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Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5214

Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Analysis of Floods, Including the Tropical Storm Irene Inundation, of the Ottauquechee River in Woodstock, Bridgewater, and Killington and of Reservoir Brook in Bridgewater and Plymouth, Vermont

By Robert H. Flynn

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (2.25 MB)Abstract

Digital flood-inundation maps were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District for a 25-mile reach of the Ottauquechee River and a 2-mile reach of Reservoir Brook in Vermont. The reach of the Ottauquechee River that was studied extends from River Road Bridge in Killington, Vt., to the Taftsville Dam in the village of Taftsville, in the town of Woodstock, Vt., and the reach of Reservoir Brook extends from a location downstream from the Woodward Reservoir in Plymouth, Vt., to its confluence with the Ottauquechee River in Bridgewater, Vt. The inundation maps depict estimates of the areal extent of flooding corresponding to the 1-percent annual exceedance probability (AEP) flood (also referred to as the 100-year flood) and the peak of the tropical storm Irene flood of August 28, 2011, which was greater than the 0.2-percent AEP flood (also referred to as the 500-year flood), as referenced to the USGS Ottauquechee River near West Bridgewater, Vt. streamgage (station 01150900).

In addition to the two digital flood inundation maps, flood profiles were created that depict the study reach flood elevation of tropical storm Irene of August 2011 and the 10-, 2-, 1-, and 0.2-percent AEP floods, also known as the 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year floods, respectively. The 10-, 2-, 1-, and 0.2-percent AEP flood discharges were determined using annual peak flow data from the USGS Ottauquechee River near West Bridgewater, Vt. streamgage (station 01150900). Flood profiles were computed for the Ottauquechee River and Reservoir Brook by means of a one-dimensional step-backwater model. The model was calibrated using documented high-water marks of the peak of the tropical storm Irene flood of August 2011 as well as stage discharge data as determined for USGS Ottauquechee River near West Bridgewater, Vt. streamgage (station 01150900). The simulated water-surface profiles were combined with a digital elevation model within a geographic information system to delineate the areas flooded during tropical storm Irene and for the 1-percent AEP water-surface profile. The digital elevation model data were derived from light detection and ranging (lidar) data obtained for a 3,281-foot (1,000-meter) corridor along the Ottauquechee River study reach and were augmented with 33-foot (10- meter) contour interval data in the modeled flood-inundation areas outside the lidar corridor. The 33-foot (10-meter) contour interval USGS 15-minute quadrangle topographic digital raster graphics map used to augment lidar data was produced at a scale of 1:24,000. The digital flood inundation maps and flood profiles along with information regarding current stage from USGS streamgages on the Internet provide emergency management personnel and residents with information that is critical for flood response activities, such as evacuations and road closures, as well as for post-flood recovery efforts.

First posted December 18, 2014

  • Appendix 1 PDF (7.71 MB)
    Ottauquechee River and Reservoir Brook Flood Inundation Maps of the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (100-Year) flood and Flood of Tropical Storm Irene in Woodstock, Bridgewater, Sherburne and Plymouth, Vermont.
  • Appendix 2 PDF (172 KB)
    Profiles of the 10, 2, 1, and 0.2 percent annual exceedance probability floods for the Ottauquechee River Study Reach, Vermont
  • Appendix 3 PDF (140 KB)
    Profiles of the 1 percent annual exceedance probability flood and the flood of Tropical Storm Irene of August 2011 for the Ottauquechee River Study Reach, Vermont
  • Appendix 4 PDF (59 KB)
    Profiles of the 10, 2, 1, and 0.2 percent annual exceedance probability  floods for the Reservoir Brook Study Reach, Vermont
  • Appendix 5 PDF (55.3 KB)
    Profiles of the 1 percent annual exceedance probability flood and the flood of Tropical Storm Irene of August 2011 for the Reservoir Brook Study Reach, Vermont

For additional information, contact:
Office Chief, New Hampshire-Vermont Office
New England Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
331 Commerce Way, Suite 2
Pembroke, NH 03275

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Suggested citation:

Flynn, R.H., 2014, Analysis of floods, including the tropical storm Irene inundation, of the Ottauquechee River in Woodstock, Bridgewater, and Killington and of Reservoir Brook in Bridgewater and Plymouth, Vermont: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5214, 13 p.,

ISSN 2328-0328 (online)





Constructing Water-Surface Profiles

Inundation Mapping


Selected References

Appendix 1. Ottauquechee River and Reservoir Brook Flood Inundation Maps of the 1-Percent Annual Exceedance Probability (100-Year) Flood and Flood of Tropical Storm Irene in Woodstock, Bridgewater, Sherburne, and Plymouth, Vermont

Appendix 2. Profiles of the 10-, 2-, 1-, and 0.2-Percent Annual Exceedance Probability Floods for the Ottauquechee River, Vermont

Appendix 3. Profiles of the 1-Percent Annual Exceedance Probability Flood and the Flood of Tropical Storm Irene of August 2011 for the Ottauquechee River, Vermont

Appendix 4. Profiles of the 10-, 2-, 1-, and 0.2-Percent Annual Exceedance Probability Floods for the Reservoir Brook, Vermont

Appendix 5. Profiles of the 1-Percent Annual Exceedance Probability Flood and the Flood of Tropical Storm Irene of August 2011 for the Reservoir Brook, Vermont

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