Statistical summaries of Arizona streamflow data

Water-Resources Investigations Report 79-5
Prepared in cooperation with the Arizona Water Commission
By:  and 



The report includes statistical summaries of streamflow data for 143 gaging stations in Arizona. Statistical summaries are given for all active streamflow-gaging stations at which flow is unregulated, for discontinued stations that have at least 5 years of record, and for a few stations at which the flow is partly regulated. The summaries include (1) log-Pearson Type III flood-frequency data for selected streamflow-gaging stations, (2) annual peak discharges and gage heights and annual volumes, (3) duration tables of daily discharges, (4) lowest mean discharges, (5) highest mean discharges, (6) statistics on normal monthly mean discharges, and (7) statistics on normal annual mean discharges.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Statistical summaries of Arizona streamflow data
Series title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series number 79-5
DOI 10.3133/wri795
Year Published 1979
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Description iv, 416 p.
Country United States
State Arizona
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