Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Correction to A regime shift in sediment export from a coastal watershed during a record wet winter, California: Implications for landscape response to hydroclimatic extremes, 2024, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (49) -
- The feasibility of using national-scale datasets for classifying wetlands in Arizona with machine learning, 2024, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (49) - 14
- Redistribution of debris-flow sediment following severe wildfire and floods in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, USA, 2024, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (49) - 13
- Wildfire, extreme precipitation and debris flows, oh my! Channel response to compounding disturbances in a mountain stream in the Upper Colorado Basin, USA, 2024, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (49) - 12
- Oil and gas development influences potential for dust emission from the Upper Colorado River Basin, USA, 2024, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (49) - 11
- The where and why of large wood occurrence in the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, 2024, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (49) - 11
- Debris-flow entrainment modelling under climate change: Considering antecedent moisture conditions along the flow path, 2024, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (49) - 10
- A two-dimensional, reach-scale implementation of space-time image velocimetry (STIV) and comparison to particle image velocimetry (PIV), 2024, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (10) - 49
- Fluviomorphic trajectories for dryland ephemeral stream channels following extreme flash floods, 2024, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (49) - 9
- Inbuilt age, residence time, and inherited age from radiocarbon dates of modern fires and late Holocene deposits, Western Transverse Ranges, California, 2024, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (49) - 8
- A framework to facilitate development and testing of image-based river velocimetry algorithms, 2024, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (49) - 4
- Major fluvial erosion and a 500-Mt sediment pulse triggered by lava-dam failure, Río Coca, Ecuador, 2024, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (49) - 3
- Guidance for parameterizing post-fire hydrologic models with in situ infiltration measurements, 2023, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (48) - 12
- Six years of fluvial response to a large dam removal on the Carmel River, California, USA, 2023, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (48) - 8
- Changes in suspended-sediment yields under divergent land-cover disturbance histories: A comparison of two large watersheds, Olympic Mountains, USA, 2023, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (48) - 7
- River channel response to invasive plant treatment across the American Southwest, 2023, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (48) - 3
- The use of continuous sediment-transport measurements to improve sand-load estimates in a large sand-bedded river: The Lower Chippewa River, WI, 2022, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (47) - 8
- Hydrologic modification and channel evolution degrades connectivity on the Atchafalaya River floodplain, 2022, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (47) - 7
- Influences of channel and floodplain modification on expansion of woody vegetation into Catahoula Lake, Louisiana, USA, 2022, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (47) - 6
- Spatial and temporal controls on proglacial erosion rates: A comparison of four basins on Mount Rainier, 1960 to 2017, 2022, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (47) - 2
- Sediment-ecological connectivity in a large river network, 2022, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (47) - 2
- River floodplain abandonment and channel deepening coincide with the onset of clear-cut logging in a coastal California redwood forest, 2022, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (47) - 4
- Flooding duration and volume more important than peak discharge in explaining 18 years of gravel–cobble river change, 2021, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (46) - 15
- Geometry of obstacle marks at instream boulders-Integration of laboratory investigations and field observations, 2021, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (46) - 3
- Measuring channel planform change from image time series: A generalizable, spatially distributed, probabilistic method for quantifying uncertainty, 2020, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (45) - 11
- Evaluating indicators of marsh vulnerability to sea level rise along a historical marsh loss gradient, 2020, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (45) - 9
- Thresholds for post-wildfire debris flows: Insights from the Pinal Fire, Arizona, USA, 2020, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (45) - 6
- Controls on debris‐flow initiation on burned and unburned hillslopes during an exceptional rainstorm in southern New Mexico, USA, 2020, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (45) - 4
- Induced biological soil crust controls on wind erodibility and dust (PM10) emissions, 2020, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (45) - 1
- Advances in computational morphodynamics using the International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC) software, 2020, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (45) - 1
- Measurement method has a larger impact than spatial scale for plot-scale field-saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) after wildfire and prescribed fire in forests, 2019, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (44) - 10
- A physical model of the high-frequency seismic signal generated by debris flows, 2019, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (44) - 13
- Factors controlling landslide frequency-area distributions, 2019, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (44) - 4
- Estimating sand concentrations using ADCP‐based acoustic inversion in a large fluvial system characterized by bi‐modal suspended‐sediment distributions, 2019, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (44) - 6
- Uncertainty in quantitative analyses of topographic change: Error propagation and the role of thresholding, 2019, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (44) - 5
- On the development of a magnetic susceptibility‐based tracer for aeolian sediment transport research, 2019, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (44) - 2
- How many measurements are required to construct an accurate sand budget in a large river? Insights from analyses of signal and noise, 2019, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (44) - 1
- A regime shift in sediment export from a coastal watershed during a record wet winter, California: Implications for landscape response to hydroclimatic extremes, 2018, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (43) - 12
- Elevated aeolian sediment transport on the Colorado Plateau, USA: The role of grazing, vehicle disturbance, and increasing aridity, 2018, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (43) - 14
- An updated method for estimating landslide‐event magnitude, 2018, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (43) - 9
- River response to large‐dam removal in a Mediterranean hydroclimatic setting: Carmel River, California, USA, 2018, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (43) - 15
- The influence of neap-spring tidal variation and wave energy on sediment flux in salt marsh tidal creeks, 2018, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (43) - 11
- Strong variation in weathering of layered rock maintains hillslope‐scale strength under high precipitation, 2018, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (43) - 6
- Reply to ‘Wolf-triggered trophic cascades and stream channel dynamics in Olympic National Park: a comment on East et al. (2017)’ by Robert Beschta and William Ripple, 2018, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (43) - 4
- The geomorphic legacy of water and erosion control structures in a semiarid rangeland watershed, 2018, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (43) - 4
- Channel response to sediment release: insights from a paired analysis of dam removal, 2017, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (42) - 11
- Effects of lateral confinement in natural and leveed reaches of a gravel-bed river: Snake River, Wyoming, USA, 2017, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (42) - 13
- Geomorphic process from topographic form: automating the interpretation of repeat survey data in river valleys, 2017, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (42) - 12
- The effect of lithology on valley width, terrace distribution, and coarse sediment provenance in a tectonically stable catchment with flat-lying stratigraphy, 2017, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (42) - 10
- Removing sun glint from optical remote sensing images of shallow rivers, 2017, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (42) - 2
- Camera system considerations for geomorphic applications of SfM photogrammetry, 2017, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (42) - 6
- Channel-planform evolution in four rivers of Olympic National Park, Washington, U.S.A.: The roles of physical drivers and trophic cascades, 2017, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (42) - 7
- Parsing anomalous versus normal diffusive behavior of bedload sediment particles, 2016, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (41) -
- Introduction to special issue on carbon and landscape dynamics, 2016, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (41) - 12
- Episodic bedrock erosion by gully-head migration, Colorado High Plains, USA, 2016, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (41) - 11
- Characterizing supraglacial meltwater channel hydraulics on the Greenland Ice Sheet from in situ observations, 2016, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (41) - 14
- Three-dimensional flow structure and patterns of bed shear stress in an evolving compound meander bend, 2016, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (41) - 9
- Relations between rainfall–runoff-induced erosion and aeolian deposition at archaeological sites in a semi-arid dam-controlled river corridor, 2016, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (41) - 7
- Export of fine particulate organic carbon from redwood-dominated catchments, 2015, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (40) - 11
- Soil carbon storage following road removal and timber harvesting in redwood forests, 2015, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (40) - 15
- Controls on valley spacing in landscapes subject to rapid base-level fall, 2015, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (41) - 3
- Measurements of the initiation of post-wildfire runoff during rainstorms using in situ overland flow detectors, 2015, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (40) - 8
- Large wood budget and transport dynamics on a large river using radio telemetry, 2014, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (39) - 4
- Mass-balance modeling of mineral weathering rates and CO2 consumption in the forested, metabasaltic Hauver Branch watershed, Catoctin Mountain, Maryland, USA, 2013, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (38) - 8
- Probing the deep critical zone beneath the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, 2013, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (38) - 10
- Developing a new stream metric for comparing stream function using a bank-floodplain sediment budget: a case study of three Piedmont streams, 2013, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (38) - 8
- Where fast weathering creates thin regolith and slow weathering creates thick regolith, 2013, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
- Velocity Mapping Toolbox (VMT): a processing and visualization suite for moving-vessel ADCP measurements, 2013, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (38) - 11
- The role of fire on soil mounds and surface roughness in the Mojave Desert, 2013, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (38) - 2
- Rock fall dynamics and deposition: an integrated analysis of the 2009 Ahwiyah Point rock fall, Yosemite National Park, USA., 2012, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (37) - 6
- Sediment mobility and bed armoring in the St Clair River: insights from hydrodynamic modeling, 2012, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (37) - 9
- Progressive failure of sheeted rock slopes: the 2009–2010 Rhombus Wall rock falls in Yosemite Valley, California, USA, 2012, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (37) - 5
- Multitemporal ALSM change detection, sediment delivery, and process mapping at an active earthflow, 2012, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (37) - 3
- Measuring gravel transport and dispersion in a mountain river using passive radio tracers, 2012, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (37) - 10
- The interactions between vegetation and erosion: new directions for research at the interface of ecology and geomorphology, 2011, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
- Bedform response to flow variability, 2011, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (36) - 14
- Hillslope response to knickpoint migration in the Southern Appalachians: Implications for the evolution of post-orogenic landscapes, 2011, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (36) - 9
- Mars Global Digital Dune Database (MGD3): North polar region (MC-1) distribution, applications, and volume estimates, 2011, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (36) - 14
- Expansion rate and geometry of floating vegetation mats on the margins of thermokarst lakes, northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA, 2011, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (36) - 14
- Response of surface processes to climatic change in the dunefields and Loess Plateau of North China during the late Quaternary, 2011, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (36) - 12
- Bedform response to flow variability, 2011, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (36) - 14
- Distribution and characterization of in-channel large wood in relation to geomorphic patterns on a low-gradient river, 2011, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (36) - 9
- Quantifying large-scale historical formation of accommodation in the Mississippi Delta, 2010, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (35) - 14
- Shear-rate-dependent strength control on the dynamics of rainfall-triggered landslides, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan, 2010, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (35) - 4
- Quantifying periglacial erosion: Insights on a glacial sediment budget, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, 2009, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (34) - 15
- Basal-topographic control of stationary ponds on a continuously moving landslide, 2009, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (34) - 2
- Rapid incision of the Colorado River in Glen Canyon - insights from channel profiles, local incision rates, and modeling of lithologic controls, 2009, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (34) - 7
- Sediment storage and transport in Pancho Rico Valley during and after the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, Coast Ranges of central California (Monterey County), 2009, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (34) - 8
- Cobble cam: Grain-size measurements of sand to boulder from digital photographs and autocorrelation analyses, 2009, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (34) - 13
- Multi-phase evolution of gnammas (weathering pits) in a Holocene deglacial granite landscape, Minnesota (USA), 2008, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (33) - 2
- Modeling the spatial distribution of landslide-prone colluvium and shallow groundwater on hillslopes of Seattle, WA, 2008, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (33) - 1
- The experimental basis for interpreting particle and magnetic fabrics of sheared till, 2008, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (33) - 4
- Dust emission from wet and dry playas in the Mojave Desert, USA, 2007, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (32) - 12
- Coupling chemical weathering with soil production across soil-mantled landscapes, 2007, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (32) - 6
- Dating young geomorphic surfaces using age of colonizing Douglas fir in southwestern Washington and northwestern Oregon, USA, 2007, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (32) - 6
- Wind erodibility of soils at Fort Irwin, California (Mojave Desert), USA, before and after trampling disturbance: Implications for land management, 2007, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (32) - 1
- Spatial structures of stream and hillslope drainage networks following gully erosion after wildfire, 2006, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (31) - 3
- Development of partial rock veneers by root throw in a subalpine setting, 2006, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (31) - 1
- Rainfall characteristics for shallow landsliding in Seattle, Washington, USA, 2006, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (31) - 1
- Optimization strategies for sediment reduction practices on roads in steep, forested terrain, 2006, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (31) - 13
- Using cosmogenic nuclides to contrast rates of erosion and sediment yield in a semi-arid, arroyo-dominated landscape, Rio Puerco Basin, New Mexico, 2005, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (30) - 8
- Dating floodplain sediments using tree-ring response to burial, 2005, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (30) - 9
- Estimation of regional material yield from coastal landslides based on historical digital terrain modelling, 2005, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (30) - 6
- Catastrophic precipitation-triggered lahar at Casita volcano, Nicaragua: Occurrence, bulking and transformation, 2005, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (30) - 1
- Episodic incision of the Colorado River in Glen Canyon, Utah, 2005, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (30) - 8
- Dating floodplain sediments using tree-ring response to burial, 2005, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (30) - 9
- Divergent evolution in fluviokarst landscapes of central Kentucky, 2004, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (29) - 7
- Modern sediment yield compared to geologic rates of sediment production in a semi-arid basin, New Mexico: Assessing the human impact, 2004, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (29) - 11
- Processes and rates of sediment and wood accumulation in headwater streams of the Oregon Coast Range, USA, 2003, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (28) - 4
- Characterization of the spatial variability of channel morphology, 2002, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (27) - 12
- Initial hydrologic and geomorphic response following a wildfire in the Colorado front range, 2001, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (26) - 10
- Erosion and sediment delivery following removal of forest roads, 2001, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (26) - 2
- Conditions for generation of fire-related debris flows, Capulin Canyon, New Mexico, 2000, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (25) - 10
- Exposure age and erosional history of an upland planation surface in the US Atlantic Piedmont, 2000, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (25) - 9
- Quantitative model of the growth of floodplains by vertical accretion, 2000, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (25) - 2
- Annual bed-elevation regime in the alluvial channel of Squamish River, southwestern British Columbia Canada, 2000, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (25) - 9
- A test of a climatic index of dune mobility using measurements from the southwestern United States, 2000, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (25) - 2
- Gravel sediment routing from widespread, low-intensity landscape disturbance, Current River basin, Missouri, 1999, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (24) - 10
- Slopewash, surface runoff and fine-litter transport in forest and landslide scars in humid-tropical steeplands, Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, 1999, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (24) - 6
- Temporal and spatial variability in thalweg profiles of a gravel-bed river, 1999, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (24) - 12
- Evolution of cutoffs across meander necks in Powder River, Montana, USA, 1998, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (23) - 7
- Using sediment 'fingerprints' to assess sediment-budget errors, north Halawa Valley, Oahu, Hawaii, 1991-92, 1998, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (23) - 6
- How wide is a road? The association of roads and mass-wasting in a forested montane environment, 1997, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (22) - 9
- Channel response to sediment wave propagation and movement, Redwood Creek, California, USA, 1996, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (21) - 10
- Channel adjustment of an unstable coarse-grained stream: Opposing trends of boundary and critical shear stress, and the applicability of extremal hypotheses, 1996, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (21) - 2
- Outburst floods from glacier-dammed lakes: The effect of mode of lake drainage on flood magnitude, 1996, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (21) - 8
- The effects of Hurricane Hugo on suspended-sediment loads, Lago Loiza Basin, Puerto Rico, 1993, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (18) - 6
- Floodplain storage of mine tailings in the Belle Fourche river system: a sediment budget approach, 1992, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (17) - 7
- Neotectonic effects on sinuosity and channel migration, Belle Fourche River, Western South Dakota, 1991, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (16) - 3
- Lateral migration of linear dunes in the Strzelecki Desert, Australia, 1990, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (15) - 1
- Physical and chemical characteristics of a metal-contaminated overbank deposit, west-central South Dakota, USA, 1989, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (14) - 5
- Morphology of Red Creek, Wyoming, an arid-region anastomosing channel system, 1989, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (14) - 4
- A model of channel response in disturbed alluvial channels, 1989, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (14) - 1
- Acid rain damage to carbonate stone: a quantitative assessment based on the aqueous geochemistry of rainfall runoff from stone, 1988, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (13) - 4
- Genesis of marine terrace soils, Barbados, West Indies: evidence from mineralogy and geochemistry, 1987, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (12) - 6
- Coincidence and spatial variability of geology, soils, and vegetation, Mill Run watershed, Virginia, 1986, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (11) - 6
- Estimating limiting age for pleistocene erosional surfaces in central Montana by uranium-series dating of associated travertines, 1986, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (11) - 2
- The Piedmont landscape of Maryland: a new look at an old problem., 1984, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (9) - 1
- Progressive changes in the morphology of fluvial terraces and scarps along the Rappahannock River, Virginia., 1983, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (8) - 3
- Geo-botanical evidence of Late Quaternary mass wasting in block field areas of Virginia, 1983, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (8) - 5