Field assay of water
Marshall O. Leighton
1905, Water Supply Paper 151
Report of progress of stream measurements for the calendar year 1904, Part I, Atlantic Coast of New England drainage
Harold Kilbrith Barrows, J.C. Hoyt
1905, Water Supply Paper 124
Proceedings of second conference of engineers of the Reclamation Service, with accompanying papers
Frederick Haynes Newell
1905, Water Supply Paper 146
Underground waters of Salt River valley, Arizona
Willis Thomas Lee
1905, Water Supply Paper 136
Waynesburg folio, Pennsylvania
Ralph Walter Stone
1905, Folios of the Geologic Atlas 121
Record of deep-well drilling for 1904
Myron Leslie Fuller, E. F. Lines, A. C. Veatch
1905, Bulletin 264
In this report, which is the first of a proposed series of annual publications, are presented the results of the first six months' work by the United States Geological Survey in the systematic collection of well records and samples. Much time having been occupied in organization and preliminary correspondence, the...
Cement materials and industry of the United States
Edwin C. Eckel
1905, Bulletin 243
Biological survey of Texas: life zones, with characteristic species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and plants
Vernon Bailey, C. Hart Merriam
1905, North American Fauna 25
Methods and Costs of Gravel and Placer Mining in Alaska
Chester Wells Purington
1905, Bulletin 263
Preliminary report on the operations of the coal-testing plant of the United States Geological Survey at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Missouri, 1904
Edward Wheeler Parker, Joseph A. Holmes, Marius R. Campbell
1905, Bulletin 261
Results of primary triangulation and primary traverse, fiscal year 1904-5
Samuel Stinson Gannett
1905, Bulletin 276
Rock cleavage
Charles Kenneth Leith
1905, Bulletin 239
Experiments on steel-concrete pipes on a working scale
John H. Quinton
1905, Water Supply Paper 143
The petroleum fields of the Pacific coast of Alaska, with an account of the Bering River coal deposits
George Curtis Martin
1905, Bulletin 250
This report contains the result of a hasty examination of the structural and economic geology of the localities where indications of petroleum have been found. Though only a few wells have been drilled and it is too soon to predict an important future for the region as a petroleum producer,...
Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for the year 1904
Fred Boughton Weeks
1905, Bulletin 271
The configuration of the rock floor of Greater New York
William Herbert Hobbs
1905, Bulletin 270
The copper deposits of the Clifton-Morenci district, Arizona
Waldemar Lindgren
1905, Professional Paper 43
The oldest rocks of the Clifton quadrangle are pre-Cambrian granite and quartzitic schists, separated by an important unconformity from the covering Paleozoic strata. The latter comprise a total thickness of 1,500 feet. At the base lie 200 feet of probably Cambrian quartzitic sandstone, succeeded by 200 to 400 feet of...
Geology of the central Copper River region, Alaska
Walter C. Mendenhall
1905, Professional Paper 41
It is an interesting evidence of the prompt responsiveness of our governmental organization to popular needs that the year 1898, which saw the first rush of argonauts to Alaska as a result of the discovery of the Klondike in 1986, saw also several well-equipped Federal parties at work in the...
The geology of the Perry Basin in southeastern Maine
G. O. Smith, David White
1905, Professional Paper 35
The geologic examination of the Perry district, in southeastern Maine, was undertaken at the request of the Survey Commission of the State of Maine. During the 1902-3 session of the Maine legislature an effort was made by petitioners resident in Washington County to obtain from the State an appropriation of...
The hydrology of San Bernardino Valley, California
Walter C. Mendenhall
1905, Water Supply Paper 142
The San Bernardino basin lies near the eastern end of the valley of southern California. Under the latter term is included that general lowland area which is definitely limited on the north by the San Gabriel and San Bernardino ranges and on the east by the latter range and the...
Economic geology of the Bingham mining district, Utah
J. M. Boutwell, Arthur Keith, S. F. Emmons
1905, Professional Paper 38
The field work of which this report represents the final results was first undertaken in the summer of the year 1900. This district had long been selected by the writer as worthy of special economic investigation, as well on account of the importance of its products as because of its...
The copper deposits of Missouri
Harry Foster Bain, Edward Oscar Ulrich
1905, Bulletin 267
Destructive floods in the United States in 1904
Edward C. Murphy
1905, Water Supply Paper 147
Relation of the law to underground waters
Douglas Wilson Johnson
1905, Water Supply Paper 122
Bibliographic review and index of papers relating to underground waters published by the United States Geological Survey, 1879-1904
Myron Leslie Fuller
1905, Water Supply Paper 120