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Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5113

Prepared in cooperation with South Florida Water Management District

Hydrogeologic and Hydraulic Characterization of the Surficial Aquifer System, and Origin of High Salinity Groundwater, Palm Beach County, Florida

By Ronald S. Reese and Michael A. Wacker


Appendix II : Montages showing lithology, geophysical logs, geologic and hydrostratigraphic units, flow zones, and well construction for all wells with data available

Included in appendix 2 are log montages in WellCAD™ (WCL) file format showing data plots for 115 wells. Included are wells drilled prior to this study and four of the five wells drilled for this study. These wells are identified in table 1–8 of this report. In addition to all geophysical logs run and lithology, data included in the log montages and their column heading identifiers are geologic (FM) and hydrostratigraphic (HYD) units, if determined, flow zones (HYD-FZ), if determined, and well construction (CONST). Flow zones were determined by flow meter logs for four of the wells drilled in this study (PB-1804 though PB-1807) and two previously drilled wells (PB-1608 and PB-1761). The percentage of total flow during pumping is labeled for each flow zone in the HYD-FZ column. The lithology is shown by a lithologic symbols column (LITH) and a brief lithologic description column (Lithofacies). A more detailed lithologic description for five wells is provided by tables 1–2 through 1–6, including four of the wells drilled in this study and PB-1761.

The WellCAD™ files in this appendix can be opened, viewed, and printed by installing the WellCAD Reader™ software included in this appendix. This software is non proprietary; however, the only modifications allowed that can be saved are scale changes. If a full version of WellCAD™ is available, these files may be opened, modified, and saved as usual.

All of the plots in the appendix are saved in WellCAD™ at a vertical scale of 1 in. = 20 ft (except for PB-1761). Because of this scale, upon opening a file in WellCAD™, the full lithologic description may not be visible for all intervals. In particular, the lithologic descriptions for thin intervals (3 ft or less thick) do not appear. To view the lithologic description for all intervals, the vertical scale can be expanded in WellCAD Reader™, for example from 1 in. = 20 ft to 1 in. = 10 ft. Expansion of the vertical scale will also be required to view the digital borehole image included for PB-1807.

Produced October 2009

For additional information contact:
Ronald S. Reese
U.S. Geological Survey
Florida Water Science Center
3110 SW 9th Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

Appendix 2 is presented in WellCAD™ format (WCL) and requires the WellCAD™ reader to view it. The reader is provided on this CD or download it free of charge from the WellCAD™ website.

Well Logs in WellCAD™ format (WCL)

G-2315 G-2916 HE-1110 HE-1116
HE-1144 M-1361 M-1367 PB-600
PB-634 PB-640 PB-649 PB-650
PB-651 PB-652A PB-653 PB-657
PB-658 PB-665 PB-666 PB-667
PB-668 PB-669 PB-670 PB-671
PB-672 PB-673 PB-674 PB-675
PB-676 PB-677 PB-678 PB-679
PB-681 PB-712 PB-747 PB-830
PB-833 PB-834B PB-836 PB-837
PB-838 PB-839 PB-841 PB-842
PB-843 PB-880 PB-1082 PB-1083
PB-1084 PB-1085 PB-1086 PB-1087
PB-1088 PB-1089 PB-1090 PB-1091
PB-1092 PB-1093 PB-1094 PB-1095
PB-1096 PB-1097 PB-1098 PB-1099
PB-1100 PB-1101 PB-1102 PB-1103
PB-1104 PB-1105 PB-1106 PB-1107
PB-1108 PB-1109 PB-1144 PB-1166
PB-1168 PB-1173 PB-1176 PB-1184
PB-1192 PB-1195 PB-1197 PB-1545
PB-1547 PB-1605 PB-1608 PB-1613
PB-1693 PB-1695 PB-1696 PB-1702
PB-1703 PB-1704 PB-1761 PB-1765
PB-1769 PB-1775 PB-1777 PB-1781
PB-1782 PB-1783 PB-1784 PB-1785
PB-1786 PB-1787 PB-1788 PB-1792
PB-1797 PB-1801 PB-1803 PB-1804
PB-1805 PB-1806 PB-1807 W-5435

Suggested citation:

Reese, R.S., and Wacker, M.A., 2009, Hydrogeologic and Hydraulic Characterization of the Surficial Aquifer System, and Origin of High Salinity Groundwater, Palm Beach County, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5113, 83 p., (appendixes on CD).

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