Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Arizona Groundwater Explorer: Interactive maps for evaluating the historical and current groundwater conditions in wells in Arizona, USA, 2024, Hydrogeology Journal (32) -
- Quantifying stream-loss recovery in a spring using dual-tracer injections in the Snake Creek drainage, Great Basin National Park, Nevada, USA, 2023, Hydrogeology Journal (31) -
- A model of transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity from electrical resistivity distribution derived from airborne electromagnetic surveys of the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer, Midwest USA, 2023, Hydrogeology Journal (31) -
- Effects of structure and volcanic stratigraphy on groundwater and surface water flow: Hat Creek basin, California, USA, 2023, Hydrogeology Journal (31) -
- Identification of fresh submarine groundwater off the coast of San Diego, USA, using electromagnetic methods, 2022, Hydrogeology Journal (30) -
- Stratigraphic and structural controls on groundwater salinity variations in the Poso Creek Oil Field, Kern County, California, USA, 2021, Hydrogeology Journal (29) -
- Review: “Jacob’s Zoo”— How using Jacob’s method for aquifer testing leads to more intuitive understanding of aquifer characteristics, 2021, Hydrogeology Journal (29) -
- Evaluating the effects of downscaled climate projections on groundwater storage and simulated base-flow contribution to the North Fork Red River and Lake Altus, southwest Oklahoma (USA), 2021, Hydrogeology Journal (28) - 8
- Rethinking groundwater flow on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, USA: Characterizing recharge sources and flow paths with environmental tracers, 2020, Hydrogeology Journal (28) -
- Critical evaluation of stable isotope mixing end-members for estimating groundwater recharge sources: Case study from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA, 2020, Hydrogeology Journal (28) -
- Geochemical characterization of groundwater evolution south of Grand Canyon, Arizona (USA), 2020, Hydrogeology Journal (28) -
- The influence of snow cover, air temperature, and groundwater flow on the active-layer thermal regime of Arctic hillslopes drained by water tracks, 2020, Hydrogeology Journal (28) -
- Seasonal manganese transport in the hyporheic zone of a snowmelt-dominated river (East River, Colorado), 2020, Hydrogeology Journal (28) -
- High-resolution mapping of the freshwater-brine interface using deterministic and Bayesian inversion of airborne electromagnetic data at Paradox Valley, USA, 2020, Hydrogeology Journal (28) - 3
- Conjoint use of hydraulic head and groundwater age data to detect hydrogeologic barriers, 2020, Hydrogeology Journal (28) -
- Characterizing groundwater/surface-water interaction using hydrograph-separation techniques and groundwater-level data throughout the Mississippi Delta, USA, 2019, Hydrogeology Journal (27) - 6
- Hydrogeology of an alpine talus aquifer: Cordillera Blanca, Peru, 2019, Hydrogeology Journal (21) -
- Modeling δ18O as an early indicator of regime shift arising from salinity stress in coastal vegetation, 2019, Hydrogeology Journal (27) - 4
- Groundwater salinity mapping using geophysical log analysis within the Fruitvale and Rosedale Ranch oil fields, Kern County, California, USA, 2019, Hydrogeology Journal (27) - 2
- Calibration of regional hydraulic and transport properties of an arid-region aquifer under modern and paleorecharge conditions using water levels and environmental tracers, 2018, Hydrogeology Journal (27) - 2
- A multidisciplinary-based conceptual model of a fractured sedimentary bedrock aquitard: improved prediction of aquitard integrity, 2018, Hydrogeology Journal (26) - 7
- Celebrating 50 years of SWIMs (Salt Water Intrusion Meetings), 2018, Hydrogeology Journal (26) -
- Crustal permeability, 2017, Hydrogeology Journal (25) - 8
- Fraction of young water as an indicator of aquifer vulnerability along two regional flow paths in the Mississippi embayment aquifer system, southeastern USA, 2017, Hydrogeology Journal (25) - 6
- Future research needs involving pathogens in groundwater, 2017, Hydrogeology Journal (25) - 4
- Challenges for creating a site-specific groundwater-use record for the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system (central USA) from 1900 to 2010, 2017, Hydrogeology Journal (25) - 6
- Geogenic organic contaminants in the low-rank coal-bearing Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer of East Texas, USA, 2017, Hydrogeology Journal (25) - 4
- Estimating regional-scale permeability–depth relations in a fractured-rock terrain using groundwater-flow model calibration, 2017, Hydrogeology Journal (25) - 2
- Geochemistry and hydrology of perched groundwater springs: assessing elevated uranium concentrations at Pigeon Spring relative to nearby Pigeon Mine, Arizona (USA), 2017, Hydrogeology Journal (25) - 2
- Preferential flow, diffuse flow, and perching in an interbedded fractured-rock unsaturated zone, 2017, Hydrogeology Journal (25) - 2
- Evaluation of diffuse and preferential flow pathways of infiltratedprecipitation and irrigation using oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, 2017, Hydrogeology Journal (25) - 3
- Understanding the past to interpret the future: Comparison of simulated groundwater recharge in the upper Colorado River basin (USA) using observed and general-circulation-model historical climate data, 2017, Hydrogeology Journal (25) - 2
- Pathogen transport in groundwater systems: Contrasts with traditional solute transport, 2017, Hydrogeology Journal (25) - 4
- The removal kinetics of dissolved organic matter and the optical clarity of groundwater, 2016, Hydrogeology Journal (24) - 6
- Characterization of mean transit time at large springs in the Upper Colorado River Basin, USA: A tool for assessing groundwater discharge vulnerability, 2016, Hydrogeology Journal (24) - 8
- Map visualization of groundwater withdrawals at the sub-basin scale, 2016, Hydrogeology Journal (24) - 4
- Preface: Land subsidence processes, 2016, Hydrogeology Journal (24) - 3
- Testing the suitability of geologic frameworks for extrapolating hydraulic properties across regional scales, 2016, Hydrogeology Journal (24) - 5
- The current status of mapping karst areas and availability of public sinkhole-risk resources in karst terrains of the United States, 2016, Hydrogeology Journal (24) - 3
- Water availability and land subsidence in the Central Valley, California, USA, 2016, Hydrogeology Journal (24) - 3
- Interpretation of hydraulic conductivity in a fractured-rock aquifer over increasingly larger length dimensions, 2015, Hydrogeology Journal (23) - 7
- Groundwater availability in the United States: the value of quantitative regional assessments, 2015, Hydrogeology Journal (23) - 8
- Natural recharge estimation and uncertainty analysis of an adjudicated groundwater basin using a regional-scale flow and subsidence model (Antelope Valley, California, USA), 2015, Hydrogeology Journal (23) - 6
- Sources of high-chloride water and managed aquifer recharge in an alluvial aquifer in California, USA, 2015, Hydrogeology Journal (23) - 7
- The effects of numerical-model complexity and observation type on estimated porosity values, 2015, Hydrogeology Journal (23) - 6
- Comment on “The role of interbasin groundwater transfers in geologically complex terranes, demonstrated by the Great Basin in the western United States”: report published in Hydrogeology Journal (2014) 22:807–828, by Stephen T. Nelson and Alan L. Mayo, 2015, Hydrogeology Journal (23) - 1
- Groundwater movement, recharge, and perchlorate occurrence in a faulted alluvial aquifer in California (USA), 2015, Hydrogeology Journal (23) - 3
- Assessing the magnitude and timing of anthropogenic warming of a shallow aquifer: example from Virginia Beach, USA, 2015, Hydrogeology Journal (23) - 1
- Evaluation of the importance of clay confining units on groundwaterflow in alluvial basins using solute and isotope tracers: the case of Middle San Pedro Basin in southeastern Arizona (USA), 2014, Hydrogeology Journal (22) - 4
- The transboundary non-renewable Nubian Aquifer System of Chad, Egypt, Libya and Sudan: Classical groundwater questions and parsimonious hydrogeologic analysis and modeling, 2014, Hydrogeology Journal (22) - 2
- Shallow groundwater and soil chemistry response to 3 years of subsurface drip irrigation using coalbed-methane-produced water, 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (21) - 8
- Limited denitrification in glacial deposit aquifers having thick unsaturated zones (Long Island, USA), 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (21) - 8
- Book review: Too hot to touch: The problem of high-level nuclear waste, by William M. Alley and Rosemarie Alley (Cambridge University Press, 2013), 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (21) - 8
- Effect of tidal fluctuations on transient dispersion of simulated contaminant concentrations in coastal aquifers, 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (19) - 7
- Comparison of a karst groundwater model with and without discrete conduit flow, 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (21) - 7
- Comparison of age distributions estimated from environmental tracers by using binary-dilution and numerical models of fractured and folded karst: Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and West Virginia, USA, 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (21) - 6
- Permafrost thaw in a nested groundwater-flow system, 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (21) - 1
- Uncertainty in simulated groundwater-quality trends in transient flow, 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (21) - 4
- Review: groundwater in Alaska (USA), 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (21) - 1
- Estimating hydraulic properties from tidal attenuation in the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer, territory of Guam, USA, 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (21) - 3
- Rapid runoff via shallow throughflow and deeper preferential flow in a boreal catchment underlain by frozen silt (Alaska, USA), 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (21) - 1
- Impacts of climate, lake size, and supra- and sub-permafrost groundwater flow on lake-talik evolution, Yukon Flats, Alaska (USA), 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (21) - 1
- Sensitivity analysis of lake mass balance in discontinuous permafrost: the example of disappearing Twelvemile Lake, Yukon Flats, Alaska (USA), 2013, Hydrogeology Journal (21) - 1
- Heterogeneous redox conditions, arsenic mobility, and groundwater flow in a fractured-rock aquifer near a waste repository site in New Hampshire, USA, 2012, Hydrogeology Journal (20) - 6
- Cross-borehole flow analysis to characterize fracture connections in the Melechov Granite, Bohemian-Moravian Highland, Czech Republic, 2012, Hydrogeology Journal (20) - 1
- Comparison of particle-tracking and lumped-parameter age-distribution models for evaluating vulnerability of production wells to contamination, 2012, Hydrogeology Journal (20) - 2
- Uranium isotopes (234U/238U) in rivers of the Yukon Basin (Alaska and Canada) as an aid in identifying water sources, with implications for monitoring hydrologic change in arctic regions, 2012, Hydrogeology Journal (20) - 3
- Old groundwater in parts of the upper Patapsco aquifer, Atlantic Coastal Plain, Maryland, USA: Evidence from radiocarbon, chlorine-36 and helium-4, 2012, Hydrogeology Journal (20) - 7
- Editor’s message: Groundwater modeling fantasies - Part 2, down to earth, 2011, Hydrogeology Journal (19) - 8
- Editor’s message: Groundwater modeling fantasies - Part 1, adrift in the details, 2011, Hydrogeology Journal (19) - 7
- The fate and transport of nitrate in shallow groundwater in northwestern Mississippi, USA, 2011, Hydrogeology Journal (19) - 6
- Relations of hydrogeologic factors, groundwater reduction-oxidation conditions, and temporal and spatial distributions of nitrate, Central-Eastside San Joaquin Valley, California, USA, 2011, Hydrogeology Journal (19) -
- Calibration of models using groundwater age, 2011, Hydrogeology Journal (19) - 1
- Mountain-block recharge, present and past, in the eastern Espanola Basin, New Mexico, USA, 2011, Hydrogeology Journal (19) - 2
- Geochemical heterogeneity in a small, stratigraphically complex moraine aquifer system (Ontario, Canada): Interpretation of flow and recharge using multiple geochemical parameters, 2011, Hydrogeology Journal (19) - 1
- A comparison of recharge rates in aquifers of the United States based on groundwater-age data, 2011, Hydrogeology Journal (19) - 4
- The challenge of interpreting environmental tracer concentrations in fractured rock and carbonate aquifers, 2011, Hydrogeology Journal (19) - 1
- Review: Regional land subsidence accompanying groundwater extraction, 2011, Hydrogeology Journal (19) - 8
- Effect of tidal fluctuations on transient dispersion of simulated contaminant concentrations in coastal aquifers, 2011, Hydrogeology Journal (19) - 7
- Analytical models for the groundwater tidal prism and associated benthic water flux, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 1
- Current challenges using models to forecast seawater intrusion: lessons from the Eastern Shore of Virginia, USA, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 1
- Simulated impacts of artificial groundwater recharge and discharge of the source area and source volume of an Atlantic Coastal Plain Stream, Delaware, USA, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 8
- Saltwater intrusion in coastal regions of North America, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 1
- Changes of freshwater-lens thickness in basaltic island aquifers overlain by thick coastal sediments, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 6
- The complex future of hydrogeology, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 4
- Combined use of frequency-domain electromagnetic and electrical resistivity surveys to delineate near-lake groundwater flow in the semi-arid Nebraska Sand Hills, USA, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 6
- Development of a three-dimensional model of sedimentary texture in valley-fill deposits of Central Valley, California, USA, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 3
- Depth-dependent sampling to identify short-circuit pathways to public-supply wells in multiple aquifer settings in the United States, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 3
- Trends in groundwater levels in wells in the active management areas of Arizona, USA, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) -
- Effects of model layer simplification using composite hydraulic properties, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 2
- Three-dimensional benchmark for variable-density flow and transport simulation: matching semi-analytic stability modes for steady unstable convection in an inclined porous box, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 1
- Using multiple chemical indicators to characterize and determine the age of groundwater from selected vents of the silver springs group, Central Florida, USA, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 8
- Comment on "analysis of pumping test data for determining unconfined-aquifer parameters: Composite analysis or not?": Paper published in Hydrogeology Journal (2009) 17:1133-1147, by Hund-Der Yeh and Yen-Chen Huang, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 8
- Marine electrical resistivity imaging of submarine groundwater discharge: Sensitivity analysis and application in Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, USA, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) - 1
- Effect of hypersaline cooling canals on aquifer salinization, 2010, Hydrogeology Journal (18) -
- Comparison of alternative representations of hydraulic-conductivity anisotropy in folded fractured-sedimentary rock: Modeling groundwater flow in the Shenandoah Valley (USA), 2009, Hydrogeology Journal (17) - 5
- Investigating local variation in groundwater recharge along a topographic gradient, Walnut Creek, Iowa, USA, 2009, Hydrogeology Journal (17) - 2
- Measured river leakages using conventional streamflow techniques: The case of Souhegan River, New Hampshire, USA, 2009, Hydrogeology Journal (17) - 2
- Temporal response of hydraulic head, temperature, and chloride concentrations to sea-level changes, Floridan aquifer system, USA, 2009, Hydrogeology Journal (17) - 4
- Comparison of recharge estimates at a small watershed in east-central Pennsylvania, USA, 2009, Hydrogeology Journal (17) - 2
- Estimation of regional-scale groundwater flow properties in the Bengal Basin of India and Bangladesh, 2009, Hydrogeology Journal (17) - 6
- Oxygen, hydrogen, and helium isotopes for investigating groundwater systems of the Cape Verde Islands, West Africa, 2009, Hydrogeology Journal (17) - 5
- Stratigraphic controls on seawater intrusion and implications for groundwater management, Dominguez Gap area of Los Angeles, California, USA, 2009, Hydrogeology Journal (17) - 7
- Groundwater's significance to changing hydrology, water chemistry, and biological communities of a floodplain ecosystem, Everglades, South Florida, USA, 2009, Hydrogeology Journal (17) - 1
- Relating groundwater to seasonal wetlands in southeastern Wisconsin, USA, 2009, Hydrogeology Journal (17) - 1
- Controls on groundwater flow in the Bengal Basin of India and Bangladesh: Regional modeling analysis, 2009, Hydrogeology Journal (17) - 7
- Effect of soil disturbance on recharging fluxes: Case study on the Snake River Plain, Idaho National Laboratory, USA, 2008, Hydrogeology Journal (16) - 5
- Developing conceptual hydrogeological model for Potsdam sandstones in southwestern Quebec, Canada, 2008, Hydrogeology Journal (16) - 2
- Geophysical data integration, stochastic simulation and significance analysis of groundwater responses using ANOVA in the Chicot Aquifer system, Louisiana, USA, 2008, Hydrogeology Journal (16) - 4
- In situ estimation of the effective chemical diffusion coefficient of a rock matrix in a fractured aquifer, 2008, Hydrogeology Journal (16) - 4
- Application of environmental groundwater tracers at the Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine, California, USA, 2008, Hydrogeology Journal (16) - 3
- Influences of the unsaturated, saturated, and riparian zones on the transport of nitrate near the Merced River, California, USA, 2008, Hydrogeology Journal (16) - 4
- Characterization of the shallow groundwater system in an alpine watershed: Handcart Gulch, Colorado, USA, 2008, Hydrogeology Journal (16) - 1
- Environmental tracers as indicators of karst conduits in groundwater in South Dakota, USA, 2008, Hydrogeology Journal (16) - 2
- The application of satellite differential SAR interferometry-derived ground displacements in hydrogeology, 2007, Hydrogeology Journal (15) - 1
- Multiple-methods investigation of recharge at a humid-region fractured rock site, Pennsylvania, USA, 2007, Hydrogeology Journal (15) - 5
- Temporal trends in concentrations of DBCP and nitrate in groundwater in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California, USA, 2007, Hydrogeology Journal (15) - 5
- Multiple-method estimation of recharge rates at diverse locations in the North Carolina Coastal Plain, USA, 2007, Hydrogeology Journal (15) - 4
- Effects of intraborehole flow on groundwater age distribution, 2007, Hydrogeology Journal (15) - 4
- Origin of halite brine in the Onondaga Trough near Syracuse, New York State, USA: Modeling geochemistry and variable-density flow, 2007, Hydrogeology Journal (15) - 7
- A simple daily soil-water balance model for estimating the spatial and temporal distribution of groundwater recharge in temperate humid areas, 2007, Hydrogeology Journal (15) - 3
- Testing of stack-unit/aquifer sensitivity analysis using contaminant plume distribution in the subsurface of Savannah River Site, South Carolina, USA, 2006, Hydrogeology Journal (14) - 8
- Contact zone permeability at intrusion boundaries: New results from hydraulic testing and geophysical logging in the Newark Rift Basin, New York, USA, 2006, Hydrogeology Journal (14) - 5
- Mixing of shallow and deep groundwater as indicated by the chemistry and age of karstic springs, 2006, Hydrogeology Journal (14) - 5
- Combined interpretation of radar, hydraulic, and tracer data from a fractured-rock aquifer near Mirror Lake, New Hampshire, USA, 2006, Hydrogeology Journal (14) - 1-2
- Relations between climatic variability and hydrologic time series from four alluvial basins across the southwestern United States, 2006, Hydrogeology Journal (14) - 7
- Quantification of karst aquifer discharge components during storm events through end-member mixing analysis using natural chemistry and stable isotopes as tracers, 2006, Hydrogeology Journal (14) - 7
- Geochemistry and the understanding of ground-water systems, 2005, Hydrogeology Journal (13) - 1
- The future of hydrogeology, 2005, Hydrogeology Journal (13) - 1
- Groundwater depletion: A global problem, 2005, Hydrogeology Journal (13) - 1
- Groundwater recharge and sustainability in the High Plains aquifer in Kansas, USA, 2005, Hydrogeology Journal (13) - 2
- The persistence of the water budget myth and its relationship to sustainability, 2005, Hydrogeology Journal (13) - 4
- Three-dimensional variable-density flow simulation of a coastal aquifer in southern Oahu, Hawaii, USA, 2005, Hydrogeology Journal (13) - 2
- Hydrogeology Journal in 2004, 2004, Hydrogeology Journal (12) - 6
- Editors' message: Hydrogeology Journal in 2003, 2004, Hydrogeology Journal (12) - 1
- Hydrochemical tracers in the middle Rio Grande Basin, USA: 1. Conceptualization of groundwater flow, 2004, Hydrogeology Journal (12) - 4
- Water-resources reconnaissance of Ile de la Gonave, Haiti, 2004, Hydrogeology Journal (12) - 2
- Hydrochemical tracers in the middle Rio Grande Basin, USA: 2. Calibration of a groundwater-flow model, 2004, Hydrogeology Journal (12) - 4
- Announcing a Hydrogeology Journal theme issue on "The future of hydrogeology", 2003, Hydrogeology Journal (11) - 4
- Hydrogeology Journal in 2002, 2003, Hydrogeology Journal (11) - 1
- A thick lens of fresh groundwater in the southern Lihue Basin, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, 2003, Hydrogeology Journal (11) - 2
- Chlorine-36 in groundwater of the United States: Empirical data, 2003, Hydrogeology Journal (11) - 2
- Effects of crustal stresses on fluid transport in fractured rock: Case studies from northeastern and southwestern USA, 2003, Hydrogeology Journal (11) - 1
- Three-dimensional geologic modeling and visualization of the Virttaankangas aquifer, southwestern Finland, 2003, Hydrogeology Journal (11) - 3
- The distribution of meteoric 36Cl/Cl in the United States: A comparison of models, 2003, Hydrogeology Journal (11) - 6
- Hydromechanical coupling in geologic processes, 2003, Hydrogeology Journal (11) - 1
- Using groundwater levels to estimate recharge, 2002, Hydrogeology Journal (10) - 1
- Choosing appropriate techniques for quantifying groundwater recharge, 2002, Hydrogeology Journal (10) - 1
- Movement of water through the thick unsaturated zone underlying Oro Grande and Sheep Creek Washes in the western Mojave Desert, USA, 2002, Hydrogeology Journal (10) - 3
- Estimating recharge at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA: Comparison of methods, 2002, Hydrogeology Journal (10) - 1
- Editors' message: The past year and thanks, 2002, Hydrogeology Journal (10) - 1
- Monitoring artificially stimulated fluid movement in the Cretaceous Dakota aquifer, western Kansas, 2002, Hydrogeology Journal (10) - 6
- Effects of topography on the transport of agricultural chemicals to groundwater in a sand-plain setting, 2002, Hydrogeology Journal (10) - 4
- Groundwater recharge and agricultural contamination, 2002, Hydrogeology Journal (10) - 1
- Erratum: Groundwater recharge and agricultural contamination, 2002, Hydrogeology Journal (10) - 3
- Interactions between groundwater and surface water: The state of the science, 2002, Hydrogeology Journal (10) - 1
- Recharge and groundwater models: An overview, 2002, Hydrogeology Journal (10) - 1
- Hydrology of the coastal sabkhas of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2001, Hydrogeology Journal (9) - 4
- Factors controlling the configuration of the fresh-saline water interface in the Dead Sea coastal aquifers: Synthesis of TDEM surveys and numerical groundwater modeling, 2001, Hydrogeology Journal (9) - 4
- Radiocarbon dating of dissolved inorganic carbon in groundwater from confined parts of the Upper Floridan aquifer, Florida, USA, 2001, Hydrogeology Journal (9) - 2
- Results from the Big Spring basin water quality monitoring and demonstration projects, Iowa, USA, 2001, Hydrogeology Journal (9) - 5
- Aquifer/aquitard interfaces: Mixing zones that enhance biogeochemical reactions, 2001, Hydrogeology Journal (9) - 1
- Use of deuterated water as a conservative artificial ground water tracer, 2001, Hydrogeology Journal (9) - 5
- Identifying variably saturated water-flow patterns in a steep hillslope under intermittent heavy rainfall, 2001, Hydrogeology Journal (9) - 3
- Influence of dissimilatory metal reduction on fate of organic and metal contaminants in the subsurface, 2000, Hydrogeology Journal (8) - 1
- The significance of microbial processes in hydrogeology and geochemistry, 2000, Hydrogeology Journal (8) - 1
- Microbial populations in contaminant plumes, 2000, Hydrogeology Journal (8) - 1
- Microbial degradation of chloroethenes in groundwater systems, 2000, Hydrogeology Journal (8) - 1
- Microbial control of mineral–groundwater equilibria: Macroscale to microscale, 2000, Hydrogeology Journal (8) - 1
- Preface – Groundwater and microbial processes, 2000, Hydrogeology Journal (8) - 1
- Relation of streams, lakes, and wetlands to groundwater flow systems, 1999, Hydrogeology Journal (7) - 1
- Hydrochemical evidence for mixing of river water and groundwater during high-flow conditions, lower Suwannee River basin, Florida, USA, 1999, Hydrogeology Journal (7) - 5
- The potential for free and mixed convection in sedimentary basins, 1999, Hydrogeology Journal (7) - 6
- Chlorine-36 and the initial value problem, 1998, Hydrogeology Journal (6) - 1
- Estimation of the depth to the fresh-water/salt-water interface from vertical head gradients in wells in coastal and island aquifers, 1998, Hydrogeology Journal (6) - 3
- The relative contributions of summer and cool-season precipitation to groundwater recharge, Spring Mountains, Nevada, USA, 1998, Hydrogeology Journal (6) - 1
- Depth of the base of the Jackson aquifer, based on geophysical exploration, southern Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, 1998, Hydrogeology Journal (6) - 3
- Numerical analysis of the hydrogeologic controls in a layered coastal aquifer system, Oahu, Hawaii, USA, 1998, Hydrogeology Journal (6) - 2
- Causes of sinks near Tucson, Arizona, USA, 1998, Hydrogeology Journal (6) - 3
- Testing alternative conceptual models of seawater intrusion in a coastal aquifer using computer simulation, southern California, USA, 1997, Hydrogeology Journal (5) - 3
- Hydrochemical evolution of sodium-sulfate and sodium-chloride groundwater beneath the Northern Chihuahuan Desert, Trans-Pecos, Texas, USA, 1997, Hydrogeology Journal (5) - 2
- American hydrogeology at the millennium: An annotated chronology of 100 most influential papers, 1997, Hydrogeology Journal (5) - 4
- Use of bromide: Chloride ratios to differentiate potential sources of chloride in a shallow, unconfined aquifer affected by brackish-water intrusion, 1997, Hydrogeology Journal (5) - 2
- T.C. Chamberlin, early American hydrogeologist, 1996, Hydrogeology Journal (4) - 3
- A simulation-based approach for designing effective field-sampling programs to evaluate contamination risk of groundwater supplies, 1996, Hydrogeology Journal (4) - 3
- Assessment of a ground water flow model of the Bangkok Basin, Thailand, using carbon-14-based ages and paleohydrology, 1996, Hydrogeology Journal (4) - 4
- Simulation of spring discharge from a limestone aquifer in Iowa, USA, 1996, Hydrogeology Journal (4) - 4
- Using hydrogeochemical methods to evaluate complex quaternary subsurface stratigraphy Block Island, Rhode Island, USA, 1996, Hydrogeology Journal (4) - 4
- Using borehole flow logging to optimize hydraulic-test procedures in heterogeneous fractured aquifers, 1995, Hydrogeology Journal (3) - 3
- Groundwater use: Equilibrium between social benefits and potential environmental costs, 1992, Hydrogeology Journal (1) - 2