessed December 2020 at

U.S. Geological Survey, 2015, Groundwater levels for New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System database, accessed June 17, 2015, at

Voronin, L.M., Spitz, F.J., and McAuley, S.D., 1996, Evaluation of saltwater intrusion and travel time in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, Cape May County, New Jersey, 1992, by use of a coupled model approach and flow path analysis: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 95–4280, 38 p., accessed December 2020 at

Zapecza, O.S., 1989, Hydrogeologic framework of the New Jersey Coastal Plain: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1404-B, 49 p., 24 pl.

Conversion Factors

U.S. customary units to International System of Units

Multiply By To obtain
foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m)
mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer (km)
acre 4,047 square meter (m2)
square foot (ft2) 0.09290 square meter (m2)
square mile (mi2) 2.590 square kilometer (km2)
gallon (gal) 3.785 liter (L)
million gallons (Mgal) 3,785 cubic meter (m3)
cubic foot per second (ft3/s) 0.02832 cubic meter per second (m3/s)
gallon per day (gal/d) 0.003785 cubic meter per day (m3/d)
million gallons per day (Mgal/d) 0.04381 cubic meter per second (m3/s)


Vertical coordinate information is referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), except for figure 10, which is referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29).

Horizontal coordinate information is referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

Altitude, as used in this report, refers to distance above the vertical datum.

Sea level in this report is defined as an altitude of 0.0 NAVD 88.

Supplemental Information

Concentrations of chemical constituents in water are given in either milligrams per liter (mg/L) or micrograms per liter (µg/L).



Cape May Atlantic County model


Cape May City Water Department




Lower Township Municipal Utilities Authority


million gallons per day


million gallons per year


milligrams per liter

NAD 83

North American Datum of 1983


North American Vertical Datum of 1988


National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929


New Jersey American Water Corporation


New Jersey Coastal Plain


New Jersey of Department of Environmental Protection


New Jersey Unique Identification number


pumping well


U.S. Geological Survey


Wildwood Water Utility

For additional information, contact:

Director, New Jersey Water Science Center

U.S. Geological Survey

3450 Princeton Pike, Suite 110

Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

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Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also may contain copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner.

Suggested Citation

Carleton, G.B., 2021, Simulation of potential water allocation changes, Cape May County, New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020–5052, 39 p.,

ISSN: 2328-0328 (online)

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Simulation of potential water allocation changes, Cape May County, New Jersey
Series title Scientific Investigations Report
Series number 2020-5052
DOI 10.3133/sir20205052
Year Published 2021
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Publisher location Reston, VA
Contributing office(s) New Jersey Water Science Center
Description Report: vi, 39 p.; Data Release
Country United States
State New Jersey
County Cape May County
Online Only (Y/N) Y
Additional Online Files (Y/N) N
Google Analytic Metrics Metrics page
Additional publication details