Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205
Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205
Table 8. Estimates of mean annual ground-water inflow to basin-fill aquifers of Carson Valley using water-yield and chloride-balance methods by Maurer and Berger (2007) and simulated with watershed models of this study, Nevada and California.
[Mean annual ground-water inflow: From yield and chloride-balance methods from Maurer and Berger (2007, p. 38); represents values estimated using precipitation estimates for 1971–2000, and runoff estimates for 1990–2002. Abbreviations: –, indicates information not available.]
Ground-water inflow source |
Mean annual ground-water inflow (acre-feet) |
Simulated with watershed models, water years 1990–2002 |
Water-yield method |
Chloride- balance method |
Northern Carson Valley | |||
Ground-water inflow from Eagle Valley1 | 1,450 | 1,450 | 1,450 |
Precipitation on eolian sand and gravel deposits | 250 | 250 | 250 |
Subtotal (rounded) | 1,700 | 1,700 | 1,700 |
Carson Range and western alluvial fans | |||
Precipitation on alluvial fans | 500 | 500 | – |
Ground-water inflow from watersheds | |||
Perennial | 26,200 | 2,400 | – |
Ephemeral | 33,500 | 0 | – |
Infiltration of ephemeral runoff | 49,400 | 8,000 | – |
Subtotal (rounded) | 20,000 | 11,000 | 27,000 |
Pine Nut Mountains and eastern alluvial fans | |||
Ground-water inflow from watersheds | |||
Perennial | 28,200 | 4,300 | – |
Ephemeral | 35,700 | 0 | – |
Infiltration of ephemeral runoff | 52,100 | 5,000 | – |
Subtotal (rounded) | 16,000 | 9,300 | 11,000 |
Total for Carson Valley | |||
Total (rounded) | 38,000 | 22,000 | 40,000 |
1From Maurer and Thodal (2000, p. 33–34).
2From table 4.
3From table 5.
4From table 5, simulated mean annual ephemeral runoff, 9,900 acre-ft, less 5 percent loss to evapotranspiration, 500 acre-ft.
5From table 5, plus runoff of Buckeye and Pine Nut Creeks, less 5 percent loss to evapotranspiration.