Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- The role of spring-neap phasing of intermittent lateral exchange in the ecosystem of a channel-shoal estuary, 2025, Estuaries and Coasts (48) -
- Salt marsh habitats and diamondback terrapins in a rapidly changing climate: A review, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (48) - 1
- Projecting mangrove forest resilience to sea-level rise on a Pacific Island: Species dynamics and ecological thresholds, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- A conterminous United States–Wide validation of relative tidal elevation products, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Relative importance of macroalgae and phytoplankton to nearshore consumers and growth across climatic conditions in the northern Gulf of Alaska, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Demographics of a previously undocumented diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) population, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Microtopographic variation as a potential early indicator of ecosystem state change and vulnerability in salt marshes, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Enhancing assessments of coastal wetland migration potential with sea-level rise: Accounting for uncertainty in elevation data, tidal data, and future water levels, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) - 5
- The influence of time, tide, and place on fine scale nekton distribution: Insights from the San Francisco Estuary, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Eutrophication saturates surface elevation change potential in tidal mangrove forests, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Measuring and interpreting the surface and shallow subsurface process influences on coastal wetland elevation: A review, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Vulnerability to sea-level rise varies among estuaries and habitat types: Lessons learned from a network of surface elevation tables in Puget Sound, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Identifying and constraining marsh-type transitions in response to increasing erosion over the past century, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Accelerating elevation gain indicates land loss associated with erosion in Mississippi River Deltaic Plain tidal wetlands, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Relative effectiveness of a radionuclide (210Pb), surface elevation table (SET), and LiDAR at monitoring mangrove forest surface elevation change, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Etiology of a fish kill, Including the endangered Tidewater Goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi), in a northeastern pacific coastal lagoon, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Understanding marsh elevation and accretion processes and vulnerability to rising sea levels across climatic and geomorphic gradients in California, USA, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Temperature thresholds for leaf damage from two extreme freeze events (2018 and 2021) near the northern range limit of black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) in southeastern North America, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Using geospatial analysis to guide marsh restoration in Chesapeake Bay and beyond, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Nonlinear patterns of surface elevation change in coastal wetlands: The value of generalized additive models for quantifying rates of change, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Comparing wetland elevation change using a surface elevation table, digital level, and total station, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Fluvial delivery and wave resuspension of sediment in a sheltered, urbanized Pacific Northwest estuary, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Twenty-year record of salt marsh elevation dynamics in response to sea-level rise and storm-driven barrier island geomorphic processes: Fire Island, New York, USA, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Presence of hummock and hollow microtopography reflects shifting balances of shallow subsidence and root zone expansion along forested wetland river gradients, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Horizontal integrity a prerequisite for vertical stability: Comparison of elevation change and the unvegetated-vegetated marsh ratio across southeastern USA coastal wetlands, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Soil elevation change in mangrove forests and marshes of the greater Everglades: A regional synthesis of surface elevation table-marker horizon (SET-MH) data, 2024, Estuaries and Coasts (47) -
- Soil salinity and water level interact to generate tipping points in low salinity tidal wetlands responding to climate change, 2023, Estuaries and Coasts (46) -
- Hydrogeomorphic changes along mid-Atlantic coastal plain rivers transitioning from non-tidal to tidal: Implications for a rising sea level, 2023, Estuaries and Coasts (46) -
- Rapidly changing range limits in a warming world: Critical data limitations and knowledge gaps for advancing understanding of mangrove range dynamics in the southeastern USA, 2023, Estuaries and Coasts (46) -
- Forecasting sea level rise-driven inundation in diked and tidally restricted coastal lowlands, 2023, Estuaries and Coasts (46) - 6
- Whole-ecosystem experiment illustrates short timescale hydrodynamic, light, and nutrient control of primary production in a terminal slough, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- Environmental DNA methods for ecological monitoring and biodiversity assessment in estuaries, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- Can coastal habitats rise to the challenge? Resilience of estuarine habitats, carbon accumulation, and economic value to sea-level rise in a Puget Sound estuary, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- Development and application of Landsat-based wetland vegetation cover and unvegetated-vegetated marsh ratio (UVVR) for the conterminous United States, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- A climate-mediated shift in the estuarine habitat mosaic limits prey availability and reduces nursery quality for juvenile salmon, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- A conterminous USA-scale map of relative tidal marsh elevation, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- Defining aquatic habitat zones across northern Gulf of Mexico estuarine gradients through submerged aquatic vegetation species assemblage and biomass data, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- Factors affecting nest success of colonial nesting waterbirds in southwest Louisiana, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- Taxonomic, temporal, and spatial variations in zooplankton fatty acid composition in Puget Sound, WA, USA, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- The distribution and structure of mangroves (Avicennia germinans and Rhizophora mangle) near a rapidly changing range limit in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- Estimating the influence of oyster reef chains on freshwater detention at the estuary scale using Landsat-8 imagery, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- A socio-ecological imperative for broadening participation in coastal and estuarine research and management, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- Long-term annual aerial surveys of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) support science, management, and restoration, 2022, Estuaries and Coasts (45) -
- Changes in organic carbon source and storage with sea level rise-induced transgression in a Chesapeake Bay marsh, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (261) -
- Assessing habitat change and migration of barrier islands, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) -
- Amplified impact of climate change on fine-sediment delivery to a subsiding coast, Humboldt Bay, California, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) -
- Estimating and applying fish and invertebrate density and production enhancement from seagrass, salt marsh edge, and oyster reef nursery habitats in the Gulf of Mexico, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) - 6
- Home ranges and movements of two diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin macrospilota) in northwest Florida, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) -
- Suspended-sediment Flux in the San Francisco Estuary; Part II: the Impact of the 2013–2016 California Drought and Controls on Sediment Flux, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) -
- Sediment dynamics of a divergent bay–marsh complex, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) -
- A lagrangian-to-eulerian metric to identify estuarine pelagic habitats, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) -
- How plants influence resilience of salt marsh and mangrove wetlands to sea-level rise, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) -
- Loss of coastal islands along Florida’s Big Bend region: Implications for breeding American oystercatchers, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) -
- Processes influencing marsh elevation change in low- and high-elevation zones of a temperate salt marsh, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) -
- Trapping of suspended sediment by submerged aquatic vegetation in a tidal freshwater region: Field observations and long-term trends, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) -
- Food web fuel differs across habitats and seasons of a tidal freshwater estuary, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) -
- Sediment budget estimates for a highly impacted embayment with extensive wetland loss, 2021, Estuaries and Coasts (44) -
- Hurricane Sandy effects on coastal marsh elevation change, 2020, Estuaries and Coasts (43) -
- Carbon sources in the sediments of a restoring vs. historically unaltered salt marsh, 2020, Estuaries and Coasts (43) -
- Nutrient status of San Francisco Bay and its management implications, 2020, Estuaries and Coasts (43) -
- Field observations of wind waves in Upper Delaware Bay with living shorelines, 2020, Estuaries and Coasts (43) -
- Effects of elevated sea levels and waves on southern California estuaries during the 2015–2016 El Niño, 2020, Estuaries and Coasts (43) -
- Impacts of Hurricane Irma on Florida Bay Islands, Everglades National Park, U.S.A., 2020, Estuaries and Coasts (43) -
- Upper thermal tolerance and heat shock protein response of juvenile American shad (Alosa sapidissima), 2020, Estuaries and Coasts (43) -
- Geographic-specific capture-recapture models reveal contrasting migration and survival rates of adult horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus), 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) -
- Climatic controls on the distribution of foundation plant species in coastal wetlands of the conterminous United States: Knowledge gaps and emerging research needs, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 8
- Survival and density of a dominant fish species across a gradient of urbanization in North Carolina tidal creeks, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 6
- A mosaic of estuarine habitat types with prey resources from multiple environmental strata supports a diversified foraging portfolio for juvenile Chinook salmon, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 7
- Impacts of suspended sediment on nearshore benthic light availability following dam removal in a small mountainous river:In situ observations and statistical modeling, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 7
- Estimating connectivity of hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) and eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae in Barnegat Bay, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (7) - 6
- Impacts of saltwater intrusion on wetland prey production and composition in a historically freshwater marsh, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 6
- Restoration affects sexual reproductive capacity in a salt marsh, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 4
- Microclimate influences mangrove freeze damage: Implications for range expansion in response to changing macroclimate, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 4
- Marshes are the new beaches: Integrating sediment transport into restoration planning, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 4
- Stable isotope analysis enhances our understanding of diamondback terrapin Malaclemys terrapin foraging ecology, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 2
- A Bayesian approach to predict sub-annual beach change and recovery, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 1
- Evaluating the relationship among wetland vertical development, elevation capital, sea-level rise and tidal marsh sustainability, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 1
- Vertical zonation and niche breadth of tidal marsh plants along the Northeast Pacific coast, 2019, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 1
- Assessing risks from harbor dredging to the northernmost population of diamondback terrapins using acoustic telemetry, 2018, Estuaries and Coasts (42) - 2
- Effects of local shoreline and subestuary watershed condition on waterbird community integrity: Influences of geospatial scale and season in the Chesapeake Bay, 2018, Estuaries and Coasts (41) - Supplement 1
- Impacts of coastal land use and shoreline armoring on estuarine ecosystems: An introduction to a special issue, 2018, Estuaries and Coasts (41) - Supplement 1
- Fish-habitat relationships along the estuarine gradient of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California: Implications for habitat restoration, 2018, Estuaries and Coasts (41) - 8
- Development of a multimetric index for integrated assessment of salt marsh ecosystem condition, 2018, Estuaries and Coasts (41) - 2
- Regional acidification trends in Florida shellfish estuaries: A 20+ year look at pH, oxygen, temperature, and salinity, 2018, Estuaries and Coasts (41) - 5
- The first hop: Use of Beaufort Sea deltas by hatch-year semipalmated sandpipers, 2018, Estuaries and Coasts (41) - 1
- Sampling uncharted waters: Examining rearing habitat of larval Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) in the upper San Francisco Estuary, 2017, Estuaries and Coasts (40) - 6
- Top-down and bottom-up interactions influence fledging success at North America’s largest colony of Caspian terns (Hydroprogne caspia), 2017, Estuaries and Coasts (40) - 6
- Changes in habitat availability for multiple life stages of diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in Chesapeake Bay in response to sea level rise, 2017, Estuaries and Coasts (40) - 5
- Quantifying site-specific physical heterogeneity within an estuarine seascape, 2017, Estuaries and Coasts (40) - 5
- Mudflat morphodynamics and the impact of sea level rise in South San Francisco Bay, 2017, Estuaries and Coasts (40) - 1
- A modeling study of the impacts of Mississippi River diversion and sea-level rise on water quality of a deltaic estuary, 2017, Estuaries and Coasts (40) - 4
- A landscape-scale assessment of above- and belowground primary production in coastal wetlands: Implications for climate change-induced community shifts, 2017, Estuaries and Coasts (40) - 3
- Quantification of storm-induced bathymetric change in a back-barrier estuary, 2017, Estuaries and Coasts (40) - 1
- Influence of static habitat attributes on local and regional Rocky intertidal community structure, 2016, Estuaries and Coasts (39) - 6
- Contemporary deposition and long-term accumulation of sediment and nutrients by tidal freshwater forested wetlands impacted by sea level rise, 2016, Estuaries and Coasts (39) - 4
- Delta smelt habitat in the San Francisco Estuary: A reply to Manly, Fullerton, Hendrix, and Burnham’s “Comments on Feyrer et al. Modeling the effects of future outflow on the abiotic habitat of an imperiled estuarine fish", 2016, Estuaries and Coasts (39) - 1
- Balanced sediment fluxes in southern California’s Mediterranean-climate zone salt marshes, 2016, Estuaries and Coasts (39) - 4
- The effect of submerged aquatic vegetation expansion on a declining turbidity trend in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, 2016, Estuaries and Coasts (39) - 4
- Spatial and temporal variability in estuary habitat use by American alligators, 2016, Estuaries and Coasts (39) - 5
- The role of ocean tides on groundwater-surface water exchange in a mangrove-dominated estuary: Shark River Slough, Florida Coastal Everglades, USA, 2016, Estuaries and Coasts (39) - 6
- Natural disturbance shapes benthic intertidal macroinvertebrate communities of high latitude river deltas, 2016, Estuaries and Coasts (39) - 3
- Progress and challenges in coupled hydrodynamic-ecological estuarine modeling, 2016, Estuaries and Coasts (39) - 2
- Evolution of mid-Atlantic coastal and back-barrier estuary environments in response to a hurricane: Implications for barrier-estuary connectivity, 2016, Estuaries and Coasts (39) - 4
- Quantifying the residence time and flushing characteristics of a shallow, back-barrier estuary: Application of hydrodynamic and particle tracking models, 2015, Estuaries and Coasts (38) - 5
- Horseshoe crab spawning activity in Delaware Bay, USA, after harvest reduction: A mixed-model analysis, 2015, Estuaries and Coasts (38) - 6
- Riders on the storm: selective tidal movements facilitate the spawning migration of threatened delta smelt in the San Francisco Estuary, 2015, Estuaries and Coasts (38) - 3
- Aquaculture disturbance impacts the diet but not ecological linkages of a ubiquitous predatory fish, 2015, Estuaries and Coasts (38) - 5
- Use of structured decision making to identify monitoring variables and management priorities for salt marsh ecosystems, 2015, Estuaries and Coasts (38) - 4
- Suspended-sediment trapping in the tidal reach of an estuarine tributary channel, 2015, Estuaries and Coasts (38) - 6
- Causes and consequences of ecosystem service regionalization in a coastal suburban watershed, 2015, Estuaries and Coasts (1) - 38
- Estimating relative sea-level rise and submergence potential at a coastal wetland, 2015, Estuaries and Coasts (38) - 3
- A century of ocean warming on Florida Keys coral reefs: historic in situ observations, 2015, Estuaries and Coasts (38) - 3
- Winter diets of immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on a northern feeding ground: integrating stomach contents and stable isotope analyses, 2015, Estuaries and Coasts (37) - 4
- Survival and behavioral effects of exposure to a hydrokinetic turbine on juvenile Atlantic salmon and adult American shad, 2015, Estuaries and Coasts (38) - 1
- Estimates of natural salinity and hydrology in a subtropical estuarine ecosystem: implications for Greater Everglades restoration, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts (37) - 6
- Multiscale habitat selection of wetland birds in the northern Gulf Coast, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts (37) - 5
- Sediment accretion in tidal freshwater forests and oligohaline marshes of the Waccamaw and Savannah Rivers, USA, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts (37) - 5
- Lateral baroclinic forcing enhances sediment transport from shallows to channel in an estuary, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts (37) - 5
- Assessing the link between coastal urbanization and the quality of nekton habitat in mangrove tidal tributaries, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts (37) - 4
- Nekton community structure varies in response to coastal urbanization near mangrove tidal tributaries, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts (37) - 4
- Importance of biogeomorphic and spatial properties in assessing a tidal salt marsh vulnerability to sea-level rise, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts (37) - 4
- Analysis and simulation of propagule dispersal and salinity intrusion from storm surge on the movement of a marsh–mangrove ecotone in South Florida, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts (37) - 1
- Large natural pH, CO2 and O2 fluctuations in a temperate tidal salt marsh on diel, seasonal, and interannual time scales, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts (38) -
- Wetland Accretion Rate Model of Ecosystem Resilience (WARMER) and its application to habitat sustainability for endangered species in the San Francisco Estuary, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts (37) - 2
- Phytoplankton growth balanced by clam and zooplankton grazing and net transport into the low-salinity zone of the San Francisco Estuary, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts
- Exchange of nitrogen and phosphorus between a shallow lagoon and coastal waters, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts (37) - Supplement 1
- An evaluation of temporal changes in sediment accumulation and impacts on carbon burial in Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA, 2014, Estuaries and Coasts (37) - 5
- Periodicity in stem growth and litterfall in tidal freshwater forested wetlands: influence of salinity and drought on nitrogen recycling, 2013, Estuaries and Coasts (36) - 3
- Managing bay and estuarine ecosystems for multiple services, 2013, Estuaries and Coasts
- Suspended-sediment flux and retention in a backwater tidal slough complex near the landward boundary of an estuary, 2013, Estuaries and Coasts (36) - 2
- Implications for future survival of delta smelt from four climate change scenarios for the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California, 2013, Estuaries and Coasts (36) - 4
- Broad timescale forcing and geomorphic mediation of tidal marsh flow and temperature dynamics, 2013, Estuaries and Coasts (36) - 6
- Mercury dynamics in a San Francisco estuary tidal wetland: assessing dynamics using in situ measurements, 2012, Estuaries and Coasts (35) - 4
- Tidal and groundwater fluxes to a shallow, microtidal estuary: Constraining inputs through field observations and hydrodynamic modeling, 2012, Estuaries and Coasts (35) - 5
- C3 and C4 biomass allocation responses to elevated CO2 and nitrogen: contrasting resource capture strategies, 2012, Estuaries and Coasts (35) - 4
- Tampa Bay coastal wetlands: nineteenth to twentieth century tidal marsh-to-mangrove conversion, 2012, Estuaries and Coasts (35) - 5
- Life histories, salinity zones, and sublethal contributions of contaminants to pelagic fish declines illustrated with a case study of San Francisco Estuary, California, USA, 2012, Estuaries and Coasts (35) - 2
- A hydrological budget (2002-2008) for a large subtropical wetland ecosystem indicates marine groundwater discharge accompanies diminished freshwater flow, 2012, Estuaries and Coasts (35) - 2
- Integrating scales of seagrass monitoring to meet conservation needs, 2012, Estuaries and Coasts (35) - 1
- The influence of wave energy and sediment transport on seagrass distribution, 2012, Estuaries and Coasts (35) - 1
- Application of a weighted-averaging method for determining paleosalinity: a tool for restoration of south Florida's estuaries, 2012, Estuaries and Coasts (35) - 1
- Using multitemporal remote sensing imagery and inundation measures to improve land change estimates in coastal wetlands, 2012, Estuaries and Coasts (35) - 1
- Sudden clearing of estuarine waters upon crossing the threshold from transport to supply regulation of sediment transport as an erodible sediment pool is depleted: San Francisco Bay, 1999, 2011, Estuaries and Coasts (34) - 5
- Statistical models of temperature in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta under climate-change scenarios and ecological implications, 2011, Estuaries and Coasts (34) - 3
- The American crocodile in Biscayne Bay, Florida, 2011, Estuaries and Coasts (34) - 3
- Peat formation processes through the millennia in tidal marshes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA, 2011, Estuaries and Coasts (34) - 5
- Statistical models of temperature in the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta under climate-change scenarios and ecological implications, 2011, Estuaries and Coasts (34) - 3
- Peat Formation Processes Through the Millennia in Tidal Marshes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA, 2011, Estuaries and Coasts (34) - 5
- Source identification of Florida Bay's methylmercury problem: Mainland runoff versus atmospheric deposition and in situ production, 2011, Estuaries and Coasts (34) - 3
- Temperature inverted haloclines provide winter warm-water refugia for manatees in southwest Florida, 2010, Estuaries and Coasts (34) - 1
- Evaluating ecological equivalence of created marshes: comparing structural indicators with stable isotope indicators of blue crab trophic support, 2010, Estuaries and Coasts (34) - 1
- Long-term trends in submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) in Chesapeake Bay, USA, related to water quality, 2010, Estuaries and Coasts (33) - 5
- Patterns and scales of phytoplankton variability in estuarine: Coastal ecosystems, 2010, Estuaries and Coasts (33) - 2
- Intraspecific variation in growth of marsh macrophytes in response to salinity and soil type: Implications for wetland restoration, 2010, Estuaries and Coasts (33) - 1
- Decadal-timescale estuarine geomorphic change under future scenarios of climate and sediment supply, 2010, Estuaries and Coasts (33) - 1
- Peat accretion histories during the past 6,000 years in the marshes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, CA, USA, 2009, Estuaries and Coasts (32) - 5
- Defining optimal freshwater flow for oyster production: effects of freshet rate and magnitude of change and duration on eastern oysters and Perkinsus marinus infection, 2009, Estuaries and Coasts (32) - 3
- Effects of the herbicide diuron on cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) reflectance and photosynthetic parameters, 2009, Estuaries and Coasts (32) - 1
- A simulation of historic hydrology and salinity in Everglades National Park: Coupling paleoecologic assemblage data with regression models, 2009, Estuaries and Coasts (32) - 1
- Short- and long-term response of deteriorating brackish marshes and open-water ponds to sediment enhancement by thin-layer dredge disposal, 2009, Estuaries and Coasts (32) - 2
- Use of multiple chemical tracers to define habitat use of Indo-Pacific mangrove crab, Scylla serrata (Decapoda: Portunidae), 2008, Estuaries and Coasts (31) - 2
- Suspended sediment transport in the freshwater reach of the Hudson river estuary in eastern New York, 2008, Estuaries and Coasts (31) - 3
- Estimation of groundwater and nutrient fluxes to the Neuse River estuary, North Carolina, 2008, Estuaries and Coasts (31) - 3
- Increased terrestrial to ocean sediment and carbon fluxes in the northern Chesapeake Bay associated with twentieth century land alteration, 2008, Estuaries and Coasts (31) - 3
- Hydrographic characterization of two tidal creeks with implications for watershed land use, flushing times, and benthic production, 2007, Estuaries and Coasts (30) - 2
- Littoral fish assemblages of the alien-dominated Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 1980-1983 and 2001-2003, 2007, Estuaries and Coasts (30) - 1
- Characterization of nutrient, organic carbon, and sediment loads and concentrations from the Mississippi River into the northern Gulf of Mexico, 2007, Estuaries and Coasts (30) - 5
- Subtidal sea level variability in a shallow Mississippi River deltaic estuary, Louisiana, 2007, Estuaries and Coasts (30) - 5
- Oceanography of Glacier Bay, Alaska: Implications for biological patterns in a glacial fjord estuary, 2007, Estuaries and Coasts (30) - 6
- Assessing functional equivalency of nekton habitat in enhanced habitats: Comparison of terraced and unterraced marsh ponds, 2007, Estuaries and Coasts (30) - 3
- An age-structured population model for horseshoe crabs in the Delaware Bay area to assess harvest and egg availability for shorebirds, 2007, Estuaries and Coasts (30) - 2
- Effect of horseshoe crab spawning density on nest disturbance and exhumation of eggs: A simulation study, 2007, Estuaries and Coasts (30) - 2
- Surface elevation dynamics in vegetated Spartina marshes versus unvegetated tidal ponds along the mid-Atlantic coast, USA, with implications to waterbirds, 2006, Estuaries and Coasts (29) - 1
- A review of major storm impacts on coastal wetland elevations, 2006, Estuaries and Coasts (29) - 6
- Hurricanes 2004: An overview of their characteristics and coastal change, 2006, Estuaries and Coasts (29) - 6
- Diurnal variation in rates of calcification and carbonate sediment dissolution in Florida Bay, 2006, Estuaries and Coasts (29) - 1
- Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) reproduction and seedling colonization after Hurricane Charley: Comparisons of Charlotte Harbor and Tampa Bay, 2006, Estuaries and Coasts (29) - 6
- Intradaily variability of water quality in a shallow tidal lagoon: Mechanisms and implications, 2006, Estuaries and Coasts (29) - 5
- Possible effects of the 2004 and 2005 hurricanes on manatee survival rates and movement, 2006, Estuaries and Coasts (29) - 6
- Historical trace element distribution in sediments from the Mississippi River delta, 2006, Estuaries and Coasts (29) - 6 B
- The effect of multiple stressors on salt marsh end-of-season biomass, 2006, Estuaries and Coasts (29) - 2
- Application of Bacteroides fragilis phage as an alternative indicator of sewage pollution in Tampa Bay, Florida, 2006, Estuaries and Coasts (29) - 2
- The effect of multiple stressors on salt marsh end-of-season biomass, 2006, Estuaries and Coasts (29) - 2
- Biofouling and the continuous monitoring of underwater light from a seagrass perspective, 2006, Estuaries and Coasts (29) - 3
- Reply to comments by Corbett and Cable on our paper, "Seepage meters and Bernoulli's revenge, 2003, Estuaries and Coasts (26) - 5
- Spatially explicit measures of production of young alewives in Lake Michigan: Linkage between essential fish habitat and recruitment, 2003, Estuaries and Coasts (26) - 1
- Sources of nitrogen and phosphorous to northern San Francisco Bay, 1992, Estuaries and Coasts (15) - 1