Assessment of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Water Resources of New Mexico, 2020–21

Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5129
Prepared in cooperation with the New Mexico Environment Department
By: , and 



The authors would like to thank the New Mexico Environment Department, in particular Jill Turner, Lena Schlichting, and Andy Jochems, for their assistance and support of this project. Additional thanks to the numerous private entities who allowed U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to sample at their facilities across the State of New Mexico.

The authors would like to acknowledge those who helped collect and analyze samples during the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated challenges. USGS staff at the USGS Integrated Water Chemistry Assessment Laboratory, including David Roth and Paul Bliznik, are much appreciated for their dedication to making multiple analyses and assuring high data quality. Many additional thanks to the numerous staff at the USGS who participated in the collection of these samples, including Robert Henrion, Joseph Beman, Edyth Hermosillo, Alanna Jornigan, Elaiya Jurney, Natalia Montero, Harold Nelson, Brittany Mora, Heather Cornell, Steve Hannes, Rachel Mixon, and Scott Green.


Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been detected in public and private drinking-water wells, springs, and surface waters in New Mexico; however, the presence and distribution of PFAS in water resources across the State are not well characterized. From August 2020 to October 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the New Mexico Environment Department, collected water-quality samples from groundwater and surface-water sites throughout New Mexico. One hundred and seventeen groundwater wells were sampled from unconfined water-table aquifers for PFAS and a geochemical suite including major ions, trace elements, nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen, tritium, and carbon-14 to provide context for groundwater age and geochemical evolution. Eighteen surface-water samples were analyzed for PFAS, and select samples were analyzed for wastewater tracers, major ions, trace elements, and DOC. Blanks and replicates indicated low bias and variability for PFAS, wastewater tracers, and geochemical compounds.

Twenty-seven of the 117 groundwater sites had PFAS concentrations reported above the detection level, and there were no exceedances of the 2016 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency health advisory of 70 nanograms per liter (ng/L) perfluorooctanoic acid plus perfluorooctane sulfonic acid. Twenty-two sites were resampled and showed similar signatures, excluding some springs. Total PFAS concentrations ranged from 0.91 to 80.3 ng/L. The most frequently detected PFAS at groundwater sites were perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS; 11 sites), perfluoropentanoic acid (10 sites), and perfluorohexanoic acid (9 sites). Correlations were found between certain PFAS compounds that suggest similar sources. PFAS were also correlated with tritium, DOC, and nitrate, which indicated that a presence of anthropogenic compounds could in turn indicate a likelihood of PFAS occurrence. In addition, a cluster analysis showed that varying geochemical processes and sources of anthropogenic compounds likely contribute to the PFAS signature of each groundwater sample.

Surface-water samples showed variable total PFAS concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 155.4 ng/L. Sites downstream from urban areas showed numerous PFAS detections. Some undeveloped areas where minimal PFAS detections would be expected had PFAS detections. Correlations between PFAS were found that suggested similar sources. Perfluoropentanoic acid and PFBS were the most frequently detected PFAS, and PFBS had the highest single concentration of 93 ng/L.

Results of the study provide an overview of PFAS occurrences in the water resources of New Mexico along with geochemical context and are used to identify areas for further scientific investigations that could further characterize PFAS occurrences in New Mexico.


In New Mexico, water resources are scarce and can be particularly vulnerable to input from anthropogenic compounds (Langman and O’Nolan, 2005; Bexfield and others, 2011; Shephard and others, 2019; Flickinger and Shephard, 2022). Water quality is a function of local geology and climate as well as discharges from urban and agricultural regions. Drinking water in the State is obtained from both surface-water and groundwater sources.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are anthropogenic chemicals that have been widely used for the past 70 years (Lindstrom and others, 2011). PFAS are present in a number of consumer products and industrial applications, such as in firefighting foams, cookware, paper products, and coatings for textiles, and have been found in a variety of water resources throughout the United States (Boone and others, 2019). This class of compounds comprises thousands of chemicals, including perfluoro sulfonic acids, such as perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), and perfluorocarboxylic acids, such as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA; Wang and others, 2017). As the use of these chemicals has grown, so has their ubiquity in the environment because of their highly persistent nature (Lindstrom and others, 2011). PFOA and PFOS have been investigated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and are considered harmful to human health and the environment (EPA, 2020). In 2016, the EPA established a health advisory limit of 70 nanograms per liter (ng/L) for PFOA and PFOS (EPA, 2022a). After this study was completed, in June 2022, the EPA issued a draft report with revised health advisory limits for PFOA and PFOS to 0.004 and 0.02 ng/L, respectively, and the EPA added health advisory limits for hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid and its ammonium salt (referred to as “GenX”) to 10 ng/L and perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) to 2,000 ng/L (EPA, 2022a). Point sources, such as firefighting training areas, industrial facilities, and wastewater treatment plants, have been found to contribute PFAS into the water cycle, including as components of runoff and groundwater infiltration (Hu and others, 2016). At 25 drinking water plants across the United States, Boone and others (2019) analyzed paired samples from sources (untreated) and after treatment for 17 PFAS with reporting levels ranging from 0.032 to 0.56 ng/L, and detectable PFAS were found in all samples. Six PFAS were listed in drinking water in the EPA’s Third Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (EPA, 2022d). According to Crone and others (2019), 4 percent of water systems where samples were collected at entry points to the distribution system reported at least one detectable PFAS, where reporting levels ranged from 10 to 90 ng/L, and 1.3 percent of water systems reported results above the 2016 health advisory limits. There is evidence that exposure may lead to human reproductive and developmental problems as well as adverse liver, kidney, and immunological effects (EPA, 2020).

PFAS have been detected in public and private drinking water, springs, and surface waters in New Mexico (New Mexico Environment Department [NMED], 2020; Intellus New Mexico, 2020). More than 1,700 industry facility sites may be handling PFAS in New Mexico, according to the EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online database (EPA, 2022b). There are known or suspected PFAS detections across the State, including those at Air Force bases, armories, a missile range, and an aviation support facility (EPA, 2022b). The NMED has investigated known PFAS concentrations at and around Cannon Air Force Base (Curry County) and Holloman Air Force Base (Otero County). The NMED, in conjunction with the New Mexico Department of Health and the U.S. Air Force, conducted sampling at the bases from 2016 through 2019. Twenty-one PFAS were analyzed using EPA Method 537 and 537 M. At Cannon Air Force Base, the highest total PFAS concentration was 56,504 ng/L in a Cannon Air Force Base monitoring well. At Holloman Air Force Base, the highest total PFAS concentration was 2,454,500 ng/L in a Holloman Air Force Base monitoring well (NMED, 2020). The NMED Department of Energy Oversight Bureau samples surface water and groundwater PFAS at Los Alamos National Laboratory and in 2019 the maximum concentration for an individual PFAS compound was 16.5 ng/L of PFOS (Intellus New Mexico, 2020). Although these areas in New Mexico are known to be affected by PFAS, the presence and distribution of PFAS in water resources across the State of New Mexico are not well characterized. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) assessed the presence of PFAS in surface-water and groundwater resources throughout New Mexico. The presence of PFAS was assessed in samples from representative locations, including urban, agricultural, and natural landscapes. Geochemical, isotopic, and wastewater tracer analytes were also assessed to better understand the groundwater evolution (chemical changes as water moves through the subsurface), which provides information regarding travel time of groundwater, mixing from different sources, recharge elevation, water rock interaction, and the potential surface-water sources. The results of this study will help to establish baseline PFAS occurrence in the water resources of New Mexico, provide geochemical context for groundwater and surface-water evolution related to understanding the presence or absence of PFAS compounds in those waters, and inform sampling efforts focused in areas where environmental PFAS detections are found.

Purpose and Scope

This report documents the assessment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in water resources of New Mexico during 2020–21. Surface-water samples were collected from every major river in the State, and groundwater samples were collected from larger urban areas and less developed counties. The extent of PFAS concentrations is discussed, as well as the other associated geochemical data that were collected, for both groundwater and surface-water locations across the State of New Mexico.

Description of Study Area

The study area encompasses large areas of the State of New Mexico. Climate is described below, as well as surface-water hydrology, by watershed, and groundwater hydrology, by aquifer.


The topography of New Mexico ranges from high elevation forested mountains to lower elevation deserts. Except in the mountainous regions, the climate is primarily arid to semiarid. Average annual precipitation across New Mexico for 1980–2010 ranged from 6 inches in lower elevation areas of northwestern and southern New Mexico to 52 inches in higher elevation areas of northern New Mexico (New Mexico Office of the State Engineer/Interstate Stream Commission, 2018). Precipitation as snowfall in the winter months is a substantial source of surface-water and aquifer recharge and drives most of the streamflow in the Rio Grande in the northern portion of the State. Summer thunderstorms, known as monsoons, are also a highly variable source of precipitation and drive streamflow in the southern part of the State (Moeser and others, 2021).

Groundwater Hydrogeologic Setting

Groundwater sampling locations (117 groundwater well sites) were selected in populated areas across the State, which were also located in unconfined surficial aquifers (fig. 1, table 1). The majority of these wells supply public water systems. Because the majority of these wells were part of public water systems, it should be noted that the wells were sampled prior to any water treatment. Additionally, to provide a comprehensive assessment of PFAS in sources of water to those public water systems, springs and surface-water diversions within those systems were also sampled for the same constituents as the groundwater samples (table 1). Diversions, as defined by USGS, are locations where water is withdrawn or diverted from a surface-water body. For example, a diversion could be a point where water is diverted from a river into a water system or a point where water is withdrawn from a reservoir (USGS, 2022b). Diversions, while technically representing surface water, were analyzed for groundwater constituents because they were part of public supplies that consisted mostly of groundwater and (or) springs (table 1). However, the analytical results for surface-water diversion samples are not included with groundwater analytical results because they do not represent groundwater due to the diversions being derived from surface-water inputs. Springs are considered representative of groundwater chemistry because each is a location where groundwater emerges at land surface at the spring locations. Major aquifers or aquifer systems that were sampled included the Rio Grande aquifer system (39 groundwater wells and 3 surface-water diversions), the High Plains aquifer (52 groundwater wells), the Colorado Plateaus aquifers (5 groundwater wells), and the Roswell Basin aquifer system (4 groundwater wells; fig. 1). Forty-four sites are located in other surficial aquifers; of these, 24 are springs and 17 are wells.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances groundwater well, spring, and surface-water diversion
                           sampling locations and major aquifers.
Figure 1.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances groundwater well, spring, and surface-water diversion sampling locations and major aquifers or aquifer systems A, across New Mexico, B, in parts of Curry and Roosevelt Counties, C, in part of Otero County, and D, in a high-mountain system in Otero County.

Table 1.    

Groundwater wells, springs, and surface-water diversions sampled for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), with applicable well and aquifer information.

[USGS, U.S. Geological Survey. Site type: GW, groundwater; FA-DV, diversion; SP, spring. Aquifer name: CPA, Colorado Plateaus aquifers; RGAS, Rio Grande aquifer system; NA, not applicable or available; RBAS, Roswell Basin aquifer system; HPA, High Plains aquifer. Rock type, unit, or formation: OR (PCS), other rocks (Pictured Cliffs Sandstone); OR (NTED), other rocks (Naha and Tsegi eolian deposits); OR (A), other rocks (alluvium); USG, unconsolidated sand and gravel aquifers; OR (TIRISC), other rocks (Tertiary intrusive rocks of intermediate to silicic composition); OR (BTLNV), other rocks (basaltic tephra and lavas near vents); SA, sandstone aquifers; CRA, carbonate-rock aquifers; OR (AF), other rocks (Abo Formation); OR (BF), other rocks (Bursum Formation of Madera Group); OR (YF), other rocks (Yeso Formation); OR (SAF), other rocks (San Andres Limestone)]

Report identification number USGS site number Site name Site type Sample frequency Well depth
Aquifer name Rock type, unit, or formation
1 364823108255901 30N.15W.20.22 GW 1 145 CPA OR (PCS)
2 364642108254201 30N.15W.33.11 GW 1 40 CPA OR (NTED)
3 364732108034101 30N.12W.23.443 4 GW 1 23 CPA OR (A)
4 362357105344401 25N.13E.17.323 GW 1 300 RGAS USG
5 364158105250802 29N.14E.35.343 GW 1 68 NA OR (TIRISC)
6 364643103583701 29N.28E.05.234 GW 1 680.5 NA OR (BTLNV)
7 353814108473001 16N.18W.07.1111 GW 1 2,147 CPA SA
8 353314108453101 15N.18W.04.332 GW 1 1,860 CPA SA
9 354041105581301 17N.09E.27.232 GW 1 740 RGAS USG
10 354022105584701 17N.09E.27.31413 GW 1 809 RGAS USG
11 351944106283601 13N.04E.25.132 GW 1 755 RGAS USG
12 351325106370101 12N.03E.33 GW 1 280 RGAS USG
13 351025106323801 11N.04E.21.121 GW 1 1,723 RGAS USG
14 350249106434201 10N.02E.27.444 GW 1 1,133 RGAS USG
15 350343106363301 10N.03E.27.414 GW 1 1,276 RGAS USG
16 341643106541601 01N.01W.36 GW 1 520 RGAS USG
17 340204106550301 03S.01W.23.213 GW 1 505 RGAS USG
18 344916103190001 07N.34E.23.112 1 GW 3 230 HPA USG
19 344916103185801 07N.34E.23.112 2 GW 2 230 HPA USG
20 344915103185101 07N.34E.23.121 3 GW 1 220 HPA USG
21 343605103334901 04N.32E.02.121 GW 1 NA HPA USG
22 341921103135901 01N.35E.11.424 GW 1 NA HPA USG
23 342217103150001 02N.353E.27.242 GW 2 NA HPA USG
24 342439103190901 02N.35E.07.311 GW 2 430 HPA USG
25 342444103182201 02N.35E.07.421 1 GW 2 400 HPA USG
26 342418103180601 02N.35E.07.44442 2146 GW 2 350 HPA USG
27 342415103175501 02N.35E.17.1212 GW 1 NA HPA USG
28 342219103135301 02N.35E.25.131 GW 1 NA HPA USG
29 342200103135301 02N.35E.25.313 GW 1 NA HPA USG
30 342213103153201 02N.35E.27.442 GW 1 NA HPA USG
31 342218103161301 02N.35E.28.223 GW 1 NA HPA USG
32 342218103162801 02N.35E.28.231 GW 1 NA HPA USG
33 342050103125801 02N.35E.36.444 GW 1 NA HPA USG
34 342556103110401 02N.36E.05.212 GW 1 NA HPA USG
35 342425103083701 02N.36E.10.444 GW 1 NA HPA USG
36 342500103083501 02N.36E.11.113 GW 1 NA HPA USG
37 342342103084201 02N.36E.15.441 GW 1 375 HPA USG
38 342058103115101 02N.36E.31.442 GW 1 NA HPA USG
39 342049103114501 02N.36E.32.111 GW 1 NA HPA USG
40 342139103092501 02N.36E.34.221 GW 1 NA HPA USG
41 342537103051201 02N.37E.05.134 GW 1 389 HPA USG
42 342346103024901 02N.37E.15.412 GW 1 389 HPA USG
43 342322103025301 02N.37E.15.43341 GW 2 385 HPA USG
44 342326103024501 02N.37E.15.443 GW 3 392 HPA USG
45 342220103023302 02N.37E.22.432342A GW 2 400 HPA USG
46 342610103185401 03N.35E.31.341 2 GW 2 400 HPA USG
47 342609103145901 03N.35E.34.441 GW 1 NA HPA USG
48 343053103111201 03N.36E.05.233 GW 2 397 HPA USG
49 342744103111801 03N.36E.29.122 GW 1 NA HPA USG
50 341309103085401 01.36E.15.423 GW 1 201 HPA USG
51 341513103314501 01S.32E.01.242 GW 1 NA HPA USG
52 341334103272901 01S.33E.15.224 GW 1 NA HPA USG
53 341530103211301 01S.34E.02.111 GW 1 90 HPA USG
54 341333103195001 01S.34E.13.114 3 GW 1 120 HPA USG
55 341333103193501 01S.34E.13.231 5 GW 1 120 HPA USG
56 341347103184201 01S.35E.18.121 7 GW 1 115 HPA USG
57 341135103185601 01S.35E.30.312 GW 1 NA HPA USG
58 341349103083401 01S.36E.11.33332 GW 1 200 HPA USG
59 341154103103801 01S.36E.28.111311 GW 1 172 HPA USG
60 341200103112801 01S.36E.29.121 GW 1 NA HPA USG
61 341230103083601 01S.36E.23.331 GW 1 208 HPA USG
62 341321103193401 01S.34E.13.234 GW 1 120 HPA USG
63 342528103390901 02N.31E.01.31 GW 2 110 HPA USG
64 342450103380101 02N.32E.07.133 3 GW 2 110 HPA USG
65 342446103380101 02N.32E.07.311 4 GW 1 120 HPA USG
66 342525103390901 2N.31E.02.442 1 GW 2 110 HPA USG
67 335247103080201 05S.36E.11.433 1 GW 1 189 HPA USG
68 333737103201701 08S.35E.14.112 GW 1 NA HPA USG
69 333700103164701 08S.36E.17.422 GW 1 NA HPA USG
70 332137104303901 11S.24E.16.142 12 GW 1 344 RBAS CRA
71 331843104315001 11S.24E.32.411 4 GW 1 346 RBAS CRA
72 331843104305001 11S.24E.33.322 1 GW 1 590 RBAS CRA
73 325041104240701 17S.26E.08.432 GW 1 1,158 RBAS CRA
74 331238106022501 13S.09E.01.314 GW 1 NA RGAS USG
75 330515105584401 14S.10E.21.223 FA-DV 1 NA RGAS USG
76 330539105582601 14S.10E.15.312 FA-DV 1 NA NA OR (AF)
77 325846105561501 15S.10E.25.314 GW 1 640 RGAS USG
78 325852105560301 15S.10E.25.321 2 GW 1 640 RGAS USG
79 325854105554801 15S.10E.25.411 GW 1 710 RGAS USG
80 325847105554801 15S.10E.25.413 3 GW 1 900 RGAS USG
81 325839105590101 15S.10E.28.431 1 GW 1 275 RGAS USG
82 325827105562201 15S.10E.36.111B GW 2 936 RGAS USG
83 325745105561001 15S.10E.36.332 GW 1 995 RGAS USG
84 325825105541201 15S.11E.31.222 IG2 GW 1 NA NA OR (BF)
85 325510105584101 16S.09E.13.332 1 GW 1 226 RGAS USG
86 325717105560601 16S.10E.05.224 4 GW 1 780 RGAS USG
87 325704105561801 16S.10E.05.241 3 GW 1 880 RGAS USG
88 325704105560701 16S.10E.05.242 2 GW 1 990 RGAS USG
89 325648105561201 16S.10E.05.422 6 GW 1 844 RGAS USG
90 325610105561801 16S.10E.05.443 7 GW 1 750 RGAS USG
91 325645105574101 16S.10E.06.314 1 GW 1 270 RGAS USG
92 325727105525201 16S.10E.01.123 FA-DV 1 NA NA OR (BF)
93 325840105542601 15S.11E.31.221 2 FA-DV 1 NA NA OR (BF)
94 325848105554701 15S.10E.25.243 INT FA-DV 1 NA RGAS USG
95 325813105560301 15S.10E.36.141 FA-DV 1 NA RGAS USG
96 325942105501901 15S.11E.23.421 SP 1 NA NA OR (AF)
97 325901105492301 15S.11E.25.231 SP 1 NA NA OR (AF)
98 330057105505601 15S.11E.14.114 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
99 325954105501201 15S.11E.23.241 SP 3 NA NA OR (AF)
100 324904105585401 17S.09E.23.442 4 GW 1 200 RGAS USG
101 324827105585001 17S.09E.25.133 1 GW 1 250 RGAS USG
102 324817105584801 17S.09E.25.313 2 GW 1 300 RGAS USG
103 324827105593201 17S.09E.26.143 5 GW 1 250 RGAS USG
104 324752105585301 17S.09E.35.224 GW 2 300 RGAS USG
105 324711105585201 17S.09E.35.444 GW 2 297 RGAS USG
106 325132105573201 17S.10E.06.111 GW 1 780 RGAS USG
107 325114105500401 17S.11E.04.131 SP 1 NA NA OR (AF)
108 325234105501101 16S.11E.32.221 SP 1 NA NA OR (AF)
109 324948105492601 17S.11E.16.232 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
110 325623105483301 16S.11E.03.332 2 GW 1 72 NA OR (YF)
111 325559105483301 16S.11E.10.112 1 GW 1 150 NA OR (YF)
112 325703105421801 16S.12E.03.142 6 GW 1 380 NA OR (YF)
113 325657105421301 16S.12E.03.1424 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
114 325704105421501 16S.12E.03.142B GW 1 158 NA OR (YF)
115 325703105421401 16S.12E.03.142D GW 1 282 NA OR (YF)
116 325700105421101 16S.12E.03.231 4 GW 1 500 NA OR (YF)
117 325656105421001 16S.12E.03.233 5 GW 1 360 NA OR (YF)
118 325654105421001 16S.12E.03.233 8 GW 1 400 NA OR (YF)
119 325658105420901 16S.12E.03.233 9 GW 1 400 NA OR (YF)
120 325611105445801 16S.12E.06.44 1 GW 1 335 NA OR (SAF)
121 325735105393701 16S.13E.06.111 1 GW 1 567 NA OR (YF)
122 325537105364001 16S.13E.09.442 GW 1 652 NA OR (YF)
123 325721105423801 16S.12E.03.113 1 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
124 325637105421401 16S.12E.03.321 10 SP 2 NA NA OR (YF)
125 325648105420901 16S.12E.03.233 11 SP 2 NA NA OR (YF)
126 325703105422501 16S.12E.03.141 12 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
127 325708105422201 16S.12E.03.141 2 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
128 325708105422001 16S.12E.03.141 3 SP 2 NA NA OR (YF)
129 325654105421301 16S.12E.03.144 4 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
130 325652105421201 16S.12E.03.144 5 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
131 325634105421501 16S.12E.03.321 8 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
132 325636105421501 16S.12E.03.321 9 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
133 325601105364401 16S.13E.09.224 1 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
134 325448105484701 16S.11E.16.244 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
135 325557105364001 16S.13E.09.224 2 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
136 325627105482701 16S.11E.03.323 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
137 325437105410301 16S.12E.14.411 SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
138 323905105395101 19S.12E.13.424B SP 1 NA NA OR (YF)
139 323847105420601 19S.12E.22.211 GW 1 1,200 NA OR (YF)
140 321804106484001 23S.01E.14.344 GW 1 772 RGAS USG
141 321806106461501 23S.02E.18.441 GW 1 700 RGAS USG
142 320330106254801 26S.05E.09.421 GW 1 700 RGAS USG
143 320302106253101 26S.05E.15.112 GW 1 710 RGAS USG
144 320153106254101 26S.05E.22.133 GW 1 685 RGAS USG
145 320126106254001 26S.05E.22.333 GW 1 737 RGAS USG
146 320116106262101 26S.05E.28.121 GW 1 800 RGAS USG
147 323805105414001 19S.12E.23.431 GW 1 NA NA OR (YF)
Table 1.    Groundwater wells, springs, and surface-water diversions sampled for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), with applicable well and aquifer information.

The Rio Grande aquifer system (fig. 1) is a 70,000-square-mile (mi2) area of interconnected basin-fill deposits in southern Colorado, New Mexico, and western Texas (Robson and Banta, 1995). The Rio Grande headwaters are located in southern Colorado, from which it flows southward through New Mexico from deep canyons north of Santa Fe, through broad basins and valleys, to the Texas State line. The Rio Grande rift is the primary geologic feature of the system, and the aquifer ranges in thickness from about 20,000 feet (ft) near Albuquerque, N. Mex., to 2,000 ft near El Paso, Texas. The Quaternary and Tertiary Santa Fe Group is the principal hydrologic member of the system and consists primarily of gravel, sand, and interbedded clays, and lesser amounts of lava flows, tuffs, and breccias. Recharge is primarily from precipitation in mountainous areas, seepage from the Rio Grande and its tributaries, as well as from irrigation conveyance structures and return flow (Houston and others, 2021). Jurgens and others (2022) characterized the age distribution for groundwater in 21 principal aquifers across the United States, including the Rio Grande aquifer system, and determined that if the principal aquifer contained modern water (1953 or newer), the aquifer could be susceptible to land-surface contamination. Jurgens and others (2022) found that the Rio Grande aquifer system had approximately 15 percent modern water and may be less susceptible to land-surface contamination.

The High Plains aquifer occupies a 174,000-mi2 area that extends across parts of several States, including eastern New Mexico (fig. 1). The aquifer primarily consists of unconsolidated gravel, sand, and silt, and the Ogallala Formation is the principal hydrologic unit. The Miocene and early Pliocene Ogallala Formation was deposited by streams and therefore consists of deposits of variable thickness that range from 0 to 500 ft in buried paleochannels (Robson and Banta, 1995). Recharge to the High Plains aquifer is primarily from precipitation infiltration, irrigation water infiltration, or seepage from surface water. Jurgens and others (2022) determined that the High Plains aquifer contained approximately 30 percent modern water.

The Colorado Plateaus aquifers encompass 110,000 mi2, including northwestern New Mexico (fig. 1). Four principal aquifers compose the system, with the two in New Mexico being the Mesaverde aquifer and the Dakota-Glen Canyon aquifer system (Robson and Banta, 1995). Study sites 1, 2, and 3 are in the Farmington area along the San Juan and Animas Rivers and vary in hydrogeologic setting. Site 1 (well depth, 145 ft) and site 2 (well depth, 40 ft) are not located in the Mesaverde aquifer according to Stewart (2018) and are in smaller, less productive aquifers. Site 1 is completed in the Pictured Cliffs Sandstone, and site 2 is completed in Naha and Tsegi eolian deposits (Stewart, 2018). The site 3 well is shallow and completed at 23 ft in alluvium rather than in one of the principal aquifers. Wells at sites 7 and 8 are around 2,000 ft deep, and they are likely completed in the Dakota-Glen Canyon aquifer system, which is composed of several sandstone and conglomerate water-yielding units (Robson and Banta, 1995). Recharge to these aquifers has been identified along outcrops forming structural boundaries, as water enters the groundwater system through these outcrops. Recharge also enters from stream-channel loss as streams cross the outcrops (Craigg, 2001). Newer studies have shown that there are some anthropogenic recharge sources in the basin, such as seepage from irrigation and leaking water and sewer lines (Robertson and others, 2016). Jurgens and others (2022) determined that the Colorado Plateaus aquifers contained approximately 20 percent modern water.

The Roswell Basin aquifer system occupies a 12,000-mi2 area in southeastern New Mexico (fig. 1) and is composed of an alluvial aquifer and an underlying carbonate-rock aquifer. Groundwater is primarily present in the San Andres Limestone and the overlying Queen and Grayburg Formations (Robson and Banta, 1995). The alluvium overlying the carbonate rocks is generally west of the Pecos River and ranges in thickness from 150 to 300 ft. Recharge is mainly from precipitation in the outcrop areas of the San Andres Limestone and the alluvium. Additional recharge occurs from losing streams, as well as through sinkholes and solution fractures (Land and Newton, 2008).

Approximately one-third of the study sites in table 1 did not fall within the aforementioned primary aquifer systems. Although most of these sites are located in southern New Mexico, two sites are located in north central and northeastern New Mexico (fig. 1). Site 5 is a relatively shallow well with a depth of 68 ft and, based on the surficial geology map of New Mexico (Horton, 2017), is located in Tertiary intrusive rock. Site 6, a groundwater well, is 680 ft deep and is located in Quaternary volcanic rocks. In southern New Mexico, most of the sites (including spring sites 98, 109, 113, and 123–138, and groundwater well sites 110–112, 114–119, 121–122, and 139; table 1) are located in the Yeso Formation (a sandstone; Horton, 2017). Sites 96, 97, and 99 (springs) are located in the Abo Formation (a sandstone; Horton, 2017). Site 84 (groundwater well) is located in the Bursum Formation of the Madera Group (shale), and site 120 (groundwater well) is located in the San Andres Limestone (Horton, 2017).

Surface-Water Hydrologic Setting

Surface-water samples were collected from 18 established USGS streamgaging sites across New Mexico (fig. 2, table 2). The rivers sampled were the Animas River, San Juan River, Canadian River, Gila River, Rio Grande, Rio Chama, Rio Puerco, and Pecos River. Land cover was evaluated near each surface-water site (fig. 2, table 3) using the near-site watershed method as described in Medalie and others (2020) and in the “Methods” section herein.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances surface-water sampling locations across New Mexico
                           with land cover, rivers, water bodies, and watersheds.
Figure 2.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances surface-water sampling locations across New Mexico with land cover, rivers, water bodies, and watersheds shown.

Table 2.    

Surface-water sites across New Mexico with location information, drainage area, and watershed information.

[Horizonal coordinate information is referenced to the North American Datum of 1983. USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; HUC, hydrologic unit code; N. Mex, New Mexico; Tex., Texas]

USGS site number Site name Report name Sample frequency Latitude
(decimal degrees)
(decimal degrees)
Drainage area (square miles) HUC 8 watershed HUC 8 watershed name HUC 8
watershed area (square miles)
07221500 Canadian River near Sanchez, N. Mex. Canadian Sanchez 2 35.654833 −104.378611 6,015 11080003 Upper Canadian 2,054
07224500 Canadian River below Conchas Dam, N. Mex. Canadian Conchas 1 35.408937 −104.169976 7,417 11080006 Upper Canadian-Ute Reservoir 2,239
07227000 Canadian River at Logan, N. Mex. Canadian Logan 3 35.350000 −103.399722 11,141 11080006 Upper Canadian-Ute Reservoir 2,239
08287000 Rio Chama below Abiquiu Dam, N. Mex. Rio Chama Abiquiu 4 36.237222 −106.417417 2,147 13020102 Rio Chama 3,158
08276500 Rio Grande below Taos Junction Bridge near Taos, N. Mex. Rio Grande Taos 2 36.320033 −105.754444 9,730 13020101 Upper Rio Grande 3,254
08313150 Rio Grande above Buckman Diversion, near White Rock, N. Mex. Rio Grande Buckman 10 35.838417 −106.159083 14,360 13020201 Rio Grande-Santa Fe 1,872
08329918 Rio Grande at Alameda Bridge at Alameda, N. Mex. Rio Grande Alameda 10 35.197722 −106.642778 17,129 13020203 Rio Grande-Albuquerque 3,216
08330830 Rio Grande at Valle de Oro, N. Mex. Rio Grande Valle de Oro 13 34.983333 −106.686556 17,529 13020203 Rio Grande-Albuquerque 3,216
08353000 Rio Puerco near Bernardo, N. Mex. Rio Puerco Bernardo 2 34.410278 −106.854444 6,437 13020204 Rio Puerco 2,112
08358400 Rio Grande Floodway at San Marcial, N. Mex. Rio Grande Floodway 2 33.679083 −106.997000 27,700 13020211 Elephant Butte Reservoir 2,188
08364000 Rio Grande at El Paso, Tex. Rio Grande El Paso 12 31.802885 −106.540822 32,210 13030102 El Paso-Las Cruces 5,519
08383500 Pecos River near Puerto de Luna, N. Mex. Pecos Puerto de Luna 7 34.730083 −104.524911 3,970 13060001 Pecos Headwaters 3,481
08396500 Pecos River near Artesia, N. Mex. Pecos Artesia 7 32.840861 −104.323833 15,300 13060007 Upper Pecos-Long Arroyo 3,201
08407500 Pecos River at Red Bluff, N. Mex. Pecos Red Bluff 1 32.075192 −104.039436 19,540 13060011 Upper Pecos-Black 4,382
09355500 San Juan River near Archuleta, N. Mex. San Juan Archuleta 8 36.801889 −107.698639 3,260 14080101 Upper San Juan 3,431
09364500 Animas River at Farmington, N. Mex. Animas Farmington 7 36.722500 −108.201750 1,360 14080104 Animas 1,370
09367540 San Juan River near Fruitland, N. Mex. San Juan Fruitland 9 36.740279 −108.403135 7,950 14080105 Middle San Juan 1,945
09430500 Gila River near Gila, N. Mex. Gila 2 33.061503 −108.537386 1,864 15040001 Upper Gila 1,982
Table 2.    Surface-water sites across New Mexico with location information, drainage area, and watershed information.

Table 3.    

Land cover percentages within the near-site watershed of a surface-water sampling location, as determined by the methods in Medalie and others (2020).

[ID, identifier; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; N. Mex., New Mexico; Tex., Texas]

USGS site number Site name Open water Developed Barren Forested Shrubland/ grassland Herbaceous planted/ cultivated Urban/ recreational grasses Wetlands Near-site land cover category
07221500 Canadian River near Sanchez, N. Mex. 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.4 86.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 Undeveloped
07224500 Canadian River below Conchas Dam, N. Mex. 12.5 0.3 0.0 0.3 86.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Undeveloped
07227000 Canadian River at Logan, N. Mex. 7.6 0.6 0.0 0.1 72.0 19.7 0.0 0.0 Mixed
08287000 Rio Chama below Abiquiu Dam, N. Mex. 4.0 0.2 0.3 25.5 69.9 0.1 0.0 0.0 Undeveloped
08276500 Rio Grande below Taos Junction Bridge near Taos, N. Mex. 0.4 0.5 0.0 22.2 74.9 1.7 0.2 0.0 Undeveloped
08313150 Rio Grande above Buckman Diversion, near White Rock, N. Mex. 0.4 2.2 1.0 10.4 84.3 1.6 0.1 0.0 Undeveloped
08329918 Rio Grande at Alameda Bridge at Alameda, N. Mex. 1.1 8.6 1.0 4.4 80.1 3.2 0.7 0.8 Mixed
08330830 Rio Grande at Valle de Oro, N. Mex. 1.1 40.3 1.2 0.6 49.4 3.8 2.6 1.1 Developed
08353000 Rio Puerco near Bernardo, N. Mex. 0.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 86.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Undeveloped
08358400 Rio Grande Floodway at San Marcial, N. Mex. 1.2 0.2 0.6 1.7 95.4 0.1 0.0 0.9 Undeveloped
08364000 Rio Grande at El Paso, Tex. 0.5 39.6 0.7 0.4 49.0 9.9 0.0 0.0 Developed
08383500 Pecos River near Puerto de Luna, N. Mex. 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 98.4 1.5 0.0 0.0 Undeveloped
08396500 Pecos River near Artesia, N. Mex. 0.2 3.1 1.7 0.0 87.0 6.5 0.1 1.5 Undeveloped
08407500 Pecos River at Red Bluff, N. Mex. 0.4 0.1 2.4 0.0 96.7 0.4 0.0 0.0 Undeveloped
09355500 San Juan River near Archuleta, N. Mex. 9.7 0.1 0.5 27.3 62.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Undeveloped
09364500 Animas River at Farmington, N. Mex. 2.0 13.7 0.5 0.5 72.0 10.0 1.3 0.0 Mixed
09367540 San Juan River near Fruitland, N. Mex. 1.2 1.9 0.2 0.1 85.8 10.5 0.3 0.0 Mixed
09430500 Gila River near Gila, N. Mex. 0.2 0.0 0.0 72.9 26.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 Undeveloped
Table 3.    Land cover percentages within the near-site watershed of a surface-water sampling location, as determined by the methods in Medalie and others (2020).

The Animas and San Juan Rivers flow through the northwestern portion of the State (fig. 2). Both rivers supply water valuable for municipal, agricultural, cultural, and recreational uses. From its headwaters in southwestern Colorado, the Animas River flows southwest until it eventually joins the San Juan River in Farmington, N. Mex. (EPA, 2022c). The Animas River at Farmington, N. Mex. sampling site (herein referred to as “Animas Farmington”; site number 09364500) is approximately 1.25 miles (mi) upstream from the confluence with the San Juan River. The land cover near this sampling site is 72 percent shrubland and 14 percent developed (fig. 2, table 3). The San Juan River enters New Mexico through Navajo Lake, a reservoir used for flood control; water supply for irrigation, domestic, and industrial use; water storage; hydropower; and recreational purposes (EPA, 2022c). San Juan River near Archuleta, N. Mex. (herein referred to as “San Juan Archuleta”; site number 09355500), one of the two sampling sites on the San Juan River, is approximately 6 mi downstream from Navajo Lake (fig. 2). This site is surrounded by 62 percent shrubland and approximately 27 percent forested land. From Navajo Lake, the San Juan River flows through agricultural land in the Colorado Plateau until it reaches Farmington, N. Mex., and is joined by the Animas River at the Animas Farmington site. Below the confluence with the Animas River, the San Juan River flows westward, where it provides irrigation water for agricultural communities, past Fruitland, N. Mex., at San Juan near Fruitland, N. Mex., sampling site (herein referred to as “San Juan Fruitland”; site number 09367540). The land cover near this site is 86 percent shrubland. The San Juan River then continues through northwestern New Mexico, flowing past two coal-fired power plants and through a sandstone canyon where it leaves New Mexico (EPA, 2022c). The sampling locations in the San Juan and Animas rivers were sampled seven to nine times throughout the project (table 2).

The headwaters of the Canadian River flow southeast through northeastern New Mexico and the river continues to flow eastward until it leaves the State (Oklahoma History Center, 2022). In downstream order, the three locations sampled along the Canadian River are: Canadian River near Sanchez, N. Mex. (herein referred to as “Canadian Sanchez”; site number 07221500); Canadian River below Conchas Dam (herein referred to as “Canadian Conchas”; site number 07224500); and Canadian River at Logan, N. Mex. (herein referred to as “Canadian Logan”; site number 07227000) (fig. 2). The Canadian River sites were only sampled one or two times throughout the project (table 2), and all three sites are dominated by shrubland land cover with little to no developed land (table 3).

The Gila River near Gila, N. Mex., sampling site (herein referred to as “Gila”; site number 09430500) is in the Upper Gila watershed in southwestern New Mexico (fig. 2). Much of the 5,532 mi of water courses in the Upper Gila watershed are intermittent streams that occasionally flow in the summer after thunderstorms (Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2022). Gila had a mean annual streamflow of about 156 cubic feet per second for 1927–2011 (Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2022). The Gila River was only sampled twice during the study (table 2), and the land cover near this site consists of approximately 73 percent forested land and 27 percent shrubland/grassland (table 3).

The headwaters of the Rio Grande are in southwestern Colorado, and six sites were sampled along the Rio Grande as it flows south through New Mexico (fig. 2). In downstream order, the sampled sites are Rio Grande below Taos Junction Bridge near Taos, N. Mex. (herein referred to as “Rio Grande Taos”; site number 08276500); Rio Grande above Buckman Diversion near White Rock, N. Mex. (herein referred to as “Rio Grande Buckman”; site number 08313150); Rio Grande at Alameda Bridge at Alameda, N. Mex. (herein referred to as “Rio Grande Alameda”; site number 08329918); Rio Grande at Valle de Oro, N. Mex. (herein referred to as “Rio Grande Valle de Oro”; site number 08330830); Rio Grande Floodway at San Marcial, N. Mex. (herein referred to as “Rio Grande Floodway”; site number 08358400), and Rio Grande at El Paso, Tex. (herein referred to as “Rio Grande El Paso”; site number 08364000). Depending on the location, these sites were sampled between 2 (Rio Grande Taos) and 13 (Rio Grande Valle de Oro) times (table 2), and the sampling frequency was variable and coordinated with other USGS activity in the study area. From northern New Mexico, the Rio Grande flows southward to the most upstream sampling site, Rio Grande Taos. This site is surrounded by about 75 percent shrubland/grassland land cover and 22 percent forested land cover (table 3). The Rio Grande continues from the Upper Rio Grande watershed to the confluence with the Rio Chama, which is the largest tributary to the Rio Grande (Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2022). The Rio Chama below Abiquiu Dam, N. Mex., sampling site (herein referred to as “Rio Chama Abiquiu”; site number 08287000) is surrounded by about 70 percent shrubland/grassland, 26 percent forested land, and 4 percent open water. Downstream from the confluence of the Rio Grande and the Rio Chama near Santa Fe, N. Mex., is the sampling site Rio Grande Buckman. The site is surrounded by 84 percent shrubland/grassland and by about 10 percent forested land. Just downstream from this site, water is pumped from the Rio Grande to a treatment plant to serve the City of Santa Fe and surrounding communities (Buckman Direct Diversion, 2015).

Samples were collected at the northern edge of New Mexico’s largest municipality, Albuquerque, at Rio Grande Alameda, and near the southern boundary of the urban area at Rio Grande Valle de Oro. Within the Middle Rio Grande Basin as well as this reach within Albuquerque, the inner valley of the Rio Grande has a system of riverside drains and irrigation canals and ditches. The irrigation canals and ditches are primarily used during irrigation season (typically mid-March through October), when water from the river is diverted by the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District for delivery to irrigated fields (Bartolino and Cole, 2002). The riverside drains extend parallel to both sides of the river and were constructed to capture lateral groundwater flow from the river. This helps to stabilize the groundwater table to avoid waterlogging of soils near the river. These riverside drains, which also receive flow from interior drains extending across the valley to intercept seepage from canals and irrigated fields, eventually flow back to the Rio Grande (Bartolino and Cole, 2002).

Rio Grande Alameda is represented by about 80 percent shrubland/grassland and 9 percent developed land (table 3). Downstream from this sampling location, the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority operates facilities constructed as part of the San Juan-Chama Drinking Water Project to provide a percentage of Albuquerque’s drinking water. The diverted water has been imported via a tunnel from tributaries of the San Juan River in the Colorado River Basin into reservoirs along the Rio Chama, which flow into the Rio Grande (Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority, 2022). A raw-water pump station diverts water from the Rio Grande to a treatment plant to provide drinking water for Albuquerque residents. After use, unconsumed water is directed to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP; Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority, 2021). The Albuquerque WWTP is the largest treatment facility in New Mexico and discharges into the Rio Grande. Downstream from the Albuquerque WWTP is a large arroyo (132-mi2 drainage area), which flows into the Rio Grande from the east. The arroyo serves as the primary channel for snowmelt and stormwater from areas east of Albuquerque (City of Albuquerque Parks and Recreation Department Open Space Division, 2014). Several major stormwater diversions also contribute large amounts of stormflow to the Rio Grande from major residential and commercial areas.

Rio Grande Valle de Oro is approximately 3 mi downstream from the Albuquerque WWTP. Near Rio Grande Valle de Oro, the surrounding land cover consists of about 49 percent shrubland/grassland and 40 percent developed land (table 3). Farther downstream from this site, the Rio Grande is joined by the Rio Puerco (fig. 2). The Rio Puerco watershed (table 2) of west central New Mexico includes approximately 4,834 mi of water courses that usually flow intermittently in the summer after storms. The Rio Puerco contributes a very small percentage of the Rio Grande’s flow; however, it contributes over half of the total sediment load that enters the Elephant Butte Reservoir (Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2022). The Rio Puerco near Bernardo, N. Mex. sampling site (herein referred to as “Rio Puerco Bernardo”; site number 08353000) is surrounded by 87 percent shrubland/grassland and 13 percent barren land.

Rio Grande Floodway is located about 30 mi upstream from the Elephant Butte Reservoir (fig. 2), and the surrounding land cover is composed almost exclusively of shrubland/grassland (table 3). Rio Grande El Paso is the most downstream sampling location on the Rio Grande and is more than 100 mi south of Elephant Butte Reservoir, across the New Mexico border in El Paso, Tex. Land use near this site is composed of 49 percent shrubland/grassland and almost 40 percent developed land.

The headwaters of the Pecos River are in northern New Mexico, and the river flows southward through the eastern portion of the State until it reaches the Rio Grande south of the New Mexico border (Bureau of Reclamation, 2021). Three sites were sampled along the Pecos River (fig. 2). The most upstream site is Pecos River near Puerto de Luna, N. Mex. (herein referred to as “Pecos Puerto de Luna”; site number 08383500) in the Pecos Headwaters watershed. The Pecos River flows southeast to the Upper Pecos-Long Arroyo watershed where the Pecos River near Artesia, N. Mex. sampling site (herein referred to as “Pecos Artesia”; site number 08396500) is located. The next site downstream is Pecos River at Red Bluff, N. Mex. (herein referred to as “Pecos Red Bluff”; site number 08407500) in the Upper Pecos-Black watershed. All three sites have dominantly shrubland/grassland land cover (table 3).

Potential Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Sources

PFAS originate from a variety of sources and are used in many industrial and consumer applications. Glüge and others (2020) identified more than 1,400 PFAS compounds and more than 200 uses of those compounds. PFAS are used in industries ranging from oil and gas extraction to electroplating to textile production. There are many other uses for PFAS, including firefighting foams, cookware, adhesives, paper, and packaging. These materials end up in landfills and landfill leachate, as well as at WWTPs (Ahrens and others, 2009; Busch and others, 2010).

The input of PFAS from WWTPs is of particular interest for surface water, as PFAS are present in both WWTP influent and effluent across the country (Lenka and others, 2021). Rice and Westerhoff (2017) evaluated the dilution factor—defined as the ratio of streamflow to treated wastewater—for the contiguous United States. Several segments of the rivers in New Mexico, including large segments of the Rio Grande, Pecos, Canadian, and San Juan Rivers, had dilution factors less than 10 and even less than the lowest classification of 2, which indicates a larger fraction of wastewater in the river.

Several National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitted discharges exist within the near-site watersheds of, and upstream from, the surface-water sites (fig. 3, table 4). NPDES permits specify limits on what can be discharged to ensure that the discharge does not impair water quality or human health, and a permit can include multiple discharge locations, also known as outfalls (EPA, 2022e). San Juan Archuleta is downstream from a utility NPDES permitted discharge. A domestic NPDES permitted discharge is upstream from San Juan Fruitland. Upstream from Pecos Artesia is a WWTP. On the Rio Grande, there are several NPDES permitted discharges. Rio Grande Taos is downstream from a WWTP with an NPDES permitted discharge. Upstream from Rio Grande Buckman, there are seven Federal NPDES permitted discharges in addition to two municipal outfalls and one private domestic NPDES permitted discharge. Upstream from Rio Grande Alameda, three WWTPs have NPDES permitted discharges. Upstream from Rio Grande Valle de Oro, the State’s largest WWTP discharges into the Rio Grande. Above Rio Grande El Paso, there are two WWTPs and two utility NPDES permitted discharges. Additionally, there are multiple permitted discharges upstream from the sites beyond the near-site watershed and those types and quantities are shown in table 5. PFAS are very persistent and resistant to degradation, and permitted discharges upstream could be relevant to PFAS occurrence at a site.

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitting program discharge locations
                        across New Mexico.
Figure 3.

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitting program discharge locations across New Mexico (New Mexico Water Data, 2022).

Table 4.    

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System discharges within the near-site watershed area of study sites (New Mexico Water Data, 2022).

[USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; N. Mex., New Mexico; Tex., Texas]

USGS site number Site name Permit type Number of outfalls
08276500 Rio Grande below Taos Junction Bridge near Taos, N. Mex. Municipal 1
08313150 Rio Grande above Buckman Diversion, near White Rock, N. Mex. Federal 7
08313150 Rio Grande above Buckman Diversion, near White Rock, N. Mex. Municipal 2
08313150 Rio Grande above Buckman Diversion, near White Rock, N. Mex. Private domestic 1
08329918 Rio Grande at Alameda Bridge at Alameda, N. Mex. Municipal 1
08329918 Rio Grande at Alameda Bridge at Alameda, N. Mex. Municipal 1
08329918 Rio Grande at Alameda Bridge at Alameda, N. Mex. Municipal 1
08330830 Rio Grande at Valle de Oro, N. Mex. Municipal 1
08330830 Rio Grande at Valle de Oro, N. Mex. Federal 1
08364000 Rio Grande at El Paso, Tex. Municipal 1
08364000 Rio Grande at El Paso, Tex. Utility 2
08364000 Rio Grande at El Paso, Tex. Municipal 1
08396500 Pecos River near Artesia, N. Mex. Municipal 1
09355500 San Juan River near Archuleta, N. Mex. Utility 1
09367540 San Juan River near Fruitland, N. Mex. Native American (domestic) 1
Table 4.    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System discharges within the near-site watershed area of study sites (New Mexico Water Data, 2022).

Table 5.    

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System discharges upstream from the study sites and if relevant, downstream from the nearest upstream site (New Mexico Water Data, 2022).

[USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; N. Mex., New Mexico; Tex., Texas; R, river]

USGS site number Site name Number of outfalls upstream Permit type (number of facilities)
07221500 Canadian River near Sanchez, N. Mex. 4 Municipal (2), utility (2)
07224500 Canadian River Below Conchas Dam, N. Mex. 0 --
07227000 Canadian River at Logan, N. Mex. 1 Municipal (1)
08287000 Rio Chama below Abiquiu Dam, N. Mex. 2 Municipal (1), fish hatchery (1)
08276500 Rio Grande below Taos Junction Bridge near Taos, N. Mex. 3 Municipal (1), fish hatchery (1), mine (noncoal) (1)
08313150 Rio Grande above Buckman Diversion, near White Rock, N. Mex. 12 Federal (7), municipal (2), private domestic (1)
08329918 Rio Grande at Alameda Bridge at Alameda, N. Mex. 11 Federal (5), municipal (4), utility (1), Native American (domestic) (1)
08330830 Rio Grande at Valle De Oro, N. Mex. 3 Federal (1), municipal (1), private domestic (1)
08353000 Rio Puerco near Bernardo, N. Mex. 0 --
08358400 Rio Grande Floodway at San Marcial, N. Mex. 6 Municipal (4), domestic (2)
08364000 Rio Grande at El Paso, Tex. 13 Municipal (10), private domestic (1), utility (2)
08383500 Pecos River near Puerto De Luna, N. Mex. 5 Municipal (2), fish hatchery (2), private domestic (1)
08396500 Pecos River near Artesia, N. Mex. 3 Municipal (3)
08407500 Pecos River at Red Bluff, N. Mex. 1 Municipal (1)
09355500 San Juan River near Archuleta, N. Mex. 1 Utility (1)
09364500 Animas River at Farmington, N. Mex. 2 Municipal (1), utility (1)
09367540 San Juan R near Fruitland, N. Mex. 3 Municipal (1), Native American (domestic) (1), utility (1)
09430500 Gila River near Gila, N. Mex. 0 --
Table 5.    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System discharges upstream from the study sites and if relevant, downstream from the nearest upstream site (New Mexico Water Data, 2022).

The EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online database has compiled national PFAS datasets that can be used to evaluate PFAS in communities, including occurrence, testing, and reporting (EPA, 2022b). The datasets include PFAS manufacturers, Federal sites, facilities in industries that may be handling PFAS (for example, airports and fire training sites), NPDES discharges that are monitored for PFAS, and superfund sites with PFAS detections. From these datasets, facilities in industries that may be handling PFAS were mapped for New Mexico and selected areas of neighboring States (fig. 4). A summary of the facilities within the near-site watersheds of the surface-water sites is provided in table 6. No facilities were within 3,000 ft, which exceeds the default radius of 1,000 ft used by the NMED for wellhead protection plans (A. Jochems, NMED, written commun, 2023) of groundwater wells, springs, or diversions.

Locations of facilities that may use per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances across New
Figure 4.

Locations of facilities that may use per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) across New Mexico (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2022b).

Table 6.    

Number and type of facilities potentially handling per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) within the near-site watershed of surface-water sites (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2022b).

[USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; N. Mex., New Mexico; Tex., Texas]

USGS site number Site name Number of facilities potentially handling PFAS
08287000 Rio Chama below Abiquiu Dam, N. Mex. Waste management (1)
08313150 Rio Grande above Buckman Diversion, near White Rock, N. Mex. Airports (1), national defense (2), paints and coatings (1), waste management (1)
08329918 Rio Grande at Alameda Bridge at Alameda, N. Mex. Chemical manufacturing (4), electronics industry (11), industrial gas (2), metal coating (2), metal machinery manufacturing (2), paper mills and products (1), printing (1), textiles and leather (1), waste management (9)
08330830 Rio Grande at Valle De Oro, N. Mex. Airports (11), chemical manufacturing and cleaning product manufacturing (7), electronics industry (10), glass products (1), metal coating and metal machinery manufacturing (11), national defense (13), oil and gas (2), paints, coatings, plastics and resins (5), printing (5), waste management (5)
08364000 Rio Grande at El Paso, Tex. Waste management (3)
08396500 Pecos River near Artesia, N. Mex. Airports (1), chemical manufacturing (4), national defense (1), oil and gas (15)
08407500 Pecos River at Red Bluff, N. Mex. Oil and gas (7)
09355500 San Juan River near Archuleta, N. Mex. Oil and gas (3)
09364500 Animas River at Farmington, N. Mex. Chemical manufacturing (3), metal coating (1), oil and gas (5), waste management (3)
09367540 San Juan River near Fruitland, N. Mex. Oil and gas (4)
Table 6.    Number and type of facilities potentially handling per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) within the near-site watershed of surface-water sites (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2022b).


From August 2020 to October 2021, samples were collected across the State at the locations shown in figures 1 and 2. These locations were selected to cover urban, agricultural, and undeveloped areas encompassing a spectrum of anthropogenic activities. At the request of the NMED and the State legislature, this study increased focus in Curry and Otero Counties, both of which have known PFAS releases (EPA, 2022b). However, those releases were not targeted by this study. This section describes field methods for collection and analyses of water samples. Additionally, quality-control samples and data-analysis methods are discussed. Water-quality and streamflow data for sampled sites are publicly available from the USGS National Water Information System (USGS, 2022b) using the site identification numbers in tables 1 and 2. Water-quality data also are available in appendix 1, tables 1.1–1.4.

Field Methods

For most analytes, the methods described in this section for collecting groundwater and surface-water samples are documented in the USGS National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data (USGS, variously dated). However, the USGS field manual does not currently (2022) include the methods described here for the collection of water samples for PFAS analysis because USGS standard methods have not yet been published.


Water samples were collected from 117 wells and 24 springs by following standard USGS protocols (USGS, variously dated) (table 1). Several sites that had detections of PFAS were resampled, and the sampling frequency at each site is indicated in table 1. Sites were resampled, when possible, if there was a PFAS detection or they were resampled to meet objectives for additional sampling in Curry and Otero Counties. Seasonal variation was not evaluated. Before water samples were collected, field properties including pH, water temperature, specific conductance, and dissolved oxygen were measured in a flow-through cell during well purging at each sampling site. All wells were pumped using dedicated pumps installed within each well by the owner, who reported discharge. Water level, casing dimensions, and pumping rate were used to calculate the purge volume and the time required to purge three casing volumes and allow field parameters to stabilize prior to sample collection. Spring discharge could not be measured because of the spring infrastructure and access. Groundwater samples were collected from a raw-water tap before any treatment by the system owner. Water samples were collected using C-flex tubing connected in line with the groundwater raw-water tap or pumped with a peristaltic pump from the spring orifice and filtered (0.45-micrometer pore size) for major cations, trace elements, alkalinity, nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and radiocarbon. The major cations, trace element, and DOC samples were preserved to less than pH 2. Tritium, stable isotopes of water (δ18O and δ2H), and PFAS were collected as unfiltered samples directly from the raw-water tap or directly from the spring. PFAS samples were collected directly into high density polyethylene sample bottles by USGS staff who wore nitrile gloves over elbow length polyethylene gloves during sampling. Sampling at seventeen sites—sites 21, 22, 28, 29, 31–35, 38–40, 47, 49, 52, 57, and 69—only included PFAS and stable isotopes. Nonwaterproof labels were affixed to the bottles and annotated using a writing implement other than permanent marker, which was prohibited.

Surface Water

Eighteen surface-water locations were sampled across the State (table 2), as well as six surface-water diversions. The rivers were sampled during stable flow, and stormflow events were avoided. Additionally, the frequency of sampling was dependent on the location. Some surface-water sites were sampled while sampling for other projects to minimize travel time and most efficiently use available resources. Although some sites were sampled more frequently than others, seasonality could not be captured or evaluated during this study. Before water samples were collected at a river cross section, field properties including pH, water temperature, specific conductance, and dissolved oxygen were measured from five points along the cross section at the sampling location and the median value was used, with the exception of pH, which was measured in still water from the churn. Surface-water samples were collected by using equal width increment sampling or with dip sampling for average velocities less than 1.5 feet per second, following standard USGS protocols (USGS, variously dated). A polycarbonate sample bottle and polyoxymethylene nozzle were used by USGS staff to collect each PFAS surface-water sample while wearing elbow length polyethylene gloves and nitrile gloves over the polyethylene gloves. Surface-water samples from the cross section for PFAS were then composited into a polycarbonate churn (equipment was cleaned with Liquinox, tap water, 5 percent hydrochloric acid, deionized water, methanol, and PFAS-free blank water), while wearing elbow length polyethylene gloves and nitrile gloves over the polyethylene gloves. A separate sample for wastewater tracers was collected using Teflon equipment (cleaned with Liquinox, tap water, 5 percent hydrochloric acid, deionized water, methanol, and organic-free blank water) at selected surface-water sites after processing of the sample collected using the polycarbonate equipment. Water samples were collected using C-flex tubing and filtered (0.45-micrometer pore size) for major cations, trace elements, and alkalinity. The major cation, trace element, and DOC samples were preserved to less than pH 2. DOC samples were collected directly from the centroid of the surface-water cross section because the churns used for sampling had both been rinsed with methanol. DOC samples were filtered in the laboratory. Wastewater tracers were collected as raw, unfiltered samples from the Teflon churn. PFAS were collected as raw, unfiltered samples from the polycarbonate churn directly into high density polyethylene sample bottles by USGS staff wearing elbow length polyethylene gloves and nitrile gloves over the polyethylene gloves. Nonwaterproof labels were affixed to the bottles and annotated using a writing implement other than permanent marker, as recommended by guidance for minimizing PFAS contamination during sample collection (Interstate Technology Regulatory Council, 2023).

Quality-Control Sample Collection

Quality-control samples consisted of replicate and blank samples collected using the same procedures to collect the environmental samples (USGS, variously dated). Field blanks for groundwater sites and certified PFAS-free water were poured directly into the PFAS sample bottles. Field blanks for surface-water sites were collected as described in the National Field Manual (USGS, variously dated). Field blanks were collected at several different sites and processed by different field personnel. Inorganic blanks at surface-water sites were not collected because of the use of a different type of blank water (inorganic-free blank water) that would negate the PFAS-cleaning procedures. Certified inorganic-free blank water was used for major ions, trace elements, nutrients, and DOC. Certified organic-free blank water was used for wastewater tracers, and certified organic and PFAS-free water was used for PFAS. Replicates were collected using the methods outlined in the National Field Manual (USGS, variously dated), concurrently for surface water and sequentially for groundwater. Replicate locations were chosen randomly, as it was unknown whether PFAS would be present at a given site. When possible, however, replicates were added during subsequent sampling events at sites where detections were found. Quality-control sample data are provided in appendix 1, tables 1.2 and 1.4.

Analytical Methods

Twenty-eight PFAS compounds (table 7) were analyzed in both groundwater and surface-water samples at SGS North America in Orlando, Florida, using a modified EPA 537.1 method (EPA, 2018). With this method, a sample is fortified with surrogates and passed through a solid phase extraction cartridge to extract the analytes. The compounds are then extracted from the cartridge using methanol. The extract is then concentrated and adjusted to a 1-milliliter volume, and a 10-microliter volume is analyzed using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. The analytes are separated and identified by comparing mass spectra and retention times to reference spectra and retention times of calibration standards. Analyte concentrations are determined using internal standards (EPA, 2018). This method included 11 perfluoroalkylcarboxylic acids, 7 perfluoroalkyl sulfonatic acids, 1 perfluorooctanesulfonamide, 2 perfluorooctane sulfonamidoacetic acids, 3 fluorotelomer sulfonates, and 4 next generation PFAS. The method detection level for each analyte varies with each laboratory run, which could vary if there was matrix interference, and the laboratory reported results above the laboratory detection level. The laboratory estimated concentrations that were below the reporting level (table 7) but above the detection level when the compound met criteria indicating its presence. Results below the detection level were reported as less than the reporting level.

Table 7.    

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances analyzed by modified U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 537.1 method (EPA, 2018) and the analyte abbreviations.

[Laboratory reporting levels are given in nanograms per liter]

Analyte Analyte abbreviation Chemical abstract service number Minimum laboratory reporting level for groundwater Maximum laboratory reporting level for groundwater Minimum laboratory reporting level for surface water Maximum laboratory reporting level for surface water
Perfluorobutanoic acid PFBA 375-22-4 3.6 9.1 3.4 19
Perfluoropentanoic acid PFPeA 2706-90-3 1.8 11 1.7 7.1
Perfluorohexanoic acid PFHxA 307-24-4 1.8 11 1.7 7.1
Perfluoroheptanoic acid PFHpA 375-85-9 1.8 11 1.7 7.1
Perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA 335-67-1 1.8 4.5 1.7 7.1
Perfluorononanoic acid PFNA 375-95-1 1.8 4.5 1.7 7.1
Perfluorodecanoic acid PFDA 335-76-2 1.8 4.5 1.7 7.1
Perfluoroundecanoic acid PFUnDA 2058-94-8 1.8 4.5 1.7 11
Perfluorododecanoic acid PFDoDA 307-55-1 1.8 9.3 1.7 36
Perfluorotridecanoic acid PFTrDA 72629-94-8 1.8 9.3 1.7 36
Perfluorotetradecanoic acid PFTeDA 376-06-7 1.8 10 1.7 19
Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid PFBS 375-73-5 1.8 4.5 1.7 7.1
Perfluoropentanesulfonic acid PFPeS 2706-91-4 1.8 4.5 1.7 7.1
Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid PFHxS 355-46-4 1.8 4.5 1.7 7.1
Perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid PFHpS 375-92-8 1.8 4.5 1.7 7.1
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid PFOS 1763-23-1 1.8 4.5 1.7 7.1
Perfluorononanesulfonic acid PFNS 474511-07-4 1.8 4.5 1.7 7.1
Perfluorodecanesulfonic acid PFDS 335-77-3 1.8 4.5 1.7 8.9
4:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate 4:2FTS 757124-72-4 7.1 43 6.9 29
6:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate 6:2FTS 27619-97-2 7.1 11 6.9 29
8:2 Fluorotelomer sulfonate 8:2FTS 39108-34-4 7.1 11 6.9 29
Perfluorooctane sulfonamide PFOSA 754-91-6 3.6 5.3 3.4 23
N-Methyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid MeFOSAA 2355-31-9 3.6 9.1 3.4 23
N-Ethyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 3.6 9.1 3.4 23
Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (GenX) HFPO-DA 13252-13-6 3.6 23 3.4 20
4,8-dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid ADONA 919005-14-4 7.1 11 6.9 29
9-chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanone-1-sulfonic acid 9Cl-PF3ONS 756426-58-1 7.1 11 6.9 29
11-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecane-1-sulfonic acid 11Cl-PF3OUdS 763051-92-9 7.1 37 6.9 140
Table 7.    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances analyzed by modified U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 537.1 method (EPA, 2018) and the analyte abbreviations.

Groundwater and Otero County Surface-Water Diversion

Water samples (including surface-water diversion samples) were analyzed for major cations, trace elements, and nutrients by the USGS National Water Quality Laboratory in Denver, Colorado. Analytical methods from the National Water Quality Laboratory included inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry to determine arsenic concentration (Garbarino and others, 2006). Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry was used to analyze for cations (calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and sodium) (Fishman, 1993). Anions (chloride, fluoride, and sulfate) were analyzed by ion chromatography, and silicon dioxide (SiO2) was analyzed by discrete analyzer colorimetry (Fishman and Friedman, 1989). Nitrate (NO3) plus nitrite (NO2) was analyzed by colorimetry (Patton and Kryskalla, 2011).

Stable isotope ratios of oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δ2H) of water were measured at the USGS Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory in Reston, Virginia. Standardization is based on international reference materials, Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, and Standard Light Antarctic Precipitation. Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory samples were analyzed using mass spectrometry following methods by Révész and Coplen (2008a, b). The two sigma uncertainties are 0.2 parts per thousand (per mil) for oxygen and 2 per mil for hydrogen isotopic ratios reported relative to Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water.

The University of Miami Tritium Laboratory in Miami, Florida, measured tritium in samples using the electrolytic enrichment and gas-counting method, with a reporting limit of 0.3 picocuries per liter (pCi/L; Östlund, 1987). Carbon-14 (14C) and δ13C (normalized ratio of carbon-13 and carbon-12) were analyzed by the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts (Stuiver and Polach, 1977). 14C was reported as absolute percent modern carbon and δ13C as per mil Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite.

Surface Water

Surface-water samples were analyzed for organic chemicals (wastewater tracer compounds) at the USGS Integrated Water Chemistry Assessment Laboratory in Boulder, Colo. DOC and aqueous inorganic chemicals (trace elements, rare earth elements, and major cations and anions) were measured by the USGS Analytical Trace Element Chemistry Common Services Laboratory in Boulder, Colo. Neutral organic wastewater tracer compounds were extracted by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and measured by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in multiple monitoring mode following methods by Barber and others (2000), with quantified compound values reported above the reporting level. Surrogate standards were added prior to extraction and workup procedures, and isotopically labeled internal standards were added to the extract immediately prior to analysis. DOC samples were analyzed by platinum catalyzed persulfate/ultraviolet light oxidation with infrared detection, and ultraviolet light absorbance at 254 nanometers was measured in a 1-centimeter quartz cell (Weishaar and others, 2003). Major anions were measured by ion chromatography with conductivity detection using a Dionex Model ICS3000 ion chromatograph with suppressed conductivity detection, an IonPac AS18 analytical column with an IonPac AG18 guard column, and a 28-millimolar (mM) potassium hydroxide mobile phase (Pfaff, 1993). Metals and major cations were measured by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (Garbarino and Taylor, 1979). Trace elements and rare earth elements were measured by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Garbarino and Taylor, 1996). Individual samples were analyzed in triplicate and the reporting level was determined for each batch sample run.

Surface-Water Surrogate Standard and Internal Standard Spikes

To provide robust quality assurance for wastewater tracer analysis over the gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method, different surrogate standard and internal standard compounds were used. Eight surrogate standards were spiked into the sample matrix before any extraction and workup procedures in the laboratory to provide information on how much of the compound was extracted and how much was lost by any cleanup procedures. Percentage recoveries of these surrogate standards were then used to estimate and control for matrix effects and sample workup effects on targeted wastewater tracer compounds that are chemically similar. The percent recovery observed for surrogate standard spikes added to each environmental sample are available in appendix 1, table 1.4. Additionally, a mixture of six deuterated internal standards (EPA 8270 Semivolatile Internal Standard Mix) was added to each worked-up extract immediately before injection into the gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometer to monitor and control for injection problems or drift in instrument performance.

Data Analysis

Methods for data analysis are described below to address calculations, land cover assessment, and statistical analysis.

Total Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Concentrations

The total PFAS concentration was calculated for each site listed in this report, and any individual PFAS concentrations of the 28 compounds were reported below the laboratory reporting level, with a “<” were treated as “0” values when calculating the total PFAS concentration. Additionally, when the average PFAS concentration was plotted on figures, if there were no detections of PFAS in the whole sample, the value was considered “0” when calculating the average.

Land Cover Assessment

The surface-water sites selected for this study were located at established USGS streamgaging sites. Therefore, the sites were often not at the downstream end of a watershed, and selecting a way to evaluate surrounding land cover needed to be more specific than evaluating land cover across the entire watershed a given site was located in. The surrounding land cover at surface-water sites (table 3) was determined using the methods outlined in Medalie and others (2020), which showed that glyphosate detections were correlated to near-site watershed land use more strongly than land use within the whole watershed. A 15-kilometer buffer was created around each surface-water site and then clipped to the upstream watershed using ArcGIS Pro (Esri, 2023). The most recently available land cover data (Dewitz and others, 2021) were used to determine distribution within the buffer. The land cover in each near-site watershed was then used to evaluate associations between PFAS detections and land cover. The sites were categorized into a near-site land cover category on the basis of the percentage of developed (includes a range of developed areas mixed with grass cover with some constructed materials to areas that are composed entirely of impervious surfaces), agricultural (includes pasture, hay, and cultivated crops), and undeveloped land cover (includes forests, shrublands, grasslands, open water, wetlands, and barren land) (Dewitz and others, 2021). The categories were defined with the following criteria: (1) developed, near-site watershed contained greater than 30 percent developed land cover; (2) mixed, near-site watershed contained greater than 10 percent mixed land cover (developed plus agricultural ranged from 10 to 29.9 percent); and (3) undeveloped, near-site watershed contained greater than 90 percent undeveloped land cover (table 3). The medians of total PFAS concentration were calculated by land cover category, and total PFAS concentrations for which concentrations of the 28 compounds were not detected were treated as “0” values. Additionally, when calculating the medians, the sites were put into two groups: sites that were sampled more than five times and sites that were sampled less than five times (table 2). Land cover was not evaluated for groundwater locations because of the complex flow paths of groundwater and the difficulty of delineating relevant areas contributing recharge.

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Flux Calculations

Instantaneous loading rates, also known as flux, for PFAS in surface water were calculated using an approach of multiplying concentration times streamflow (Meals and others, 2013),

Flux = K × Q × C


is the unit conversion factor 2.4468×10−3 when calculating a daily loading flux in grams per day (g/d), which accounts for conversions of cubic feet to milliliters (1 cubic foot equals 28,316.8 milliliters), nanograms to grams (1×109 nanograms equals 1 gram), and seconds to days (86,400 seconds equals 1 day);


is instantaneous streamflow, in cubic feet per second; and


is concentration, in nanograms per liter.

The instantaneous flux is the instantaneous rate at which the load passes a point in the river, converted into a daily rate. When evaluating total PFAS concentrations in this report, individual quantified PFAS concentrations were added for a total concentration; concentrations below the detection level were treated as a value of zero. This PFAS concentration calculation applies to land cover analysis, average total PFAS concentrations, PFAS proportion graphs where total PFAS concentrations are displayed, flux calculations, and other plots where total PFAS concentrations are shown.

Statistical Analysis

To help with interpretation of major- and trace-element concentrations, this large dataset was analyzed using Spearman’s rank-order correlation, defined as the assessment of the increasing or decreasing relationship between the rank of each data point to assess monotonic relationships in the data. Next, principal components analysis was used to determine relationships between multiple analytes. Principal components analysis is a method of reducing the number of attributes (variables) of a large dataset while preserving both statistical information (in the form of variability) and meaningful properties of the original dataset (Jolliffe and Cadima, 2016). For the principal component analysis, new uncorrelated variables were created by solving an eigenvalue/eigenvector problem using R (version 4.2.3; R Core Team, 2023) that successively maximizes variance. Eigenvectors determine the directions of the principal component feature space, and eigenvalues determine the magnitude of the eigenvectors. The eigenvectors that correspond to the largest eigenvalues (the principal components) were then plotted as arrows overlain on the principal component analysis graph to show a reconstruction of the variance of the original data to reveal important geochemical analytes that separate the sample data into different areas of the principal component analysis graph.

Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) is an alternative to the principal components analysis biplot described above (Helsel and others, 2020), which employs distances measured between ranks of the sample data. The NMDS method reduces the complex data structure (many samples and many elements) to represent the pairwise dissimilarity between objects in a low-dimensional space (Clarke and others, 2014, p. 5–6). The “uscore” function for R (version 4.2.3; R Core Team, 2023) from Helsel (2016) was used to compute Uscores of the data, utilizing default values to calculate the ranks of the scores (Helsel, 2012, 2016). Uscores are defined as the ranks of the sample data with lowest values having the lowest numerical rank. NMDS was performed on the uscores to compare dissimilarities within the dataset using metaMDS from the vegan package in R (Oksanen and others, 2016), utilizing Euclidean distance, where zerodist = “add” and autotransform = “false” (Helsel, 2012). Euclidean distance refers to the length of line segment between two points calculated using the Pythagorean theorem. NMDS stress values are calculated with the “metaMDS” function and reflect how well the ordination summarizes the observed distances among the samples. Values less than or equal to (≤) 0.1 are considered fair with good ordination and no real prospect of misleading interpretation; values ≤0.05 indicate good fit, and values greater than or equal to (≥) 0.2 are deemed suspect (Clarke and others, 2014, p. 5–6).

A cluster analysis was used to identify similar groups of samples by evaluating minimum differences within groups and maximum differences among groups using the “hclust” function with Euclidian distance matrix for the elements used in the NMDS analysis. A cluster analysis is defined as an analysis to assess which data points are more similar to each other, thus belonging to a group, than they are to data points in a separate group. The Calinski criterion (a measure of the variance between clusters) was applied with the “cascadeKM” function of the vegan package in R (Oksanen and others, 2016) to determine the number of clusters that maximizes the difference between clusters while minimizing the differences within clusters. The analytes used in the NMDS analysis were evaluated for correlation by calculating Kendall’s tau (a measure of the relationships between ranked data) using the “cenken” function from the NADA package in R (Lee, 2017).

Interpretation of Age Tracers

Age tracers are isotopes of elements associated with water that provide information on the timing for the recharge water to enter the subsurface then undergo subsequent decay, mixing, and water-rock interactions that provide an indication of the length of time the water has been in the subsurface (also referred to as the “age” of the water). 14C values, reported by National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry as absolute percent modern carbon, were denormalized using equation 5 of Plummer and others (2012) to percent modern carbon (pmc). This study did not have enough groundwater samples along a flow path from recharge to sampling location to perform detailed geochemical modeling, so NetpathXL (a spreadsheet interface to program Netpath) was used to compute corrected groundwater ages using model 11 “Revised F&G solid ex” (Parkhurst and Charlton, 2008; Han and Plummer, 2013). Groundwater age was computed using 14C values of 0 pmc for carbonate rock and 100 pmc for soil CO2, assuming δ13C values of 0 per mil for carbonate and −11.5 and −21.4 per mil for soil CO2 (Plummer and others, 2012).

The concentration of tritium in precipitation varies spatially, and in the contiguous United States, the concentration is generally lowest in the southwest region including New Mexico (Michel and others, 2018). Categorical classification groups for groundwater age were determined for the sites sampled for this study by using the measured tritium and the tritium precipitation data from Michel and others (2018) and the methods described in Lindsey and others (2019).

Normalization of Rare Earth Elements

Rare earth elements (REEs) typically follow a pattern of concentration change between elements, but some artificial processes can cause some of the REEs to be greater or less than what they would be in the natural pattern, and these differences are considered to be anomalous when the magnitude of the variation is high. Since the studies of Bau and Dulski (1996) and Bau and others (2006), a positive gadolinium (Gd) anomaly, which is related to the use of Gd-based contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is now considered worldwide to be a distinctive signature of water inputs from wastewater treatment plants in areas with MRI facilities. For this study, aqueous concentrations of REEs were normalized to the North American shale composite (Gromet and others, 1984; Piper and Bau, 2013). Background concentrations of Gd (Gdbackground) from geogenic sources were interpolated from a third order polynomial regression fitted to the REE distribution from lanthanum (La) through ytterbium (Yb) at each site. The background concentrations were compared with the sample concentrations to identify samples with a Gd anomaly, which is ratio of the sample Gd to the background Gd greater than 1.

Quality-Control Data Interpretation

Quality-control samples consisted of replicate and blank samples collected using the same procedures as the environmental samples (USGS, variously dated). Laboratory quality-control samples were also analyzed with the PFAS environmental samples and were within acceptable limits for data presented in this report. There were no laboratory blank detections, and spike recoveries and duplicate comparisons were within acceptable ranges for EPA Method 537 and 537.1 modified PFAS analytical methods (data not shown).

Groundwater and Surface-Water Blanks

Twenty-three groundwater field blanks were performed for groundwater sampling, including 8 inorganic field blanks and 15 PFAS field blanks. The constituents detected in inorganic groundwater field blank samples are in table 8. A suggested concentration of influence for contamination was calculated by multiplying the maximum blank concentration by 10. The percentage of environmental samples with concentrations below this threshold represents the portion of samples for which concentrations may represent at least a 10-percent contribution from contamination bias. The samples below this threshold are, therefore, most likely to be impacted by high bias resulting from contamination sources in the field or laboratory.

Table 8.    

Blank sample data for major ions and trace elements in groundwater samples.

[<, less than; mg/L, milligram per liter; µg/L, microgram per liter]

Analyte Number of blanks Number of blanks with a value greater than the laboratory detection level Concentration range of blanks Concentration for threshold of influence Units Percentage of environmental samples below threshold
Ammonia 8 1 <0.01–0.01 0.10 mg/L 3.0
Dissolved organic carbon 8 2 <0.23–0.36 3.63 mg/L 84.3
Arsenic 8 1 <0.1–0.16 1.61 µg/L 61.6
Copper 8 1 <0.4–1.26 12.61 µg/L 63.0
Lead 8 1 <0.02–0.03 0.26 µg/L 65.2
Molybdenum 8 1 <0.05–0.30 2.91 µg/L 74.6
Nickel 8 3 <0.2–0.41 4.10 µg/L 39.1
Antimony 8 1 <0.06–1.76 1.76 µg/L 14.5
Aluminum 8 1 <3–6.21 62.12 µg/L 0.7
Uranium 8 1 <0.03–0.22 2.20 µg/L 63.0
Table 8.    Blank sample data for major ions and trace elements in groundwater samples.

Nineteen surface-water field blanks were collected, including 12 PFAS field blanks, and 4 wastewater tracer and DOC field blanks (table 9). Only one PFAS field blank had a detection. PFOS was detected below the reporting level but above the detection level at 1.1 ng/L at Rio Grande El Paso on August 25, 2020. Major ion and trace element blanks were not collected because the inorganic blank water is not certified as being free of PFAS, rendering it incompatible with passing through the sampling equipment prior to collecting PFAS samples. No DOC was detected in the surface-water blanks.

Table 9.    

Blank sample data for wastewater tracers in surface water.

[Dates are shown as month, day, year. Times shown in 24-hour format. Values are reported in micrograms per liter. env, environmental sample; blank, blank sample; <, less than; NA, not available]

Analyte Site name, sample date, and time
Rio Grande Buckman,
Rio Grande Alameda,
San Juan Archuleta,
Animas Farmington,
Laboratory blank,
Env Blank Env Blank Env Blank Env Blank Env Blank
4-t-OP2EO <0.08 0.0813 <0.08 0.0492 <0.08 0.0390 <0.08 0.0378 NA 0.0881
4-t-OP3EO 0.1063 <0.05 0.0501 0.0481 0.0620 0.0232 0.0454 0.0331 NA 0.0956
Cholesterol 0.6045 0.3887 0.6439 0.1609 0.9218 0.1768 0.9652 0.1879 NA 0.6806
2,6-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzo-quinone 4.4808 1.7500 4.1610 0.5183 0.0976 0.5009 0.8150 0.5175 NA 2.2926
5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole <0.10 0.1989 <0.10 0.0733 <0.10 0.0475 0.0967 0.0565 NA <0.10
Table 9.    Blank sample data for wastewater tracers in surface water.

Five wastewater tracer compounds were present above the method detection level in the field blanks (4-t-OP2EO, 4-t-OP3EO, 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone, and cholesterol) (table 9). The aforementioned compounds were also present in the corresponding lab blank, with the exception of 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole. Thus, study reporting levels (SRLs) were established for these five compounds: 4-t-OP2EO (SRL of 0.176 microgram per liter [µg/L]), 4-t-OP3EO (SRL of 0.191 µg/L), cholesterol (SRL of 1.36 µg/L), 2,6-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone (SRL of 4.58 µg/L), and 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole (SRL of 0.398 µg/L), with the new SRL raised to be equal to two times the highest concentration found in blank samples. Only cholesterol (Rio Chama Abiquiu, February 22, 2021, and Pecos Artesia, June 10, 2021), 2,6-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone (Pecos Artesia, June 21, 2020), and 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole (Rio Chama Abiquiu, August 13, 2020) had environmental sample values greater than the SRL.

Groundwater Replicates

Eighteen replicates of the full analytical suite, including major ions, trace elements, nutrients, DOC, stable isotopes, groundwater age dating (reduced to 11 14C and 17 tritium samples), and PFAS, were collected for this study. Four additional replicates included only PFAS, and one replicate had both stable isotopes and PFAS.

Variability in analyte concentration was calculated for replicate pairs using the bias-corrected log-log regression model (Mueller and others, 2015), which is based on the approximately linear relation of logarithms of standard deviation and mean concentration of replicate pairs. This linear relation can be expressed as



is the logarithm of replicate standard deviation;


is the intercept of the regression line, estimated by least squares;


is the slope of the regression line, estimated by least squares; and


is the logarithm of mean replicate concentration.

Standard deviation residuals from equation 2 are then transformed back to their original units. The mean of the transformed standard deviation residuals is the bias-correction factor, which is multiplied by the estimated standard deviations of the replicates for each analyte to express the modeled standard deviation (SDM):

SD M = b c f 10 B 0 + B 1 l o g C

Equations of variability in concentration for analytes with 10 or more replicate pairs having detections are shown in table 10. Some analytes had a majority of values that were censored, and their variability could not be quantified.

Table 10.    

Summary of data and results for replicate groundwater samples used in estimating variability in concentration.

[The variability equation solution gives the modeled standard deviation value based on equation 3. Replicate pairs with at least one sample having a result less than the laboratory detection level were not included in the calculation of variability equations. mg/L, milligram per liter; C, mean replicate concentration; ^, 10 raised to the power of the value in the bracket equation following the symbol; µg/L, microgram per liter]

Analyte Units Environmental sample range Number of replicate pairs Variability equation
Nitrate as nitrogen mg/L 0.055–23.9 15 1.633{10^[−1.8792+0.369log(C)]}
Alkalinity as calcium carbonate mg/L 50.1–2,000 16 1.344{10^[0.6822−0.256log(C)]}
Arsenic µg/L 0.10–41.7 14 2.386{10^[−1.9342+0.570log(C)]}
Barium µg/L 8.6–547 16 1.558{10^[−3.0338+1.528log(C)]}
Boron µg/L 8–1376 16 1.345{10^[−1.8637+0.917log(C) ]}
Calcium mg/L 3.68–482 16 2.031{10^[−2.3038+0.950log(C) ]}
Chloride mg/L 3.05–5730 16 2.011{10^[−2.2524+0.633log(C) ]}
Dissolved solids (dried at 180 degrees Celsius) mg/L 165–58,100 16 1.275{10^[−3.5143+1.601log(C) ]}
Fluoride mg/L 0.08–2.97 15 1.459{10^[−2.1278+0.777log(C) ]}
Lead µg/L 0.02–3.83 11 1.649{10^−1.0944+1.165log(C) ]}
Magnesium mg/L 0.592–1,300 16 1.617{10^[−1.2995+0.410log(C) ]}
Manganese µg/L 0.2–459 11 1.211{10^[−1.2376+0.694log(C) ]}
Molybdenum µg/L 0.128–29.5 17 1.522{10^[−2.0266+0.497log(C) ]}
Organic carbon mg/L 0.23–21.9 16 1.423{10^[−1.5116+0.587log(C) ]}
Potassium mg/L 0.4–18.5 14 1.737{10^[−1.6464+0.402log(C) ]}
Selenium µg/L 0.12–44.4 14 2.038{10^[−1.5806+0.054log(C) ]}
Sodium mg/L 4.57–16600 16 2.453{10^[−2.5135+1.054log(C) ]}
Sulfate mg/L 8.14–33,800 16 2.243{10^[−4.1000+1.692log(C) ]}
Uranium µg/L 0.09–214 16 1.634{10^[−2.7665+1.812log(C) ]}
Vanadium µg/L 0.6–61.9 10 1.727{10^[−0.6774−0.337log(C) ]}
Zinc µg/L 2–1,900 14 1.565{10^[−0.8531+0.787log(C) ]}
Table 10.    Summary of data and results for replicate groundwater samples used in estimating variability in concentration.

A confidence interval indicating the uncertainty for a measured concentration can be calculated with the following equation (Mueller and others, 2015):

C L , C U = C ± Z 1 α / 2 S D


are the lower and upper limits of concentration for the 100(1–α/2)-percent confidence interval;


is the percentage point of the standard normal curve that contains an area of 100(1–α/2) percent;


is the probability that the confidence interval does not include the true concentration; and


is the standard deviation of the measured concentration, independently estimated from replicate variability, as determined for this study using the bias-corrected log-log regression model described above.

For example, if a sample had an arsenic concentration of 9.7 µg/L, the modeled standard deviation from equation 3 would be 0.1 µg/L. The Z value for a 95-percent confidence interval (α/2=0.025) is 1.960, and the confidence interval from equation 4 would be
, C
] = 9.7 ± 1.960 (0.1) = [9.5, 9.9],
indicating that the true value of the sample did not exceed the regulatory threshold of 10 µg/L with 95-percent confidence.

PFAS concentrations were below the laboratory detection level for the majority of 22 replicate pairs collected. Six samples had detections for a selected group of PFAS in both replicate samples (table 11). Because there were few replicate pairs, relative percent difference (RPD) was used to evaluate the replicate pairs (Mueller and others, 2015). RPD is calculated using the following equation:

RPD = 100 l a r g e r   r e s u l t s m a l l e r   r e s u l t l a r g e r   r e s u l t + s m a l l e r   r e s u l t / 2
The RPDs for replicate pairs for PFAS in groundwater are shown in table 11 and did not exceed 20.7 percent, which was determined to be acceptable for this study.

Table 11.    

Replicate pairs with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances detections and associated variability in groundwater samples.

[Dates shown as month, day, year. Time shown in 24-hour format. Values are reported in nanograms per liter. Values in italics represent estimated concentrations greater than the laboratory detection level and less than the laboratory reporting level in effect at the time of sample analysis. Env, environmental sample; Rep, replicate sample; RPD, relative percent difference; NC, not calculated]

Analyte Report number, sample date, and time
Site 25
1–12–21 (1230)
Site 44
2–9–21 (1215)
Site 18
1–13–21 (1250)
Site 18
10–15–21 (0905)
Site 54
8–26–20 (1300)
Site 140
9–29–20 (0900)
Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD
PFBA 7.4 7.7 4.0 19 17.1 10.5 -- -- NC -- -- NC -- -- NC -- -- NC
PFBS 6.5 6.7 3.0 32.4 28.7 12.1 -- -- NC -- -- NC -- -- NC -- -- NC
PFHxA 10.3 11.2 8.4 9 8.2 9.3 2.6 2.4 8 2.6 2.4 8 -- -- NC -- -- NC
PFHxS 2.9 2.6 10.9 -- -- NC -- -- NC -- -- NC -- -- NC -- -- NC
PFOS -- -- NC -- -- NC -- -- NC -- -- NC 1.3 1.6 20.7 1.8 2 10.5
PFPeA 12.9 14 8.2 19.9 18.4 7.8 4.4 4.2 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.6 -- -- NC -- -- NC
PFPeS 1.5 1.7 12.5 -- -- NC -- -- NC -- -- NC -- -- NC -- -- NC
Table 11.    Replicate pairs with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances detections and associated variability in groundwater samples.

Surface-Water Replicates

The variability for some PFAS concentrations was higher in four surface-water replicates compared with groundwater replicates, which may reflect higher variability in the surface-water matrix than in groundwater. PFAS values were all less than the detection level for one other surface-water replicate (appendix 1, table 1.4) and variability was not able to be quantified. PFBS, perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA), PFOS, and PFPeA were found to have RPDs greater than 20 percent in at least one replicate pair (table 12). Three of these replicate pairs with high variability had concentrations below the laboratory reporting level and above the laboratory detection level, which are known to be associated with higher analytical variability. However, given that two of four of these pairs with high variability are between results that were below the reporting level, they are actually consistent in both reporting below the reporting level. This replicate variability indicates that for surface-water sampling, low level detections have higher variability, and the higher level detections have less variability.

Table 12.    

Replicate sample data and associated variability in concentration for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in surface-water samples for replicates with quantified values of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

[Dates shown as month, day, year. Time shown in 24-hour format. Values are reported in nanograms per liter. Values in italics represent estimated concentrations greater than the laboratory detection level and less than the laboratory reporting level in effect at the time of sample analysis. Env, environmental sample; Rep, replicate sample; RPD, relative percent difference; NC, not calculated; --, below the laboratory detection level; <, less than]

Analyte Site name, sample date, and time
Rio Puerco Bernardo
9–13–20 (1805)
Pecos Artesia
9–16–20 (1030)
Rio Grande
Valle de Oro
7–21–21 (1600)
Rio Grande Buckman
9–17–21 (1200)
Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD
PFBA 23.9 24.7 3.3 3.5 3.6 2.8 8.8 9 2.2 -- -- NC
PFBS 2.3 2.2 4.4 1.3 1.8 32.2 -- -- NC 2.3 2.5 8.3
PFDA -- -- NC -- -- NC 1.6 1.3 20.7 -- -- NC
PFHpA 1.8 1.9 5.4 <2 1 NC 1.9 2.2 14.6 -- -- NC
PFHxA 1.4 1.4 0 -- -- NC 8.5 10.1 17.2 -- -- NC
PFNA -- -- NC -- -- NC 3 2.7 10.5 -- -- NC
PFOA -- -- NC -- -- NC 5.5 6.1 10.3 -- -- NC
PFOS 3.1 5.6 57.5 <2 1.2 NC 4.2 4 4.9 -- -- NC
PFPeA 3.2 2.4 28.6 1 1.8 57.1 19.6 17.7 10.2 -- -- NC
Table 12.    Replicate sample data and associated variability in concentration for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in surface-water samples for replicates with quantified values of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

Four surface-water replicate samples were collected for wastewater tracers and three of these also included DOC, trace elements, and REEs (tables 13 and 14). Cholesterol, coprostanol, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone, and 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole all had RPDs of greater than 20 percent in at least one replicate pair (table 13). The RPDs for concentrations of wastewater tracer compounds in replicate samples ranged from 2.6 to 25.6 percent for all compounds, except for 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole (37.2 percent) and 2,6-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone (46.7–162.7 percent, with an average RPD of 108 percent). These high variabilities between replicate results were not observed at concentrations near the reporting level, below which values are more highly variable, except for coprostanol, whose reporting level was 0.10 µg/L. Concentrations measured for 2,6-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone are qualified as being estimated values with high uncertainty because of this high variability observed in replicate samples and the occurrence in blank samples. Additionally, although high RPDs were observed for 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole and 2,6-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone, these compounds were not reported in the environmental samples after censoring with the SRL.

Table 13.    

Replicate sample data and associated variability in concentration for wastewater tracers in surface-water samples.

[Dates shown as month, day, year. Time shown in 24-hour format. Values are reported in micrograms per liter. Env, environmental sample; Rep, replicate sample; RPD, relative percent difference; <, less than; NC, not calculated]

Analyte Site name, sample date, and time
Pecos Artesia
9–16–20 (1030)
Rio Grande Buckman
9–17–20 (1200)
Pecos Artesia
6–10–21 (0900)
Rio Grande Buckman
9–2–21 (0930)
Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD
Carbamazepine <0.027 <0.027 NC <0.027 <0.027 NC <0.027 <0.027 NC <0.027 <0.027 NC
Triclosan <0.027 <0.027 NC <0.027 <0.027 NC <0.027 <0.027 NC 0.1598 <0.027 NC
4-NP2EO 0.3031 <0.25 NC <0.25 <0.25 NC 0.3602 0.3197 11.9 <0.25 <0.25 NC
4-t-OP1EO 0.0092 <0.01 NC <0.01 <0.01 NC <0.01 <0.01 NC <0.01 <0.01 NC
4-t-OP3EO 0.0852 0.0725 16.1 0.0501 0.0509 1.6 0.0729 0.0701 3.9 0.0621 0.0588 5.5
Cholesterol 0.8693 0.8084 7.3 0.5512 <0.25 NC 1.8368 1.7765 3.3 0.9623 1.1882 21.0
Coprostanol <0.10 0.1326 NC <0.10 <0.10 NC <0.10 <0.10 NC 0.1377 0.1782 25.6
Bisphenol A 0.0302 0.0310 2.6 <0.027 0.0221 NC 0.0286 <0.027 NC 0.0589 <0.027 NC
2,6-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone 0.1294 0.2952 78.1 0.9503 0.0976 162.7 0.1798 0.2894 46.7 1.1477 7.2281 145.2
3,4-Dichloroaniline 0.0476 <0.027 NC <0.027 <0.027 NC <0.027 <0.027 NC <0.027 <0.027 NC
5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole 0.2234 0.3255 37.2 <0.01 <0.01 NC <0.01 <0.01 NC <0.01 <0.01 NC
N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) <0.027 <0.027 NC <0.027 <0.027 NC <0.027 <0.027 NC 0.0604 <0.027 NC
Table 13.    Replicate sample data and associated variability in concentration for wastewater tracers in surface-water samples.

Table 14.    

Replicate sample data and associated variability in concentration for trace elements, rare earth elements, and dissolved organic carbon in surface-water samples.

[Dates shown as month, day, year. Time shown in 24-hour format. Env, environmental sample; Rep, replicate sample; RPD, relative percent difference; µg/L, microgram per liter; <, less than; NC, not calculated; mg/L, milligram per liter; NA, not available]

Analyte Units Site name, sample date, and time
Pecos Artesia 9–16–20 (1030) Rio Grande Buckman 9–17–20 (1200) Rio Grande Buckman 9–2–21 (0930)
Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD Env Rep RPD
Aluminum µg/L <1 <1 NC 16 12 31.6 8.2 6 32
Antimony µg/L 0.19 0.2 5.9 0.16 0.16 3.2 0.13 0.13 0.8
Arsenic µg/L 0.61 0.39 45.1 1.9 1.9 0.3 2.6 2.7 3
Barium µg/L 27 28 4.8 68 68 0.9 84 84 0.2
Beryllium µg/L 0.0029 0.0034 15.8 0.0026 0.0024 7.7 0.0029 0.0027 6.1
Bismuth µg/L <0.006 0.011 NC <0.006 0.008 NC <0.0010 0.0027 NC
Boron µg/L 147 144 1.8 29 23 22.1 38 36 6.2
Bromine µg/L 204 201 1.4 39 38 3.2 30 30 0.9
Cadmium µg/L 0.007 0.008 12.9 0.008 0.009 11.9 0.37 0.39 2.9
Calcium mg/L 273 266 2.7 36 31 12.5 39 40 2.2
Cerium µg/L 0.0047 0.0048 2 0.16 0.13 23 0.099 0.093 5.7
Chromium µg/L <0.2 <0.2 NC <0.2 <0.2 NC 0.3 0.2 39.8
Cobalt µg/L <0.002 <0.002 NC 0.09 0.063 36.4 0.1 0.093 10.9
Copper µg/L 0.67 0.64 5.1 1.1 1 9.5 1.2 1.1 10.1
Dissolved organic carbon mg/L 0.8 0.7 13.3 2.9 NA NC 2.21 2.18 1.4
Dysprosium µg/L 0.0008 0.0007 23.6 0.0097 0.0074 26.4 0.011 0.011 0.7
Erbium µg/L 0.0008 0.0006 16.6 0.0048 0.004 19.2 0.0062 0.0055 11.5
Europium µg/L 0.0082 0.0073 11 0.022 0.021 2 0.014 0.013 9.7
Gadolinium µg/L 0.0018 0.0017 6.6 0.015 0.013 16.5 0.013 0.012 8.4
Gallium µg/L <0.0005 <0.0005 NC 0.0098 0.0081 18.5 0.0087 0.0089 1.6
Holmium µg/L 0.0002 0.00014 35.1 0.0017 0.0013 23.6 0.0019 0.002 6.2
Iron µg/L 1.7 2.9 51.4 16 12 23.9 7 6 16.5
Lanthanum µg/L 0.003 0.0027 11.6 0.076 0.061 20.8 0.063 0.057 10.7
Led µg/L 0.012 0.014 18.4 0.026 0.021 20.8 0.031 0.024 23.2
Lithium µg/L 31 30 3.3 12 12 1 15 15 0.1
Lutetium µg/L <0.0001 <0.0001 NC 0.0006 0.0005 22.3 0.0008 0.0008 4.5
Magnesium mg/L 61 60 2.2 6.1 6.2 1.5 6.6 6.7 2.5
Manganese µg/L 1.5 1.5 0.3 2.1 1.9 8.5 0.99 0.92 6.6
Molybdenum µg/L 2.3 2.3 0.4 4.1 4.1 0.8 7.9 8 1.6
Neodymium µg/L 0.0025 0.0023 10.9 0.085 0.065 27.2 0.066 0.062 6.3
Nickel µg/L 2.4 2.2 7 0.95 0.92 3.4 0.53 0.52 0.7
Phosphorus µg/L <2 <2 NC 4 4 7.6 13 13 1.8
Potassium mg/L 4.5 4.5 0.2 2 2 1.8 2.8 2.8 2.4
Praseodymium µg/L 0.0006 0.00057 3.9 0.021 0.017 20.1 0.016 0.016 2
Rubidium µg/L 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.3 1.3 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.4
Samarium µg/L 0.0013 0.001 23 0.016 0.013 21.8 0.013 0.013 4.2
Selenium µg/L 1.9 1.7 10.4 0.5 0.4 7.2 0.37 0.38 4.1
Silica as SiO2 mg/L 7 7 0.7 21 16 29.8 19 19 0.2
Silver µg/L <0.1 0.2 NC <0.1 <0.1 NC 0.06 0.04 33.3
Sodium mg/L 258 254 1.6 16 15 1.9 19 19 2.4
Strontium µg/L NA NA NC 280 273 2.4 334 335 0.2
Sulfur mg/L 262 264 0.7 20 17 16.1 17 18 0.5
Terbium µg/L 0.00012 0.00016 27.3 0.0017 0.0015 10.2 0.0017 0.0018 5.7
Thallium µg/L 0.005 0.004 27.8 0.006 0.005 17.8 0.0038 0.0035 8.1
Thulium µg/L <0.0001 0.0002 NC 0.0006 0.0004 25.1 0.0008 0.0008 0.9
Tin µg/L <0.02 <0.02 NC <0.02 <0.02 NC 0.012 0.005 88.5
Titanium µg/L <0.03 <0.03 NC <0.03 <0.03 NC 0.64 0.54 17.3
Tungsten µg/L NA NA NA NA NA NC 0.7 0.69 0.3
Uranium µg/L 4.7 4.8 3 1.3 1.3 1 2.2 2.2 0.3
Vanadium µg/L <0.06 <0.06 NC 3.6 3.6 1.1 4.9 4.9 0.8
Ytterbium µg/L 0.0005 0.0006 31.8 0.0037 0.0031 19.2 0.0045 0.0042 6.1
Yttrium µg/L 0.034 0.033 3 0.055 0.047 14.3 0.061 0.059 3.6
Zinc µg/L 0.9 0.8 8.3 0.3 0.5 46.6 <0.03 <0.03 NC
Table 14.    Replicate sample data and associated variability in concentration for trace elements, rare earth elements, and dissolved organic carbon in surface-water samples.

Trace element RPDs are reported in table 14 and ranged from less than 1.0 to 88.5 percent and most detections were less than 1.0 µg/L. For elements that had higher concentrations (in the tens to hundreds, such as barium, boron, bromine, calcium, lithium, magnesium, sodium, strontium, sulfur, uranium, and vanadium), RPDs were largely less than 20 percent, except for aluminum, boron, iron, and silica which had RPDs exceeding 20 percent for at least one replicate. The RPD for DOC replicates was 1.4 and 13.3 percent.

Surface-Water Surrogate Recovery

Surrogates are artificial compounds similar to target analytes added to a sample prior to analysis to assess how much of the compound is detected versus what was added to understand the performance of the method. Surrogate performance was associated with wastewater tracer analysis for each sample. Surrogate recoveries for wastewater tracer analysis are generally considered to be acceptable, as determined by the analytical laboratory (Furlong and others, 2008), if within 30–150 percent. Table 15 and table 1.3 in appendix 1 list the surrogate recovery performance for surface-water environmental samples. Some samples had low surrogate recovery values, especially for compounds associated with d21 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol surrogate, and only one sample from Pecos Artesia from September 2020 had a surrogate recovery greater than 150 percent (table 15). Wastewater tracer results may underrepresent true concentrations for samples with low surrogate recovery performance.

Table 15.    

Surrogate recovery data associated with wastewater tracer data from surface-water sample collected at Pecos Artesia in September 2020.

[%, percent]

Surrogate Compounds associated with surrogate Number of environmental samples outside 30–150% recovery1 Range of surrogate recoveries Average of surrogate recoveries
d21 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol 2[3]-tert-butyl-methoxyphenol, 4-tert-butylphenol, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol, 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, 1,3-dichlorobenzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 4-ethylphenol, 4-methylphenol, 4-tert-pentylphenol, 4-propylphenol 13 1.9–99.5 35.1
d5 atrazine Tonalide, atrazine, caffeine, cotinine, 3,4-dichloroaniline, desethylatrazine, N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET), galaxolide, 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole 2 6.1–124.0 78.4
4-normal-nonylphenol 4-nonylphenol, 4-normal-octylphenol, 4-tert-octylphenol 1 26.2–133.0 79.7
d3 triclosan Carbamazepine, diphenhydramine, triclosan 4 0.3–107.0 68.3
4-n-NP1EO 4-NP1EO, 4-t-OP1EO 0 31.8–117.6 83.8
d6 bisphenol A Bisphenol A 11 40.1–154.1 84.3
4-n-NP2EO 4-NP2EO, 4-t-OP2EO, 4-t-OP3EO, 4-t-OP4EO, 4-t-OP5EO 0 35.9–114.5 81.0
d7 cholesterol Cholesterol, coprostanol 3 21.8–106.1 45.8
Table 15.    Surrogate recovery data associated with wastewater tracer data from surface-water sample collected at Pecos Artesia in September 2020.

Surrogate recovery less than 30% for all listed numbers except for one sample with d6 bisphenol A recovery greater than 150%.

Aqueous Chemistry

Groundwater and surface-water chemistry are discussed separately given the differences in analytes and in the sources and evolutionary paths of the water.


This discussion of groundwater chemistry, including samples from springs, addresses PFAS results first, followed by results for general chemistry, major ions and trace elements, dissolved organic carbon, nutrients, stable isotopes, and groundwater age tracers (all results are provided in appendix 1, table 1.1, and in U.S. Geological Survey [2022b]). The public water supply systems from across New Mexico that are represented in this dataset include systems located in large urban areas, as well as systems in rural and agricultural areas. Focused sampling occurred in Curry and Otero Counties, where almost all public water supply sources were sampled.

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances

The majority of the groundwater samples from 141 groundwater sampling sites in this study did not have any detections of PFAS (fig. 5); that is, concentrations were reported by the laboratory as being below the laboratory detection level. Twenty-seven sites had PFAS detected at one or more sampling events. Fourteen sites only had one PFAS present above the laboratory detection level (table 16), 7 sites had two PFAS detected, and 7 other sites had more than two PFAS detected. Some sites were resampled if PFAS were detected. If a site was resampled, a “.1” was added to the report identification number to indicate the first sampling event and a “.2” for the second sampling event, and so on (table 16). Total PFAS concentrations ranged from 0.91 (site 136) to 80.3 ng/L (site 44, second sampling). The most frequently detected PFAS at groundwater sites were PFBS (11 sites), PFPeA (10 sites), and PFHxA (9 sites). The High Plains aquifer had a higher sample density compared to other aquifers in the study, representing 51 of the total groundwater sites, and had detections at 13 of the sites.

Average total per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance concentrations from groundwater and
                           surface-water sampling locations across N. Mex.
Figure 5.

Average total per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) concentrations from groundwater and surface-water sampling locations across New Mexico with A, a large-scale map of parts of Curry and Roosevelt Counties, B, a large-scale map of part of Otero County, and C, a large-scale map of a high-mountain system in Otero County.

Table 16.    

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance concentrations from groundwater samples with concentrations above the laboratory detection level, including repeat sampling after detection.

[Values are reported in nanograms per liter. Values in italics represent estimated concentrations greater than the laboratory detection level and less than the laboratory reporting level in effect at the time of sample analysis. --, below the laboratory detection level]

Report identification number Perfluoroalkylcarboxylic acids Perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acids Fluorotelomer sulfonates
2 4.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.3 -- -- -- --
10 -- -- -- -- 1.1 -- -- -- -- -- 1.1 --
14 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.3 --
18.1 -- 4.3 2.7 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
18.2 -- 4.4 2.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
18.3 -- 4.4 2.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
19.1 -- 2 1.3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
19.2 -- 1.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
25.1 7.4 12.9 10.3 -- -- -- -- 6.5 1.5 2.9 -- --
25.2 5.5 9.4 7 -- -- -- -- 4.2 1.2 1.5 -- --
26.1 -- 5 5.4 -- -- -- -- 2 -- 3.4 -- --
26.2 -- 4.5 5.3 -- -- -- -- 1.6 -- 5.1 -- --
34 -- 1.5 0.92 -- -- -- -- 1.2 -- -- -- --
40 -- 2.4 1.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
44.1 17.8 20.1 8 -- -- -- -- 28.8 -- -- -- --
44.2 19 19.9 9 -- -- -- -- 32.4 -- -- -- --
44.3 15.2 15.1 5.3 -- -- -- -- 27.5 -- -- -- --
48.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 5.8
48.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
53 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.2 --
54 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.3 --
63 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 1.4 --
64.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.5 1.2 11.8 2.9 --
64.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.99 1.1 8.4 2.3 --
69 -- 1.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
82 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 10.9
84 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.7 -- --
97 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.5 -- --
106 -- -- -- -- 8 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
111 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.97 -- 0.94 -- --
124 28.7 1 4.8 1.9 36 0.94 2.8 1.4 -- -- -- --
124.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
124.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
125 27 1.1 2.4 1.3 4.8 -- -- 1.3 -- -- -- --
125.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
125.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
128 12.7 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.5 -- -- -- --
128.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
128.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
136 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.91 -- -- -- --
140 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.8 --
Table 16.    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance concentrations from groundwater samples with concentrations above the laboratory detection level, including repeat sampling after detection.

Some sites were sampled more than once over the course of the study. Generally, any detected PFAS and reported concentrations were similar over time at a given site. The signature of the PFAS detected (PFBA, PFPeA, PFHxA, and PFBS) was consistent over time for site 44 (figs. 1 and 5), which was sampled three times between December 2020 and June 2021 (fig. 6A). Variability in the PFAS concentrations over time was within the 12-percent variability from replicate samples in this study. Site 18 had two compounds—PFPeA and PFHxA—detected during each of three sampling events between September 2020 and October 2021 (fig. 6B). Three separate sites in a similar geographic area within Curry County—sites 25, 26, and 64—had multiple PFAS detected, with PFBS and perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) present at all three and perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA), PFPeA, PFHxA, perfluoropentanesulfonic acid (PFPeS), and PFOS present at one or more of the sites in January and October 2021 (fig. 6C,D).

Five different graphs showing total PFAS concentrations and proportions of total concentrations
                           contributed by individual PFAS at sites where concentrations were detected
Figure 6.

For per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) with detectable concentrations, total concentrations and proportions of total concentrations contributed by individual PFAS for A, three groundwater samples collected from site 44 in Curry County between December 2020 and June 2021; B, three groundwater samples collected from site 18 in Curry County between September 2020 and October 2021; C, groundwater samples collected from sites 25, 26, and 64 in Curry County during January 2021; D, groundwater samples collected from sites 25, 26, and 64 in Curry County during October 2021; and E, samples collected from springs at sites 124, 125, and 128 in Otero County during April 2021.

Three springs in a similar geographic area of Otero County—sites 124, 125, and 128 (figs. 1D and 5D, table 16)—were sampled in April 2021 and had similar concentrations of PFBA and PFBS (fig. 6E). Two of the springs also had detections of PFHxA, PFPeA, perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA), and PFOA. In addition, spring 124 had detections of perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) and PFDA (fig. 6E). These three springs were resampled in October 2021 and no PFAS detections were reported by the laboratory for these later samples, despite laboratory detection levels being similar during both time periods. The flow at the sites was greater during the October 2021 sampling, which could reflect contributions of discharge from different groundwater flow paths during this time and (or) dilution of any PFAS that were present at concentrations below laboratory detection levels.

Field Properties

The field properties water temperature, pH, specific conductance, and dissolved oxygen concentration were measured onsite prior to collection of water-quality samples. Groundwater temperature ranged from 5.0 to 32.9 degrees Celsius (°C) and varied on the basis of the location and depth of the groundwater sampled. Field pH values were circumneutral and ranged from 6.7 to 8.8. Specific conductance ranged from 274 to 52,700 microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius (µS/cm at 25 °C). The majority of samples had dissolved-oxygen concentrations greater than 3 milligrams per liter (mg/L), with some sites having concentrations less than 0.5 mg/L, suggesting suboxic or anoxic conditions (sites 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 140, and 141) (Jurgens and others, 2009).

Water-Quality Standards

Water-chemistry results were compared with EPA maximum contaminant levels (MCL), secondary maximum contaminant levels (SMCL), and health advisories (EPA, 2022a, 2023) (table 17). In 2016, the EPA established a health advisory limit of 70 ng/L for PFOA and PFOS (EPA, 2022a), and after this study was completed, in June 2022, the EPA issued draft health advisory limits for PFOA and PFOS to 0.004 and 0.02 ng/L, respectively. The draft health advisory also set limits of GenX to 10 ng/L and PFBS to 2,000 ng/L (EPA, 2022a). No groundwater sites exceeded the 2016 health advisory limit. The 2022 draft health advisory limits for PFOS and PFOA are below the analytical method detection level (EPA, 2018). A total of seven sites had samples that exceeded an MCL. Two sites (51 and 53) exceeded the MCL for nitrate as nitrogen (10 mg/L), with the maximum concentration being 23.9 mg/L at site 53. The arsenic MCL (10 µg/L) was exceeded at four sites (13, 14, 15, and 17), with the maximum concentration being 41.7 µg/L at site 13. The uranium MCL (30 µg/L) was exceeded at two sites (2 and 53), with the maximum concentration being 214 µg/L at site 2.

Table 17.    

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency water-quality standards for drinking water (from EPA, 2023).

[MCL, maximum contaminant level; SMCL, secondary maximum contaminant level; µg/L, microgram per liter; NA, not applicable; mg/L, milligram per liter]

Element Units Primary drinking-water standard (MCL) Secondary drinking-water standard (SMCL)
Aluminum (Al) µg/L NA 50–200
Antimony (Sb) µg/L 6 NA
Arsenic (As) µg/L 10 NA
Chloride (Cl) mg/L NA 250
Fluoride (F) mg/L 4 2
Iron (Fe) µg/L NA 300
Manganese (Mn) µg/L NA 50
Nitrate (NO3) mg/L 10 NA
pH Standard units NA 6.5–8.5
Sulfate (SO4) mg/L NA 250
Total dissolved solids (TDS) mg/L NA 500
Uranium (U) µg/L 30 NA
Table 17.    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency water-quality standards for drinking water (from EPA, 2023).

Among SMCLs, the total dissolved solids (TDS) SMCL (500 mg/L, defined by the EPA as being for TDS) was exceeded at 59 sites, with the maximum value of dissolved solids (dried at 180 °C) being 58,100 mg/L at site 2. Sulfate had the second most SMCL (250 mg/L) exceedances (41 sites), with a maximum concentration of 33,800 mg/L at site 2. The chloride SMCL of 250 mg/L was exceeded at 24 sites, with a maximum chloride concentration of 5,730 at site 2. No sites exceeded the MCL (4 mg/L) for fluoride; however, 20 sites exceeded the SMCL (2 mg/L), with a maximum fluoride concentration of 2.97 mg/L at site 43. The iron and manganese SMCLs (300 and 50 µg/L, respectively) were exceeded at three and four sites, respectively, with maximum concentrations of iron (1,010 µg/L) and manganese (459 µg/L) at site 12. The SMCL for pH is a range from 6.5 to 8.5, and pH exceeded 8.5 at four sites (7, 8, 14, and 42), with a maximum value of 8.8 at site 7.

Major Ions

Major ions such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate dissolve into water as a result of water-rock interactions and also enter into the groundwater through recharge. Major-ion proportions can be represented by a Piper diagram that shows the relative proportions of cations and anions, with sample locations within the plotting regions indicating the dominant ion types (Hem, 1992). Water type can be assessed from the Piper diagram first by the location of the water sample on the lower triangles, where if a sample plots above 60 percent of a given ion on the triangle sides, then it would be predominantly that ion water type, and if it plots lower than 60 percent for any of the ions it is considered a mixture of water types. The left triangle represents positively charged cations and the right triangle represents negatively charged anions. The large central diamond shows the water samples projected up from their respective locations on the triangles to combine the cation and anion water types. Water type varies throughout the State (fig. 7) and is driven primarily by the rock types and associated minerals present along groundwater flow paths. Therefore, water type tends to be relatively consistent within local geographic areas with the same underlying geology, although water type can evolve along a flow path. Figure 7A includes sites located across New Mexico, except in Curry, Roosevelt, or Otero County (fig. 7B, C); sites in figure 7A are discussed next, mostly in order from north to south.

Major-ion proportions of groundwaters and springs collected across New Mexico, Curry
                           and Roosevelt Counties, and Otero County.
Figure 7.

Piper diagrams showing the major-ion proportions of groundwaters and springs collected across A, New Mexico, B, Curry and Roosevelt Counties, and C, Otero County.

Drinking water in San Juan County is primarily sourced from surface water, so only one public supply well was available to be sampled and two observation wells in the County were also sampled. Sites 1 and 2 are located near a coal deposit and had sodium as the dominant cation; sulfate was the dominant anion for site 2, whereas the anions at site 1 were dominated by a mixture of bicarbonate and sulfate. Site 3 is located near the Animas River and had calcium-bicarbonate-sulfate type water. Groundwater sites 4 and 5 in Taos County had calcium as the dominant cation; site 4 had bicarbonate as the dominant anion, whereas site 5 had a mixture of bicarbonate and sulfate anions. Site 6 in Union County is screened in a young volcanic aquifer and had mixed cation and bicarbonate type water. Two sites in McKinley County (7 and 8) had sodium-bicarbonate-sulfate water, which is likely to represent old water that has undergone cation exchange (Beisner and Jones, 2020).

Groundwater from counties near central New Mexico (Bernalillo, Sandoval, and Santa Fe) generally had calcium and bicarbonate as dominant ions, but with some anomalies. Two sites (9 and 10) in Santa Fe County had calcium-bicarbonate type water. Sites 11 and 12 in Sandoval County had calcium-sodium-bicarbonate type waters. Sites 13, 14, and 15 in Bernalillo County had a mixture of calcium and sodium as the dominant cations and have bicarbonate as the dominant anion, with some chloride influence. Plummer and others (2012) found that groundwater in the Albuquerque area was generally sodium-bicarbonate type west of the Rio Grande and calcium-bicarbonate type east of the Rio Grande, with a narrow north-south trend of mixed-ion water type that may be related to faults parallel to the mountain front in the vicinity of site 13 in this study. South of the aforementioned Counties, two sites (16 and 17) in Socorro County had sodium-chloride type water and may represent interaction with deep basin groundwater or geothermal fluids (Anderholm, 1987). Sites 70–73 in Chaves and Eddy Counties had generally similar calcium-sulfate water types, although site 70 had more influence from sodium and chloride.

In Doña Ana County, site 140 had calcium-mixed anion water type, and site 141 had a higher proportion of sodium. Site 141 had results more similar to other groundwater sampled farther south in Doña Ana County at sites 144, 145, and 146 (with a higher proportion of sodium). Sites 142 and 143 in Doña Ana County had sodium-chloride type waters.

Groundwater sampling sites provide dense spatial coverage of parts of Curry and Roosevelt Counties in the High Plains aquifer and of Otero County in south-central New Mexico. Water samples were placed into groups on the basis of their geographic location within each county, which for Curry and Roosevelt Counties were divided up into even north and south, then east and west halves and sometimes given a designation of far (cardinal direction) for areas with high sample density. For Otero County, similar geographic areas were designated with additional subareas including central areas within the cardinal direction designations for areas with high sample density. Water types for samples collected in Curry and Roosevelt Counties ranged from calcium-bicarbonate to mixed cation-mixed anion, with one sample categorized as mixed cation-sulfate type (fig. 7B). Analytical results for samples collected in Curry and Roosevelt Counties by Langman and Ellis (2010a, b) suggest groundwater from the Ogallala Formation of the High Plains aquifer typically was a mixed cation-bicarbonate type, with groundwater present in the center of paleochannels having a higher proportion of bicarbonate and upland samples having a higher proportion of sulfate. The Dockum Group underlies the Ogallala Formation and generally had a sodium-chloride type water (Langman and Ellis, 2010a, b); however, groundwater from the Dockum Group was not sampled in this study, and there were no sodium-chloride type waters from samples in Curry and Roosevelt Counties in this study. Groundwater with higher TDS had a higher proportion of sulfate, with site 68 having the highest value (fig. 7B). Site 68 is located at the southern end of Roosevelt County and may represent an upland or other distinct water source compared with the other samples collected in Curry and Roosevelt Counties for this study (fig. 1).

Groundwater samples were collected from sites in the Sacramento Mountains on the east side of Otero County, as well as within the basin-fill sediments west of the mountain block (fig. 1). Generally, samples from the mountain-block area were collected from springs or shallow wells completed in bedrock and had a calcium-bicarbonate water type (fig. 8A). Samples collected from the mountain block had lower TDS (598 mg/L average) compared with wells screened in the basin-fill sediments west of the mountain block, which had generally higher TDS (1,552 mg/L average) and were more of a mixed cation-sulfate to mixed cation-mixed anion water type. There was one brackish water well in the northern area of Otero County (site 74) that had calcium-sulfate type water. The dominant geologic units of the Sacramento Mountains are the Permian San Andres Limestone (primarily limestone with some dolomite) and the Yeso Formation (sandstone, limestone, dolomite, and gypsum units).

Major-ion proportion of groundwaters and springs collected in Otero County divided
                           into mountain block and basin-fill aquifers.
Figure 8.

Piper diagrams showing the major-ion proportion of groundwaters and springs collected in Otero County A, divided into mountain block and basin-fill aquifers, and B, for an area in the mountain block showing temporal variability.

Sites 124, 125, and 128 had samples collected in April 2021 (samples ending with “.1”), and October 2021 (samples ending with “.2”) (table 16). For the April 2021 samples, the water types differed among all three sites, with site 124 having a sodium-chloride type water. On the Piper diagram, the April 2021 sample from site 124 plots farthest from the compositions of groundwater from other sites in that area (112–119, 123, 126, 127, 129–132), with the April sample from site 128 plotting closest to those sample compositions (fig. 8). The October 2021 samples for sites 124, 125, and 128 were more similar to the general group of samples in that area, which have calcium-bicarbonate type waters.

Dissolved Organic Carbon

DOC was detected at low concentrations in 95 percent of the groundwater samples. Three sites had DOC above the highest blank concentration threshold of 3.63 mg/L: site 2 (21.9 mg/L), site 124 (April 2021, 8.83 mg/L), and site 99 (5.06 mg/L).


Nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and orthophosphate were measured in groundwater samples. Ammonia was only detected at nine sites and ranged from 0.02 to 0.92 mg/L. Orthophosphate as phosphorus was detected in most groundwater sites and ranged from 0.004 to 0.066 mg/L at the 98 sites where it was detected.

Nitrate as nitrogen was less than the laboratory detection level at five sites, with detections ranging in concentration from 0.06 to 23.9 mg/L (site 53). Occurrence of nitrate concentrations greater than 5.0 mg/L as nitrogen may be due to the presence of human-related sources of nitrogen on the land surface, transport to the aquifer by natural and human-related recharge mechanisms, and (or) persistence in the aquifer as a result of favorable geochemical conditions for nitrate (Bexfield and others, 2011). Wells where nitrate as nitrogen was detected above 5 mg/L were located in the High Plains aquifer in Curry and Roosevelt Counties and were screened/completed either no more than 400 ft deep (sites 18, 25, 26, 37, 44, and 53) or were of unknown well depth (sites 27, 51, and 68). Two of these sites (51 and 53) exceeded the MCL of 10 mg/L.

Stable Isotopes

Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen of the water molecule were measured for groundwater samples from this study. The ratio of the two stable isotopes gives an indication of recharge elevation, seasonality, and evaporation (Craig, 1961; Rozanski and others, 1993). The statewide sampling represents water from different regions and aquifers; samples within a region and aquifer can be compared with each other to understand local differences in recharge sources.

Stable isotopic ratios for samples collected across New Mexico ranged from −15.2 to −5.81 for δ18O and from −121 to −40.6 per mil for δ2H (fig. 9). Depleted (more negative) values generally represent higher elevation and (or) winter recharge, whereas enriched (less negative) values generally represent lower elevation and (or) summer recharge (Kendall and others, 1995). The most depleted values are located at sites in the northern part of the State (sites 1–8), as well as at sites near the Rio Grande (sites 11–15) (figs. 1 and 9A). The most enriched values, which also indicate an evaporative signature (Kendall and others, 1995), are located in the south-central (sites 70–147) and eastern (sites 18–69) parts of New Mexico (figs. 1 and 9).

Stable isotopic ratios of oxygen and hydrogen in groundwaters and springs collected
                           across New Mexico.
Figure 9.

A, Stable isotopic ratios of oxygen and hydrogen in groundwaters and springs collected across New Mexico. Inset graphs, B–C, represent focused areas of the graph for more detail.

Three groundwater samples from Albuquerque, the largest urban area of New Mexico (sites 13–15, fig. 1), have some of the most depleted isotopic values from the study (fig. 9A). Plummer and others (2012) conducted a detailed geochemical analysis of water in the Middle Rio Grande Basin in the 1990s, which included site 13 and wells within the same well field as sites 14 and 15. Generally, the most depleted stable isotopic values in Albuquerque were located in the center of the basin, attributed to recharge from the Rio Grande, which is sourced largely from precipitation at higher elevations in the mountains of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico; more enriched isotopic values were located closer to the mountain front. Sites 14 and 15 are located in the central area of the basin, and samples from these sites were more depleted than the sample from site 13, which is located at a higher elevation to the east towards the mountain front. Isotopic signatures at sites 14 and 15 were similar to those of samples collected in 1997 from Plummer and others (2012), being within 0.2 and 0.5 per mil for δ18O and δ2H, respectively. The site 13 value was more depleted compared to the 1997 value, differing by 0.74 and 5.9 per mil for δ18O and δ2H, respectively, and suggesting a change in the source of water for that well that may warrant further investigation.

Springs 124, 125, and 128 had PFAS detected in samples collected in April 2021 (table 16), and they plot to the right of the meteoric water line, suggesting an evaporative stable isotopic signature at that time (fig. 10). The springs were resampled in October 2021, when they did not have any PFAS detected and had stable isotopic signatures similar to those of other springs and wells sampled in the area during the April 2021 sampling event (sites 112–128; fig. 10). The samples with PFAS detections may indicate concentration in evaporated water that is localized and not representative of other groundwater in the area. The flow at springs 124, 125, and 128 was higher in October 2021 than in April 2021.

Stable isotopic ratios of oxygen and hydrogen for groundwater and spring samples from
                           a focused area in Otero County.
Figure 10.

Stable isotopic ratios of oxygen and hydrogen for groundwater and spring samples from a focused area in Otero County. The solid line represents the global meteoric water line (Craig, 1961).

Groundwater Age

Groundwater ages discussed in this section, based on radiocarbon and tritium concentrations, represent an approximation of the length of time since precipitation entered the subsurface and interacted with carbonate minerals in the aquifer matrix.

Radiocarbon (14C) can be used to estimate the length of time since groundwater moved through the subsurface into the saturated part of an aquifer. The carbon species in the water sample are used to interpret the interaction with young carbon from gases in the soil zone, old carbon present as carbonate minerals in the aquifer matrix, and from interaction with organic carbon within the aquifer matrix such as oil and gas deposits. Some of the carbon species interactions occur in an open system condition while the water is moving through the unsaturated zone in contact with soil gas. Once the water enters the saturated zone, then carbon species interact under closed system conditions, and interactions in both open and closed systems influence the carbon species of the water.

The δ13C ratio varies as the water interacts with carbon sources in the soil zone during recharge and continues to do so as the water interacts with older solid carbonate sources in unconsolidated and bedrock materials (Han and Plummer, 2016). The δ13C ratio used for the soil and solid carbonate sources can influence the calculation of groundwater age. Solid carbonate δ13C values generally vary over a few per mil, whereas soil gas δ13C values vary over a larger range depending on the type of plant respiring CO2 into the soil zone. Knowledge of the plant community or direct measurement of soil gas δ13C during groundwater recharge is needed to constrain the groundwater age calculation. Often with older groundwater, soil gas δ13C is assumed because the groundwater recharged prior to human measurement of soil gas in the recharge area. Table 18 presents a range of possible groundwater ages based on different soil gas values for waters that plot in a region below 14C of 50 pmc and below the zero-age area on figure 11 that indicates radiocarbon decay, where minimum is the younger age and maximum is the older age based on the given soil gas value.

Table 18.    

Results of tritium and carbon isotope analyses.

[Data are available from the National Water Information System (U.S. Geological Survey [USGS], 2022b). Dates are shown as month, day, year. 14C, carbon-14; δ13C, normalized ratio of carbon-13 and carbon-12; pmc, percent modern carbon; pM, absolute modern carbon; per mil, per thousand; BP, before present; pCi/L, picocurie per liter; R, result is below the sample-specific critical level; NA, not available; *, radiocarbon sample broken by the lab]

Report identification number Sample date Denormalized 14C (pmc) Normalized 14C (pM) δ13C (per mil) Minimum corrected age (δ13C soil gas −21.4 per mil) (years BP) Maximum corrected age (δ13C soil gas −11.5 per mil) (years BP) Tritium concentration (pCi/L) Tritium age category (Lindsey and others, 2019)
1 12/02/20 0.76 0.74 −7.36 30,883 35,894 0.04 R Premodern
2 11/19/20 87.50 85.49 −9.40 NA NA 6.11 Modern
3 10/28/20 84.24 83.11 −14.23 NA NA 16.72 Modern
4 08/10/21 97.94 96.42 −13.14 NA NA 11.28 Modern
5 08/10/21 80.90 79.11 −9.77 NA NA 16.82 Modern
6 08/11/20 72.36 70.39 −7.27 NA NA 0.0 R Premodern
7 04/26/21 0.98 0.96 −12.67 33,694 39,406 0.01 R Premodern
8 04/26/21 2.70 2.66 −13.38 25,728 31,259 0.00 R Premodern
9 09/15/20 80.44 78.99 −11.92 NA NA 4.09 Mixed
10 09/15/20 71.27 69.95 −11.67 NA NA 2.33 Mixed
11 09/11/20 10.20 9.92 −7.34 9,247 14,503 0.58 R Premodern
12 09/29/20 98.10 96.36 −12.08 NA NA 10.01 Modern
13* 02/09/21 NA NA NA NA NA 0.00 R Premodern
14* 02/09/21 NA NA NA NA NA 0.63 R Premodern
15 09/25/20 16.52 16.12 −8.64 6,926 11,736 0.19 R Premodern
16 09/28/20 1.01 0.98 −4.67 23,428 29,050 0.15 R Premodern
17 09/28/20 42.37 41.33 −8.59 NA 4,162 0.15 R Premodern
18.1 09/25/20 67.84 65.70 −5.03 NA NA 0.22 Premodern
18.2 01/13/21 67.73 65.61 −5.10 NA NA 0.38 Mixed
19.1 01/13/21 68.20 66.04 −4.91 NA NA 0.02 R Premodern
20 01/13/21 68.56 66.46 −5.47 NA NA 0.20 Premodern
24.2 05/12/21 66.42 64.24 −4.31 NA NA 2.05 Mixed
25.1 01/12/21 95.90 94.10 −11.49 NA NA 7.88 Modern
26.1 01/12/21 61.93 59.90 −4.31 NA NA 3.50 Modern
27 05/18/21 67.46 65.34 −5.01 NA NA 2.15 Mixed
30 05/18/21 62.22 60.22 −4.66 NA NA 0.29 Premodern
37 12/16/20 68.89 66.91 −6.46 NA NA 3.35 Modern
41 11/17/20 60.59 58.67 −4.97 NA NA 1.05 Mixed
43 12/16/20 55.04 53.33 −5.25 NA NA 0.2 R Premodern
44.1 12/16/20 50.98 49.51 −6.48 NA 64 2.38 Mixed
45.1* 02/09/21 NA NA NA NA NA 0.14 R Premodern
45.2 06/02/21 51.84 50.41 −4.38 NA NA NA NA
46.2 05/12/21 66.38 64.18 −4.16 NA NA 0.11 R Premodern
48.1 09/09/20 54.06 52.38 −5.25 NA NA 0.02 R Premodern
50 11/18/20 73.58 71.30 −5.31 NA NA 0.00 R Premodern
51 05/18/21 78.85 76.52 −5.98 NA NA 4.8 Modern
53 08/25/20 87.59 84.82 −4.99 NA NA 3.53 Modern
54.1 08/26/20 84.36 82.03 −7.03 NA NA 1.06 Mixed
55 11/17/20 82.15 79.94 −7.42 NA NA 0.18 R Premodern
56 12/15/20 80.15 78.07 −7.89 NA NA 0.73 Mixed
58 08/26/20 79.45 77.07 −5.85 NA NA 0.08 R Premodern
59 05/11/21 77.18 74.86 −5.72 NA NA 0.4 Mixed
60 11/18/20 77.30 74.93 −5.48 NA NA 0.14 R Premodern
61 05/11/21 74.21 71.85 −4.84 NA NA 0.16 R Premodern
62 05/11/21 84.01 81.67 −6.86 NA NA 0.91 Mixed
63.1 08/25/20 96.52 93.16 −3.37 NA NA 2.71 Mixed
64.1 01/14/21 84.97 82.36 −5.42 NA NA 3.68 Modern
65 01/14/21 81.67 78.96 −4.13 NA NA 1.42 Mixed
66.1 12/15/20 96.32 93.11 −4.12 NA NA 4.33 Modern
67 09/08/20 50.70 49.10 −5.02 NA NA 0.88 Mixed
68 06/09/21 91.82 89.16 −6.30 NA NA 1.03 Mixed
70 10/28/20 47.20 45.97 −7.89 NA 2,425 1.57 Mixed
71 10/28/20 49.03 47.76 −7.97 NA 2,216 1.14 Mixed
72 10/28/20 47.19 45.97 −7.97 NA 2,550 0.92 Mixed
73 08/18/21 34.6 33.64 −6.88 NA 3,711 0.58 Mixed
74* 02/09/21 NA NA NA NA NA 0.05 R Premodern
75 01/26/21 80.75 78.41 −6.32 NA NA 1.83 Mixed
76 01/26/21 78.28 76.05 −6.54 NA NA 1.70 Mixed
77 12/30/20 89.80 87.71 −9.27 NA NA 3.56 Modern
78 12/30/20 87.41 85.47 −9.79 NA NA 3.23 Mixed
79 12/30/20 57.66 56.15 −7.81 NA NA 2.49 Mixed
80 12/29/20 83.11 81.23 −9.61 NA NA 2.71 Mixed
81 01/27/21 73.94 72.11 −8.44 NA NA 0.70 Mixed
82.1 09/17/20 66.62 64.95 −8.37 NA NA 1.58 Mixed
83 01/27/21 26.80 26.00 −5.86 NA 4,328 0.93 Mixed
84 04/30/21 64.73 63.22 −9.15 NA NA 3.20 Modern
85* 02/11/21 NA NA NA NA NA 0.89 Mixed
86 01/27/21 45.19 43.95 −7.13 NA 1,826 2.71 Mixed
87* 02/09/21 NA NA NA NA NA 0.25 Premodern
88 01/27/21 49.45 48.11 −7.29 NA 1,268 0.68 Mixed
89 01/27/21 3.65 3.53 −3.96 10,699 16,280 0.35 Mixed
90 05/25/21 33.73 32.76 −6.36 NA 3,270 0.22 Premodern
91 05/27/21 78.5 76.7 −9.36 NA NA 0.89 Mixed
94 12/30/20 74.89 73.05 −8.64 NA NA 3.45 Modern
96 04/29/21 67.83 66.26 −9.26 NA NA 2.86 Mixed
97 04/30/21 63.57 62.11 −9.34 NA NA 3.11 Mixed
98 04/30/21 54.01 52.62 −7.97 NA NA 1.21 Mixed
99.1 04/29/21 73.86 72.31 −10.37 NA NA 2.76 Mixed
99.2 04/29/21 83.15 81.38 −10.19 NA NA 7.02 Modern
99.3 04/29/21 73.73 72.20 −10.49