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A Modular Finite-Element Model (MODFE) for Areal and Axisymmetric Ground-Water-Flow Problems, Part 2: Derivation of finite-element equations and comparisons with analytical solutions

U.S. Geological Survey, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Book 6, Chapter A4

by Richard L. Cooley

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Sections available in pdf:

Section 1 -- 1.97 MB




Finite-element formulation in Cartesian coordinates


Section 2 -- 2.14 MB

Finite-element formulation in Cartesian coordinates (continued)


Section 3 -- 1.16 MB

Finite-element formulation in axisymmetric cylindrical coordinates

Finite-element formulation for steady-state flow

Solution of matrix equations


Section 4 -- 1.65 MB

Comparisons of numerical results with analytical solutions


References cited

Appendix A






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