Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4239
Ground-Water Discharge Determined from Measurements of Evapotranspiration,
Other Available Hydrologic Components, and Shallow Water-Level Changes,
Oasis Valley, Nye County, Nevada
Table 3. Location and general description of and estimated annual evapotranspiration (ET) at five sites in Oasis Valley and one site in Ash Meadows discharge areas that were equipped with micrometeorological instruments, 1996-2000
[Abbreviations: lb/ft3, pounds per cubic foot; in., inches; ft/yr, feet per year]
Site name |
Site identifier (pl. 1) |
Latitude |
Longitude |
Altitude1 (feet above sea level) |
Period of data acquisition [Julian day]2 |
Description of dominant vegetation cover3 and soil moisture conditions4 |
ET-unit identifier5 |
Dry soil density (lb/ft3) |
Percent soil moisture6 |
Estimation period |
Period ET (in.) |
Annual ET rate (ft/yr) |
Springdale |
37°01'13" |
116°43'49" |
3,714.2 |
May 1996 - December 1998 |
Dense cover of meadow and marsh grass; soil wet throughout year |
56 |
0.80 |
152 - 882 |
6.27 |
3.14 |
Middle Oasis Valley |
37°00'39" |
116°43'24" |
3,690.7 |
April 1997 - January 2000 |
Sparse to moderate cover of wire and saltgrass; soil varies from wet in winter to damp in summer |
88 |
.15 |
740 - 1,470 |
4.98 |
2.49 |
Upper Oasis Valley Upper |
37°03'49" |
116°41'39" |
3,930 |
January 1998 - September 2000 |
Sparse cover of desert shrubs, primarily wolfberry and rabbit brush; soil dry |
104 |
.05 |
993 - 1,723 |
1.23 |
.62 |
Upper Oasis Valley Lower |
37°02'42" |
116°42'29" |
3,861 |
July 1998 - August 2000 |
Moderate to dense cover of desert shrubs, primarily greasewood; soil varies from damp in winter to dry in summer |
59 | .12 |
972-1,702 |
2.75 | 1.38 |
Upper Oasis Valley Middle |
37°02'49" |
116°42'41" |
3,856 |
December 1998 - September 2000 |
Sparse to moderate cover of saltgrass; soil varies from moist in winter to dry in summer |
74 |
.14 |
1,358 - 1,723 |
1.63 |
1.63 |
Fairbanks Meadows7 |
36°28'59" |
116°20'18" |
2,249 |
March 1997 - August 20008 |
Dense cover of saltgrass; surface periodically floods during late winter, otherwise soil varies from wet in winter to dry in summer |
71 |
.30 |
580 - 731 1,097 - 1,676 |
6.14 |
3.07 |
1 Altitudes reported to the nearest foot were estimated from U.S.
Geological Survey 1:24,000 topographic maps and field observation. Altitudes reported to the nearest tenth of a foot
obtained from leveling surveys.
2 Julian day is day since January 1, 1996.
3 Vegetation cover descriptors: very sparse, less than 5 percent; sparse, 5 to 25
percent; moderate, 25 to 75 percent; and dense, greater than 75 percent.
4 Soil moisture descriptors are presented as relative terms.
5 Descriptions of ET units are given in table 1.
6 Mean of multiple measurements collected during periods of significant ET.
7 Site in Ash Meadows (Laczniak and others, 1999) but maintained as part of Oasis Valley
8 Site destroyed by fire in August 2000.