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Publication Extents

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Combining satellite data with ancillary data to produce a refined land-use/land-cover map
Jana S. Stewart
1998, Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4203
As part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages Study Unit, a current map of land use and land cover is needed to gain a better understanding of how land use and land cover may influence water quality. Satellite data from the...
Water-quality and lake-stage data for Wisconsin lakes, water year 1997
Dale M. Robertson, J. F. Elder, H.S. Garn, G.L. Goodard, S.B. Marsh, D.L. Olson, W. J. Rose
1998, Open-File Report 98-78
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with local and other agencies, collects data at selected lakes throughout Wisconsin. These data, accumulated over many years, provide a data base for developing an improved understanding of the water quality of lakes. To make these data available to interested parties outside the...
Surface-water quality at fixed sites in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages, Wisconsin and Michigan, and the effects of natural and human factors, 1993-95
K.D. Richards, D. J. Sullivan, J.S. Stewart
1998, Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4208
Streamwater samples were collected from April 1993 through July 1995 at 11 fixed sites in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages Study Unit of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program. Water samples were collected monthly at all Fixed Sites, and an additional two to four samples were collected each...
Geology, ground-water flow, and dissolved-solids concentrations in ground water along hydrogeologic sections through Wisconsin aquifers
P.A. Kammerer
1998, Hydrologic Atlas 731
A cooperative project between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) was begun with the objectives of describing water quality and its relation to the hydrology of Wisconsin's principal aquifers and summarizing instances of ground-water contamination and quality problems from information available in DNR...
Hydrology, water quality, and phosphorus loading of Kirby Lake, Barron County, Wisconsin
William J. Rose, Dale M. Robertson
1998, Fact Sheet 066-98
In 1992, residents near Kirby Lake, located about five miles northwest of Cumberland, in Barron County, Wisconsin, formed the Kirby Lake Management District. The Lake District immediately began to gather information needed for the preparation of a comprehensive lake-management plan that would be used to protect the natural and recreational...
Water-resources investigations in Wisconsin
D. E. Maertz
1998, Open-File Report 98-295
The statewide average precipitation of 31.79 inches for the 1997 water year was the same as the normal annual precipitation of 31.79 inches for water years 1961-90. Average precipitation values ranged from 78 percent of normal at Mauston 1 SE WWTP weather station in central Wisconsin to 139 percent of...
Plan for an integrated, long-term water-monitoring network for Wisconsin
Prepared by the Team for Evaluating the Wisconsin Water-Monitoring Network
1998, Fact Sheet 048-98
Wisconsin's water-monitoring network is in danger of losing critical ground-water, surface-water, and water-quality monitoring stations. Since 1995, the ground-water network has decreased by 43 observation wells, the surface-water network by 7 stations, and the surface-water- quality network by 30 stations. Reductions in Wisconsin's water-monitoring network could cause serious risk to...
Results of quality-control sampling of water, bed sediment, and tissue in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages study unit of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program
S.A. Fitzgerald
1997, Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4148
This report contains the quality control results of the Western Lake Michigan Drainages study unit of the National Water Quality Assessment Program. Quality control samples were collected in the same manner and contemporaneously with environmental samples during the first highintensity study phase in the unit (1992 through 1995) and amounted...
Mesocosm experiments to assess factors affecting phosphorus retention and release in an extended Wisconsin wetland
J. F. Elder, B.J. Manion, G. L. Goddard
1997, Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4272
Phosphorus retention by wetland sediments and vegetation was investigated in Jackson Creek wetland, an extension of an existing prairie marsh in southeastern Wisconsin. The extended wetland construction was undertaken in 1992-93 to help reduce the phosphorus loading to a downstream eutrophic lake. Two approaches were used to study potential and...
Environmental setting and implications for water quality in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages
C.A. Peters, editor(s)
1997, Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4196
In 1991, the U.S. Geological Survey began to implement its National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) program. The Western Lake Michigan Drainages was one of 20 study units selected for investigation to begin in 1991. The study-unit investigation will include an assessment of surface- and ground-water quality. The quality of water in...
Sources of contamination in an urban basin in Marquette, Michigan and an analysis of concentrations, loads, and data quality
Jeffrey Steuer, William Selbig, Nancy J. Hornewer, Jeffrey Prey
1997, Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4242
The concentrations of contaminants generated from discrete source areas are critical to urban nonpoint Source Load and Management Model (SLAMM) loading calculations to Lake Superior. This study summarizes data-collection efforts during 12 storms in October 1993 and from May through August 1994, in which stormwater data were collected concurrently at...
Unit-area loads of suspended sediment, suspended solids and total phosphorus from small watersheds in Wisconsin
Steven R. Corsi, David J. Graczyk, David W. Owens, Roger T. Bannerman
1997, Fact Sheet 195-97
Watershed planners in the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and in Wisconsin county governments use estimates of loads of total solids and total phosphorus in streams for numerous management purposes. A few examples of these are to establish load reduction goals, to estimate the relative magnitude of nonpoint sources...
Trace elements and synthetic organic compounds in biota and streambed sediment of the Western Lake Michigan Drainages, 1992-1995
B. C. Scudder, D. J. Sullivan, F. A. Fitzpatrick, S. J. Rheaume
1997, Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4192
Sampling was conducted in 1992,1994, and 1995 to determine the occurrence of a broad suite of trace elements and synthetic organic compounds in biota and streambed sediment in selected streams in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages a study unit of the National Water- Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program of the U.S....
Stream habitat characteristics of fixed sites in the western Lake Michigan drainages, Wisconsin and Michigan, 1993-95
F. A. Fitzpatrick, E.M. Giddings
1997, Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4211-B
Habitat characteristics of 11 fixed sites in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages were examined by the U.S. Geological Survey from 1993 through 1995 as part of the ecological assessment of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program. Evaluation of habitat consisted of more than 75 measurements at three spatial levels: drainage basin,...
Fish communities of fixed sites in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages, Wisconsin and Michigan, 1993-95
D. J. Sullivan
1997, Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4211-C
Fish communities were surveyed at 20 wadable stream sites during 1993-95 as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Water- Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program's assessment of the Western Lake Michigan Drainages. Part of the NAWQA design is to incorporate ecological data into an overall environmental assessment. Collection of fish-community...
Feasibility of combining two aquatic benthic macroinvertebrate community databases for water-quality assessment
Bernard N. Lenz
1997, Fact Sheet 132-97
An important part of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program is the analysis of existing data in each of the NAWQA study areas. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) has an extensive aquatic benthic macroinvertebrate communities in streams (benthic invertebrates) database maintained by the University...
Herbicides in the Pecatonica and Yahara Rivers in Southwestern Wisconsin, May 1996-July 1996
David J. Graczyk, James P. Vanden Brook
1997, Fact Sheet 175-97
Herbicides, particularly those applied to corn, can be found in surface water and ground water in Wisconsin (Sullivan and Richards, 1996; Matzen and Saad, 1996). Wisconsin farmers applied 7.6 million pounds of corn herbicides during 1996. Because of public concern about the amount of herbicides applied to Wisconsin farm fields...
Low-flow characteristics and profiles for the Deep River in the Cape Fear River basin, North Carolina
J. Curtis Weaver
1997, Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4128
An understanding of the magnitude and frequency of low-flow discharges is an important part of protecting surface-water resources and planning for municipal and industrial economic expansion. Low-flow characteristics are summarized for 7 continuous-record gaging stations and 23 partial-record measuring sites in the Deep River Basin in North Carolina. Records of...
Water Use in Wisconsin, 1995
B.R. Ellefson, C.H. Fan, J.L. Ripley
1997, Open-File Report 97-356
As part of the National Water-Use Information Program, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) stores water-use data in standardized format for different categories of water use. The data base (Site Specific Water Use Data System) is updated annually or as more current water-use information becomes available. Information about amounts of water...
Effects of land use and geohydrology on the quality of shallow ground water in two agricultural areas in the western Lake Michigan drainages, Wisconsin
David A. Saad
1997, Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4292
Water-quality and geohydrologic data were collected between September 1993 and September 1994, from 56 wells and 2 springs, in two agricultural areas in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages study unit of the National-Water Quality Assessment Program. These data were used to study the effects of land use and geohydrology on...
Do created wetlands replace the wetlands that are destroyed?
Randall J. Hunt
1997, Fact Sheet 246-96
Wetlands, once perceived as worthless land, are now recognized as a necessary component of a vital landscape. However, due to draining and filling we have lost many of our wetlands. The loss of wetlands can have undesirable effects on the landscape, such as erosion, flooding, habitat loss and deterioration of...
Watershed Characteristics and Land Management in the Nonpoint-Source Evaluation Monitoring Watersheds in Wisconsin
K.F. Rappold, J.A. Wierl, F.U. Amerson
1997, Open-File Report 97-119
In 1992, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, began a land-use inventory to identify sources of contaminants and track the land-management changes for eight evaluation monitoring watersheds in Wisconsin. An important component of the land-use inventory has been developing descriptions and preliminary assessments...
Water-Resources Investigations in Wisconsin
D. E. Maertz (compiler)
1997, Open-File Report 97-351
The statewide average precipitation of 33.37 inches for the 1996 water year was 105 percent of the normal annual precipitation of 31.79 inches for water years 1961-90. Average precipitation values ranged from 77 percent of normal at Trempealeau Dam 6 weather station in west central Wisconsin to 151 percent of...
Water-quality and lake-stage data for Wisconsin lakes, water year 1996
Wisconsin District Lake-Studies Team
1997, Open-File Report 97-123
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with local and other agencies, collects data at selected lakes throughout Wisconsin. These data, accumulated over many years, provide a data base for developing an improved understanding of the water quality of lakes. To make these data available to interested parties outside the...