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Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4239

Ground-Water Discharge Determined from Measurements of Evapotranspiration, Other Available Hydrologic Components, and Shallow Water-Level Changes, Oasis Valley, Nye County, Nevada


Table 1. Evapotranspiration units determined from spectral analysis of satellite imagery data, Oasis Valley discharge area, Nevada, June 1992

Table 2. Accuracy assessment of evapotranspiration-unit classification for the Oasis Valley discharge area, Nevada

Table 3. Location and general description of and estimated annual evapotranspiration at five sites in Oasis Valley and one site in Ash Meadows discharge areas equipped with micrometeorological instruments, Nevada, 1996-2000

Table 4. Evapotranspiration rates used to compute annual evapotranspiration from Oasis Valley discharge area, Nevada

Table 5. Estimated mean annual evapotranspiration and ground-water evapotranspiration by evapotranspiration unit from Oasis Valley, Nevada

Table 6. Characteristics of water-supply wells used by the Beatty Water and Sanitation District, Oasis Valley and Amargosa Desert, Nevada, 1996-99

Table 7. Monthly ground-water withdrawals measured by Beatty Water and Sanitation District, Oasis Valley and Amargosa Desert, Nevada, 1996-99

Table 8. Characteristics of spring and channel sites used to measure discharge, Oasis Valley discharge area, Nevada, 1997-99

Table 9. Summary of annual changes in spring discharge at spring and channel measurement sites, Oasis Valley discharge area, Nevada, 1997-99

Table 10. Estimated mean annual ground-water discharge from Oasis Valley, Nevada

Table 11. Characteristics of wells used to measure water levels, Oasis Valley, Nevada, 1996-2000

Table 12. Summary of annual changes in water levels measured in shallow wells, Oasis Valley discharge area, Nevada, 1997-2000

Table 13. Summary of annual changes in water levels measured in selected deep and ER-OV wells, Oasis Valley, Nevada, 1997-2000

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