Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Communication approaches and specialists that can improve fisheries management, 2024, Fisheries Magazine (49) - 7
- The incredible HALK: borrowing data for age assignment, 2024, Fisheries Magazine (49) - 3
- Environmental DNA as a tool for better understanding the distribution, abundance, and health of Atlantic and Pacific salmon, 2024, Fisheries Magazine (49) - 4
- Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout recovery in Yellowstone Lake: Complex interactions among invasive species suppression, disease, and climate change, 2024, Fisheries Magazine (49) - 2
- Aging, climate, and invasions threaten reservoirs in the Mississippi basin, 2023, Fisheries Magazine (48) - 12
- Influence of electrofishing boat operation and driving techniques on reservoir fish catches, 2023, Fisheries Magazine (48) - 9
- Assembling the right pieces: Developing an interdisciplinary team to study disease, decline, and recovery of a world-class Smallmouth Bass fishery, 2023, Fisheries Magazine (48) - 2
- Climate change risks to freshwater subsistence fisheries in Arctic Alaska: Insights and uncertainty from broad whitefish Coregonus nasus, 2023, Fisheries Magazine (48) - 7
- Synthesizing professional opinion and published science to build a conceptual model of Walleye recruitment, 2023, Fisheries Magazine (48) - 4
- Abundance-occupancy patterns of black bass in an impounded river, 2023, Fisheries Magazine (48) - 1
- How shall we meet? Embracing the opportunities of virtual conferencing, 2022, Fisheries Magazine (47) - 7
- Decades of global sturgeon conservation efforts are threatened by an expanding captive culture industry, 2022, Fisheries Magazine (48) - 2
- A review of empirical evidence that examines the effectiveness of harvest regulation evaluations in freshwater systems: A systematic, standardized collaborative approach, 2022, Fisheries Magazine (47) - 10
- Toward improved prediction of streamflow effects on freshwater fishes, 2022, Fisheries Magazine (47) - 7
- Native fish need a natural flow regime, 2022, Fisheries Magazine (47) - 3
- The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat): Development, applications, and opportunities, 2021, Fisheries Magazine (46) - 11
- The impact of COVID-19 on freshwater fisheries fieldwork and data collection, 2021, Fisheries Magazine (46) - 10
- Climate change effects on North American fish and fisheries to inform adaptation strategies, 2021, Fisheries Magazine (9) - 46
- Merging scientific silos: Integrating specialized approaches for thinking about and using spatial data that can provide new directions for persistent fisheries problems, 2021, Fisheries Magazine (46) - 10
- Does type, quantity, and location of habitat matter for fish diversity in a Great Plains riverscape?, 2021, Fisheries Magazine (46) - 10
- Book Review: “From catastrophe to recovery: Stories of fisheries management successes” Krueger, C. C., Taylor, W. M., and Youn, S. J., editors, 2021, Fisheries Magazine (46) - 7
- Perceived ecological threats and economic benefits of non-native black bass in the United States, 2020, Fisheries Magazine (46) - 2
- Themes of contemporary inland fisheries goals, 2020, Fisheries Magazine (46) - 1
- A fishery after the decline: The Susquehanna River Smallmouth Bass story, 2020, Fisheries Magazine (45) - 11
- Fishing for food: Quantifying recreational fisheries harvest in Wisconsin lakes, 2020, Fisheries Magazine (45) - 11
- Tracking fisheries through time: The American Fisheries Society as an historical lens, 2020, Fisheries Magazine (45) - 8
- InFish: A professional network to promote global conservation and responsible use of inland fish, 2020, Fisheries Magazine (45) - 6
- Paddlefish management and conservation: Opportunities and challenges at home and abroad, 2020, Fisheries Magazine (45) - 6
- Inexpensive, underwater filming of rare fishes in high definition, 2020, Fisheries Magazine (45) - 3
- Creating figures in R that meet the AFS style guide: Standardization and supporting script, 2019, Fisheries Magazine (44) - 11
- Economic activity generated by angling at small South Dakota lakes, 2019, Fisheries Magazine (44) - 7
- A portfolio framework for prioritizing conservation efforts for Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout populations, 2019, Fisheries Magazine (43) - 10
- Conservation of black bass diversity: An emerging management paradigm, 2018, Fisheries Magazine (44) - 1
- Evaluating the conservation potential of tributaries for native fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 2018, Fisheries Magazine (43) - 4
- Will Alaska's fisheries regime prove resilient? Kenai River fishery management as a model for adaptive governance, 2018, Fisheries Magazine (43) - 1
- Fish Bioenergetics 4.0: An R-based modeling application, 2018, Fisheries Magazine (42) - 11
- The fishery resources of the Mississippi River: A model for conservation and management, 2017, Fisheries Magazine (42) - 11
- The controversy about salmon hatcheries, 2004, Fisheries Magazine (29) - 9