Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917--Tin mining in Seward Peninsula
G. L. Harrington
1919, Bulletin 692-G
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917--Mining in the Fairbanks district
Theodore Chapin
1919, Bulletin 692-F
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917--Sulphur on Unalaska and Akun islands and near Stepovak Bay
A. G. Maddren
1919, Bulletin 692-E
No abstract available. ...
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917--Gold lode mining in the Willow Creek district
S. R. Capps
1919, Bulletin 692-D
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917--Platinum-bearing auriferous gravels of Chistochina River
Theodore Chapin
1919, Bulletin 692-C
No abstract available....
Water-power investigations in southeastern Alaska. Mining developments in the Ketchikan district. Geology and mineral resources of the west coast of Chichagof Island
G. H. Canfield
1919, Bulletin 692-B
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917--Administrative report
G. C. Martin
1919, Bulletin 692-A
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1917
George Curtis Martin
1919, Bulletin 692
No abstract available....
Contributions to economic geology, 1918, Part I, Metals and nonmetals except fuel
F. L. Ransome, Ernest Francis Burchard, Hoyt S. Gale
1919, Bulletin 690
The Survey's "Contributions to economic geology " have been published annually since 1902. In 1906 the increase in the number of papers coming under this (Classification made it necessary to divide the contributions into two parts, one including, papers on metals and nonmetals except fuels and the other including papers...
The Canning River region, northern Alaska
E. de K. Leffingwell
1919, Professional Paper 109
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1916--Gold placers of the Anvik-Andreafski region
G. L. Harrington
1918, Bulletin 662-F
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1916--Mineral resources of the Kantishna region
S. R. Capps
1918, Bulletin 662-E
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1916--Lode mining in the Fairbanks district
J. B. Mertie Jr.
1918, Bulletin 662-H
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1916--The gold placers of the Tolovana district
J. B. Mertie Jr.
1918, Bulletin 662-D
Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1916
Alfred H. Brooks
1918, Bulletin 662
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1916--Lode mining and prospecting on Seward Peninsula
J. B. Mertie Jr.
1918, Bulletin 662-I
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1916--Lode deposits near the Nenana coal field
R. M. Overbeck
1918, Bulletin 662-G
The upper Chitina Valley, Alaska, with a description of the igneous rocks
Fred Howard Moffit, Robert Milton Overbeck
1918, Bulletin 675
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1916--Mining in the lower Copper River basin
F. H. Moffit
1918, Bulletin 662-C
Mining developments in the Ketchikan and Wrangell mining districts. Lode mining in the Juneau gold belt. Gold placer mining in the Porcupine district. Water-power investigations in southeastern Alaska
Theodore Chapin, Henry Miner Eakin, G. H. Canfield
1918, Bulletin 662-B
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1916--Administrative report
A. H. Brooks
1918, Bulletin 662-A
Thirty-ninth annual report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey
George Otis Smith
1918, Annual Report 39
The appropriations for the work of the United States Geological Survey for the fiscal year 1917-18 comprised items amounting to $1,750,520. The plan of operations as approved by the Secretary of the Interior contemplated surveys and investigations in the United States and Alaska designed mainly to obtain information or to...
The Anvik-Andreafski region, Alaska (including the Marshall district)
George Leavitt Harrington
1918, Bulletin 683
No abstract available....
The Nelchina-Susitna region, Alaska
Theodore Sheffield Chapin
1918, Bulletin 668
No abstract available....
The Cosna-Nowitna region, Alaska
Henry Miner Eakin
1918, Bulletin 667
No abstract available....