Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Imaging of seismic discontinuities using an adjoint method, 2024, Geophysical Journal International (240) - 1
- Cross-fade sampling: Extremely efficient Bayesian inversion for a variety of geophysical problems, 2024, Geophysical Journal International (239) - 3
- Multiphysics modelling in PyLith: Poroelasticity, 2023, Geophysical Journal International (235) - 3
- Converted-wave reverse time migration imaging in subduction zone settings, 2023, Geophysical Journal International (235) - 2
- Quantification of geodetic strain rate uncertainties and implications for seismic hazard estimates, 2023, Geophysical Journal International (234) - 3
- Structural properties of the Southern San Andreas fault zone in northern Coachella Valley from magnetotelluric imaging, 2023, Geophysical Journal International (232) - 1
- Impact of sedimentary basins on Green’s functions for static slip inversion, 2023, Geophysical Journal International (232) - 1
- The global seismographic network reveals atmospherically coupled normal modes excited by the 2022 Hunga Tonga eruption, 2023, Geophysical Journal International (232) - 3
- What to expect when you are expecting earthquake early warning, 2022, Geophysical Journal International (231) - 2
- Characteristics, relationships and precision of direct acoustic-to-seismic coupling measurements from local explosions, 2022, Geophysical Journal International (230) - 3
- P- and S-wave velocity estimation by ensemble Kalman inversion of dispersion data for strong motion stations in California, 2022, Geophysical Journal International (231) - 1
- Fast rupture of the 2009 Mw 6.9 Canal de Ballenas earthquake in the Gulf of California dynamically triggers seismicity in California, 2022, Geophysical Journal International (230) - 1
- Comment on ‘Evidence for a large strike-slip component during the 1960 Chilean earthquake’ by H. Kanamori, L. Rivera, and S. Lambotte, 2022, Geophysical Journal International (228) - 2
- High-rate very-long-period seismicity at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu: source mechanism and decoupling from surficial explosions and infrasound, 2022, Geophysical Journal International (230) - 1
- Density structure of the island of Hawai’i and the implications for gravity-driven motion of the south flank of Kilauea volcano, 2022, Geophysical Journal International (228) - 3
- Rayleigh-wave ellipticity in weakly heterogeneous layered media, 2022, Geophysical Journal International (228) - 2
- Imaging the next Cascadia earthquake: Optimal design for a seafloor GNSS- A network, 2022, Geophysical Journal International (228) - 2
- Modelling tilt noise caused by atmospheric processes at long periods for several horizontal seismometers at BFO—A reprise, 2021, Geophysical Journal International (228) - 2
- Assessment of a claimed ultra-low frequency electromagnetic (ULFEM) earthquake precursor, 2021, Geophysical Journal International (229) - 3
- Apparent earthquake rupture predictability, 2021, Geophysical Journal International (225) -
- Quantifying model structural uncertainty using airborne electromagnetic data, 2021, Geophysical Journal International (224) - 17
- Seismicity induced by massive wastewater injection near Puerto Gaitán, Colombia, 2020, Geophysical Journal International (223) - 2
- Towards understanding relationships between atmospheric pressure variations and long-period horizontal seismic data: A case study, 2020, Geophysical Journal International (223) - 1
- Geometric controls on megathrust earthquakes, 2020, Geophysical Journal International (222) - 2
- 3-D joint geodetic and strong-motion finite fault inversion of the 2008 May 12, Wenchuan, China Earthquake, 2020, Geophysical Journal International (222) - 2
- Coseismic and post-seismic gravity disturbance induced by seismic sources using a 2.5-D spectral element method, 2020, Geophysical Journal International (122) - 2
- Activation of optimally and unfavourably oriented faults in a uniform local stress field during the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma, sequence, 2020, Geophysical Journal International (222) - 1
- Relocated aftershocks and background seismicity in eastern Indonesia shed light on the 2018 Lombok and Palu earthquake sequences, 2020, Geophysical Journal International (221) - 3
- Improvements in seismic resolution and current limitations in the Global Seismographic Network, 2019, Geophysical Journal International (220) - 1
- The effect of stress changes on time-dependent earthquake probabilities for the central Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah, USA, 2019, Geophysical Journal International (219) - 2
- A combinatorial approach to determine earthquake magnitude distributions on a variable slip-rate fault, 2019, Geophysical Journal International (219) - 2
- Variability in synthetic earthquake ground motions caused by source variability and errors in wave propagation models, 2019, Geophysical Journal International (219) - 1
- Inversion of airborne EM data with an explicit choice of prior model, 2019, Geophysical Journal International (218) - 2
- Rayleigh wave ellipticity measurement uncertainty across the IRIS/USGS and New China Digital Seismograph Networks, 2019, Geophysical Journal International (217) - 1
- Incorporating teleseismic tomography data into models of upper mantle slab geometry, 2018, Geophysical Journal International (215) - 1
- KG²B, a collaborative benchmarking exercise for estimating the permeability of the Grimsel granodiorite - Part 1: measurements, pressure dependence and pore-fluid effects, 2018, Geophysical Journal International (215) - 2
- KG²B, a collaborative benchmarking exercise for estimating the permeability of the Grimsel granodiorite - Part 2: modeling, microstructures and complementary data, 2018, Geophysical Journal International (215) - 2
- Accounting for orphaned aftershocks in the earthquake background rate, 2017, Geophysical Journal International (211) - 2
- Compartmentalization of the Coso East Flank geothermal field imaged by 3-D full-tensor MT inversion, 2017, Geophysical Journal International (208) - 2
- Implications of the earthquake cycle for inferring fault locking on the Cascadia megathrust, 2017, Geophysical Journal International (209) - 1
- 3-D P- and S-wave velocity structure and low-frequency earthquake locations in the Parkfield, California region, 2016, Geophysical Journal International (206) - 3
- Contemporary deformation in the Yakima fold and thrust belt estimated with GPS, 2016, Geophysical Journal International (207) - 1
- RMT focal plane sensitivity to seismic network geometry and faulting style, 2016, Geophysical Journal International (206) - 1
- Seismic velocities within the sedimentary succession of the Canada Basin and southern Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge, Arctic Ocean: evidence for accelerated porosity reduction?, 2016, Geophysical Journal International (204) - 1
- Non-linear resonant coupling of tsunami edge waves using stochastic earthquake source models, 2016, Geophysical Journal International (204) - 2
- Spatial-temporal variation of low-frequency earthquake bursts near Parkfield, California, 2015, Geophysical Journal International (202) - 2
- Probabilistic 3-D time-lapse inversion of magnetotelluric data: Application to an enhanced geothermal system, 2015, Geophysical Journal International (203) - 3
- Accounting for time- and space-varying changes in the gravity field to improve the network adjustment of relative-gravity data, 2015, Geophysical Journal International (2) - 204
- Using a modified time-reverse imaging technique to locate low-frequency earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault near Cholame, California, 2015, Geophysical Journal International (203) -
- A Green's function approach for assessing the thermal disturbance caused by drilling deep boreholes in rock or ice, 2015, Geophysical Journal International (203) - 3
- Point spread functions for earthquake source imaging: An interpretation based on seismic interferometry, 2015, Geophysical Journal International (202) - 1
- Stress- and structure-controlled anisotropy in a region of complex faulting—Yuha Desert, California, 2015, Geophysical Journal International (202) - 2
- A comparison of methods to estimate seismic phase delays--Numerical examples for coda wave interferometry, 2015, Geophysical Journal International (202) - 1
- Investigation of the high-frequency attenuation parameter, κ (kappa), from aftershocks of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake, 2014, Geophysical Journal International (200) - 1
- Bayesian historical earthquake relocation: an example from the 1909 Taipei earthquake, 2014, Geophysical Journal International (198) - 3
- Post-earthquake relaxation using a spectral element method: 2.5-D case, 2014, Geophysical Journal International (198) - 1
- Seismological analyses of the 2010 March 11, Pichilemu, Chile Mw 7.0 and Mw 6.9 coastal intraplate earthquakes, 2014, Geophysical Journal International (196) - 3
- CyberShake-derived ground-motion prediction models for the Los Angeles region with application to earthquake early warning, 2014, Geophysical Journal International (198) - 3
- Quantifying potential earthquake and tsunami hazard in the Lesser Antilles subduction zone of the Caribbean region, 2013, Geophysical Journal International (196) - 1
- Seismotectonic framework of the 2010 February 27 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake sequence, 2013, Geophysical Journal International (195) - 2
- Size distribution of Parkfield’s microearthquakes reflects changes in surface creep rate, 2013, Geophysical Journal International (193) - 3
- Ambient seismic noise interferometry in Hawai'i reveals long-range observability of volcanic tremor, 2013, Geophysical Journal International (194) - 1
- Determination and uncertainty of moment tensors for microearthquakes at Okmok Volcano, Alaska, 2012, Geophysical Journal International (190) - 3
- Extension of the spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) method to mixed-component correlations of surface waves, 2012, Geophysical Journal International (191) - 1
- Hybrid analysis of multiaxis electromagnetic data for discrimination of munitions and explosives of concern, 2012, Geophysical Journal International (190) - 2
- Imaging with cross-hole seismoelectric tomography, 2012, Geophysical Journal International (188) - 3
- Refinements to the method of epicentral location based on surface waves from ambient seismic noise: introducing Love waves, 2012, Geophysical Journal International
- Source parameters of microearthquakes on an interplate asperity off Kamaishi, NE Japan over two earthquake cycles, 2012, Geophysical Journal International (189) - 2
- W phase source inversion for moderate to large earthquakes (1990-2010), 2012, Geophysical Journal International (189) - 2
- The 1909 Taipei earthquake: implication for seismic hazard in Taipei, 2012, Geophysical Journal International (191) - 1
- A trans-dimensional Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for model assessment using frequency-domain electromagnetic data, 2011, Geophysical Journal International (187) -
- High-frequency Born synthetic seismograms based on coupled normal modes, 2011, Geophysical Journal International (187) - 3
- Slip rate and slip magnitudes of past earthquakes along the Bogd left-lateral strike-slip fault (Mongolia), 2011, Geophysical Journal International (186) -
- High-frequency Born synthetic seismograms based on coupled normal modes, 2011, Geophysical Journal International (187) - 3
- Lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction beneath the western United States from the joint inversion of body-wave traveltimes and surface-wave phase velocities, 2011, Geophysical Journal International (185) - 2
- Analysis of dispersion and attenuation of surface waves in poroelastic media in the exploration-seismic frequency band, 2011, Geophysical Journal International (187) - 2
- Pressure waves in a supersaturated bubbly magma, 2011, Geophysical Journal International (187) - 1
- Lower crustal relaxation beneath the Tibetan Plateau and Qaidam Basin following the 2001 Kokoxili earthquake, 2011, Geophysical Journal International (187) - 2
- Time-lapse three-dimensional inversion of complex conductivity data using an active time constrained (ATC) approach, 2011, Geophysical Journal International (187) - 1
- A trans-dimensional Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for model assessment using frequency-domain electromagnetic data, 2011, Geophysical Journal International (187) - 1
- Assessing historical rate changes in global tsunami occurrence, 2011, Geophysical Journal International (187) - 1
- A distribution-based parameterization for improved tomographic imaging of solute plumes, 2011, Geophysical Journal International (187) - 1
- Evidence from lava flows for complex polarity transitions: The new composite Steens Mountain reversal record, 2011, Geophysical Journal International (186) - 2
- Viscoelastic-cycle model of interseismic deformation in the northwestern United States, 2010, Geophysical Journal International (181) - 2
- Historical seismograms for unravelling a mysterious earthquake: The 1907 Sumatra Earthquake, 2010, Geophysical Journal International (183) - 1
- Locations and magnitudes of historical earthquakes in the Sierra of Ecuador (1587–1996), 2010, Geophysical Journal International (181) - 3
- Locating non-volcanic tremor along the San Andreas Fault using a multiple array source imaging technique, 2010, Geophysical Journal International (183) - 3
- The relationship between noise correlation and the Green's function in the presence of degeneracy and the absence of equipartition, 2010, Geophysical Journal International (182) - 3
- The ShakeOut earthquake scenario: Verification of three simulation sets, 2010, Geophysical Journal International (180) - 1
- Quantifying potential tsunami hazard in the Puysegur subduction zone, south of New Zealand, 2010, Geophysical Journal International (183) - 3
- Rayleigh-wave phase-velocity maps and three-dimensional shear velocity structure of the western US from local non-plane surface wave tomography, 2010, Geophysical Journal International (180) - 3
- Time-dependent seismic tomography, 2010, Geophysical Journal International (182) - 3
- Rayleigh-wave mode separation by high-resolution linear radon transform, 2009, Geophysical Journal International (179) - 1
- The postseismic response to the 2002 M 7.9 Denali Fault earthquake: Constraints from InSAR 2003-2005, 2009, Geophysical Journal International (176) - 2
- Developing framework to constrain the geometry of the seismic rupture plane on subduction interfaces a priori - A probabilistic approach, 2009, Geophysical Journal International (176) - 3
- Shallow seismic structure of Kunlun fault zone in northern Tibetan Plateau, China: Implications for the 2001 M s8.1 Kunlun earthquake, 2009, Geophysical Journal International (177) - 3
- Stress evolution following the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake: Consequences for afterslip, relaxation, aftershocks and departures from Omori decay, 2009, Geophysical Journal International (177) - 1
- Validation of the rupture properties of the 2001 Kunlun, China (Ms = 8.1), earthquake from seismological and geological observations, 2009, Geophysical Journal International (177) - 2
- A grid-doubling finite-element technique for calculating dynamic three-dimensional spontaneous rupture on an earthquake fault, 2009, Geophysical Journal International (178) - 2
- Offshore double-planed shallow seismic zone in the NE Japan forearc region revealed by sP depth phases recorded by regional networks, 2009, Geophysical Journal International (178) - 1
- Effect of 3-D viscoelastic structure on post-seismic relaxation from the 2004 M = 9.2 Sumatra earthquake, 2008, Geophysical Journal International (173) - 1
- The role of shear and tensile failure in dynamically triggered landslides, 2008, Geophysical Journal International (172) - 2
- A deep crustal fluid channel into the San Andreas Fault system near Parkfield, California, 2008, Geophysical Journal International (173) - 2
- Effects of topography and crustal heterogeneities on the source estimation of LP event at Kilauea volcano, 2008, Geophysical Journal International (172) - 3
- Upper-crustal structure beneath the strait of Georgia, Southwest British Columbia, 2007, Geophysical Journal International (170) - 2
- Multi-interferogram method for measuring interseismic deformation: Denali Fault, Alaska, 2007, Geophysical Journal International (170) - 3
- A three-dimensional geophysical model of the crust in the Barents Sea region: Model construction and basement characterization, 2007, Geophysical Journal International (170) - 1
- Spectral element modelling of fault-plane reflections arising from fluid pressure distributions, 2007, Geophysical Journal International (170) - 2
- Extraction of near-surface properties for a lossy layered medium using the propagator matrix, 2007, Geophysical Journal International (169) - 1
- Finite-frequency traveltime tomography of San Francisco Bay region crustal velocity structure, 2007, Geophysical Journal International (171) - 2
- Coseismic and post-seismic signatures of the Sumatra 2004 December and 2005 March earthquakes in GRACE satellite gravity, 2007, Geophysical Journal International (171) - 1
- Lithology-derived structure classification from the joint interpretation of magnetotelluric and seismic models, 2007, Geophysical Journal International (170) - 2
- Fault locking, block rotation and crustal deformation in the Pacific Northwest, 2007, Geophysical Journal International (169) - 3
- A crustal seismic velocity model for the UK, Ireland and surrounding seas, 2007, Geophysical Journal International (171) - 3
- Simultaneous determination of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat in sI methane hydrate, 2007, Geophysical Journal International (169) - 2
- Source parameters of microearthquakes at Mount St Helens (USA), 2006, Geophysical Journal International (166) - 3
- Body-wave traveltime and amplitude shifts from asymptotic travelling wave coupling, 2006, Geophysical Journal International (167) - 2
- Mechanical deformation model of the western United States instantaneous strain-rate field, 2006, Geophysical Journal International (167) - 1
- An effective medium inversion algorithm for gas hydrate quantification and its application to laboratory and borehole measurements of gas hydrate-bearing sediments, 2006, Geophysical Journal International (166) - 2
- Simulation of active tectonic processes for a convecting mantle with moving continents, 2006, Geophysical Journal International (164) - 3
- Regional intensity attenuation models for France and the estimation of magnitude and location of historical earthquakes, 2006, Geophysical Journal International (164) - 3
- Post-seismic relaxation following the great 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake on a compressible self-gravitating Earth, 2006, Geophysical Journal International (167) - 1
- A physical model for strain accumulation in the San Francisco Bay Region, 2005, Geophysical Journal International (160) - 1
- An updated global earthquake catalogue for stable continental regions: Reassessing the correlation with ancient rifts, 2005, Geophysical Journal International (161) - 3
- Constraints on fault slip rates of the southern California plate boundary from GPS velocity and stress inversions, 2005, Geophysical Journal International (160) - 2
- Source process of a long-period event at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, 2005, Geophysical Journal International (161) - 1
- A viscoelastic damage model with applications to stable and unstable fracturing, 2004, Geophysical Journal International (159) - 3
- Flow path of the 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-oki earthquake seismoturbidite, suthern margin of the Japan sea north basin, inferred from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, 2004, Geophysical Journal International (157) - 1
- Shear wave velocity, seismic attenuation, and thermal structure of the continental upper mantle, 2004, Geophysical Journal International (157) - 2
- Systematic variation in the depths of slabs beneath arc volcanoes, 2004, Geophysical Journal International (156) - 2
- The global short-period wavefield modelled with a Monte Carlo seismic phonon method, 2004, Geophysical Journal International (158) - 3
- Shear wave velocity variation across the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand, from receiver function inversion, 2004, Geophysical Journal International (159) - 1
- Apparent stress, fault maturity and seismic hazard for normal-fault earthquakes at subduction zones, 2004, Geophysical Journal International (159) - 3
- Estimating tectonic history through basin simulation-enhanced seismic inversion: Geoinformatics for sedimentary basins, 2004, Geophysical Journal International (156) - 1
- Icelandic-type crust, 2003, Geophysical Journal International (155) - 2
- Hydrological response to earthquakes in the Haibara well, central Japan - I. Groundwater level changes revealed using state space decomposition of atmospheric pressure, rainfall and tidal responses, 2003, Geophysical Journal International (155) - 3
- Motion of the Scotia sea plates, 2003, Geophysical Journal International (155) - 3
- Hydrological response to earthquakes in the Haibara well, central Japan - II. Possible mechanism inferred from time-varying hydraulic properties, 2003, Geophysical Journal International (155) - 3
- Quantitative analysis of seismic fault zone waves in the rupture zone of the 1992 Landers, California, earthquake: Evidence for a shallow trapping structure, 2003, Geophysical Journal International (155) - 3
- Surface wave tomography of North America and the Caribbean using global and regional broad-band networks: Phase velocity maps and limitations of ray theory, 2003, Geophysical Journal International (152) - 3
- Gaussian statistics for palaeomagnetic vectors, 2003, Geophysical Journal International (152) - 3
- A shallow fault-zone structure illuminated by trapped waves in the Karadere-Duzce branch of the North Anatolian Fault, western Turkey, 2003, Geophysical Journal International (152) - 3
- Shallow-velocity models at the Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, determined from array analyses of tremor wavefields, 2003, Geophysical Journal International (152) - 3
- Post-seismic relaxation theory on laterally heterogeneous viscoelastic model, 2003, Geophysical Journal International (155) - 1
- A numerical simulation of magma motion, crustal deformation, and seismic radiation associated with volcanic eruptions, 2003, Geophysical Journal International (153) - 3
- The relationship between the instantaneous velocity field and the rate of moment release in the lithosphere, 2003, Geophysical Journal International (153) - 3
- Geodetic imaging: Reservoir monitoring using satellite interferometry, 2002, Geophysical Journal International (149) - 3
- Identifying elements of the plumbing system beneath Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, from the source locations of very-long-period signals, 2002, Geophysical Journal International (148) - 2
- Seismic anisotropy and mantle creep in young orogens, 2002, Geophysical Journal International (149) - 1
- Crustal structure beneath western and eastern Iceland from surface waves and receiver functions, 2002, Geophysical Journal International (149) - 2
- Strike-slip earthquakes in the oceanic lithosphere: Observations of exceptionally high apparent stress, 2002, Geophysical Journal International (150) - 2
- P-wave velocity structure of the uppermost mantle beneath Hawaii from traveltime tomography, 2001, Geophysical Journal International (146) - 3
- Tomographic inversion of P-wave velocity and Q structures beneath the Kirishima volcanic complex, Southern Japan, based on finite difference calculations of complex traveltimes, 2001, Geophysical Journal International (146) - 3
- Remarks on the travelling wave decomposition, 2001, Geophysical Journal International (144) - 2
- Solving the dynamic rupture problem with different numerical approaches and constitutive laws, 2001, Geophysical Journal International (144) - 3
- Three-dimenstional crustal velocity structure beneath the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, 2001, Geophysical Journal International (144) - 3
- Palaeomagnetic dating of widespread remagnetization on the southeastern border of the French Massif Central and implications for fluid and Mississippi Valley-type mineralization, 2001, Geophysical Journal International (145) - 2
- Seismic tomography shows that upwelling beneath Iceland is confined to the upper mantle, 2001, Geophysical Journal International (146) - 2
- Constraints on a plume in the mid-mantle beneath the Iceland region from seismic array data, 2000, Geophysical Journal International (143) - 1
- The thin hot plume beneath Iceland, 1999, Geophysical Journal International (137) - 1
- The complex frequencies of long-period seismic events as probes of fluid composition beneath volcanoes, 1999, Geophysical Journal International (138) - 2
- Frequency-magnitude statistics and spatial correlation dimensions of earthquakes at Long Valley caldera, California, 1999, Geophysical Journal International (138) - 2
- Seismic image of a CO2 reservoir beneath a seismically active volcano, 1998, Geophysical Journal International (133) - 1
- Three-dimensional seismic structure and moment tensors of non-double-couple earthquakes at the Hengill-Grensdalur volcanic complex, Iceland, 1998, Geophysical Journal International (133) - 2
- Three-dimensional interface modelling with two-dimensional seismic data: the Alpine crust-mantle boundary, 1998, Geophysical Journal International (135) - 1
- Seismic source study of the Racha-Dzhava (Georgia) earthquake from aftershocks and broad-band teleseismic body-wave records: An example of active nappe tectonics, 1997, Geophysical Journal International (130) - 1
- Progressive failure on the North Anatolian fault since 1939 by earthquake stress triggering, 1997, Geophysical Journal International (128) - 3
- On the origin of diverse aftershock mechanisms following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, 1997, Geophysical Journal International (128) - 3
- Inelastic models of lithospheric stress - I. Theory and application to outer-rise plate deformation, 1996, Geophysical Journal International (125) - 1
- The cyclic and fractal seismic series preceding an mb 4.8 earthquake on 1980 February 14 near the Virgin Islands, 1996, Geophysical Journal International (124) - 1
- Inelastic models of lithospheric stress - II. Implications for outer-rise seismicity and dynamics, 1996, Geophysical Journal International (125) - 1
- Finite-fault analysis of the 1979 March 14 Petatlan, Mexico, earthquake using teleseismic P waveforms, 1995, Geophysical Journal International (121) - 3
- Large-scale deformation associated with ridge subduction, 1993, Geophysical Journal International (115) - 2
- Single-station decomposition of seismograms for subevent time histories, 1991, Geophysical Journal International (105) - 1
- Brunhes chron excursion/polarity episode recorded during the late pleistocene, Albuquerque Volcanoes, New Mexico, USA, 1990, Geophysical Journal International (102) - 1
- Waveform modelling using locked-mode synthetic and differential seismograms: application to determination of the structure of Mexico, 1988, Geophysical Journal International (94) - 2
- Coincident seismic reflection/refraction studies of the continental lithosphere: A global review , 1987, Geophysical Journal International (89) - 1
- A transect across the Mesozoic accretionary margin of central California , 1987, Geophysical Journal International (89) - 1
- Crustal structure beneath exposed accreted terranes of Southern Alaska , 1987, Geophysical Journal International (89) - 1
- Inversion of seismic refraction data in planar dipping structure , 1985, Geophysical Journal International (82) - 1
- Reflection—refraction of general P- and type-I S-waves in elastic and anelastic solids, 1982, Geophysical Journal International (70) - 3
- Palaeomagnetism and magnetic–polarity zonation in some Oligocene volcanic rocks of the San Juan Mountains, south–western Colorado, 1974, Geophysical Journal International (37) - 2
- Palaeomagnetism and potassium-argon ages of volcanic rocks of Ngorongoro caldera, Tanzania, 1971, Geophysical Journal International (22) - 1
- Latitude dependence of the angular dispersion of the geomagnetic field, 1970, Geophysical Journal International (20) - 3
- Confidence limits for the precision parameter κ, 1969, Geophysical Journal International (17) - 5
- Ancient geomagnetic field intensities—II geological data: Sets G1–G21 historic and archeological data: H10–H13, 1967, Geophysical Journal International (13) - 5
- Viscosity and finite strength of the mantle as determined from water and ice loads, 1967, Geophysical Journal International (14) - 1-4
- Ancient geomagnetic field intensities—I Historic and archaeological data: Sets H1–H9, 1967, Geophysical Journal International (13) - 4