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Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205

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Table 6. Mean annual ground-water inflow to basin-fill deposits of Carson Valley simulated with watershed models, water years 1990–2002, and compared with mean annual inflow simulated during dry conditions, water years 1990–92, and wet conditions, water years 1995–97, Nevada and California.

{Values are rounded to two significant figures. Mean annual ground-water inflow, dry conditions: If MAG is mean annual ground-water inflow, percent difference calculated as 100*(MAGdry conditions–MAG1990–2002/MAG1990–2002; wet conditons: If MAG is mean annual ground-water inflow, percent difference calculated as 100*(MAGwet conditions–MAG1990–2002/MAG1990–2002. Abbreviations: acre-ft, acre-feet]

Ground-water inflow source Simulated mean annual ground-water inflow
Water years
  Dry conditions,
water years 1990–92
  Wet conditions,
water years 1995–97
(acre-ft) (Percent
(acre-ft) (Percent
Carson Range
Ground-water inflow from watersheds
Perennial 16,200   3,400 -45   9,900 60
Ephemeral 23,500   1,200 -66   5,200 49
Infiltration of ephemeral runoff 39,400   2,600 -72   17,000 81
Subtotal (rounded) 19,000   7,200 -62   32,000 68
Pine Nut Mountains
Ground-water inflow from watersheds
Perennial 18,200   100 -99   21,000 156
Ephemeral 25,700   0 -100   18,000 216
Infiltration of ephemeral runoff 42,100   470 -78   4,800 128
Subtotal (rounded) 16,000   570 -96   44,000 175
Total for Carson Range and Pine Nut Mountains
Total (rounded) 35,000   7,800 -78   76,000 117

1 From table 4.

2 From table 5.

3 From table 5, simulated mean annual ephemeral runoff, 9,900 acre-ft, less 5 percent loss to evapotranspiration, 500 acre-ft.

4 From table 5, plus runoff of Pine Nut and Buckeye Creeks, less 5 percent loss to evapotranspiration.

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