Geology of the McCalls Ferry-Quarryville district, Pennsylvania
Eleanora Frances Bliss Knopf, Anna Isabel Jonas
1929, Bulletin 799
No abstract available....
The Mohave Desert region, California, a geographic, geologic, and hydrologic reconnaissance
David G. Thompson
1929, Water Supply Paper 578
No abstract available....
Surface water supply of the United States, 1925 : Part 10, The Great Basin
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1929, Water Supply Paper 610
Upper Colorado River and its utilization
Robert Follansbee
1929, Water Supply Paper 617
This report presents, in form for ready reference, the available data pertaining to the present and future utilization of the surface waters of the upper Colorado River Basin, above the Green River and includes information relating to topography, climate, evaporation, water supply, transmountain diversions, storage, irrigation and agriculture, and water...
The copper deposits of Michigan
B.S. Butler, W. S. Burbank
1929, Professional Paper 144
The copper district of Keweenaw Point, in the northern peninsula of Michigan, is the second largest producer of copper in the world. The output of the district since 1845 has been more than 7,500,000,000 pounds and showed a rather steady and consistent increase from the beginning of production to the...
The fauna of the middle Boone near Batesville, Arkansas
G. H. Girty
1929, Professional Paper 154-B
The coal fields of the United States
M. R. Campbell, J. A. Bownocker, F. R. Clark
1929, Professional Paper 100
Algae reefs and oolites of the Green River formation
W. H. Bradley
1929, Professional Paper 154-G
A revision of the flora of the Latah formation
E. W. Berry
1929, Professional Paper 154-H
Exogyra olisiponens Sharpe and Exogyra costata Say in the Cretaceous of the Western Interior
J. B. Reeside Jr.
1929, Professional Paper 154-I
Additions to the flora of the Green River formation
R.W. Brown
1929, Professional Paper 154-J
Water-laid volcanic rocks of early Upper Cretaceous age in southwestern Arkansas, southeastern Oklahoma, and northeastern Texas
C. S. Ross, H. D. Miser, L. W. Stephenson
1929, Professional Paper 154-F
Origin of the siliceous Mowry shale of the Black Hills region
W. W. Rubey
1929, Professional Paper 154-D
Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1926. Mineral industry of Alaska in 1926 and administrative report
Philip Sidney Smith
1929, Bulletin 797-A
Fairfield-Gettysburg folio, Pennsylvania
George W. Stose, Florence Bascom
1929, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 225
Surface water supply of the United States, 1925 : Part 12, North Pacific drainage basins ; C. Pacific slope basins in Oregon and lower Columbia River basin
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1929, Water Supply Paper 614
Surface water supply of the United States, 1925 : Part XII. North Pacific drainage basins : B. Snake River basin
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1929, Water Supply Paper 613
Surface water supply of the United States, 1925, Part V, Hudson Bay and upper Mississippi River basins
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1929, Water Supply Paper 605
Surface water supply of the United States, 1925 : Part XI. Pacific slope basins in California
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey
1929, Water Supply Paper 611
Ground water in Yellowstone and Treasure Counties, Montana
George Martin Hall, Charles S. Howard
1929, Water Supply Paper 599
Geology and ground-water resources of central and southern Rosebud County, Montana, with chemical analyses of the waters
B. Coleman Renick, Harry Buchholz Riffenburg
1929, Water Supply Paper 600
Revision of the American chipmunks (genera Tamias and Eutamias)
Arthur H. Howell
1929, North American Fauna 52
Geology and coal and oil resources of the Hanna and Carbon basins, Carbon county, Wyoming
Carroll Edward Dobbin, Charles F. Bowen, Harold William Hoots
1929, Bulletin 804
Salinity of the water of Chesapeake Bay
R.C. Wells, R.K. Bailey, E.P. Henderson
1929, Professional Paper 154-C
Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1928, Part II, Mineral fuels. Geology of the Rock Creek oil field and adjacent areas, Carbon and Albany counties, Wyoming
C.E. Dobbin, H. W. Hoots, C. H. Dane, E. T. Hancock
1929, Bulletin 806-D