Glaciers of Glacier National Park
William C. Alden
1914, Report
Glacier National Park derives its name and much of its interest from the presence of many small glaciers. Very much of the grandeur of its wonderful Alpine scenery, the final sculpturing of the great mountain valleys and of the amphitheaters at their heads, and the production of the basins of...
The Iditarod-Ruby region, Alaska
Henry Miner Eakin
1914, Bulletin 578
No abstract available....
Geology of the Hanagita-Bremner region, Alaska
Fred Howard Moffit
1914, Bulletin 576
No abstract available....
The Koyukuk-Chandalar region, Alaska
Alfred Geddes Maddren
1913, Bulletin 532
No abstract available....
A geologic reconnaissance of the Circle quadrangle, Alaska
Louis Marcus Prindle
1913, Bulletin 538
No abstract available....
A geologic reconnaissance of a part of the Rampart quadrangle, Alaska
Henry Miner Eakin
1913, Bulletin 535
A geologic reconnaissance of the Fairbanks quadrangle, Alaska, with a detailed description of the Fairbanks district, and an account of lode mining near Fairbanks
Louis Marcus Prindle, Philip Sidney Smith, Frank James Katz
1913, Bulletin 525
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of Alaska: Report on progress of investigations in 1912
Alfred H. Brooks
1913, Bulletin 542
No abstract available....
Surface water supply of Seward peninsula, Alaska, with a sketch of the geography and geology, and a description of methods of placer mining
Fred Forbes Henshaw, G. L. Parker, Philip Sidney Smith, A. H. Brooks
1913, Water Supply Paper 314
No abstract available....
Coastal glaciers of Prince William sound and Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Ulysses Sherman Grant, Daniel F. Higgins
1913, Bulletin 526
The Yentna district, Alaska
Stephen Reid Capps
1913, Bulletin 534
No abstract available....
Geology of the Nome and Grand Central quadrangles, Alaska
Fred Howard Moffit
1913, Bulletin 533
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1912--The McKinley Lake district and Mining in Chitina Valley
Theodore Chapin, F. H. Moffit
1913, Bulletin 542-C
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1912--Preface and Administrative report
A. H. Brooks
1913, Bulletin 542-A
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1912--Mineral deposits of the Ellamar district
S. R. Capps, B. L. Johnson
1913, Bulletin 542-D
Gold placers of the Ruby district. Gold placers of the Innoko-Iditarod region
H. M. Eakin
1913, Bulletin 542-G
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1912--Lode mining near Fairbanks
P. S. Smith
1913, Bulletin 542-F
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1912--Mineral deposits of Kodiak and the neighboring islands
G. C. Martin
1913, Bulletin 542-E
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1912--Marble resources of Ketchikan and Wrangell districts
E. F. Burchard
1913, Bulletin 542-B
The Noatak-Kobuk region, Alaska
Philip Sidney Smith
1913, Bulletin 536
No abstract available....
The Sitka mining district, Alaska
Adolph Knopf
1912, Bulletin 504
Geology and coal fields of the lower Matanuska Valley, Alaska
George Curtis Martin, Frank James Katz
1912, Bulletin 500
The Taral and Bremner River districts
F. H. Moffit
1912, Bulletin 520-C
No abstract available....
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1911--Notes on mining in Seward Peninsula
P. S. Smith
1912, Bulletin 520-M
The Ruby placer district
A. G. Maddren
1912, Bulletin 520-J
No abstract available....