Dedication: David Joseph Morafka
R. W. Murphy, Kristin H. Berry
None, Journal of Arid Environments (67) 11-12
No abstract available....
Characterizing the two-dimensional thermal conductivity distribution in a sand and gravel aquifer
Jeff M. Markle, Robert A. Schincariol, J.H. Sass, John W. Molson
None, Soil Science Society of America Journal (70) 1281-1294
Both hydrologic and thermal transport properties play a significant role in the movement of heat through permeable sedimentary material; however, the thermal conductivity is rarely characterized in detailed spatial resolution. As part of a study of the movement of thermal plumes through a sand and gravel aquifer, we have constructed...
Scouting craton’s edge in Paleo-Pacific Gondwana
Carol A. Finn, John W. Goodge, Detlef Damaske, C. Mark Fanning
Dieter Karl Fütterer, Georg Kleinschmidt, Hubert Miller, Franz Tessensohn, editor(s)
None, Book chapter, Antarctica: Contributions to global earth sciences
The geology of the ice-covered interior of the East Antarctic shield is completely unknown; inferences about its composition and history are based on extrapolating scant outcrops from the coast inland. Although the shield is clearly composite in nature, a large part of its interior has been represented by a single...
Remnant damage from the 1906 San Francisco earthquake
John Boatwright
Carol S. Prentice, Judith G. Scotchmoor, Eldridge M. Moores, Jon P. Kiland, editor(s)
None, Book chapter, 1906 San Francisco earthquake centennial field guides: Field trips associated with the 100th Anniversary Conference, 18–23 April 2006, San Francisco, California
This field trip consists of two stops at locations where it is possible to see damage from the 1906 earthquake and to gauge the intensity of the ground shaking that caused the damage. The first stop is at a cemetery in Colma, where the damage to monuments and headstones was...
Old-growth bottomland hardwood forests as bird habitat: Implications for contemporary management
Robert Hamilton, Wylie C. Barrow Jr., Keith Ouchley
None, Conference Paper, Ecology and management of bottomland hardwood systems: The state of our understanding: A symposium
No abstract available....
Oligocene and earliest Miocene diatom biostratigraphy of ODP leg 199 site 1220, equatorial Pacific
John A. Barron, Elisabeth Fourtanier, S. M. Bohaty
None, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program: Scientific Results (199)
Completion of studies on material collected during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199 at Site 1220 in the equatorial Pacific allows calibration of the ranges of >35 stratigraphically important diatoms to paleomagnetic stratigraphy for the Oligocene and earliest Miocene (~33.5–21.5 Ma). The taxonomy of these taxa is reviewed, and age estimates...
Earth's climate and orbital eccentricity: The marine isotope stage 11 question
André Droxler, Richard Z. Poore, Lloyd H. Burckle
None, Book
No abstract available....
Integrated geophysical characterization of the Winthrop Landfill Southern Flow Path, Winthrop, Maine
Cian B. Dawson, John W. Lane Jr., Eric A. White, Marcel Belaval
None, Conference Paper, Proceedings: Symposium on the application of geophysics to engineering and environmental problems
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with United Technologies Corporation, used an integrated suite of borehole, surface, and water-borne geophysical methods near the site of the former Winthrop Landfill, Winthrop, Maine, to investigate the hydrogeology controlling the transport of leachate from the landfill to nearby Annabessacook Lake. During the...
Perspectives on the diagnosis, epizootiology, and control of the 1973 duck plague epizootic in wild waterfowl at Lake Andes, South Dakota
Gary L. Pearson, Delmar R. Cassidy
None, Journal of Wildlife Diseases (33 ) 681-705
An epizootic of duck plague occurred in early 1973 in a population of 163,500 wild waterfowl, primarily mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), wintering on Lake Andes and the nearby Missouri River in southeastern South Dakota (USA). The diagnosis was based on pathologic lesions and confirmed by virus isolation. Control measures included quarantine, attempts...
Detecting hurricane impact and recovery from tree rings
Thomas W. Doyle
None, Conference Paper, Tree Rings, Environment, and Humanity
No abstract available...
Exsolved magmatic fluid and its role in the formation of comb-layered quartz at the Cretaceous Logtung W-Mo deposit, Yukon Territory, Canada
Jacob B. Lowenstern, W. David Sinclair
None, Book chapter, The Third Hutton symposium on the origin of granites and related rocks
Comb-layered quartz is a type of unidirectional solidification texture found at the roofs of shallow silicic intrusions that are often associated spatially with Mo and W mineralisation. The texture consists of multiple layers of euhedral, prismatic quartz crystals (Type I) that have grown on subplanar aplite substrates. The layers are...
Geodetic monitoring of the southern San Andreas Fault, California, 1980-1991
James C. Savage, Michael Lisowski
None, Journal of Geophysical Research (100) 8185-8192
Five geodetic arrays (10 to 40 km aperture) located along the San Andreas fault have been surveyed frequently (several times in most years) over the 1980–1991 interval to detect possible fluctuations in the deformation rate. In each survey of an array the distances between the same four to seven pairs...
Limitations of amino acids in diets of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus)
A.D. Peoples, R.L. Lochmiller, J.C. Boren, D.M. Leslie Jr. , D.M. Engle
None, American Midland Naturalist (132) 104-116
No abstract available. ...
Use of surface-geophysical and borehole-radar methods to detect fractures in crystalline rocks, Mirror Lake area, Grafton County, New Hampshire
F. P. Haeni, John W. Lane Jr., D.A. Lieblich
None, Conference Paper, Hydrogeology of hard rocks: Memoires of the XXIVth Congress
No abstract available....
The ecology of Humboldt Bay, California, an estuarine profile
R.A. Barnhart, M.J. Boyd , J.E. Pequegnat
None, Report
Synthesizes data on the ecological relationships and functions of the estuary, including information on physical aspects of the bay environment; describes the biotic communities and their relationships; provides management considerations in terms including environmental concerns; and identifies research and management information gaps. Portions of the bay are managed as a national wildlife...
Using GIS to determine the effects of contaminated sediments on natural resources in an estuary
P.F. Roscigno, G. M. Martin, J. B. Johnston, Mary C. Watzin
None, Conference Paper, Proceedings of the second international US Fish and Wildlife Service geographic information systems workshop
No abstract available....
Oxidation of hydrocarbons coupled to reduction of inorganic species in groundwater
Isabelle M. Cozzarelli, Mary Jo Baedecker
None, Conference Paper, Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on water-rock interaction
No abstract available....
Authigenic mineral formation in aquifers rich in organic material
Mary Jo Baedecker, Isabelle M. Cozzarelli, J.R. Evans, P.P. Hearn
None, Conference Paper, Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on water-rock interaction
No abstract available....
Radiation exposure near Chernobyl based on analysis of conifer injury using Thematic Mapper satellite images
Marvin Goldman, Susan L. Ustin, Edward A. Warman, F. G. Sadowski
None, Conference Paper, Joint CEC/OECD(NEA) workshop on recent advances in reactor accident consequence assessment
No abstract available....
Storm‐dominated bottom boundary layer dynamics on the Northern California Continental Shelf: Measurements and predictions
D.A. Cacchione, W.D. Grant, D.E. Drake, S.M. Glenn
None, Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans (92) 1817-1827
Measurements of near‐bottom velocity profiles in 85 m water depth during a storm on the continental shelf off northern California using the GEOPROBE tripod in December 1979 provided estimates of shear velocities, , and roughness lengths, , when the near‐bottom velocity profiles were logarithmic. These estimates agree within 90% confidence...
Summary of the conference and information needs for mitigation in wetlands
Millicent L. Quammen
None, Book chapter, Wetland Functions, Rehabilitation, and Creation in the Pacific Northwest: The State of our Understanding
No abstract available....
Vegetation pattern on channel features in the Passage Creek Gorge, Virginia
Cliff R. Hupp
None, Castanea (48) 62-72
Persistent distribution patterns of woody vegetation within the bottomland forest of Passage Creek, Virginia, were related to fluvial landforms, channel geometry, streamflow characteristics, and sediment-size characteristics. Vegetation patterns were determined from species presence as observed in...
Rhythmic bedding in Mesozoic- Cenozoic pelagic carbonate sequences: The primary and diagenetic origin of Milankovitch-like cycles
M.A. Arthur, Walter E. Dean, D.J. Bottjer, Peter A. Scholle
None, Conference Paper, Milankovitch and Climate: Understanding the Response to Astronomical Forcing
No abstract available. ...
R. L. Nace
None, JAWRA (10) 633-647
ABSTRACT: Pierre Perrault, member of a bourgeois provincial family whose roots were in the Touraine region of France, grew up in Paris. One of six illustrious Brothers, all characterized by brilliance and diversity, he was educated as a lawyer but turned to finance and rose to a high position under...
Relations between geological structure and aeromagnetic anomalies in central Nevada
Edwin S. Robinson
None, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America (81) 2045-2060
An aeromagnetic survey of a 6000-km2 area in central Nevada has been complied by the U.S. Geological Survey. An interpretation of the aeromagnetic data is developed to establish relations between near-surface geological features and structure extending to intermediate depths in the crust.A three-dimensional distribution of magnetized material is described which would...