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Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4239

Ground-Water Discharge Determined from Measurements of Evapotranspiration, Other Available Hydrologic Components, and Shallow Water-Level Changes, Oasis Valley, Nye County, Nevada

Figure 30. Response of water levels in selected wells to precipitation and air pressure changes, Oasis Valley, Nevada, March 30 to May 8, 1999. Text in parentheses identifies associated ET unit (see table 1 for description of ET units). Number in brackets is well depth. Hourly precipitation measured at Beatty 8N weather station (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1999).

Charts showing response of water levels in selected wells to precipitation and air pressure changes, Oasis Valley, Nevada, March 30 to May 8, 1999. Hourly precipitation measured at Beatty 8N weather station (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1999)
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