Hydrogeologic Framework and Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Travel Time in the Shallow Aquifer System in the Area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee 


The NSA Memphis study area is located in the north-central part of the Mississippi embayment, a broad syncline that plunges southward along an axis that approximates the Mississippi River (Cushing and others, 1964). In the NSA Memphis area, the embayment contains more than 2,500 feet of unconsolidated to semiconsolidated sediments of Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary age.

Post-Wilcox Group geologic units important to this study are, from youngest to oldest, the alluvium and loess of Quaternary age; the fluvial deposits of Quaternary and Tertiary(?) age; and the Cockfield and Cook Mountain Formations and Memphis Sand of Tertiary age (table 1). Kingsbury and Parks (1993) show normal faults in the Memphis area with displacements of the Memphis Sand ranging from about 50 to 150 feet. Displacements along the faults decrease upward (Kingsbury and Parks, 1993). Geologic sections (figs. 4a and b) by Carmichael and others (1997) illustrate the geologic units identified in the shallow subsurface at NSA Memphis. Geologic sections A-A' and B-B' (fig. 4b), oriented north-south, show a prominent step-up in the Cockfield Formation which is interpreted as an erosional scarp. The strata are relatively flatlying above and below this scarp (fig. 4b). Faults displacing the Cockfield and Cook Mountain Formations and the Memphis Sand also are illustrated (fig. 4b).

The shallow aquifers in the NSA Memphis area were recently described by Carmichael and others (1997) and are, in descending order, the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer and the Cockfield aquifer. Silt and clay in the upper alluvium and the loess overlie and confine the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer which is separated from the Cockfield aquifer by strata of low permeability in the upper part of the preserved section (table 1) of the Cockfield Formation. Silt and clay of the Cook Mountain Formation comprise a confining unit and separate the Cockfield aquifer from the underlying Memphis aquifer. The Memphis aquifer is the principal aquifer used for water supply by NSA Memphis and the city of Memphis.

Hydrologic and Hydrogeologic Data

A variety of geologic and hydrologic data was collected from wells and test borings completed in the post-Wilcox Group geologic units (table 1) that underlie the NSA Memphis area (fig. 5). The altitudes of the tops and bottoms and the thicknesses of stratigraphic units at NSA Memphis were determined by Carmichael and others (1997). Analyses of 45 sediment cores retrieved during well installation and test boring provided information on the stratigraphic and lithologic characteristics (table 2) of the sediments underlying NSA Memphis. One constant-withdrawal aquifer test and 23 well specific-capacity tests were performed in 18 wells at NSA Memphis to determine the hydraulic characteristics of aquifers and confining units (table 3). Water levels were measured in 67 wells (fig. 3) during synoptic surveys in April and October 1996 (table 4), and continuous water-level measurements were obtained in 3 wells from May 1995 through September 1996 (fig. 6).

Alluvium-Loess Confining Unit

In the NSA Memphis area, alluvium underlies the alluvial plains of streams, and loess is the near surface unit in upland areas (Carmichael and others, 1997). The alluvium generally consists of 10 to 30 feet of silt and clay in the valleys of the minor streams. In the valleys of the principal streams, the alluvium is generally thicker and consists of 10 to 30 feet of silt and clay in the upper part and 15 to 40 feet of sand and gravel in the lower part. The vertical hydraulic conductivity of six samples of silt and clay from the upper part of the alluvium (table 2) ranged from about 1.5 x 10-3 to 1.4 x 10-2 feet per day (ft/d), and the total porosity of the samples ranged from 38 to 48 percent. The loess consists of 15 to 45 feet of silt and clay. The vertical hydraulic conductivity of 12 loess samples ranged from 8.5 x 10-5 to 1.6 x 10-2 ft/d (table 2). Total porosity of the loess samples ranged from 35 to 45 percent. Together, these sediments overlie and confine the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer (Carmichael and others, 1997).

Alluvial-Fluvial Deposits Aquifer

The alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer consists of sand and gravel in the lower part of the alluvium beneath the flood plains of the principal streams, and sand and gravel of the fluvial deposits in upland areas. The sand and gravel of the lower part of the alluvium is about 10 feet thick on the south side of the Big Creek Drainage Canal, but the alluvium may have a thicker section of sand and gravel in the area where Big Creek flowed before channelization (Carmichael and others, 1997). Sand and gravel in the lower part of the alluvium locally is in hydraulic connection with the fluvial deposits and is part of the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer. Permeable sands and gravels at the base of the alluvium generally are semiconfined to confined by fine-grained sediments of the overlying upper alluvium. Measurements of water levels in well pairs completed in the upper and lower alluvium show no consistent upward or downward vertical gradient between the units (Carmichael and others, 1997).

A map of the altitude of the base of the sand and gravel in the lower alluvium or fluvial deposits at NSA Memphis was prepared by Carmichael and others (1997) (fig. 7). Beneath the NSA Memphis Southside, the basal altitude of the sand and gravel deposits is about 220 feet above sea level (fig. 7), with lower altitudes indicated in areas where Big Creek and its tributaries flowed before being channelized. The basal altitude of the fluvial deposits in the northern part of NSA Memphis is about 300 feet above sea level. The sand in the fluvial deposits is described as fine to very coarse and generally poorly sorted (Carmichael and others, 1997). The thickness of the sand and gravel in the lower alluvium or fluvial deposits is irregular and varies greatly over short distances (fig. 8), with thicker deposits indicated generally southwest of the erosional scarp (30 to 70 feet) and particularly in the flood plains of Big Creek Drainage Canal and its tributaries. Thickness of the fluvial deposits that overlie the Cockfield Formation north of the erosional scarp ranges from about 10 to 20 feet (fig. 8).

The fluvial deposits south of the erosional scarp generally are saturated, and the ground water is confined (Carmichael and others, 1997). The fluvial deposits north of the scarp generally are dry or contain only a few feet of saturated thickness. The fluvial deposits on either side of the scarp may be hydraulically connected along the scarp boundary (Carmichael and others, 1997). Potentiometric-surface maps (figs. 9 and 10) were prepared for the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer by Carmichael and others (1997). These potentiometric maps show a ground-water mound centered over the NSA Memphis Southside, with lower water levels centered over Casper Creek and the original drainage area of Big Creek before channelization. Ground-water levels also decrease to the west towards the channelized drainages of North Fork Creek and Royster Creek. An area of lower ground-water levels, oriented northwest-southeast, is indicated in the area of the erosional scarp and the northeasternmost of the two northwest trending faults (fig. 4b).

The hydraulic properties of the sand and gravel in the lower alluvium and the fluvial deposits have been estimated using analyses of core samples, an aquifer test, and well specific-capacity tests. The vertical hydraulic conductivity of three samples of the lower alluvium ranged from about 5.1 x 10-1 to 2.4 x 100 ft/d, and the total porosity ranged from about 22 to 34 percent (table 2). The vertical hydraulic conductivity of 13 samples of the fluvial deposits ranged from about 1.1 x 10-3 to 7.4 x 10-1 ft/d, and the total porosity of the samples ranged from about 26 to 39 percent (table 2). Estimates of the horizontal hydraulic conductivity within the fluvial deposits, determined from nine specific capacity tests (table 3), ranged from about 8 to 150 ft/d. A constant-withdrawal aquifer test was conducted to determine the hydraulic properties of the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer at the location of water-level observation wells Sh:U-100, Sh:U-101, Sh:U-102, and Sh:U-103 (fig. 2). The aquifer was tested over a 3-day period beginning August 22, 1995. The results calculated from the test came from calibrating VS2DT, a variably saturated, radial-flow model (Lappala and others, 1987; Healy, 1990) to the measured drawdowns in the observation wells during the test. Horizontal hydraulic conductivity for the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer was estimated to be about 5 ft/d (table 3).

Surface-water drainages at NSA Memphis may not be major discharge areas for the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer. A comparison of streambed altitudes of the major drainages in the NSA Memphis area (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1989a, b) to the altitude of the potentiometric surface of the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer indicates that the potentiometric surface of the aquifer is lower than most streambed altitudes, except for limited reaches of Big Creek Drainage Canal, Casper Creek, and North Fork Creek along the southern boundary of NSA Memphis and near SWMU 2 (fig. 2). The alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer rests unconformably upon the Cockfield Formation in these areas.

Cockfield Confining Unit

The Cockfield Formation of late Eocene age consists of sand, silt, clay, and lignite (Parks and Carmichael, 1990a). Individual beds are lenticular and locally can be discontinuous over short distances. At NSA Memphis, the Cockfield Formation consists of clay, silt, and sand. Thickness of the preserved Cockfield Formation section at NSA Memphis (fig. 11) ranges from 0 to greater than 185 feet and is highly variable because both the top and base of the formation are erosional surfaces.

Clay and silt lenses in the Cockfield Formation slow downward movement of ground water from the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer (Carmichael and others, 1997) and form the Cockfield confining unit. Vertical hydraulic conductivities of five clay samples from the Cockfield Formation ranged from about 4.5 x 10-5 to 2.5 x 10-3 ft/d, and the total porosity ranged from about 41 to 55 percent (table 2).

Cockfield Aquifer

At NSA Memphis, sand lenses present in the Cockfield Formation comprise the Cockfield aquifer. Lenses of fine- to medium-grained sand as much as 50 feet thick are present (Carmichael and others, 1997). Well Sh:V-77 (fig. 3), screened in a sand lens in the Cockfield Formation, once supplied water for a small park at Navy Lake in the northern part of the NSA Memphis Northside. In general, small capacity domestic wells will produce as much as 10 gallons per minute from this aquifer (Carmichael and others, 1997). The horizontal hydraulic conductivity of sand units in the Cockfield aquifer, estimated from 14 specific-capacity tests (table 3), ranged from about 0.5 to 3 ft/d. The Cockfield Formation rests unconformably upon the Cook Mountain Formation.

Cook Mountain Confining Unit

The Cook Mountain Formation of middle to late Eocene age consists predominantly of clay and silt (table 1). Minor lenses of silty, fine sand may be present. Thickness of the Cook Mountain Formation at NSA Memphis ranges from about 10 to 60 feet (Carmichael and others, 1997). The vertical hydraulic conductivity of six clay samples from the Cook Mountain Formation ranged from about 5 x 10-6 to 9.9 x 10-4 ft/d, and the total porosity ranged from about 30 to 42 percent (table 2). The clay and silt lenses in the Cook Mountain Formation slow downward movement of ground water from the alluvialĀ­fluvial deposits and Cockfield aquifers, and form the lower confining unit for the Cockfield aquifer and the upper confining unit for the Memphis aquifer at NSA Memphis (Kingsbury and Carmichael, 1995). The altitude of the base of the Cockfield Formation (top of the Cook Mountain Formation) and the locations of faults that displace these units are shown in figure 12.

Memphis Aquifer

The Memphis aquifer consists of fine to very coarse sand with lenses of clay and silt at various stratigraphic horizons (Parks, 1990). The Memphis aquifer is a regional aquifer in Tennessee, Missouri, Kentucky, and Arkansas. In the Memphis area, this aquifer is the principal source of water for municipal, industrial, and commercial supplies. Direct recharge to the Memphis aquifer occurs east of Memphis in a broad belt trending northeastward across western Tennessee where the aquifer is at or near land surface. Thickness of the Memphis aquifer in Shelby County, Tennessee, ranges from 600 to 900 feet with an average thickness of about 700 feet (Parks and Carmichael, 1990b). Parks and Carmichael (1990b) report an average transmissivity and storage coefficient (based on 52 tests) of 33,400 feet squared per day (ft2/d) and 0.001, respectively, for the Memphis aquifer in Shelby County. The most recent potentiometric map of the Memphis aquifer in the Memphis, Tennessee, area is for September 1995 (Kingsbury, 1996). The potentiometric surface of the Memphis aquifer, taken from Kingsbury (1996) for part of the Memphis area in northern Shelby County, Tennessee, near NSA Memphis is shown in figure 13.

At NSA Memphis, the Memphis aquifer is present at depths ranging from about 150 to greater than 220 feet below land surface (Carmichael and others, 1997). Thickness ranges from about 865 to 880 feet. Wells Sh:V-4 (fig. 5) and Sh:V-20, located within the NSA Memphis Northside, are screened in the Memphis aquifer. Analyses of water samples collected from these wells showed concentrations of tritium less than detectable limits, indicating that near the wells leakage of water from the shallower aquifers was not a major source of recharge to the Memphis aquifer (Carmichael and others, 1997).

Unique Hydrogeologic Features

The occurrence and pattern of flow of ground water in the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer at NSA Memphis appears to be influenced by (1) faulting, (2) buried river valleys, (3) "windows" in the Cockfield and Cook Mountain confining units, and (4) an erosional scarp. The location and area of influence for each of these features was estimated from geologic and hydrogeologic data collected during drilling and water-level mapping.

Carmichael and others (1997) mapped faults in the Memphis Sand and the Cook Mountain and Cockfield Formations, but found no evidence for faulting of sediments younger than the Cockfield Formation. This finding agrees with the estimated time of last movement on faults in the Memphis area (Kingsbury and Parks, 1993). An overlay of the locations of faults mapped at NSA Memphis onto the potentiometric map of the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer is illustrated in figure 14. No relation is evident between the occurrence of ground water in the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer and two of the faults; but a potentiometric low is centered over the northeasternmost of the two northwest trending faults. One possible explanation for the potentiometric low is that the fault has created a zone of increased hydraulic connection between the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer and the Cockfield and Memphis aquifers, which have lower potentiometric heads. Comparison of the altitude of the potentiometric surface in the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer in the depression (less than 255 feet) to the altitude of the potentiometric surface in the Memphis aquifer in the NSA Memphis area (figure 13) indicates a vertical head difference of about 40 feet downward between the two units. This condition would allow water to flow vertically downgradient towards the deeper aquifer(s) creating a potentiometric low in the alluvial-fluvial aquifer.

Carmichael and others (1997) show the potentiometric maps for the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer for April and October of 1996 (figs. 9 and 10) with lower ground-water levels centered over the inferred valleys of Big Creek Drainage Canal and its major tributaries. Possible explanations for the shape of the potentiometric surface include preferential flow of ground water along the axis of buried river valleys through thick alluvial deposits, and increased hydraulic connection between the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer and the Cockfield and Memphis aquifers, with lower potentiometric heads resulting from erosional windows in the confining unit in the areas of the river valleys. Geologic section C-CĀ“ in the area of well Sh:V-9 (fig. 4b) may illustrate the second situation. The natural gamma-ray log of well Sh:V-9 can be interpreted to indicate no clay confining unit between the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer and a sand lens in the Cockfield Formation.

Low water levels in two wells completed in the alluvial-fluvial deposits aquifer, located west of NSA Memphis near Royster Creek (figs. 9 and 10), are only about 5 feet higher than the potentiometric surface of the Memphis aquifer for the same area (fig. 13). These low water levels may result from a window in the upper confining unit of the Memphis aquifer. The confining unit is known to be absent or thin locally in the Memphis area (Parks, 1990; Kingsbury and Parks, 1993). 

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