Simulating the Effects of Climate-Related Changes to Air Temperature and Precipitation on Streamflow and Water Temperature in the Meduxnekeag River Watershed, Maine

Scientific Investigations Report 2021-5104
Prepared in cooperation with the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians
By:  and 



Responsible stewardship of native fish populations and riparian plants in the Meduxnekeag River watershed in northeastern Maine is a high priority for the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians. Understanding the potential changes in hydrology and water temperature as a result of climate change is important to this priority for evaluating future habitat conditions in the watershed. This report, prepared in cooperation with the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, documents and presents the results of a model using the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS), a hydrologic model designed to provide streamflow and water temperature simulations under predicted changes in precipitation and air temperature during the next century.

To estimate streamflows and water temperature in the Meduxnekeag River watershed, a PRMS model was developed and calibrated. By using the calibrated PRMS model, simulations were made for projected scenarios of 0, 5, 10, and 15 percent increases in precipitation and for increases in air temperature of 0.0, 3.6, 7.0, and 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit (°F). The increases in precipitation and temperature were applied to all the daily input values uniformly. These scenarios were based upon the results from 30 climate change models summarized in the National Climate Change Viewer. Streamflows and water temperatures modeled for different climate scenarios were compared with streamflows and water temperatures modeled with unadjusted climate inputs.

Overall, streamflow increased with increasing precipitation and decreased with increasing air temperature. Water temperature increased with increasing air temperature. At the outlet of the studied Meduxnekeag River watershed, with both a 15 percent increase in precipitation and a 10.4 °F increase in air temperature, the mean annual streamflow increased by 17 percent from 489 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) to 572 ft3/s, and the mean annual maximum streamflow decreased by 8.3 percent from 3,870 ft3/s to 3,550 ft3/s. At the same location and under the same scenario, the mean annual water temperature increased by 17.5 percent from 47.4 °F to 55.7 °F.

Significant changes in mean monthly streamflows were found with increasing air temperature. The PRMS model results showed that when air temperature was increased, there was an increase in mean monthly streamflow during the winter months and a decrease in mean monthly streamflow during the spring months. In addition, with a 10.4 °F increase in the air temperature, the month with the greatest monthly streamflow changed from April to December. In addition, the PRMS model estimated that the mean annual maximum snowpack in snow water equivalent for the watershed would decrease from 7.67 inches to 1.26 inches, and the mean annual date of the maximum snowpack would change from March 21 to January 28 with a 15 percent increase in precipitation and a 10.4 °F increase in air temperature.


The use and responsible stewardship of native fish populations and riparian plants in the Meduxnekeag River watershed in northeastern Maine is of critical importance to the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians (HBMI). These and other natural resources in the watershed provide substantial contributions to the cultural and economic viability of the HBMI community (Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, 2017).

Although downstream power-generating stations have diminished and even eliminated culturally significant species like the Atlantic salmon, American eel, and gaspereau (alewife) from the Meduxnekeag River, hydrologic trends due to climate change pose additional threats to aquatic life and sustenance fishing. Hydrologic-trend studies in New England have documented changes in several components of the water cycle, including streamflows, during the past 30 to 40 years. Winter-and-spring streamflows, comprising a combination of snowmelt runoff and rain, have become significantly (with a probability of significance greater than 90 percent—that is, p less than [<] 0.1) earlier in northern and mountainous sections of the northeastern United States during the 20th century, with most of the change occurring over a 1- to 2-week period within the last 30 years (Dudley and Hodgkins, 2002; Hodgkins and others, 2003; Hodgkins and Dudley, 2006; Dudley and others, 2017). Annual peak flows have increased significantly in the northeastern United States during the past 50 to 100 years (Hodgkins and Dudley, 2005; Collins, 2009; Hodgkins and others, 2019), summer-stormflow magnitudes have increased in many rivers (Hodgkins and Dudley, 2011), and seasonal groundwater levels have increased throughout much of northern New England (Dudley and Hodgkins, 2013).

In addition, projections for climate change in the northeastern United States include warmer temperatures and increases in precipitation. Annual precipitation in the northeastern United States is projected to increase by about 5 to 8 percent by the middle of the 21st century and by about 7 to 14 percent by the end of the 21st century (Hayhoe and others, 2007a). The annual mean air temperature in the northeastern United States is projected to increase by about 3.8 to 5.2 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) by the middle of the 21st century and by approximately 5.2 to 9.4 °F by the end of the 21st century (Hayhoe and others, 2007a). Some State and Federal agencies responsible for the management of water resources, civil infrastructure, and human resources dependent upon hydrologic systems have been proactively preparing for the effects of climate-related changes in streamflows (for example, Maine Department of Transportation [Hodgkins and Dudley, 2013] and New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services [Bjerklie and others, 2015]).

The successful persistence of fish species in the Meduxnekeag River watershed will depend on specific favorable hydrologic and water-quality conditions. A proactive approach to understanding and anticipating the needs of aquatic life in the watershed should include an assessment of the sensitivity of streamflows and water temperature to the predicted changes in precipitation and air temperature.

Previous Investigations

The prediction of hydrologic vulnerability caused by future climate scenarios has increasingly become a major point of research in the Northeast (Neff and others, 2000). Mack (2009) assessed a future climate scenario for the seacoast region by simulating potential variations in groundwater recharge and water use. Future projections were based on and compared to existing conditions and historical trends. Bjerklie and others (2011) used a watershed-runoff model to simulate groundwater recharge and snowfall in the Connecticut River Basin (western New Hampshire) and found that, during 1960‒2007, snowfall generally decreased, and base flow (discharge to streams from groundwater) increased. These changes were not distributed uniformly in time or space, and snowfall and base flow have marginally decreased or increased in some places in response to local conditions. Similarly, for the 57-year study period from 1950 to 2006, Hodgkins and Dudley (2011) measured increased base flow and stormflow in New England, and Dudley and Hodgkins (2013) measured higher groundwater levels.

Wake and others (2014a, b) indicated that the climate-model consensus showed increasing air temperature and precipitation for New England in the future, at least until 2100. Bjerklie and others (2011, 2015) projected that, in response to the climate change, groundwater recharge (and subsequently base flow) will likely continue to increase, and snowfall, to decrease, in parts of New Hampshire and the Connecticut River Basin. These effects do not happen everywhere but depend on the results of the global circulation model (often referred to as a “global climate model”), the local physiographic features represented in the model, and greenhouse-gas-emission scenarios that are coupled with land use and land cover within a projected global economic framework (Stocker and others, 2013). Similar projections were reported by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS; 2021a) on the basis of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change fifth climate change assessment report (Stocker and others, 2013) and the National Climate Assessment (Melillo and others, 2014; U.S. Global Change Research Program, 202164). Campbell and others (2011) reported that precipitation in the White Mountains of New Hampshire has increased during the latter half of the 20th century, resulting in increased water yield, and that the upward trend in precipitation is expected to continue into the future. Researchers also reported a decrease in evapotranspiration over the same period (Campbell and others, 2011; Melillo and others, 2014); however, they expected that evapotranspiration will increase in the future in response to rising air temperatures (projected by global circulation models), and that might keep pace with increasing precipitation, offsetting continued increases in water yield.

Past trends show precipitation increases across much of the conterminous United States (Karl and Knight, 1998; Groisman and others, 2005). These trends have also been noted in more localized studies in parts of New England (Miller and others, 2002) and the State of New York (Burns and others, 2007). The increase in streamflow that was measured in about 1970 coincided with changes in the timing of snowmelt peaks in New England (Hodgkins and others, 2003). These historical trends have been shown to be consistent with global circulation model projections used in hydrologic-model simulations for the recent past (Bjerklie and others, 2011). The projections from the global circulation model simulations are consistent with the historical trends and indicate that the trends in precipitation, temperature, and total runoff will continue to increase in the northeastern United States (Hayhoe and others, 2007b). Additionally, Demaria and others (2016) predicted increases in the magnitude of 3-day peak flows and decreases in the magnitude of 7-day low flows in the Northeast on the basis of simulations of future climates from 16 global circulation models.

Changes in land and water use also could affect hydrologic conditions in the future. This is particularly true in areas with high populations. Claessens and others (2006) suggested that land-use change is not as effective as climate change and water use in causing changes in the water budget for an urbanized watershed in Massachusetts; however, the balance of these effects likely will depend on the spatial distribution of climate change factors and degrees of urbanization. In contrast, LaFontaine and others (2015) found that land-use change (characterized as increasing development and impervious surface) can have a great effect on total runoff generated from a watershed; however, specific stormwater-management practices can largely mitigate this effect.

Objectives and Scope

This report presents the data, methods, and results of a cooperative study of the Meduxnekeag River watershed to build and calibrate a deterministic watershed model and a water temperature model capable of simulating future hydrologic and temperature changes on the basis of projected climate estimates. Several future climate scenarios are simulated with the models. Output from the models resulting from this project may provide hydrologic and temperature input for estimating the vulnerability of salmon to climate change.

Description of the Meduxnekeag River Watershed

The Meduxnekeag River originates from Meduxnekeag Lake in the southeastern part of Aroostook County, Maine, flows east-northeast for roughly 11 miles to the downstream end of the study area, and then continues east for another 11 miles to its confluence with the St. John River in New Brunswick, Canada. The drainage area at the downstream end of the study area (fig. 1) is 257 square miles (mi2); the drainage area at the mouth of the Meduxnekeag River where it flows into the St. John River, however, is 516 mi2.

Outline of the Meduxnekeag River watershed in Maine.
Figure 1.

Map showing the Meduxnekeag River watershed study area in Maine.

Within the study area, the watershed is primarily forested especially in the headwaters area, whereas agricultural lands dominate the central and eastern parts of the watershed and the area along the river corridor. The river passes through nearly 2 miles (mi) of the urbanized areas of Houlton at approximately 4 mi upstream from the downstream end of the study area.

The climate in the Meduxnekeag River watershed is temperate, with mild summers and cold winters. The mean annual air temperature during 1981–2010 was about 41 degrees Fahrenheit (°F), with mean monthly air temperatures ranging from about 12 °F in January to 66 °F in July (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2020). The mean annual precipitation is 41 inches (in.). The mean annual evapotranspiration for the Meduxnekeag River watershed area was estimated to be 17 in. from 1951 to 1980 (Randall, 1996).

Meduxnekeag River Watershed Model

The watershed model used for this investigation was the USGS Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) version 5.1.0 (Leavesley and others, 1983; Markstrom and others, 2015). PRMS, a deterministic, distributed-parameter, physically based watershed-modeling system, was applied to evaluate the effects of changes in climate and land cover on streamflows, stream temperatures, and general watershed hydrology (Markstrom and others, 2015). Responses to climate and land-cover changes are simulated in terms of water and energy balances, streamflow regimes, flood peaks and volumes, soil-water relations, and groundwater recharge. In PRMS, the components of streamflow include contributions from surface runoff, subsurface (soils) interflow, and groundwater; and the basin’s water budget consists of storage in snowpack, soil moisture, and groundwater, inputs from precipitation and snowmelt, losses to evapotranspiration, recharge to the deeper aquifer system, and outflows to streams from surface, subsurface, and shallow-groundwater reservoirs.

The PRMS is a modular modeling system, whereby select modules that represent watershed-process algorithms are combined into a customized PRMS model from a library of subroutine modules to simulate components of a particular hydrologic system, including water, energy processes, and stream temperature. PRMS operates on a fixed daily time step and is driven by daily inputs of total precipitation and maximum and minimum temperatures. The Meduxnekeag PRMS model (Olson, 2021) includes a list of modules used in this configuration. Supplemental information regarding PRMS modules and source code specific to the PRMS configuration presented in this report is available in the PRMS user’s manual (Markstrom and others, 2015) and the USGS PRMS developer’s resources (U.S. Geological Survey, 2021b).

The PRMS lends itself to the goals of this study because the model includes a stream temperature module for the simulation of mean daily water temperatures in a network of stream segments. This stream temperature module was developed as a recent enhancement to the PRMS. This new module is based on the Stream Network Temperature model, which was developed as a mechanistic, one-dimensional heat-transport model (Theurer and others, 1984) by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Hydrologic Response Units

In the PRMS model for the Meduxnekeag River watershed, the modeled region is divided into polygon-shaped subwatersheds called hydrologic response units (HRUs). The daily water balance is simulated for each of the HRUs based on precipitation and temperature input data. The HRUs in the PRMS model include a wide range of sizes selected to provide a dense distribution of hydrologic output across the watershed. HRU boundaries coincide with catchments that drain to the Meduxnekeag River and its network of tributaries. The total runoff simulated by the PRMS is aggregated from the HRUs draining to and routed through stream segments that represent the stream channel network. Each stream segment defined in the PRMS represents a channel reach bounded by an HRU or, in most cases, on each side of the channel by an HRU. Each channel, except for the most upstream segment, is fed by an upstream segment and the bounding HRUs. The accumulated discharge in the segment is routed to the next downstream segment by the use of a Muskingum routing scheme (Markstrom and others, 2015).

The Meduxnekeag River watershed was subdivided into 317 HRU catchments that compose a network of 160 stream reach segments representing the Meduxnekeag River drainage system (fig. 2). Detailed datasets showing the HRU catchments and stream segments with identifiers are provided in Olson (2021). The HRUs and the stream segment distribution were determined on the basis of the level of detail needed for water-management decision making. The HRU and segments were distributed at a scale such that simulated data for all locations of potential interest within the watershed would be available.

Outlines for the hydrologic response units and streams in the Meduxnekeag River watershed,
Figure 2.

Map showing the distribution of hydrologic response unit (HRUs) in the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine, and the stream segments that compose the drainage network in the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling-System model.

Initial PRMS Parameterization

The PRMS model uses physically based algorithms to simulate various hydrologic processes (Markstrom and others, 2015; Bjerklie and Sturtevant, 2017). Within the model, parameters are assigned to HRUs and stream segments. These parameters are used in the computations of the algorithms to determine the hydrologic response of each HRU and stream segment. The PRMS simulates the hydrologic cycle by using the spatial variation in measurable physical characteristics—including land cover, topography, soil, and geology—that can be quantified within a geographic information system (GIS). The initial values for the parameters in the model were defined by using a GIS method developed for a New England regional PRMS model generated as part of the USGS National Hydrologic Model (NHM) or were directly downscaled from the regional New England PRMS model (Regan and others, 2018). The regional NHM model represented the Meduxnekeag River watershed with 6 HRUs, and the smaller scale Meduxnekeag model in this investigation included 317 HRUs.

Many of the initial parameters from the regional NHM model were not subject to calibration but were based on physical quantities that were derived from the geographic data for each HRU, and therefore were scaled directly from the GIS. It was assumed that the calibration of the regional NHM model would hold for the current time frame within the local scale model for the purpose of comparison with future projections. The GIS characteristics were obtained from national and statewide datasets that included the coordinates of the HRU centroid, topography (slope, aspect, and altitude; U.S. Geological Survey, 2020), soils (Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2019), land cover (Vogelmann and others, 2001; U.S. Geological Survey, undated b), and hydrography (U.S. Geological Survey, undated a). Snow-related parameters were primarily derived from an analysis of the temperature input data, which indicated when snow, mixed rain and snow, and all rain occurred.

The parameters subject to calibration were adapted to the Meduxnekeag River watershed-scale model from the regional PRMS model by correlating the parameters in the regional model with a set of GIS information, including mean HRU elevation, slope, and latitude. The elevation, slope, and latitude to be used as predictive variables for each of the 317 HRU were determined using a GIS and the National Elevation Dataset (U.S. Geological Survey, 2020). A multiple regression method was used to derive a predictive relation between the parameter to be downscaled and the predictive variables, and then the predictive variables associated with each HRU were used to determine the value of the parameter for that HRU. The parameters that were extrapolated from the HRUs in the regional model were based on the assumption that the regional-model calibration holds for the current state of the watershed hydrology. The regional model was calibrated by using data up to and including 2016 (Regan and others, 2018). In most cases, slope and elevation were sufficient to explain 70 percent or more of the variation in the parameter values. This method of distributing the parameter values is based on the assumption that the processes represented by the extrapolated parameters are not scale dependent; the result is that the relations between parameter values at the regional scale are preserved at the local scale.

Table 1 lists the parameters that were distributed on the basis of the relations between their values in the regional model and the HRU elevation, slope, and latitude. The table also describes the function of each parameter in the hydrologic model algorithm. Parameters not computed from physiographic information or directly calibrated were set at values derived from the regional model or at default values (Markstrom and others, 2015). With initial parameterization of the Meduxnekeag model completed, data could be applied to the model for calibration.

Table 1.    

Parameters distributed to model hydrologic response units in a regional model for the Meduxnekeag River Watershed, Maine.

[Data are from Olson (2021). Regional response units (HRUs) are distributed on the basis of the relations of their values in the regional model HRU and the HRU elevation, slope, and latitude, which are subject to calibration. ELEV, mean elevation of the HRU, in feet; ET, evapotranspiration; GWR, groundwater reservoir; LAT, latitude of the HRU, in degrees north; LUCA, Let Us Calibrate calibration software (Hay and Makiko, 2006; U.S. Geological Survey, 2013); NRMSE, normalized root-mean square error of the discharge estimates; NSE, Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency value of the discharge estimates; SLOPE, mean slope of the HRU, in feet per foot; °F, degree Fahrenheit]

HRU parameter name Parameter model function Initial parameter- distribution relation Calibration method Final range of values
jh_coef_hru Air temperature coefficient used to control the spatial variation in potential evaporation demand as a function of HRU elevation and latitude per °F 212.38–5.35×(LAT) LUCA objective function NRMSE, then manual adjustments −33.20 to −31.06
jh_coef Air temperature coefficient used to control monthly variation in potential evaporation demand for each HRU per °F Taken from regional model Manual adjustments 0.000646 to 0.00428
carea_max Maximum area of variable saturated source in an HRU that can contribute directly to water bodies, in decimal fraction (ELEV×SLOPE)−0.34 No adjustments 0.245 to 1.0
fastcoef_lin Coefficient used to estimate daily outflow from the upper part of the subsurface (between the soil and the saturated groundwater) reservoir associated with each HRU, in fraction per day 53.48*(ELEV)−1.66 LUCA objective function NRMSE, then manual adjustments 0.133 to 0.361
gwflow_coef Coefficient used to control daily outflow from the groundwater reservoir associated with each HRU, in fraction per day (ELEV)−0.75 LUCA objective function NSE, then manual adjustments 0.0358 to 0.0560
K-coef Travel time of flood wave from one segment to the next downstream segment, called the Muskingum storage coefficient, in hours Initial value set to 1.0 LUCA objective function NSE, then manual adjustments 1.37 to 4.52
slowcoef_lin Coefficient used to control daily outflow from the lower part of the subsurface (between the soil and the saturated groundwater) reservoir associated with each HRU, in fraction per day 26.72×(ELEV)−1.66 LUCA objective function NRMSE, then manual adjustments 0.131 to 0.245
smidx_coef Coefficient used to control the rate of growth of the variable source area of saturated soil around streams and wetlands that contribute direct runoff to water bodies in each HRU, in decimal fraction Taken from regional model No adjustments 0.0178 to 0.139
soil_moist_max Controls the amount of infiltrated water percolating directly into the saturated groundwater from the soil layer and bypassing the subsurface zone, in inches (ELEV)0.36 No adjustments 5.16 to 7.88
soil_rechr_max_frac Maximum storage in soil recharge zone (upper layers of capillary reservoir, where losses occur as both evaporation and transpiration), in decimal fraction (ELEV)−0.10 No adjustments 0.548 to 0.620
soil2gw_max Controls the amount of infiltrated water percolating directly into the groundwater from the saturated soil layer and bypassing the subsurface zone, in inches 41,701×(ELEV)−2.49 No adjustments 0.0241 to 0.461
ssr2gw_rate Coefficient used to route the water from the lower part of the subsurface reservoir to the groundwater reservoir for each HRU, in fraction per day (ELEV)−0.15 LUCA objective function NRMSE, then manual adjustments 0.0300 to 0.100
Table 1.    Parameters distributed to model hydrologic response units in a regional model for the Meduxnekeag River Watershed, Maine.


The model parameters that define the characteristics of each HRU and the stream segments that compose the model structure were based on GIS information. These data determine the hydrologic response of each HRU and stream segment to the dynamic model input. The dynamic input (the data that drive the model output) consisted of daily precipitation and daily maximum and minimum air temperatures. Model calibration and evaluation were based on comparison with USGS streamflow and stream temperature data collected at three streamgages within the watershed (see “PRMS Model Development” section of this report). In addition, miscellaneous water temperature data collected at various locations within the stream network in the watershed were also used for comparison with model output of water temperature data.

Streamflow Data

USGS streamflow records were used for calibration and evaluation of the PRMS model. The data consisted of daily streamflow measurements from three USGS streamgages in the Meduxnekeag River watershed (fig. 3; table 2). The streamflow data from the Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine streamgage (USGS site number 01018035) were used for model calibration. The streamflow data from the Meduxnekeag River above South Branch Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine (USGS site number 01017960) and Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine (USGS site number 01018000) streamgages were used for model evaluation. None of the daily-discharge data from the streamgages used for model evaluation were significantly affected by lake and reservoir storage or water diversions; however, a small discharge from the Houlton wastewater treatment facility outfall contributed to flow at the downstream streamgage used for calibration (site number 01018035).

Table 2.    

U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine.

[Data are from Olson (2021). Locations of streamgages are shown in figure 3. Evaluation streamgages are listed in downstream order]

Statistic Calibration streamgage 01018035 Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine Evaluation streamgage
01017960 Meduxnekeag River above South Branch Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine 01018000 Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine
Elevation, in feet above the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 290 355 334
Drainage area, in square miles 257 88 175
Years with records used in analyses of streamflow data 12 (2005–16) 13 (2004–16) 12 (2004–15)
Years with records used in analyses of temperature data 8 (2005, 2006, and 2011–16) 2 (2005 and 2006) 2 (2005 and 2006)
Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System stream segment identifier associated with the streamgage 18 42 41
Table 2.    U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine.
Triangles show streamgages, and dots show outfalls in the Meduxnekeag River watershed,
Figure 3.

Map of the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine, showing locations of the three U.S. Geological Survey streamgages and the outfalls in the study area.

Stream Temperature Data

Stream temperature data were collected by the USGS at three USGS streamgages (fig. 3; table 2). Data for 8 years (2010–2018) of stream temperature data were used for calibration from the Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine streamgage. Because the other two streamgages had shorter records (only 2 years) of stream temperature data, these records were used in the evaluation of the model.

Data collected by the HBMI were also available for modeled stream temperature evaluation. The HBMI has a significant database of stream temperature data available. Of the data-collection stations (more than 100) managed by the HBMI, 7 were selected for use as additional evaluation sites because of their lengths of record and locations (fig. 4; table 3). With a few exceptions, the HBMI sites were operated only during the summer.

Table 3.    

Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians stream temperature data-collection sites used in the evaluation of a model to simulate potential changes in hydrology and water temperature in the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine.

[Data are from Olson (2021). Station locations are shown on figure 4. PRMS, Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System]

Station identifier River Years of record PRMS stream segment identifier associated with the station
2.2MDX Meduxnekeag River 3 (2010, 2015–2016) 100
7.7MDX Meduxnekeag River 3 (2014–2016) 94
9.1MDX Meduxnekeag River 6 (2009–2010, 2013–2016) 42
16.4MDX Meduxnekeag River 6 (2009–2010, 2013–2016) 27
18.9MDX Meduxnekeag River 6 (2009–2010, 2013–2016) 18
1.3MIL Mill Brook 5 (2010, 2012, 2014–2016) 91
3.6MOB Moose Brook 2 (2015–2016) 84
Table 3.    Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians stream temperature data-collection sites used in the evaluation of a model to simulate potential changes in hydrology and water temperature in the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine.
Diamonds show stream temperature data collection sites in the Meduxnekeag River watershed,
Figure 4.

Map showing locations of the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians (HBMI) stream temperature data collection sites used in the evaluation of a model to simulate potential changes in hydrology and water temperature in the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine.

Precipitation and Air Temperature Data

The PRMS uses daily precipitation totals and maximum and minimum daily air temperatures as input. The daily precipitation and air temperature data used for this model were obtained for a 37-year period (1980–2016) through the USGS Geo Data Portal (U.S. Geological Survey, 2011). The 37-year period provided time-series data of sufficient length to yield mean values and variability representative enough to ensure that inferential statistics would be meaningful.

Three national gridded weather-input datasets were evaluated for use in the model, including the University of Idaho daily meteorological data for the continental United States (UIdaho; Abatzoglou, 2011), gridded meteorological data for 1949–2010 (Maurer and others, 2002a, b38), and Daymet daily surface weather data (version 3; Thornton and others, 2016). These gridded data products were interpolated from station data, a process that can cause enough smoothing of the data to produce inaccurate time and magnitude values for local daily events; however, long-term averages are accurate (Thornton and others, 1997; Stahl and others, 2006; Oubeidillah and others, 2013; Di Vittorio and Miller, 2014).

The comparison of the three datasets showed that the temperature data were quite similar among all three; however, the daily precipitation for the Daymet data was markedly different from the other two datasets—showing more days with precipitation and higher precipitation values on average. From 1981 to 2010, for example, the Daymet, UIdaho, and Maurer datasets included 4,096, 3,204, and 2,887 days of precipitation, respectively. For the same period, the Daymet, UIdaho, and Maurer datasets included mean annual precipitation values of 46.45, 41.52, and 41.76 inches, respectively. The expected annual value of precipitation was about 41.5 inches; this value was derived from long-term records provided in Huntington and Billmire (2014) for watersheds in northern Maine adjacent to or near the Meduxnekeag River watershed.

The comparison also evaluated preliminary (before model calibration) evapotranspiration simulated by the PRMS. The simulated evapotranspiration estimates derived from the UIdaho and Maurer data were closer to the expected value of 17.5 inches annually reported in Huntington and Billmire (2014). Based on these comparisons, the UIdaho and Maurer datasets are considered to be the best for calibrating and simulating the current hydrologic conditions. The Maurer data, however, do not extend past 2010. Hence, the UIdaho dataset was used for this study because of the similarity to the Maurer data, because the expected values of both precipitation and simulated evapotranspiration were more similar to those reported in Huntington and Billmire (2014) and because the UIdaho dataset extends beyond 2010. It is important to note, however, that the UIdaho dataset shows the maximum daily rainfall as substantially lower than the rainfall values reported in the other two datasets, indicating that simulated peak flows might not be as high as they would be if the Maurer or Daymet data were used for the modeling.

Outfalls in the Stream Network

Two outfalls (fig. 3) divert water into the stream network. One is discharge from the Houlton wastewater treatment facility; the other is discharge from an industrial site. The mean of the discharge rate from the Houlton wastewater treatment facility was 1.7 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) from January 2013 to April 2018. The industrial site used a lower mean discharge rate of 0.05 ft3/s from January 2017 to August 2018, when it was discharging water.

The mean discharge of the Houlton wastewater treatment facility was added manually into the simulated streamflow downstream of the inflow point for model calibration. The discharge from the industrial site was ignored because it was insignificant to the calibration. Including the water temperature from the outfalls in the calibration was deemed unwarranted because (1) the magnitudes of the discharges from the outfall were small compared with the streamflow, (2) the temperature of the outfall discharge would not significantly differ from the expected stream temperature, and (3) the stream temperature at the outfalls was not known.

Climate Data for Future Projections

The daily precipitation and maximum and minimum air temperatures were modified to represent possible future climate conditions so that the model could be used to evaluate the effects that climate change might have on streamflow and stream temperatures. The input modifications projected a range of possible changes based on models for two representative concentration pathways (RCP) emission scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, Stocker and others, 2013). RCP4.5 is a scenario during which greenhouse gases stabilize; RCP8.5 is a scenario where greenhouse gases continue to rise unchecked to the end of the century. The National Climate Change Viewer (U.S. Geological Survey, 2021a) was used to view the results of the means of 30 climate change models for the RCP scenarios in the Meduxnekeag River watershed. All scenarios projected the climate of the Meduxnekeag River watershed to become warmer and wetter.

Using the National Climate Change Viewer, a matrix of changes to daily precipitation and maximum and minimum air temperatures was assembled to represent a range of possible climate change scenarios from the present [2021] to the end of the century [2099]. To encompass potential future climate change, the matrix includes all combinations of the precipitation increasing by 0, 5, 10, and 15 percent and the maximum and minimum air temperature increasing by 0, 3.6, 7.0, and 10.4 °F. The increases in precipitation and temperature were applied to all the daily input values uniformly such that each daily value in the current conditions (baseline) input file (0 percent increase in precipitation and 0 °F increase in maximum and minimum daily temperature) was increased by 5, 10, and 15 percent and 3.6, 7.0, and 10.4 °F respectively.

These changes in climate were applied to the entire 37-year period (1980–2016) of available precipitation and maximum and minimum air temperature data. After applying the climate-related changes to the model, statistics of the results for each element in the matrix were compared with the model’s results for the 37-year period without climate change adjustments to evaluate the effects of each of the climate change scenarios.

PRMS Model Development

The PRMS can be parameterized at a wide range of scales with any scheme for subdividing the modeled area, provided that the subdivisions correspond to watershed boundaries. PRMS simulations are based on the spatial variation in measurable physical characteristics—including land cover, topography, soil, and geology—that can be quantified by using GIS. The PRMS simulates evapotranspiration, surface runoff, groundwater-storage flux, snow cover, snowmelt, and streamflow, as well as other hydrologic variables. The PRMS computes these water-balance variables for all subdivisions (HRUs) that compose the watershed of interest. Once the initial parameterization was complete (see “Initial PRMS Parameterization” section of this report), and the precipitation, temperature, and streamflow data were compiled, the model was calibrated.

PRMS Calibration

Once the initial parameters were established, and the model was running, the model was calibrated by adjusting key water-balance and routing parameters (table 1), including the coefficients used to simulate potential evapotranspiration, travel time within the stream network, and the rate of release from the groundwater reservoir. Several parameters that were initialized by extrapolation from the HRUs in the regional model were calibrated subsequently.

The Meduxnekeag River watershed includes three USGS streamgages, each of which has a length of record greater than 10 years (table 2). The entire available records from the streamgages were used for calibration or evaluation. The model was calibrated on the most recent data from the downstream streamgage (Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, ME, 01018035) and then evaluated on the two upstream streamgage records. The calibration process used the automated calibration software LUCA (Hay and Makiko, 2006), with the objective function being either the normalized root-mean-square error of discharge estimates or the Nash-Sutcliff efficiency of discharge estimates (table 1).

In addition, the manual calibration was done based on model performance. This included manual adjustments on parameters calibrated by the LUCA software. The calibrated parameters were assigned values that are physically reasonable on the basis of modeling experience (Bjerklie and Sturtevant, 2017). The outfall discharge from the Houlton wastewater treatment facility (fig. 3) was considered in the calibration by adding the mean outfall discharge (1.7 ft3/s) to the simulated natural discharge from the watershed. The discharge from other outfall was not used in the calibration because the average discharge of available data was less than 0.1 ft3/s.

The model’s calibration was evaluated on the basis of matching general water-balance information and goodness-of-fit statistics for simulated streamflow compared with USGS measured streamflow. The goodness-of-fit statistics included the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) statistic (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970). Following Moriasi and others (2007), an NSE of 0.5 or greater is considered a satisfactory or good fit between the simulated and measured hydrographs, and an NSE of 0.4 to 0.5 is considered marginally satisfactory. Values of NSE less than 0.4 are considered unsatisfactory.

Additional goodness-of-fit statistics included the normalized root-mean-square error (NRMSE, normalized on the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the record) and the percent bias (PBIAS). A comparison of flow-durations and low-flow statistics was also used for evaluating model performance. The evaluation statistics were based on similar measures. The use of the upstream streamgages for evaluation enabled an assessment of how well the model provided information distributed across the watershed.

Stream Temperature Module

The stream temperature module in the PRMS was developed to provide a method to simulate mean daily stream water temperatures along a network of stream segments defined in the PRMS (Sanders and others, 2017). The computational methods in the stream temperature module are based on the Stream Network Temperature model originally developed by Theurer and others (1984) at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and subsequently described by Bartholow (2010).

The stream temperature module routes stream temperatures downstream, accounting for reach-scale processes that alter the temperature balance. Groundwater temperature is estimated by balancing the mean annual air temperature with the daily air temperature fluctuation. Land-cover, humidity, evapotranspiration, solar radiation, and canopy cover parameters are employed in the module. The stream temperature module computes mean and maximum daily water temperatures for each stream segment defined in a PRMS.

Parameterization and Calibration of the Temperature Module

The stream temperature module uses information from the PRMS model to assign physical parameters to each stream segment. This information includes characteristics of each stream segment as the slope of the stream segment, the aspect of the channel, and shading of the stream channel as determined by the density of the vegetative cover. Several key parameters that affect stream temperature are not calibrated as part of the PRMS hydrologic-model calibration. These key parameters include the stream width and the temperature contribution determined by the residence time in the groundwater (gw_tau) and in the subsurface (ss_tau) discharge reservoirs (table 4). These parameter values were computed directly from physical relationships derived for the stream channel or were calibrated manually.

Table 4.    

Calibrated water temperature module parameters for the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System for the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine.

[Data are from Olson (2021). The Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System is from Leavesley and others (1983) and Markstrom and others (2015). HRU, hydrologic response unit]

Parameter Hydrologic process Calibration method Range of values
ccov_slope Monthly coefficient in cloud-cover relation for each HRU Not calibrated −0.013
gw_tau Control of groundwater-discharge temperature as a function of residence time in the groundwater reservoir, in days Calibrated as part of the temperature module 6
gwflow_coef Coefficient used to control daily outflow from the groundwater reservoir associated with each HRU, in fraction per day Calibrated as part of the PRMS hydrologic model 0.0358 to 0.0560
jh_coef Air temperature coefficient used to control monthly variation in potential evaporation demand for each HRU per degree Fahrenheit Calibrated as part of the PRMS hydrologic model 0.000646 to 0.00428
lat_temp_adj Monthly correction factor to adjust the bias of the temperature of lateral inflow Calibrated as part of the temperature module 0 to 3.5
smidx_coef Coefficient used to control the calculated rate of growth of the variable source area of saturated soil around streams and wetlands that contribute direct runoff to water bodies in each HRU, in decimal fraction Calibrated as part of PRMS hydrologic model 0.0178 to 0.139
soil_moist_max Maximum available water-holding capacity of capillary reservoir from land surface to rooting depth of the major vegetation type of each HRU affecting channel-bank moisture flux, in inches Calibrated as part of PRMS hydrologic model 5.16 to 7.88
ss_tau Control of subsurface discharge temperature as a function of residence time in the subsurface reservoir, in days Calibrated as part of temperature module 3
width_alpha Coefficient in function for channel-width calculation that controls radiation flux to the river-water surface Calibrated as part of temperature module 8.61 to 18.33
Table 4.    Calibrated water temperature module parameters for the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System for the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine.

The width of the stream segment is a critical parameter for estimating the stream temperature because it determines the surface area over which heat is exchanged with the atmosphere. The stream width was estimated by deriving a width-discharge relation that used data from the three USGS streamflow gages located within the watershed, and then extrapolated to each stream segment on the basis of the slope and elevation of the stream segment. Similarly, a relation between the groundwater and subsurface model-routing parameters was developed on the basis of slope and elevation measurements and was then used to distribute these parameter values to each HRU.

Final calibration for the stream temperature module was completed by manually, adjusting the effective stream width and the residence time in the groundwater- and subsurface- discharge reservoirs. Evaluations of the calibration runs were based upon matching the mean and standard deviations of the open-water temperatures at the downstream USGS gage, maximizing the NSE, and minimizing the NRMSE. The temperature data from the two upstream USGS streamgages and those collected by the HBMI at selected locations were used to evaluate the model results. The entire period of record available for the water temperature measuring sites was used for calibration and evaluation.

Several important considerations need to be made when the calibration and evaluation of the temperature simulations are interpreted. First, the model simulates a mean temperature for the stream segment, whereas the observed temperatures are point measurements that might differ from the mean along the reach. Second, the model does not simulate temperatures of water below ice cover or when significant ice is present; as a result, measurements made during ice-cover periods are not reliable. And third, for stream segments below the outfalls, the effects of the outfalls on the temperatures of water from the outfalls to downstream reaches were not included in the simulated stream temperatures.

Discussion of Results from the Calibrated Model

Records from the streamgage used for calibration (USGS station 01018035; fig. 3; table 2) included at least 10 years of daily-discharge data that were not significantly affected by lake and reservoir storage or water diversions. The PRMS simulated long-term water balance (more than 10 years, 2005–2016) for the watershed upstream from the calibration gage showed values for annual precipitation, evapotranspiration, and runoff to be well within the expected ranges. The mean annual precipitation input to the model from the UIdaho dataset was 41.3 in.; the expected value for the Meduxnekeag River watershed was 41.6 to 43.4 in. (Huntington and Billmire, 2014). The mean annual evapotranspiration computed by the model for the watershed was 15.0 in.; the expected value was 12.6 to 16.8 in. (Maine Geological Survey, 2018). The mean annual runoff simulated by PRMS was 26.3 in., slightly larger than the expected range of 24.4 to 25.8 in. (Huntington and Billmire, 2014). These results indicated that the long-term water balance in the model is satisfactory.

Other outputs such as groundwater recharge and snow water equivalent were also within expected magnitudes. The mean annual groundwater recharge simulated by PRMS was 12.0 inches per year (in/yr). This value falls within the approximate 95 percent confidence interval of 11.7 to 23.1 in/yr of recharge reported by Nielsen and Westenbroek (2019) and is somewhat more than the estimates from Huntington and Billmire (2014) that range from 4.1 to 8.3 in/yr of recharge. Given the ranges of these independent estimates, the PRMS-simulated mean annual recharge is considered to be within expected magnitudes. Finally, the mean annual snowfall in inches of snow water equivalent simulated by the model was 7.1 in.; the expected value is 7 to 9 in. (Loisell and Hodgkins, 2002; Hodgkins and Dudley, 2006).

Results and Evaluation of a PRMS Hydrologic-Model Streamflow Simulation

In addition to the general water balance, the calibrated model simulations were compared with the population of simulated streamflows with the USGS measured streamflows with the NSE statistic, the PBIAS, the NRMSE expressed as a percent, and the log residual of the simulated minus the measured streamflow. The mean and the standard deviation of the log residual reduce the weight (influence) of low- and- high-streamflow errors and thus provide a better picture of the typical residual error of a time series in which the daily and monthly residual errors are averaged.

The model showed very good simulation of the mean streamflow at all the streamgages after the calibration (fig. 5; table 5). The error for the mean-annual simulated daily streamflows for both the calibration and evaluation streamgages was less than 2.5 percent, which indicates that the regional annual water balance, on average, was well simulated. The mean percent differences and range of differences in this study are similar to the differences calculated for other calibrated PRMS models developed for complex terrain where the data were used to simulate hydrologic conditions and assess hydrologic change (Koczot and others, 2005; Chase, 2011).

Table 5.    

Statistics calculated for streamflows at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages and Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System-simulated streamflows for the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine.

[Data are from Olson (2021). Locations of streamgages are shown in figure 3. Evaluation streamgages are listed in downstream order. percentile streamflows are the percentage of streamflows in the record that exceed the listed streamflow value. ft3/s, cubic foot per second; PRMS, Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System; NRMSE, normalized root-mean-square error; NSE, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient]

Statistic Calibration streamgage 01018035
Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine
Evaluation streamgage
Meduxnekeag River above South Branch Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine
Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine
Mean of measured streamflow, in ft3/s 580 198.8 393.4
Standard deviation of measured streamflow, in ft3/s 802 273.5 536.9
Mean of PRMS-simulated streamflow, in ft3/s 570 194.2 387.2
Standard deviation of PRMS-simulated streamflow, in ft3/s 670 247.8 464.8
Percent error of the mean −1.72 −2.29 −1.57
Percent error of the standard deviation −16.5 −9.39 −13.4
Percent bias −1.44 −2.29 −1.57
NRMSE, in percent 4.63 7.46 6.52
NSE 0.681 0.61 0.64
Mean of the log residuals 0.026 0.02 0.03
Standard deviation of the log residuals 0.352 0.4 0.37
99th percentile streamflow, streamgage, in ft3/s 21.4 4.9 12.1
99th percentile streamflow, PRMS simulated, in ft3/s 12.3 4.1 8.4
90th percentile streamflow, streamgage, in ft3/s 67.2 21.8 45.1
90th percentile streamflow, PRMS simulated, in ft3/s 74 25.9 50.2
80th percentile streamflow, streamgage, in ft3/s 126 42.1 79.2
80th percentile streamflow, PRMS simulated, in ft3/s 132 45.8 91
20th percentile streamflow, streamgage, in ft3/s 799 272 557
20th percentile streamflow, PRMS simulated, in ft3/s 832 273 567
10th percentile streamflow, streamgage, in ft3/s 1,380 468 953
10th percentile streamflow, PRMS simulated, in ft3/s 1,300 441 875
1st percentile streamflow, streamgage, in ft3/s 4,310 1,460 2,820
1st percentile streamflow, PRMS simulated, in ft3/s 3,390 1,260 2,400
Table 5.    Statistics calculated for streamflows at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages and Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System-simulated streamflows for the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine.
Three graphs; solid and dashed lines graph the relation between streamflow and percent
                        of time that the streamflow is equaled or exceeded.
Figure 5.

Graphs showing U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)-measured and Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS)-simulated streamflow-duration curves for A, the calibration streamgage 01018035 and the evaluation streamgages B, 0101796 and C, 01018000 in the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine.

The NSE, log residual, PBIAS, and NRMSE characterize the overall error and bias in the simulated hydrographs compared with the measured hydrographs. The NSE statistic is a measure of how well a simulated dynamic time series (streamflow hydrograph) fits the measured time series during the period of record relative to the mean, accounting for timing and quantity. A value of 1 for the NSE indicates that the simulated and measured time series are identical, and a value of 0 indicates that the simulated time series provides as much predictive information as the mean of the measured time series alone. As previously stated, an NSE statistic of 0.5 or higher indicates a satisfactory or “good” calibration; 0.4 to less than 0.5, a marginal or “fair” calibration; and less than 0.4, a relatively “poor” calibration (Moriasi and others, 2007). For this study, a mean log residual less than 0.04 indicates an overall error of approximately 10 percent or less and is considered a good (satisfactory) calibration; an NRMSE of less than 10 percent is considered satisfactory; and a PBIAS higher than 20 percent was considered to represent a fair or poor simulation (Moriasi and others, 2007).

Whereas the calibration statistics listed in table 5 show that the simulation has a good calibration on the basis of the NSE, PBIAS, NRMSE, and mean log-residual, the error of the standard deviation of the log residuals and the relatively large percent error (compared with the mean statistics) of the standard deviations (more than 10 percent) indicates that the simulation is not representing the range of flows as well as it is representing the mean and timing of the streamflow. This error is the result of the large relative errors at both the high and low ends of the streamflow distribution (fig. 5; table 5).

The larger error on the high end of the discharge range might be explained from the precipitation-input record, which indicates that the most extreme precipitation events were not captured well by the UIdaho gridded dataset (see “Precipitation and Air Temperature Data” section of this report). Relatively large errors on the low end of discharge may be explained by the oversimplification of the groundwater-flow system in the PRMS model, as well as the fact that a small absolute error at the low end may translate to a very large percent error. Given the overall good calibration and the difficulty of simulating with high accuracy both the low and high end of the discharge range (as well as directly measuring these extremes), the overall model simulation is considered well suited for extrapolation. Given the physically based model and parameter structure, the climate change simulations are likely to be consistent with the hydrologic processes in the watershed; as such, the changes in streamflow and stream temperature relative to the baseline (current) conditions may also be considered relatively reliable.

Results and Evaluation of Stream Temperature Simulation

Water temperatures simulated by the calibrated model were compared with the population of USGS measured temperatures. The results were evaluated with the NSE statistic, the PBIAS, and the NRMSE expressed as a percent. The model showed very good simulation of the mean water temperatures at all the streamgages after the calibration (table 6). The error for the mean annual simulated daily water temperatures at the calibration streamgage was less than 1 percent. The error for the mean simulated daily water temperature at the evaluation streamgages with only two summers of data was less than 5 percent, which indicates that the temperature was well simulated. The NSE for the simulated daily water temperature at the calibration site was 0.975; NSE values of 0.577 and 0.795 at the evaluation sites indicate satisfactory simulations.

[Data are from Olson (2021). Locations of streamgages are shown in figure 3. Evaluation streamgages are listed in downstream order. °F, degree Fahrenheit; PRMS, Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System; NRMSE, normalized root-mean-square error (normalized on the mean); NSE, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient]

Statistic Calibration streamgage, 01018035 Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine Evaluation streamgage
1017960 Meduxnekeag River above South Branch Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine 1018000 Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine
Mean of measured water temperature, in °F 50.5 69.4 67.7
Standard deviation of measured water temperature, in °F 16.1 6.22 5.91
Mean of PRMS simulated water temperature, in °F 50.1 66 66
Standard deviation of PRMS simulated water temperature, in °F 15.3 6.01 6.05
Percent error of the mean −0.79 −4.9 −2.51
Percent error of the standard deviation −4.97 −3.38 2.37
Percent bias −0.66 −4.95 −2.52
NRMSE, in percent 5.08 5.81 3.94
NSE 0.975 0.577 0.795

Water temperature data collected by the HBMI were also compared with PRMS-simulated water temperature data for the stream segment where the HBMI station was located. The means compared well (table 7), with the percent errors of the mean being less than 5; however, the means of most of the PRMS-simulated water temperatures were lower than the means of the HBMI-measured water temperatures. The NSE coefficients varied greatly from 0.073 to 0.927. A low NSE coefficient (<0.4) indicates poor relationship between the records in terms of timing and magnitude. The statistics in table 7 indicate that the PRMS simulated the HBMI temperature data poorly in some stream locations and well in other locations. The reason for the poor relationships in water temperature could be that the model simulates a mean temperature for an entire stream segment, whereas the observed temperatures are point measurements that may vary from the mean for the reach, particularly if these measurements were made near the shore in shallow water or outside the main flow.

[Data are from Olson (2021). Locations of stations are shown on figure 4. °F, degree Fahrenheit; PRMS, Precipitation Runoff Modeling System; NRMSE, normalized root-mean-square error (normalized on the mean); NSE, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient]

Station identifier Measured water temperature, in °F PRMS-simulated water temperature, in °F Percent error of the mean Percent error of the standard deviation Percent bias NRMSE, in percent NSE
Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation
2.2MDX 68.2 7.08 65.3 7.03 −4.25 −0.70 −4.27 7.96 0.409
7.7MDX 67 6.6 65.4 6.17 −2.39 −6.52 −2.39 8.74 0.211
9.1MDX 68.6 6.14 67.4 5.4 −1.75 −12.10 −1.70 8.45 0.108
16.4MDX 67.2 5.77 66.6 5.81 −0.89 0.69 −0.81 8.26 0.073
18.9MDX 58.1 14.5 57.3 14.2 −1.38 −2.07 −1.37 7.96 0.899
1.3MIL 66.4 6.21 66.1 5.76 −0.45 −7.25 −0.33 7.75 0.313
3.6MOB 51.7 15.5 52.9 15.9 2.32 −2.58 2.36 8.1 0.927

Simulating the Effects of Projected Air Temperature and Precipitation Changes on Streamflow and Water Temperature

To use the model to evaluate the projected effects that climate change could have on streamflow and stream temperatures, the daily precipitation and maximum and minimum daily air temperatures input to the model were modified to represent possible future climate conditions. The input modifications projected a range of possible changes as described in the “Climate Data for Future Projections” section of this report.

To encompass future potential climate changes to daily precipitation and maximum and minimum air temperatures through the end of the century, a matrix of the combinations of the precipitation increasing by 0, 5, 10, and 15 percent and the maximum and minimum air temperatures increasing by 0, 3.6, 7.0, and 10.4 °F was used. These climate-related changes were applied uniformly to the entire 37-year period (1980–2016) of available precipitation and maximum and minimum air temperature data.

Since the algorithms in the PRMS model use the meteorological input data to estimate the daily solar radiation, changing the meteorological inputs would affect the model-estimated solar radiation; however, solar radiation should not be expected to increase above calibrated maximums caused by climate-related increases in temperature. Solar radiation, however, could theoretically be affected by an increase in precipitation, particularly on days when the precipitation was historically small and unlikely to have produced cloud cover all day; the same day under a future scenario with greater precipitation, however, might be expected to have greater cloud cover. For these reasons, it was deemed important to not allow solar radiation to change due to the increases in temperature but to allow solar radiation estimates to change due to increases in precipitation. To accomplish this, the PRMS model was first run for each of the selected precipitation change scenarios, and the daily solar radiation was output. The solar radiation dataset for each of the precipitation scenarios were then used as inputs for the model runs that included changes in temperature, and the algorithm that computes solar radiation from air temperature and precipitation was not used.

After running the climate change scenarios with the PRMS, statistics of the results for each element in the matrix were computed so that comparisons could be made with the statistics of the results computed by the model for the 37-year period without climate change adjustments. For each of the calibration and evaluation streamgage sites, the streamflow statistics that were computed included mean annual streamflow, mean annual maximum streamflow, mean annual 7-day low streamflow, mean annual minimum streamflow, and mean monthly streamflows for each month of the year (tables 810).

Table 8.    

Streamflow statistics for selected climate change scenarios at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey streamgage 01018035 Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine.

[Data are from Olson (2021). Location of streamgage is shown on figure 3. ft3/s, cubic foot per second; °F, degree Fahrenheit]

Precipitation increase Temperature increase
0 °F 3.6 °F 7.0 °F 10.4 °F
0 percent 489 480 470 461
5 percent 527 517 507 498
10 percent 565 554 544 535
15 percent 603 592 582 572
0 percent 3,870 3,300 2,940 2,840
5 percent 4,120 3,530 3,180 3,070
10 percent 4,390 3,790 3,420 3,310
15 percent 4,670 4,070 3,660 3,550
0 percent 31.1 59.4 70.4 68.7
5 percent 32.7 63.1 78.6 76.8
10 percent 34.3 66.4 87.4 85.3
15 percent 35.5 70.2 95.7 94.6
0 percent 26.4 50.1 57.2 55.4
5 percent 28.1 53.5 64.1 62.1
10 percent 30 56.7 71.4 69.2
15 percent 31.3 60 78.9 77
0 percent 251 411 552 623
5 percent 261 428 577 655
10 percent 271 445 602 687
15 percent 282 462 626 718
0 percent 124 302 468 570
5 percent 128 312 487 598
10 percent 132 321 505 625
15 percent 136 331 523 652
0 percent 330 634 669 593
5 percent 336 657 707 630
10 percent 344 679 745 666
15 percent 352 701 781 702
0 percent 1,480 975 625 502
5 percent 1,560 1,050 674 536
10 percent 1,640 1,130 723 571
15 percent 1,720 1,210 774 605
0 percent 793 520 444 419
5 percent 867 563 410 451
10 percent 942 607 512 483
15 percent 1,020 650 546 516
0 percent 460 399 373 359
5 percent 505 437 409 394
10 percent 549 476 447 430
15 percent 594 516 486 467
0 percent 284 270 259 248
5 percent 311 297 285 274
10 percent 342 324 313 301
15 percent 371 352 341 329
0 percent 233 219 208 197
5 percent 265 248 237 224
10 percent 300 280 267 253
15 percent 336 314 299 284
0 percent 237 221 209 198
5 percent 272 253 239 226
10 percent 308 288 273 258
15 percent 346 324 308 292
0 percent 491 459 434 413
5 percent 552 518 492 470
10 percent 608 576 550 528
15 percent 665 636 607 586
0 percent 643 663 669 659
5 percent 690 717 725 717
10 percent 736 768 779 772
15 percent 778 817 831 825
0 percent 545 676 730 755
5 percent 573 714 774 802
10 percent 602 750 816 846
15 percent 629 785 857 890
Table 8.    Streamflow statistics for selected climate change scenarios at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey streamgage 01018035 Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine.

Table 10.    

Streamflow statistics for selected climate change scenarios at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey streamgage 01018000 Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine.

[Data are from Olson (2021). Location of streamgage shown on figure 3. ft3/s, cubic foot per second; °F, degree Fahrenheit]

Precipitation increase Temperature increase
0 °F 3.6 °F 7.0 °F 10.4 °F
0 percent 332 326 319 313
5 percent 358 350 344 338
10 percent 383 376 370 363
15 percent 409 402 395 388
0 percent 2,892 2,560 2,330 2,240
5 percent 3,100 2,740 2,520 2,430
10 percent 3,330 2,950 2,720 2,640
15 percent 3,560 3,180 2,930 2,840
0 percent 20.8 40.4 49.6 48.6
5 percent 21.7 42.8 55.4 54.2
10 percent 22.9 44.9 60.8 60.2
15 percent 23.7 47.3 66.1 66.4
0 percent 18.1 34.2 40.7 39.6
5 percent 19 36.5 45.5 44.3
10 percent 20.1 38.4 50.4 49.2
15 percent 20.9 40.5 55.2 54.4
0 percent 172 280 375 424
5 percent 178 292 392 446
10 percent 185 303 409 468
15 percent 192 314 426 490
0 percent 84 206 319 388
5 percent 86.5 212 332 407
10 percent 89.3 219 344 426
15 percent 92 226 356 444
0 percent 236 440 456 402
5 percent 241 457 483 426
10 percent 247 472 508 451
15 percent 252 488 533 476
0 percent 1,010 659 424 342
5 percent 1,060 711 457 365
10 percent 1,120 764 491 388
15 percent 1,170 816 525 411
0 percent 526 350 301 284
5 percent 576 379 323 306
10 percent 625 408 346 328
15 percent 676 438 370 350
0 percent 308 268 252 242
5 percent 339 294 276 266
10 percent 367 320 301 290
15 percent 398 347 327 315
0 percent 191 183 176 169
5 percent 209 201 194 186
10 percent 229 219 211 204
15 percent 249 237 231 226
0 percent 157 148 142 134
5 percent 178 168 160 152
10 percent 201 189 180 171
15 percent 225 211 202 191
0 percent 161 151 143 136
5 percent 184 173 164 155
10 percent 209 195 186 176
15 percent 235 219 209 199
0 percent 333 310 292 279
5 percent 375 350 332 317
10 percent 413 392 371 356
15 percent 452 432 411 396
0 percent 437 450 454 447
5 percent 469 487 493 487
10 percent 500 522 530 525
15 percent 529 556 565 561
0 percent 371 457 496 513
5 percent 390 483 526 545
10 percent 410 508 554 575
15 percent 429 532 583 605
Table 10.    Streamflow statistics for selected climate change scenarios at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey streamgage 01018000 Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine.

Table 9.    

Streamflow statistics for selected climate change scenarios at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey streamgage 01017960 Meduxnekeag River above South Branch Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine.

[Data are from Olson (2021). Location of streamgage shown on figure 3. ft3/s, cubic foot per second; °F, degree Fahrenheit]

Precipitation increase Temperature increase
0 °F 3.6 °F 7.0 °F 10.4 °F
0 percent 167 164 161 158
5 percent 180 177 174 171
10 percent 193 190 186 183
15 percent 206 203 199 196
0 percent 1,630 1,420 1,290 1,240
5 percent 1,730 1,520 1,400 1,350
10 percent 1,850 1,630 1,510 1,460
15 percent 1,960 1,750 1,620 1,570
0 percent 9.6 19.7 24.9 24.8
5 percent 10 20.8 27.5 27.4
10 percent 10.4 22 30 30.1
15 percent 10.7 23.2 32.4 32.9
0 percent 8.5 16.6 20.5 20.1
5 percent 8.8 17.6 22.5 22.2
10 percent 9.2 18.6 24.7 24.4
15 percent 9.5 19.6 26.8 26.7
0 percent 82.1 136 185 210
5 percent 85.3 141 193 221
10 percent 88.6 147 202 231
15 percent 91.6 152 210 242
0 percent 39.7 102 161 197
5 percent 41 106 168 206
10 percent 42.1 109 174 216
15 percent 43.2 112 180 225
0 percent 129 235 235 203
5 percent 132 244 249 216
10 percent 134 253 263 228
15 percent 137 261 276 241
0 percent 542 335 211 172
5 percent 575 363 228 184
10 percent 606 390 245 195
15 percent 637 418 261 207
0 percent 240 170 152 145
5 percent 263 184 163 156
10 percent 286 197 174 167
15 percent 310 211 186 178
0 percent 150 136 130 125
5 percent 164 149 163 136
10 percent 178 161 154 148
15 percent 193 175 167 161
0 percent 100 97.1 93.6 90.3
5 percent 109 106 102 98.7
10 percent 119 115 111 107
15 percent 129 124 121 116
0 percent 83.6 80.3 76.8 73
5 percent 93.6 89.6 86.1 82.1
10 percent 105 99.6 95.7 91.5
15 percent 117 110 106 101
0 percent 83.5 79.5 75.8 72.5
5 percent 94.9 89.6 85.4 81.7
10 percent 107 100 96 91.7
15 percent 120 113 107 102
0 percent 162 152 144 138
5 percent 183 172 163 156
10 percent 203 193 183 176
15 percent 223 213 204 196
0 percent 215 221 223 220
5 percent 233 241 244 241
10 percent 249 259 264 261
15 percent 264 277 282 280
0 percent 181 224 246 255
5 percent 190 238 261 271
10 percent 200 251 275 286
15 percent 209 263 290 302
Table 9.    Streamflow statistics for selected climate change scenarios at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey streamgage 01017960 Meduxnekeag River above South Branch Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine.

Overall, mean annual streamflow and mean annual maximum streamflow increased with increasing precipitation and decreased with increasing air temperature (tables 810). At the outlet of the watershed, which corresponds to the Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine USGS streamgage (01018035; fig. 3), the mean annual streamflow increased from 489 ft3/s to 603 ft3/s (25 percent above baseline) with a 15 percent increase in precipitation (table 8). With a 15 percent increase in precipitation and an increase in air temperature of 10.4 °F, the streamflow increased by 17 percent above baseline (to 572 ft3/s), indicating that the increasing temperature resulted in more water loss through evapotranspiration compared with the water loss expected with no temperature increase.

The mean annual maximum streamflow increased from 3,870 ft3/s to 4,670 ft3/s with a 15 percent increase in precipitation but then decreased to 3,550 ft3/s when an increase of 10.4 °F in air temperature was also applied (table 8). The result was an 8.3 percent decrease in mean annual maximum streamflow with both the 15 percent increase in precipitation and a 10.4 °F increase in air temperature. These results are consistent with findings of Hodgkins and Dudley (2013) and can be explained by increased temperatures that have reduced the amount of snow available in storage during the spring melt and runoff, which is when the maximum streamflows typically occur.

One of the most pronounced changes in streamflow was the change in mean monthly discharges when air temperature inputs increased. When air temperature was increased, there was an increase in mean monthly streamflow during the winter months and a decrease in mean monthly streamflows during the spring months (fig. 6). For example, at the streamgage site Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine (01018035) at the outlet of the studied watershed, with no change in precipitation and an increase of 10.4 °F in air temperature, the mean streamflow in February increased from 124 ft3/s to 570 ft3/s, and the mean streamflow in April decreased from 1,480 ft3/s to 502 ft3/s—an increase of 360 percent and a decrease of 66 percent, respectively. Although the PRMS produced relatively large errors in both the low and high ranges of streamflow, the relative increases and decreases in streamflow above the baseline condition are considered possible. It should be noted that the mean streamflow in February for the observed data (not shown on fig. 6) collected by the streamgage at the outlet of the studied watershed (Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, ME, 01018035) was 293 ft3/s. Although the winter simulations may be highly uncertain, it is still important to note that an increase in the air temperature of 10.4 °F resulted in the month with the greatest monthly streamflow changing from April to December. This seasonal redistribution of stream flow with climate change is consistent with other studies in Maine (Dudley and others, 2012) and represents an expected decrease in winter snowpack water equivalent as larger percentages of precipitation fall as rain during the winter months.

Differently colored lines graph mean monthly streamflow at 0, 3.6, 7, and 10.4 degree
                     Fahrenheit increases in air temperatures.
Figure 6.

Graph showing mean monthly streamflow at the outlet of the studied Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine, for scenarios of air temperature changes with no change in precipitation.

The mean annual 7-day low streamflow, which represents the lowest annual flow, increased with increasing temperature at the calibration and evaluation streamgage sites (tables 8 through 10). This result, however, was due to the underestimation of winter (December to February) streamflows by the PRMS under current climate conditions, which showed that the lowest flows were during the winter months. For example, with a 3.6 °F increase in temperature, the PRMS simulated more runoff from snowmelt and rain during the winter months and thus reduced the number of low winter streamflows that the model simulated without the temperature increase. The elimination of winter low streamflows resulted in the increase of the mean annual 7-day low streamflow. During the summer months, the streamflow decreased with increasing temperature, and the mean streamflow in August decreased from 233 ft3/s (with no temperature change) to 197 ft3/s (with a temperature increase of 10.4 °F)—a 15.5 percent decrease at the basin outlet (table 8; 01018035). This result was considered more reliable because the mean streamflow in August from the observed data from the streamgage at the outlet of the study basin (USGS streamgage 01018035; fig. 3) was 236 ft3/s (not listed in table 8). This indicates that summer monthly streamflows would likely show a decreasing trend with increasing temperature.

To take a closer look at low summer streamflows, the daily simulated streamflows that were exceeded 90 percent of the time during baseline conditions (that is, no changes in precipitation or temperature) were computed for June, July, August, and September for each year from 1981 to 2016. This computation was done for the reaches at the calibration and evaluation streamgage sites. With the streamflow exceeded 90 percent of the time for the selected months during baseline conditions used as a threshold, the number of days that streamflows were less than the thresholds was determined for each climate change scenario. Tables 11, 12, and 13 list the numbers of days streamflows were less than the threshold for each month at each location as both an absolute count and a percentage change. A positive percentage change indicates that the number of low-streamflow days is increasing, as is the potential for extremely low streamflows during that month (drier conditions); a negative percentage change means that the number of low streamflows is decreasing, indicating that the river would experience fewer extreme low streamflows (wetter conditions).

Table 11.    

Number and percentage of days in June, July, August, and September with streamflows less than the monthly streamflow exceeded 90 percent of the time during baseline conditions as a threshold at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine streamgage (01018035).

[Location of streamgage shown in figure 3. ft3/s, cubic foot per second; °F, degree Fahrenheit; —, baseline condition not applicable]

Precipitation increase Temperature increase
0 °F 3.6 °F 7.0 °F 10.4 °F
0 percent 108 217 263 289
5 percent 79 175 206 237
10 percent 54 149 170 190
15 percent 34 125 148 164
0 percent 111 143 163 186
5 percent 72 113 128 146
10 percent 53 85 100 113
15 percent 36 64 78 90
0 percent 111 111 119 137
5 percent 90 89 95 103
10 percent 70 74 77 86
15 percent 53 60 62 68
0 percent 108 97 114 135
5 percent 82 68 76 94
10 percent 56 44 52 61
15 percent 36 38 31 36
0 percent −− 101 143 168
5 percent −26.9 62 90.7 119
10 percent −50 38 57.4 75.9
15 percent −68.5 15.7 37 51.9
0 percent −− 28.8 46.8 67.6
5 percent −35.1 1.8 15.3 31.5
10 percent −52.3 −23.4 −9.9 1.8
15 percent −67.6 −42.3 −29.7 −18.9
0 percent 0 7.2 23.4
5 percent −18.9 −19.8 −14.4 −7.2
10 percent −36.9 −33.3 −30.6 −22.5
15 percent −52.3 −45.9 −44.1 −38.7
0 percent −10.2 5.6 25
5 percent −24.1 −37 −29.6 −13
10 percent −48.1 −59.3 −51.9 −43.5
15 percent −66.7 −64.8 −71.3 −66.7
Table 11.    Number and percentage of days in June, July, August, and September with streamflows less than the monthly streamflow exceeded 90 percent of the time during baseline conditions as a threshold at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine streamgage (01018035).

Table 12.    

Number and percentage of days in June, July, August, and September with streamflows less than the monthly streamflow exceeded 90 percent of the time during baseline conditions as a threshold at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River above South Branch Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine streamgage (01017960).

[Location of streamgage shown in figure 3. ft3/s, cubic foot per second; °F, degree Fahrenheit; —, baseline condition not applicable]

Precipitation increase Temperature increase
0 °F 3.6 °F 7.0 °F 10.4 °F
0 percent 108 197 230 255
5 percent 74 155 190 212
10 percent 59 128 155 175
15 percent 34 107 124 144
0 percent 111 146 159 182
5 percent 81 113 130 144
10 percent 60 87 103 119
15 percent 42 72 83 93
0 percent 111 120 137 154
5 percent 92 98 106 117
10 percent 66 78 84 96
15 percent 55 65 68 76
0 percent 108 113 133 149
5 percent 77 80 92 107
10 percent 45 52 63 75
15 percent 25 35 37 50
0 percent 82.4 113 136
5 percent −31.5 43.5 75.9 96.3
10 percent −45.4 18.5 43.5 62
15 percent −68.5 −0.9 14.8 33.3
0 percent 31.5 43.2 64
5 percent −27 1.8 17.1 29.7
10 percent −45.9 −21.6 −7.2 7.2
15 percent −62.2 −35.1 −25.2 −16.2
0 percent 8.1 23.4 38.7
5 percent −17.1 −11.7 −4.5 5.4
10 percent −40.5 −29.7 −24.3 −13.5
15 percent −50.5 −41.4 −38.7 −31.5
0 percent 4.6 23.1 38
5 percent −28.7 −25.9 −14.8 −0.9
10 percent −58.3 −51.8 −41.7 −30.6
15 percent −76.9 −67.6 −65.7 −53.7
Table 12.    Number and percentage of days in June, July, August, and September with streamflows less than the monthly streamflow exceeded 90 percent of the time during baseline conditions as a threshold at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River above South Branch Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine streamgage (01017960).

Table 13.    

Number and percentage of days in June, July, August, and September with streamflows less than the monthly streamflow exceeded 90 percent of the time during baseline conditions as a threshold at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine streamgage (01018000).

[Location of streamgage shown in figure 3. ft3/s, cubic foot per second; °F, degree Fahrenheit; —, baseline condition not applicable]

Precipitation increase Temperature increase
0 °F 3.6 °F 7.0 °F 10.4 °F
0 percent 108 213 248 276
5 percent 73 173 205 226
10 percent 52 142 165 185
15 percent 38 121 141 156
0 percent 111 142 161 178
5 percent 79 113 126 146
10 percent 60 84 101 112
15 percent 42 63 71 88
0 percent 111 115 115 131
5 percent 92 91 97 104
10 percent 69 71 74 86
15 percent 56 62 54 68
0 percent 108 89 107 131
5 percent 75 65 70 83
10 percent 55 43 40 56
15 percent 32 31 26 32
0 percent 97.2 130 156
5 percent −32.4 60.2 89.8 109
10 percent −51.9 31.5 52.8 71.3
15 percent −64.8 12.3 30.6 44.4
0 percent 27.9 45 60.4
5 percent −28.8 1.8 13.5 31.5
10 percent −45.9 −24.3 −9 9
15 percent −62.2 −43.2 −36 −20.7
0 percent 3.6 3.6 18
5 percent −17.1 −18 −12.6 −6.3
10 percent −37.8 −36 −33.3 −22.5
15 percent −49.5 −44.1 −51.4 −38.7
0 percent −17.6 −0.9 21.3
5 percent −30.6 −39.8 −35.2 −23.1
10 percent −49.1 −60.2 −63 −48.1
15 percent −70.4 −71.3 −75.9 −70.4
Table 13.    Number and percentage of days in June, July, August, and September with streamflows less than the monthly streamflow exceeded 90 percent of the time during baseline conditions as a threshold at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine streamgage (01018000).

Tables 11, 12, and 13 list similar results for each streamgage, with an increasing number of low streamflows days with increasing air temperature and 0 percent increase in precipitation, with the largest increases during June and July. The increase in the number of low-streamflow days is less during August and September because streamflows and subsurface water storage are already at their lowest levels in the watershed and potential evapotranspiration is limited by the soil-moisture availability. In other words, the soil moisture available to plants is already depleted, so increased evaporative potential does not increase evapotranspiration. Considering increasing precipitation along with increasing air temperature, the results show how the balance between increasing water availability due to increasing precipitation and increasing water loss from evapotranspiration due to increasing air temperature shifts each month. As precipitation increases, the number of low-streamflow days decrease in all months for a given air temperature change. During June, the balance between increasing precipitation (more water entering the system from precipitation) and evapotranspiration (more water leaving the system from higher air temperature) consistently shows a net increase in the number of days with low streamflows for all combinations of increasing precipitation and air temperature. The pattern shifts over the summer months until September, when the balance shows a decrease in the number of days with low streamflows with increasing temperatures.

The water temperature statistics that were computed included mean annual water temperature, mean annual maximum water temperature, April mean water temperature, and July mean water temperature (tables 1416). These water temperature statistics were computed for the stream reaches at the three USGS streamgage locations (fig. 3). Overall, changes in water temperature simulated for the three streamgage locations were minimal with increases in precipitation (less than 0.5 °F decrease) but more responsive to increases in air temperature as simulated by the PRMS (tables 1416). The largest simulated change caused by increasing precipitation was a 0.4 °F decrease in the mean July water temperature at the outlet of the study basin, at USGS streamgage 01018035. At this location (table 14), with a 15 percent increase in precipitation and a 10.4 °F increase in air temperature, the mean annual water temperature increased from 47.4 °F to 55.7 °F, the mean April water temperature increased from 39.6 °F to 52.8 °F, and the mean July water temperature increased from 69.4 °F to 80.8 °F—increases of 17.5, 33.3, and 16.4 percent, respectively.

Table 14.    

Water temperature statistics for selected climate change scenarios at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine streamgage (01018035).

[Location of streamgage shown on figure 3. ft3/s, cubic foot per second; °F, degree Fahrenheit]

Precipitation increase Temperature increase
0 °F 3.6 °F 7.0 °F 10.4 °F
0 percent 47.4 50.3 53 55.8
5 percent 47.3 50.2 53 55.8
10 percent 47.3 50.1 53 55.8
15 percent 47.2 50.1 52.9 55.7
0 percent 76.6 81 84.6 88
5 percent 76.4 81 84.6 88
10 percent 76.5 80.9 84.6 88
15 percent 76.3 80.8 84.6 88
0 percent 39.6 44.2 48.7 52.9
5 percent 39.5 44 48.7 52.8
10 percent 39.4 43.8 48.5 52.8
15 percent 39.3 43.6 48.4 52.8
0 percent 69.4 73.7 77.3 80.8
5 percent 69.3 73.6 77.3 80.8
10 percent 69.2 73.6 77.3 80.8
15 percent 69 73.5 77.3 80.8
Table 14.    Water temperature statistics for selected climate change scenarios at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine streamgage (01018035).

Table 16.    

Water temperature statistics for selected climate change scenarios at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine streamgage (01018000).

[Location of streamgage shown in figure 3. ft3/s, cubic foot per second; °F, degree Fahrenheit]

Precipitation increase Temperature increase
0 °F 3.6 °F 7.0 °F 10.4 °F
0 percent 47.2 50.1 52.9 55.7
5 percent 47.1 50.1 52.9 55.7
10 percent 47.1 50 52.8 55.6
15 percent 47 49.9 52.8 55.6
0 percent 76.4 80.8 84.3 87.8
5 percent 76.3 80.7 84.3 87.8
10 percent 76.3 80.6 84.3 87.8
15 percent 76.3 80.4 84.3 87.8
0 percent 39.4 43.9 48.5 52.7
5 percent 39.3 43.7 48.4 52.7
10 percent 39.2 43.5 48.3 52.6
15 percent 39.1 43.3 48.1 52.6
0 percent 69.1 73.5 77.1 80.6
5 percent 69 73.4 77.1 80.6
10 percent 68.9 73.3 77.2 80.6
15 percent 68.8 73.3 77.1 80.6
Table 16.    Water temperature statistics for selected climate change scenarios at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine streamgage (01018000).

Table 15.    

Water temperature statistics for selected climate change scenarios at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River above South Branch Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine streamgage (01017960).

[Location of streamgage shown in figure 3. ft3/s, cubic foot per second; °F, degree Fahrenheit]

Precipitation increase Temperature increase
0 °F 3.6 °F 7.0 °F 10.4 °F
0 percent 47.3 50.1 52.8 55.6
5 percent 47.2 50 52.8 55.6
10 percent 47.2 50 52.8 55.6
15 percent 47.1 49.9 52.8 55.6
0 percent 76.6 80.9 84.4 87.8
5 percent 76.5 80.7 84.4 87.8
10 percent 76.4 80.7 84.4 87.8
15 percent 76.4 80.6 84.4 87.8
0 percent 39.3 43.9 48.5 52.6
5 percent 39.2 43.7 48.4 52.6
10 percent 39.1 43.5 48.3 52.6
15 percent 39 43.3 48.2 52.6
0 percent 69.4 73.5 77 80.5
5 percent 69.3 73.4 77 80.5
10 percent 69.2 73.3 77 80.5
15 percent 69.1 73.3 77 80.5
Table 15.    Water temperature statistics for selected climate change scenarios at the site of the U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River above South Branch Meduxnekeag River near Houlton, Maine streamgage (01017960).

The mean annual maximum snow water equivalent and the mean annual date of the maximum snow water equivalent for the watershed were determined for comparison (table 17). The mean annual maximum snowpack in snow water equivalent increased with increasing precipitation and decreased with increasing air temperature; however, the increases in air temperature dominated the changes in the snowpack. The mean annual maximum snowpack in snow water equivalent increased from 7.67 in. to 9.07 in. with a 15 percent increase in precipitation but decreased to 1.26 in. when a 10.4 °F increase in air temperature was incorporated into the model input. Similarly, the mean annual date of the maximum snowpack came as much as 4 days later (March 21 to March 25) with a 15 percent increase in precipitation, but as many as 53 days earlier (March 21 to January 28) with a 10.4 °F increase in temperature.

Table 17.    

Snowpack statistics for selected climate scenarios for the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine.

[Feb, February; Jan, January; Mar, March; °F, degree Fahrenheit]

Precipitation increase Temperature increase
0 °F 3.6 °F 7.0 °F 10.4 °F
0 percent 7.67 4.43 2.17 1.06
5 percent 8.14 4.72 2.33 1.13
10 percent 8.6 5.02 2.5 1.19
15 percent 9.07 5.31 2.67 1.26
0 percent 21-Mar 5-Mar 11-Feb 27-Jan
5 percent 22-Mar 5-Mar 14-Feb 27-Jan
10 percent 24-Mar 6-Mar 15-Feb 27-Jan
15 percent 25-Mar 8-Mar 17-Feb 28-Jan
Table 17.    Snowpack statistics for selected climate scenarios for the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine.

Model Limitations

This study emphasizes the importance of understanding the changes in streamflow, snowmelt, and water temperature caused by potential climate change that have been predicted through the hydrologic responses of models. Episodic events such as floods, which are affected by hourly and finer time-scale precipitation events, are not addressed in this study. Pursuant to the discussion of the model calibration, simulated daily and monthly time series are likely subject to greater uncertainty when the calibration statistics are unsatisfactory. Other limitations of the model are as follows:

  • Changes in water withdrawals and returns are not simulated.

  • The model simulates a mean temperature for the stream segment, whereas the observed temperatures, used as calibration targets, are point measurements that might vary from the mean for the reach.

  • Interbasin transfers are not simulated from return flow from withdrawals.

  • Changes in land-use spatial patterns are not simulated.

  • The effect of frozen ground on runoff is not explicitly simulated (the version of PRMS used in this study does not account for this process).

  • The hydrologic effects associated with land-use and land-cover change could be important in determining the trends of possible future change and could be a more important driver of hydrologic change than potential climate change in some areas.


The Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians needs hydrologic simulations to plan responsible stewardship of native-fish populations and riparian plants in the Meduxnekeag River watershed in northeastern Maine. In response, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, developed a Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) model designed to provide streamflow and water temperature simulations based on projected changes in precipitation and air temperature over the next century. Although the model had the capability to calculate the effects of land-use change on the hydrologic system, these changes were not tested as part of this study.

In general, the PRMS model is well calibrated; however, the modeled-streamflow errors were larger under the lowest and highest flow ranges. By using the calibrated PRMS model, simulations were made for projected scenarios of 0 (baseline), 5-, 10-, and 15 percent increases in precipitation, and air temperature increases of 0.0 (baseline), 3.6, 7.0, and 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit (°). These scenarios were based upon the results of 30 climate change models summarized in the National Climate Change Viewer. Given the physically based model and parameter structure, it is anticipated that the climate change simulations are likely to be consistent with the hydrologic processes in the watershed, and as such, the changes in streamflow and stream temperature relative to the baseline (current) conditions may also be considered reliable.

Overall, the mean annual streamflow and mean annual maximum streamflow increased with increasing precipitation and decreased with increasing air temperature. Water temperatures decreased slightly (less than 0.5 °F) with increasing precipitation but also increased with increasing air temperature. At the outlet of the studied Meduxnekeag River watershed (U.S. Geological Survey Meduxnekeag River at Lowery Road near Houlton, Maine streamgage 01018035), with a 15 percent increase in precipitation and a 10.4 °F increase in air temperature, the mean annual streamflow increased by 17 percent from 489 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) to 572 ft3/s, and the mean annual maximum streamflow decreased by 8.3 percent from 3,870 ft3/s to 3,550 ft3/s. At the same location and under the same scenario, the mean annual water temperature increased by 17.5 percent from 47.4 °F to 55.7 °F.

Significant changes in mean monthly streamflows were found with increasing air temperature. The PRMS results showed that when air temperature increased, the mean monthly streamflow increased during the winter months but decreased during the spring months. For example, with no change in precipitation and an increase of 10.4 °F in air temperature, the mean streamflow at the outlet of the study basin in February increased from 124 ft3/s to 570 ft3/s, and the mean streamflow in April decreased from 1,480 ft3/s to 502 ft3/s—an increase of 360 percent and a decrease of 66 percent, respectively. Furthermore, the month with the greatest monthly streamflow changed from April to December.

Snowpack was also affected by climate and temperature changes. With a 15 percent increase in precipitation and a 10.4 °F increase in air temperature, the PRMS model estimated that the mean annual maximum snowpack for the watershed in snow water equivalent would decrease from 7.67 inches to 1.26 inches, and that the mean annual date of the maximum snowpack would change from March 21 to January 28.

Given its current calibration, this model may be applied not only for forecasting real-time streamflows and water temperatures, but also for assessing future effects of climate and eventually land-cover change in this watershed and thus providing further information that would be useful for the creation of watershed-management strategies. This PRMS model could eventually join a suite of forecast tools to aid watershed managers in forecasting water yield, understanding important variables related to streams (temperature and streamflow), gaining a better picture of habitats adequate for aquatic life, and safeguarding the natural balance of the watershed system and the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians.

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Conversion Factors

U.S. customary units to International System of Units

Multiply By To obtain
inch (in.) 2.54 centimeter (cm)
foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m)
mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer (km)
square foot (ft2) 0.09290 square meter (m2)
square inch (in2) 6.452 square centimeter (cm2)
square mile (mi2) 2.590 square kilometer (km2)
gallon (gal) 3.785 liter (L)
million gallons (Mgal) 3,785 cubic meters (m3)
cubic foot (ft3) 0.02832 cubic meter (m3)
foot per second (ft/s) 0.3048 meter per second (m/s)
cubic foot per second (ft3/s) 0.02832 cubic meter per second (m3/s)
cubic foot per second per square mile ([ft3/s]/mi2) 0.01093 cubic meter per second per square kilometer ([m3/s]/km2)
gallon per minute (gal/min) 0.06309 liter per second (L/s)
gallon per day (gal/d) 0.003785 cubic meter per day (m3/d)
million gallons per day (Mgal/d) 0.04381 cubic meters per second (m3/s)
foot per day (ft/d) 0.3048 meter per day (m/d)
square foot per day (ft2/d) 0.09290 square meter per day (m2/d)

Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) may be converted to degrees Celsius (°C) as follows:

°C = (°F – 32) / 1.8.


Vertical coordinate information is referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88).

Horizontal coordinate information is referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

Altitude, as used in this report, refers to distance above the vertical datum.



global circulation model


geographical information system


Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians


hydrologic response unit

NAD 83

North American Datum of 1983


North American Vertical Datum of 1988


normalized root-mean-square error


percent bias


Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System


U.S. Geological Survey

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Suggested Citation

Bjerklie, D.M., and Olson, S.A., 2021, Simulating the effects of climate-related changes to air temperature and precipitation on streamflow and water temperature in the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2021–5104, 35 p.,

ISSN: 2328-0328 (online)

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Simulating the effects of climate-related changes to air temperature and precipitation on streamflow and water temperature in the Meduxnekeag River watershed, Maine
Series title Scientific Investigations Report
Series number 2021-5104
DOI 10.3133/sir20215104
Year Published 2021
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Publisher location Reston, VA
Contributing office(s) New England Water Science Center
Description Report: vi, 35 p.; Data Release
Country United States
State Maine
Other Geospatial Meduxnekeag River watershed
Online Only (Y/N) Y
Additional Online Files (Y/N) N
Google Analytic Metrics Metrics page
Additional publication details