Autunite and other uranium minerals were discovered in 1948 by Pratt Seegmiller about 3 1/4 miles north of Marysvale, Piute County, Utah. Mining operations were begun in the summer of 1949 by the Vanadium Corporation of America on the Prospector and the Freedom claims, and by the Bullion Monarch Mining Company a the Bullion Monarch claims. These claims were examined briefly in December 1949 and January 1950 by the writers. The uranium deposits of the Marysvale district are in north-easterly striking fault zones in quartz monzonite that intrudes rocks of the "older" Tertiary volcanic sequence. Flows and tuffs of the "younger" Tertiary volcanic sequence uncomfortably overlie the earlier rocks. Autunite, tobernite, uranophane, schroeckingerite, and at least one unidentified secondary uranium mineral occur in the upper parts of the deposits. Pitchblende has been mined from the underground workings of the Prospector No. 1 mine. The uranium minerals are associated with dense quartz veins and intensely argillized wall rock. In the upper parts of the deposits pyrite is completely oxidized. The secondary uranium minerals probably were formed by the alteration of primary pitchblende by circulating meteoric waters.