The ghost plume phenomenon and its impact on zenith-facing remote sensing measurements of volcanic SO2 emission rates
D.S. Kushner, T.M. Lopez, Christoph Kern, Santiago Arellano, Nemesio M. Perez, J Barrancos
2025, Journal of Volcanology and Goethermal Research (457)
A large source of error in SO2 emission rates derived from mobile Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) of volcanic gas plumes is the uncertainty in atmospheric light paths between the sun and the instrument, particularly under non-ideal atmospheric conditions, such as the presence of low clouds. DOAS instruments measure the SO2 column...
The role of spring-neap phasing of intermittent lateral exchange in the ecosystem of a channel-shoal estuary
Lilian Engel, Lisa Lucas, Mark T. Stacey
2025, Estuaries and Coasts (48)
Lateral variability is a fundamental feature of channel-shoal estuaries, and exchanges between the channel and shoal can play an important role in the dynamics of the ecosystem in each region. This lateral exchange of biomass interacts with vertical structure and variability, particularly in the channel, to define algal biomass accumulation...
Marshes to mangroves: Residential surveys reveal perceived wetland trade-offs for ecosystem services
Savannah H. Swinea, A. Randall Hughes, Michael Osland, Christine C. Shepard, Kalaina B. Thorne, Jahson B. Alemu I, Remi Bardou, Steven B. Scyphers
2025, Landscape and Urban Planning (253)
Coastal landscapes are rapidly changing due to both climate change and the decisions of waterfront landowners. For instance, the climate-driven encroachment of woody mangrove species into grassy marshland areas is predicted to impact coastal ecosystems, with consequences for the ecosystem services...
Using the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio method to estimate thickness of the Barry Arm landslide, Prince William Sound, Alaska
Andrew L. Collins, Kate E. Allstadt, Dennis M. Staley
2024, Open-File Report 2024-1071
Conducting detailed investigations of large landslides is difficult, especially in the subsurface, largely due to environmental factors such as steep slopes, difficult access, and numerous objective hazards. These factors have made it challenging to accurately estimate the depth to the failure surface of the Barry Arm landslide, a large (roughly...
Influenza A virus antibodies in ducks and introduction of highly pathogenic influenza A(H5N1) virus, Tennessee, USA
David Stallknect, Deborah Carter, Abigail Blake-Bradshaw, Nicholas Masto, Cory Highway, Jamie Feddersen, Richard J. Webby, Bradley S. Cohen, Jeffery D. Sullivan, Rebecca L. Poulson
2024, Emerging Infectious Diseases (30) 2647-2650
Testing of ducks in Tennessee, United States, before introduction of highly pathogenic influenza A(H5N1) virus demonstrated a high prevalence of antibodies to influenza A virus but very low prevalence of antibodies to H5 (25%) or H5 and N1 (13%) subtypes. Antibody prevalence increased after H5N1 introduction....
Data and knowledge gaps of a water bottling facility inventory and select water-use dataset, United States
Carol L. Luukkonen, Cheryl A. Buchwald, Gary R. Martin, Allegra E. Johnson Mckee
2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5106
In 2023, the U.S. Geological Survey developed a national inventory of water bottling facilities for the United States, including information about locations, water sources, water use, and a collection of other attributes. The purpose of the inventory was to provide information about water bottling facilities needed to assess and improve...
Adaptive capacities of inland fisheries facing anthropogenic pressures
Gretchen L. Stokes, Samuel J. Smidt, Emily L. Tucker, Matteo Cleary, Simon Funge-Smith, John Valbo‐Jørgensen, Benjamin S. Lowe, Abigail Lynch
2024, Global Environmental Change (90)
Inland fisheries face multiple, intensifying threats (i.e., proximate human pressures causing degraded ecological attributes) from land development, climate change, resource extraction, and competing demands for water resources. Planning for resiliency amidst these pressures requires understanding the factors that influence an inland fishery’s capacity to adapt to system changes under multiple...
Assessment of the interconnection between Tampa Bay and the Floridan aquifer system: Historical groundwater data compilation and analysis, 1976–2022
Jeremy D. Decker
2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5073
The U.S. Geological Survey used existing data collected after the last major navigational channel modification in the mid-1980s to investigate groundwater levels and chloride concentrations in wells in the Floridan aquifer system and other aquifers beneath and near Tampa Bay. Tampa Bay is located on the west-central coast of Florida...
The U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Network—Groundwater—2023
Bruce D. Lindsey, James A. Kingsbury
2024, General Information Product 247
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) operates a National Water Quality Network (NWQN) to monitor trends in groundwater quality and assess emerging contaminants of concern. It is a “network of networks” with 81 subnetworks being sampled on a decadal time scale. Each year, eight of the subnetworks are sampled. Subnetworks have...
Editorial: Subsurface microbiology within hydrocarbon resources or stored gases
Djuna Gulliver, Elliott Barnhart, Hannah Schweitzer, Heidi J. Smith, David J. Midgley
2024, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (12)
A Research Topic on the microbiology of hydrocarbon and gas storage reservoirs has far reaching industrial applications. In recent decades, there has been a growing interest in understanding microbial communities in subsurface energy reservoirs, such as coal, oil, and shale beds. This area of research has broadened to include gas...
From exploration to production: Understanding the development dynamics of lithium mining projects
Laura Buarque, Max Frenzel, Britta Bookhagen, Carolin Kresse, Michael Schmidt, Nedal T. Nassar, Elisa Alonso, Ensieh Shojaeddini, Dirk Sandmann
2024, Resources Policy (99)
Recently, there has been considerable recent controversy whether current and new lithium mines will be able to supply the rapidly growing needs of the electromobility transition. Mineral exploration projects are typically active for many years, and only some become operational mines. From exploration to production, the projects go through several...
Outmigration behavior and survival of juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in response to deep drawdown of the Lookout Point Project, Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon
Dalton J. Hance, Tobias J. Kock, Jake R. Kelley, Amy C. Hansen, Russell W. Perry, Scott D Fielding
2024, Open-File Report 2024-1069
An acoustic telemetry study was conducted during August 2023–February 2024 to evaluate outmigration behavior and survival of juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon, during an experimental operation that was designed to facilitate downstream passage through two reservoirs and two dams. The experimental operation consisted...
California State Waters Map Series—Benthic habitat characterization in the region offshore Humboldt Bay, California
Guy R. Cochrane
2024, Open-File Report 2024-1047
Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) geoform, substrate, and biotic component geographic information system (GIS) products were developed for the California State Waters of northern California in the region offshore of Humboldt Bay. The study was motivated by interest in development of offshore wind-energy capacity and infrastructure in Federal...
Distribution, abundance, breeding activities, and habitat use of the Least Bell's Vireo at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California—2023 annual report
Suellen Lynn, Barbara E. Kus
2024, Open-File Report 2024-1065
Executive SummaryThe purpose of this report is to provide the Marine Corps with an annual summary of abundance, breeding activity, demography, and habitat use of endangered Least Bell’s Vireos (Vireo bellii pusillus) at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California (MCBCP or Base). Surveys for the Least Bell's Vireo were completed...
System characterization report on Vision-1
James C. Vrabel, Paul Bresnahan, Aparajithan Sampath, Minsu Kim, Seonkyung Park, Jeff Clauson
2024, Open-File Report 2021-1030-Q
Executive Summary This report addresses system characterization of the Airbus Vision-1 satellite and is part of a series of system characterization reports produced and delivered by the U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science Cal/Val Center of Excellence. These reports present and detail the methodology and procedures for characterization; present...
Using citizen scientists to collect oxygen and hydrogen isotope data in southern Nevada
Joshua M. Gonzales, Katherine J. Earp, Sade K. Cromratie Clemons
2024, Fact Sheet 2024-3042
What is Citizen Science?Citizen science programs provide a means for Federal and non-Federal government agencies to make science more engaging, transparent, and accessible by partnering with the public for the purpose of problem solving, data collection, and monitoring. Public volunteers become directly involved in local research, thereby engaging in scientific...
New technology for an ancient fish: A lamprey life cycle modeling tool with an R Shiny application
Dylan Gerald-Everett Gomes, Joseph R. Benjamin, Benjamin J. Clemens, Ralph Lampman, Jason B. Dunham
2024, Preprint
Lampreys (Petromyzontiformes) are an ancient group of fishes with complex life histories. We created a life cycle model that includes an R Shiny interactive web application interface to simulate abundance by life stage. This will allow scientists and managers to connect available demographic information in a framework that can be...
Managing basin-scale carbon sequestration: A tragedy of the commons approach
Joseph E. Duggan Jr., Jonathan D. Ogland-Hand, Steven T. Anderson, Richard S. Middleton
2024, Conference Paper
The Tragedy of the Commons is a well studied problem in the literature of ecology, economics, and environmental policy which illustrates the deleterious consequences of managing common pool resources when individual and social incentives are misaligned. In this work, we apply a simple model of carbon sequestration in a deep...
Visual interpretation of high-resolution aerial imagery: A tool for land managers
Brian Tangen, Rebecca L. Esser, Benjamin A. Walker
2024, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (15) 312-326
Remotely sensed imagery from various collection platforms (e.g., satellites, crewed and uncrewed aircraft) are used by biologists and other conservation personnel to support management activities ranging from monitoring invasive species to assessing land cover and vegetation characteristics. Although remote sensing–based vegetation indices and models have been developed and used for...
Mapping karst groundwater flow paths and delineating recharge areas for springs in the Little Sequatchie and Pryor Cove watersheds, Tennessee
Benjamin V. Miller
2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5089
The Little Sequatchie River and Pryor Cove Branch, in southern Tennessee, drain the eastern escarpment of the Cumberland Plateau to the Sequatchie River near the southern end of the Sequatchie Valley. The Little Sequatchie River is the largest tributary to the Sequatchie River by drainage area, covering over 120 square...
Hydrodynamic model of the Colorado River, Glen Canyon Dam to Lees Ferry in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona
Scott A. Wright, Matthew A. Kaplinski, Paul E. Grams
2024, Data Report 1197
The U.S. Geological Survey constructed a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model that was applied to a 15.8-mile tailwater reach of the Colorado River in Glen Canyon that begins 0.25 mile downstream from Glen Canyon Dam and extends to Lees Ferry in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona. The model used the Flow...
Semi-automated methods to develop a unified geographic information system dataset
Jason L. Shapiro, David I. Donato
2024, Techniques and Methods 11-C10
Geospatial data describing the topography, natural features, human-built features, and land uses of a particular area or region can come from independent data providers and, therefore, vary in format, data encoding, and geographic coverage. Because of the complexity of the processes and procedures required for unifying these heterogeneous data into...
Assessment of fresh groundwater discharge and saline surface-water intrusion at Operable Unit 2, North Chevalier Field Disposal Area (Site 11), Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida, 2018–22
James E. Landmeyer, W. Scott McBride, Chad H. Tripp, Michael A. Singletary
2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5058
Site 11 is a former landfill at North Chevalier Field Disposal Area in Operable Unit 2 at Naval Air Station Pensacola, in northwest Florida. Site 11 is adjacent to Bayou Grande, a shallow, tidally influenced, saline estuary of the Pensacola Bay watershed. Federal and Florida regulators have expressed concern that...
Anatidae brood records in Maine during studies of Anas rubripes (American black duck), 1977–94
Jerry R. Longcore, Christine M. Bunck, Daniel G. McAuley, David A. Clugston
2024, Data Report 1200
This report describes a compilation of brood observations for Anatidae species breeding in Maine during an 18-year period (1977–94) that were made by the U.S. Geological Survey’s Patuxent Wildlife Research Center while it was operated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. During four focused studies, variables affecting the declining...
U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program decadal science strategy, 2024–33
Gavin P. Hayes, Annemarie S. Baltay Sundstrom, William D. Barnhart, Michael L. Blanpied, Lindsay A. Davis, Paul S. Earle, Ned Field, Jill M. Franks, Douglas D. Given, Ryan D. Gold, Christine A Goulet, Michelle M. Guy, Jeanne L. Hardebeck, Nico Luco, Frederick Pollitz, Adam T. Ringler, Katherine M. Scharer, Steven Sobieszczyk, Valerie I. Thomas, Cecily J. Wolfe
2024, Circular 1544
Executive Summary Earthquakes represent one of our Nation’s most significant and costly natural hazards, with estimated annual loses from earthquakes close to $15 billion in 2023. Over the past two centuries, 37 U.S. States have experienced an earthquake exceeding a magnitude of 5, and 50 percent of States have a significant...