Hydrogeologic Framework and Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Travel Time in the Shallow Aquifer System in the Area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee 


Naval Support Activity (NSA) Memphis, formerly Naval Air Station Memphis, is a Department of the Navy (Navy) facility located at Millington, Tennessee (fig. 1). NSA Memphis encompasses about 3,490 acres (Kingsbury and Carmichael, 1995) and is divided into northern and southern complexes by Navy Road (fig. 2). Major operational areas include an airfield, former training facilities, and a hospital in the "Northside" area, and former housing and training facilities in the "Southside" area. The Northside area is undergoing transfer to the city of Millington, and the Southside is being realigned to become the site of the Navy's Bureau of Personnel under the Base Closure and Realignment Act (BRAC) of 1990.

Past operations at NSA Memphis have contaminated the soil, shallow ground water, and surface water locally. Sixty-seven Solid Waste Management Units (SWMU's) and one Area of Concern (AOC) have been identified at the facility. The SWMU's and AOC are under investigation as part of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action Program. The objective of the Corrective Action Program is to obtain information to fully characterize the nature and extent of the contaminants and determine appropriate corrective measures. As part of a cooperative investigation with the Navy at NSA Memphis, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and EnSafe (formerly EnSafe/Allen and Hoshall), Memphis, Tennessee, have collected environmental data at many of the SWMU's and the AOC, including 13 SWMU's (fig. 2), requiring RCRA Facility Investigations under the Corrective Action Program (Carmichael and others, 1997).

The Navy seeks to determine if contaminants in the shallow ground-water system may move through the subsurface or into nearby creeks, reaching other parts of NSA Memphis or to off-base property. As part of the U.S. Department of Defense Installation Restoration Program, the Navy is considering remedial-action options to control the movement of contaminants at NSA Memphis. Numerical simulation of ground-water-flow systems is a quick and cost effective way to evaluate the potential for migration of contaminants through the subsurface, into surface-water drainages, or into sources of public water supply. Thus, in 1995, the USGS began constructing a numerical ground-water-flow model of the shallow aquifer system beneath NSA Memphis and the surrounding area as part of the cooperative hydrogeological investigation with the Navy.

Purpose and Scope

This report presents the results of a study conducted from 1995 through 1997 to simulate ground-water flow over an area of about 30 square miles (mi2) that includes all of the Southside and most of the Northside areas of NSA Memphis (fig. 3). Data presented in this report include ground-water level measurements, the results of test drilling, borehole geophysical surveys, sediment-core analyses, and an aquifer and well specific-capacity test. A description of the development and calibration of a numerical model used to simulate the flow of ground water at NSA Memphis is presented. The calibrated numerical model and an advective-flow particle-tracking program were used to estimate ground-water-flow direction, time-of-travel, and to evaluate the potential for migration of contaminants.


The study was organized into three phases: (1) development of a conceptual model of the ground-water system, (2) development and calibration of a numerical model of flow in the shallow ground-water system, and (3) particle-tracking analyses. Borehole geophysical surveys, lithologic logs, and sediment cores were used to correlate hydrogeologic units across the study area. Two synoptic water-level measurement surveys were used to determine seasonal high, low, and mean water levels in the shallow aquifers. The results of sediment-core analyses, the aquifer and well specific-capacity tests, and a parameter-estimation program were used to estimate the hydraulic characteristics of the hydrogeologic units. A steady-state, numerical model of the shallow ground-water-flow system was calibrated to mean ground-water levels based on the data collected during the two synoptic water-level measurement surveys. The calibrated numerical model and an advective-flow particle-tracking program were used to simulate ground-water-flow direction and time-of-travel. The potential for contaminants in the ground-water system to migrate to sources of public water supply or to surface-water drainages was evaluated with the calibrated numerical model and the particle-tracking program.

Previous Studies

The geology and hydrology of the study area and surroundings have been described in numerous reports, including those by Graham and Parks (1986), Brahana and others (1987), Parks (1990), Parks and Carmichael (1990a, b), Kingsbury and Carmichael (1995), and Carmichael and others (1997). Extensive lists of other selected references are given by Graham and Parks (1986) and Brahana and others (1987). Carmichael and others (1997) present the hydrogeology and ground-water quality at NSA Memphis and summarize the post-Midway Group geologic units underlying the facility and their hydrologic significance. Maps showing the potentiometric surfaces of the Memphis and Fort Pillow aquifers in 1995 were published by Kingsbury (1996). A constant-withdrawal aquifer test referenced in this study was analyzed using the computer model VS2DT (Lappala and others, 1987; Healy, 1990). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1989a, b) published the results of a study to alleviate urban flooding in the Millington area. McDonald and Harbaugh (1988) document the USGS modular ground-water-flow model (MODFLOW) used to simulate the shallow ground-water-flow system at NSA Memphis. Halford (1992) documented the parameter-estimation program used to facilitate model calibration. The USGS particle-tracking program used to delineate ground-water-flow paths is described by Pollock (1989, 1994).

Description of the Study Area

The NSA Memphis study area is located in northern Shelby County, Tennessee (fig. 1). The major surface-water drainages in the NSA Memphis area, Big Creek Drainage Canal and its tributaries, Royster, North Fork, and Casper Creeks (fig. 3), have been channelized. Most soils in the Big Creek Drainage Canal basin are silt, clay, and sand. Land-surface altitudes in the area range from about 250 to 370 feet above sea level. Topographic relief varies from relatively flat alluvial plains to gently undulating upland areas. Most of the area has been cleared for agricultural, institutional, or recreational use.

The climate of Shelby County is temperate to subtropical. Average precipitation over the study area is about 50 inches per year (in/yr), and is uniformly distributed throughout the year (Owenby and Ezell, 1992). The long-term potential evaporation rate in the study area has been estimated to be 43 in/yr (Farnsworth and others, 1982, map 3). The mean annual temperature is about 62 degrees Fahrenheit (oF). Summer temperatures typically range from 75 oF to 95 oF, and winter temperatures range from 35 oF to 60 oF (Owenby and Ezell, 1992). 

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