Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Factors associated with Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) restoration success in Oklahoma, 2024, Fisheries Management and Ecology (31) - 2
- Morphological differences between wild and hatchery-reared Bloater (Coregonus hoyi) from Lake Michigan, USA, 2024, Fisheries Management and Ecology (31) - 1
- Estimating lentic recreational fisheries catch and effort across the United States, 2024, Fisheries Management and Ecology (31) - 1
- Stocking fish in inland waters: Opportunities and risks for sustainable food systems, 2023, Fisheries Management and Ecology (30) - 6
- Evaluating population trends of juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon at low abundance in a dynamic estuarine environment (Hudson River, New York), 2023, Fisheries Management and Ecology (30) - 5
- A size-based stock assessment model for invasive blue catfish in a Chesapeake Bay sub-estuary during 2001–2016, 2023, Fisheries Management and Ecology (30) - 1
- Resist, accept, and direct responses to biological invasions: A social–ecological perspective, 2022, Fisheries Management and Ecology (29) - 4
- Thirteen novel ideas and underutilized resources to support progress towards a range-wide American eel stock assessment, 2022, Fisheries Management and Ecology (29) - 5
- Ecological and social strategies for managing fisheries using the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework, 2022, Fisheries Management and Ecology (29) - 4
- Resource selection and species interactions between native and non-native fishes in a simulated stream system, 2022, Fisheries Management and Ecology (29) - 5
- Resist-accept-direct (RAD) considerations for climate change adaptation in fisheries: The Wisconsin experience, 2022, Fisheries Management and Ecology (29) - 4
- A Resist-Accept-Direct decision-support tool for walleye Sander vitreus (Mitchill) management in Wisconsin, 2022, Fisheries Management and Ecology (29) - 4
- Resisting ecosystem transformation through an intensive whole-lake fish removal experiment, 2022, Fisheries Management and Ecology (29) - 4
- Predator and prey events at the entrance of a surface‐oriented fish collector at North Fork Dam, Oregon, 2021, Fisheries Management and Ecology (28) - 2
- Diets of double-crested cormorants in the Winnebago System, Wisconsin, 2020, Fisheries Management and Ecology (28) - 2
- Quantifying contributions to tournament catches among resident, stocked, and hybrid black basses (Micropterus spp.), 2020, Fisheries Management and Ecology (27) -
- Movement dynamics of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in a large river-tributary system, 2019, Fisheries Management and Ecology (26) - 6
- The Laurentian Great Lakes: A case study in ecological disturbance and climate change, 2019, Fisheries Management and Ecology
- Capture versus tagging impacts on chum salmon freshwater spawning migration travel times, 2019, Fisheries Management and Ecology (25) - 4
- Ecology and conservation of the American eel in the Caribbean region, 2019, Fisheries Management and Ecology (26) - 1
- Evaluation of ageing accuracy with complementary non‐lethal methods for slow‐growing, northern populations of shoal bass, 2019, Fisheries Management and Ecology (25) - 2
- Post‐release predation mortality of age‐0 hatchery‐reared Chinook salmon from non‐native smallmouth bass in the Snake River, 2018, Fisheries Management and Ecology (25) - 6
- Efficacy of a passive use-estimation system for estimating fishing effort on a multi-lake fishery, 2018, Fisheries Management and Ecology (25) - 6
- Evaluating relationships between native fishes and habitat in streams affected by oil and natural gas development, 2018, Fisheries Management and Ecology (25) - 5
- Diel habitat selection of largemouth bass following woody structure installation in Table Rock Lake, Missouri, 2018, Fisheries Management and Ecology (25) - 2
- Effect of fishing effort on catch rate and catchability of largemouth bass in small impoundments, 2018, Fisheries Management and Ecology (25) - 1
- Empirical estimation of recreational exploitation of burbot, Lota lota, in the Wind River drainage of Wyoming using a multistate capture–recapture model, 2017, Fisheries Management and Ecology (24) - 4
- Potential implications of acoustic stimuli as a non-physical barrier to silver carp and bighead carp, 2017, Fisheries Management and Ecology (24) - 3
- Suppression of invasive lake trout in an isolated backcountry lake in Glacier National Park, 2017, Fisheries Management and Ecology (24) - 1
- Sea lamprey avoid areas scented with conspecific tissue extract in Michigan streams, 2016, Fisheries Management and Ecology (23) - 6
- Population characteristics of channel catfish near the northern edge of their distribution: implications for management, 2015, Fisheries Management and Ecology (22) - 6
- Sampling techniques for burbot in a western non-wadeable river, 2015, Fisheries Management and Ecology (22) - 3
- Evaluation of angler reporting accuracy in an off-site survey to estimate statewide steelhead harvest, 2015, Fisheries Management and Ecology (22) - 2
- Thermal ecology of subadult and adult muskellunge in a thermally enriched reservoir, 2014, Fisheries Management and Ecology (21) - 5
- Modelling riverine habitat for robust redhorse: assessment for reintroduction of an imperilled species, 2014, Fisheries Management and Ecology (21) - 1
- Self-confidence of anglers in identification of freshwater sport fish, 2014, Fisheries Management and Ecology (21) - 6
- Response of walleye and yellow perch to water-level fluctuations in glacial lakes, 2014, Fisheries Management and Ecology (21) - 2
- Baseline demographics of a nonnative lake trout population and inferences for suppression from sensitivity-elasticity analyses, 2013, Fisheries Management and Ecology (20) - 5
- Worldwide trends in fishing interest indicated by Internet search volume, 2013, Fisheries Management and Ecology (20) - 2-3
- Non-lethal sampling of walleye for stable isotope analysis: a comparison of three tissues, 2012, Fisheries Management and Ecology (19) - 4
- Variation in wind and piscivorous predator fields affecting the survival of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in the Gulf of Maine, 2012, Fisheries Management and Ecology (19) - 1
- A riverscape perspective of Pacific salmonids and aquatic habitats prior to large-scale dam removal in the Elwha River, Washington, USA, 2012, Fisheries Management and Ecology (19) - 1
- Patterns in young-of-year smallmouth bass microhabitat use in multiple stream segments with contrasting land uses, 2011, Fisheries Management and Ecology (18) - 6
- Seasonal movements of non-native lake trout in a connected lake and river system, 2011, Fisheries Management and Ecology (19) - 3
- Identification and evaluation of shark bycatch in Georgia’s commercial shrimp trawl fishery with implications for management, 2011, Fisheries Management and Ecology (18) - 2
- Identification and evaluation of shark bycatch in Georgia's commercial shrimp trawl fishery with implications for management, 2011, Fisheries Management and Ecology (18) - 2
- Patterns in young-of-year smallmouth bass microhabitat use in multiple stream segments with contrasting land uses, 2011, Fisheries Management and Ecology (18) - 6
- Role of origin and release location in pre-spawning distribution and movements of anadromous alewife, 2011, Fisheries Management and Ecology (18) - 1
- Effects of visible implant elastomer mark colour on the predation of red shiners by largemouth bass, 2010, Fisheries Management and Ecology (17) - 3
- Night sampling improves indices used for management of yellow perch in Lake Erie, 2010, Fisheries Management and Ecology (17) - 1
- Age, differential growth and mortality rates in unexploited populations of Florida gar, an apex predator in the Florida Everglades, 2009, Fisheries Management and Ecology (16) - 4
- Composition and location of simulated lake-shore redds influence incubation success in kokanee, Oncorhynchus nerka, 2009, Fisheries Management and Ecology (16) - 5
- Diurnal stream habitat use of juvenile Atlantic salmon, brown trout and rainbow trout in winter, 2009, Fisheries Management and Ecology (16) - 5
- Angler awareness of aquatic nuisance species and potential transport mechanisms, 2009, Fisheries Management and Ecology (16) - 6
- Complex influences of low-head dams and artificial wetlands on fishes in a Colorado River tributary system, 2009, Fisheries Management and Ecology (16) - 6
- Movements by adult cutthroat trout in a lotic system: Implications for watershed-scale management, 2009, Fisheries Management and Ecology (16) - 4
- Characterising reef fish populations and habitats within and outside the US Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument: A lesson in marine protected area design, 2007, Fisheries Management and Ecology (14) - 1
- Effect of catch-and-release angling on growth and survival of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, 2007, Fisheries Management and Ecology (14) - 2
- Catch-and-release science and its application to conservation and management of recreational fisheries, 2007, Fisheries Management and Ecology (14) - 2
- Using a bioenergetic model to assess growth reduction from catch-and-release fishing and hooking injury in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, 2007, Fisheries Management and Ecology (14) - 2
- Concurrent assessment of fish and habitat in warmwater streams in Wyoming, 2006, Fisheries Management and Ecology (13) - 1
- Relationships among condition indices, feeding and growth of walleye in Lake Erie, 2006, Fisheries Management and Ecology (13) - 2
- Temporal changes in fishing motivation among fishing club anglers in the United States, 2004, Fisheries Management and Ecology (11) - 5
- US Atlantic coast striped bass: Issues with a recovered population, 2003, Fisheries Management and Ecology (10) - 5
- Atlantic coast feeding habits of striped bass: A synthesis supporting a coast-wide understanding of trophic biology, 2003, Fisheries Management and Ecology (10) - 5
- The diet of Chesapeake Bay striped bass in the late 1950s, 2003, Fisheries Management and Ecology (10) - 5
- Does electric fishing influence movements of fishes in streams? Experiments with brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, 2002, Fisheries Management and Ecology (9) - 4
- Comparative behaviour and dietary effects in early life phases of American sturgeons, 1997, Fisheries Management and Ecology (4) -
- Seasonal habitat use by brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill), in a second-order stream, 1996, Fisheries Management and Ecology (3) -