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Evaluation of potential sources and transport mechanisms of fecal indicator bacteria to beach water, Murphy Park Beach, Door County, Wisconsin
Paul F. Juckem, Steven R. Corsi, Colleen McDermott, Gregory Kleinheinz, Lisa R. Fogarty, Sheridan K. Haack, Heather E. Johnson
2013, Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5190
Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB) concentrations in beach water have been used for many years as a criterion for closing beaches due to potential health concerns. Yet, current understanding of sources and transport mechanisms that drive FIB occurrence remains insufficient for accurate prediction of closures at many beaches. Murphy Park Beach,...
Water-quality and lake-stage data for Wisconsin lakes, water years 2008−2011
S. Bridgett Manteufel, Daniel Olson, Dale M. Robertson, Gerald L. Goddard
2012, Open-File Report 2012-1238
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with local and other agencies, collects data at selected lakes throughout Wisconsin. These data, accumulated over many years, provide a data base for developing an improved understanding of the water quality of lakes. To make these data available to interested parties outside the...
Social.Water - A crowdsourcing tool for environmental data acquisition
Michael N. Fienen, Christopher Lowry
2012, Computers & Geosciences (49) 164-169
Remote telemetry has a long history of use for collection of environmental measurements. With the rise of mobile phones and SMS text-messaging capacity, many members of the general pubic carry communications equipment in their pockets at all times. Enabling the general public to provide environmental data through text messages has...
Luna B. Leopold--pioneer setting the stage for modern hydrology
Randall J. Hunt, Curt Meine
2012, Ground Water (50) 966-970
In 1986, during the first year of graduate school, the lead author was sampling the water from a pitcher pump in front of “The Shack,” the setting of the opening essays in Aldo Leopold's renowned book A Sand County Almanac. The sampling was part of my Master's work that included...
Glass wool filters for concentrating waterborne viruses and agricultural zoonotic pathogens
Hana T. Millen, Jordan C. Gonnering, Ryan K. Berg, Susan K. Spencer, William E. Jokela, John M. Pearce, Jackson S. Borchardt, Mark A. Borchardt
2012, Journal of Visualized Experiments (61)
The key first step in evaluating pathogen levels in suspected contaminated water is concentration. Concentration methods tend to be specific for a particular pathogen group, for example US Environmental Protection Agency Method 1623 for Giardia and Cryptosporidium1, which means multiple methods are required if the sampling program is targeting more...
Oxygen demand of aircraft and airfield pavement deicers and alternative freezing point depressants
Steven R. Corsi, Dean Mericas, George Bowman
2012, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (223) 2447-2461
Aircraft and pavement deicing formulations and other potential freezing point depressants were tested for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Propylene glycol-based aircraft deicers exhibited greater BOD5 than ethylene glycol-based aircraft deicers, and ethylene glycol-based products had lower degradation rates than propylene glycol-based products. Sodium formate pavement deicers...
Approaches in highly parameterized inversion: TSPROC, a general time-series processor to assist in model calibration and result summarization
Stephen M. Westenbroek, John Doherty, John F. Walker, Victor A. Kelson, Randall J. Hunt, Timothy B. Cera
2012, Techniques and Methods 7-C7
The TSPROC (Time Series PROCessor) computer software uses a simple scripting language to process and analyze time series. It was developed primarily to assist in the calibration of environmental models. The software is designed to perform calculations on time-series data commonly associated with surface-water models, including calculation of flow volumes,...
Description of the U.S. Geological Survey Geo Data Portal data integration framework
David L. Blodgett, Nathaniel L. Booth, Thomas C. Kunicki, Jordan I. Walker, Jessica M. Lucido
2012, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (5) 1687-1691
The U.S. Geological Survey has developed an open-standard data integration framework for working efficiently and effectively with large collections of climate and other geoscience data. A web interface accesses catalog datasets to find data services. Data resources can then be rendered for mapping and dataset metadata are derived directly from...
Parking lot runoff quality and treatment efficiencies of a hydrodynamic-settling device in Madison, Wisconsin, 2005-6
Judy A. Horwatich, Roger T. Bannerman
2012, Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5145
A hydrodynamic-settling device was installed in 2004 to treat stormwater runoff from a roof and parking lot located at the Water Utility Administration Building in Madison, Wis. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the City of Madison, cities in the Waukesha Permit Group,...
Water quality, hydrology, and simulated response to changes in phosphorus loading of Mercer Lake, Iron County, Wisconsin, with special emphasis on the effects of wastewater discharges
Dale M. Robertson, Herbert S. Garn, William J. Rose, Paul F. Juckem, Paul C. Reneau
2012, Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5134
Mercer Lake is a relatively shallow drainage lake in north-central Wisconsin. The area near the lake has gone through many changes over the past century, including urbanization and industrial development. To try to improve the water quality of the lake, actions have been taken, such as removal of the lumber...
Approaches in highly parameterized inversion-PESTCommander, a graphical user interface for file and run management across networks
Marinko Karanovic, Christopher T. Muffels, Matthew J. Tonkin, Randall J. Hunt
2012, Techniques and Methods 7-C8
Models of environmental systems have become increasingly complex, incorporating increasingly large numbers of parameters in an effort to represent physical processes on a scale approaching that at which they occur in nature. Consequently, the inverse problem of parameter estimation (specifically, model calibration) and subsequent uncertainty analysis have become increasingly computation-intensive...
Estimation of natural historical flows for the Manitowish River near Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin
Paul F. Juckem, Paul C. Reneau, Dale M. Robertson
2012, Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5135
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is charged with oversight of dam operations throughout Wisconsin and is considering modifications to the operating orders for the Rest Lake Dam in Vilas County, Wisconsin. State law requires that the operation orders be tied to natural low flows at the dam. Because the...
Development and application of a groundwater/surface-water flow model using MODFLOW-NWT for the Upper Fox River Basin, southeastern Wisconsin
D. T. Feinstein, M.N. Fienen, J.L. Kennedy, C.A. Buchwald, M.M. Greenwood
2012, Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5108
The Fox River is a 199-mile-long tributary to the Illinois River within the Mississippi River Basin in the states of Wisconsin and Illinois. For the purposes of this study the Upper Fox River Basin is defined as the topographic basin that extends from the upstream boundary of the Fox River...
Regression modeling of particle size distributions in urban stormwater: Advancements through improved sample collection methods
William R. Selbig, Michael N. Fienen
2012, Journal of Environmental Engineering (138) 1186-1193
A new sample collection system was developed to improve the representation of sediment entrained in urban storm water by integrating water quality samples from the entire water column. The depth-integrated sampler arm (DISA) was able to mitigate sediment stratification bias in storm water, thereby improving the characterization...
An at-grade stabilization structure impact on runoff and suspended sediment
Kyle R. Minks, Birl Lowery, Fred W. Madison, Matthew Ruark, Dennis R. Frame, Todd D. Stuntebeck, Matthew J. Komiskey
2012, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (67) 237-248
In recent years, agricultural runoff has received more attention as a major contributor to surface water pollution. This is especially true for the unglaciated area of Wisconsin, given this area's steep topography, which makes it highly susceptible to runoff and soil loss. We evaluated the ability of an at-grade stabilization...
Updating the debate on model complexity
Craig T. Simmons, Randall J. Hunt
2012, GSA Today (22) 28-29
As scientists who are trying to understand a complex natural world that cannot be fully characterized in the field, how can we best inform the society in which we live? This founding context was addressed in a special session, “Complexity in Modeling: How Much is Too Much?” convened at the...
Randall J. Hunt
2012, Book chapter, Australian groundwater modelling guidelines
Management decisions will often be directly informed by model predictions. However, we now know there can be no expectation of a single ‘true’ model; thus, model results are uncertain. Understandable reporting of underlying uncertainty provides necessary context to decision-makers, as model results are used for management decisions. This, in turn,...
Approaches in highly parameterized inversion - PEST++, a Parameter ESTimation code optimized for large environmental models
David E. Welter, John E. Doherty, Randall J. Hunt, Christopher T. Muffels, Matthew J. Tonkin, Willem A. Schreuder
2012, Techniques and Methods 7-C5
An object-oriented parameter estimation code was developed to incorporate benefits of object-oriented programming techniques for solving large parameter estimation modeling problems. The code is written in C++ and is a formulation and expansion of the algorithms included in PEST, a widely used parameter estimation code written in Fortran. The new...
Use of real-time monitoring to predict concentrations of select constituents in the Menomonee River drainage basin, Southeast Wisconsin, 2008-9
Austin K. Baldwin, David J. Graczyk, Dale M. Robertson, David A. Saad, Christopher Magruder
2012, Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5064
The Menomonee River drainage basin in southeast Wisconsin is undergoing changes that may affect water quality. Several rehabilitation and flood-management projects are underway, including removal of concrete channels and the construction of floodwater retention basins. The city of Waukesha may begin discharging treated wastewater into Underwood Creek, thus approximately doubling...
Approaches in highly parameterized inversion - GENIE, a general model-independent TCP/IP run manager
Christopher T. Muffels, Willem A. Schreuder, John E. Doherty, Marinko Karanovic, Matthew J. Tonkin, Randall J. Hunt, David E. Welter
2012, Techniques and Methods 7-C6
GENIE is a model-independent suite of programs that can be used to generally distribute, manage, and execute multiple model runs via the TCP/IP infrastructure. The suite consists of a file distribution interface, a run manage, a run executer, and a routine that can be compiled as part of a program...
Evaluation of the effects of Middleton's stormwater-management activities on streamflow and water-quality characteristics of Pheasant Branch, Dane County, Wisconsin 1975-2008
Warren A. Gebert, William J. Rose, Herbert S. Garn
2012, Scientific Investigations Report 2012-5014
Few long-term data sets are available for evaluating the effects of urban stormwater-management practices. Over 30 years of data are available for evaluating the effectiveness of such practices by the city of Middleton, Wis. Analysis of streamflow and water-quality data collected on Pheasant Branch, demonstrates the relation between the changes...
Effects of best-management practices in Eagle and Joos Valley Creeks in the Waumandee Creek Priority Watershed, Wisconsin, 1990-2007
David J. Graczyk, John F. Walker, Roger T. Bannerman, Troy D. Rutter
2012, Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5119
In many watersheds, nonpoint-source contamination is a major contributor to water-quality problems. In response to the recognition of the importance of nonpoint sources, the Wisconsin Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Abatement Program (Nonpoint Program) was enacted in 1978. This report summarizes the results of a study to assess the effectiveness of...
MODFLOW-NWT – Robust handling of dry cells using a Newton Formulation of MODFLOW-2005
Randal J. Hunt, Daniel T. Feinstein
2012, Ground Water (50) 659-663
The first versions of the widely used groundwater flow model MODFLOW (McDonald and Harbaugh 1988) had a sure but inflexible way of handling unconfined finite-difference aquifer cells where the water table dropped below the bottom of the cell—these "dry cells" were turned inactive for the remainder of the simulation. Problems...