Well construction, lithology, and geophysical logs for boreholes in Bear Creek Valley near Oak Ridge, Tennessee
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Twenty-four wells were constructed at nine sites at Bear Creek Valley to provide geologic and hydrologic information. Lithologic samples and suits of geophysical logs were obtained from the deepest boreholes at six of the sites. Two of these boreholes at the base of Chestnut Ridge were completed in the Maynardville Limestone and two were completed in the Nolichucky Shale. Two boreholes along Pine Ridge were completed in the Rome Formation. Zones of similar lithology within a borehole were delineated from rock cutting refined by examination of geophysical logs. The contact between the Maynardville Limestone and Nolichucky Shale was identified in two of the boreholes. Fractures and cavities were readily identifiable on the acoustic-televiewer and caliper logs. Distinct water-bearing intervals were also identified from the temperature, fluid resistance, and resistivity logs. Depths at which the drilling encounterd a thrust were identified in two boreholes in the Rome Formation from both rock cutting and geophysical logs.
Study Area
Publication type | Report |
Publication Subtype | USGS Numbered Series |
Title | Well construction, lithology, and geophysical logs for boreholes in Bear Creek Valley near Oak Ridge, Tennessee |
Series title | Water-Resources Investigations Report |
Series number | 88-4068 |
DOI | 10.3133/wri884068 |
Year Published | 1988 |
Language | English |
Publisher | U.S. Geological Survey |
Description | Report: iv, 21 p.; 7 Plates: 28.61 x 12.27 inches or smaller |
Country | United States |
State | Tennessee |
City | Oak Ridge |
Other Geospatial | Bear Creek Valley |
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