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Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4239

Ground-Water Discharge Determined from Measurements of Evapotranspiration, Other Available Hydrologic Components, and Shallow Water-Level Changes, Oasis Valley, Nye County, Nevada


Figure 1. Oasis Valley and other major areas of natural ground-water discharge within the Death Valley regional flow system, Nevada and California

Figure 2. Generalized geology of Oasis Valley area, Nevada and California

Figure 3. Major hydrographic and physiographic features in Oasis Valley, Nevada

Figure 4. Major structural features controlling spring discharge in Oasis Valley, Nevada

Figure 5. Schematic diagram of generalized cross-section showing local hydrographic and geologic features controlling ground-water flow and discharge in Oasis Valley, Nevada

Figure 6. Graph showing spectral-response curves for land covers of different vegetation, soil, and moisture conditions

Figure 7. Map showing color-infrared composite generated from bands 4, 3, and 2 (red, green, and blue, respectively), of June 13, 1992, thematic mapper image, Oasis Valley, Nevada

Figure 8. Graphs showing spectral clusters and component spectral-response curves used for classifying ET units in Oasis Valley discharge area, Nevada

Figure 9. Schematic diagram of instrumentation arrangements installed to measure micrometeorological and water-level data used to determine evapotranspiration from Oasis Valley discharge area, Nevada

Figure 10. Photographs showing typical evapotranspiration (ET) stations instrumented to calculate evapotranspiration rates in Oasis Valley discharge area, Nevada

Figure 11. Micrometeorological data collected at Springdale ET site, June 7-11, 1997

Figure 12. Graphs showing energy-budget fluxes and daily evapotranspiration calculated from micrometeorological data collected at Springdale ET site, June 7-11, 1997

Figure 13. Graph showing calculated evapotranspiration at Springdale ET site, 1997

Figure 14. Graphs showing calculated daily evapotranspiration at five sites in Oasis Valley discharge area and one site in Ash Meadows discharge area, and measured annual precipitation in Oasis Valley, Nevada, 1996-2000

Figure 15. Geologic cross-sections showing distribution of valley-fill sediments, Amargosa Narrows area, Nevada

Figure 16. Graph showing comparison of annual ground-water withdrawal by the Beatty Water and Sanitation District from Oasis Valley and Amargosa Desert, Nevada, 1996-99

Figure 17. Graph showing comparison of seasonal ground-water withdrawal by the Beatty Water and Sanitation District from Oasis Valley and Amargosa Desert, Nevada, 1996-99

Figure 18. Graphs showing spring discharge measured at selected spring discharge sites, Oasis Valley discharge area, Nevada, November 20, 1996, to September 17, 1999

Figure 19. Graph of water-table fluctuations measured at evapotranspiration sites and selected shallow wells, Oasis Valley discharge area, Nevada, August 12, 1996, to September 25, 2000

Figure 20. Graph showing annual water-level fluctuation in four shallow wells, Oasis Valley, Nevada, February 3, 1997, to September 26, 1998

Figure 21. Graphs showing annual water-level fluctuation in selected deep and shallow wells, September 26, 1998, to May 17, 2000, Oasis Valley, Nevada

Figure 22. Graphs showing annual water-level fluctuation in selected deep and shallow wells, June 6, 1996, to September 25, 2000, Oasis Valley, Nevada

Figure 23. Graphs showing annual water-level fluctuation in selected deep and shallow wells, October 27, 1997, to September 25, 2000, Oasis Valley, Nevada

Figure 24. Graphs showing annual water-level fluctuation in selected deep and shallow wells, July 16, 1996, to September 25, 2000, Oasis Valley, Nevada

Figure 25. Graphs showing daily changes in measured water level at Springdale ET shallow well and calculated evapotranspiration at Springdale ET site, June 19 to June 28, 1998

Figure 26. Graphs showing daily changes in measured water level at OVU-Lower ET well and calculated evapotranspiration at Upper Oasis Valley Lower ET site, May 25 to June 3, 1999

Figure 27. Graphs showing daily changes in measured water level at OVU-Middle ET well and calculated evapotranspiration at Upper Oasis Valley Middle ET site, May 16 to May 25, 2000

Figure 28. Graph showing daily water-level fluctuation in selected shallow wells, Oasis Valley, Nevada, August 12 to August 31, 1997

Figure 29. Graph showing daily water-level fluctuation in selected shallow and deep wells, Oasis Valley, Nevada, May 24 to June 12, 1999

Figure 30. Graph showing response of water levels in selected wells to precipitation and air pressure changes, Oasis Valley, Nevada, March 30 to May 8, 1999

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