Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Complex hydrology and variability of nitrogen sources in a karst watershed, 2024, Journal of Environmental Quality (53) - 4
- Influence of irrigation water and soil on annual mercury dynamics in Sacramento Valley rice fields, 2024, Journal of Environmental Quality (53) - 3
- Machine-learning model to delineate sub-surface agricultural drainage from satellite imagery, 2023, Journal of Environmental Quality (52) - 4
- Microbial source tracking and land use associations for antibiotic resistance genes in private wells influenced by human and livestock fecal sources, 2023, Journal of Environmental Quality (52) - 2
- Vegetative buffer strips show limited effectiveness for reducing antibiotic transport in surface runoff, 2023, Journal of Environmental Quality (52) - 1
- Challenges in linking soil health to edge-of-field water quality across the Great Lakes basin, 2023, Journal of Environmental Quality (52) - 3
- Phosphorus sources, forms, and abundance as a function of streamflow and field conditions in a Maumee River tributary, 2016-2019, 2023, Journal of Environmental Quality (52) - 3
- Fate and seasonality of antimicrobial resistance genes during full-scale anaerobic digestion of cattle manure across seven livestock production facilities, 2022, Journal of Environmental Quality (51) - 3
- Clothianidin decomposition in Missouri wetland soils, 2021, Journal of Environmental Quality (50) - 1
- Factors driving nutrient trends in streams of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, 2020, Journal of Environmental Quality (49) - 4
- Quantifying background nitrate removal mechanisms in an agricultural watershed with contrasting subcatchment baseflow concentrations, 2020, Journal of Environmental Quality (49) - 2
- Causal factors for pesticide trends in streams of the United States: Atrazine and deethylatrazine, 2020, Journal of Environmental Quality (49) - 1
- Network controls on mean and variance of nitrate loads from the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico, 2019, Journal of Environmental Quality (48) - 6
- Phosphorus and the Chesapeake Bay: Lingering issues and emerging concerns for agriculture, 2019, Journal of Environmental Quality (48) - 5
- Effects of manure and tillage on edge-of-field phosphorus loss in seasonally frozen landscapes, 2019, Journal of Environmental Quality (48) - 4
- Seasonal variation in sediment and phosphorus yields in four Wisconsin agricultural watersheds, 2019, Journal of Environmental Quality (48) - 4
- Diatom assemblage changes in agricultural alluvial plain streams and application for nutrient management, 2019, Journal of Environmental Quality (48) - 1
- Sediment oxygen demand: A review of in situ methods, 2019, Journal of Environmental Quality (48) - 2
- Factors influencing fine sediment on stream beds in the Midwestern United States, 2018, Journal of Environmental Quality (47) - 5
- Methylmercury dynamics in Upper Sacramento Valley rice fields with low background soil mercury levels, 2018, Journal of Environmental Quality (47) - 4
- Real-time water quality monitoring at a Great Lakes National Park, 2018, Journal of Environmental Quality
- Long-term changes in soil and stream chemistry across an acid deposition gradient in the northeastern United States, 2018, Journal of Environmental Quality (47) - 3
- Identifying and eliminating sources of recreational water quality degradation along an urban coast, 2018, Journal of Environmental Quality (47) - 5
- Beyond the edge: Linking agricultural landscapes, stream networks, and best management practices, 2018, Journal of Environmental Quality (47) -
- Colloid mobilization and seasonal variability in a semiarid headwater stream, 2017, Journal of Environmental Quality (46) -
- Structural equation model of total phosphorus loads in the Red River of the North Basin, USA and Canada, 2017, Journal of Environmental Quality (46) - 5
- Reversible reduction of estrone to 17β-estradiol by Rhizobium, Sphingopyxis, and Pseudomonas isolates from the Las Vegas Wash, 2017, Journal of Environmental Quality (46) - 2
- The contribution of rice agriculture to methylmercury in surface waters: A review of data from the Sacramento Valley, California, 2017, Journal of Environmental Quality (46) - 1
- Enabling science support for better decision-making when responding to chemical spills, 2016, Journal of Environmental Quality (45) - 5
- High nitrate concentrations in some Midwest United States streams in 2013 after the 2012 drought, 2016, Journal of Environmental Quality (45) - 5
- Prediction of pesticide toxicity in Midwest streams, 2016, Journal of Environmental Quality (45) - 6
- Contrasting nitrogen fate in watersheds using agricultural and water quality information, 2016, Journal of Environmental Quality (45) - 5
- Fecal indicator and pathogenic bacteria and their antibiotic resistance in alluvial groundwater of an irrigated agricultural region with dairies, 2015, Journal of Environmental Quality (44) - 5
- Importance of the colmation layer in the transport and removal of cyanobacteria, viruses, and dissolved organic carbon during natural lake-bank filtration, 2015, Journal of Environmental Quality (44) - 5
- Suburban groundwater quality as influenced by turfgrass and septic sources, Delmarva Peninsula, USA, 2015, Journal of Environmental Quality (44) - 2
- Low transient storage and uptake efficiencies in seven agricultural streams: implications for nutrient demand, 2014, Journal of Environmental Quality (43) - 6
- Stream sediment sources in midwest agricultural basins with land retirement along channel, 2014, Journal of Environmental Quality (43) - 5
- Soil, plant, and terrain effects on natural perchlorate distribution in a desert landscape, 2014, Journal of Environmental Quality (43) - 3
- Watershed Regressions for Pesticides (WARP) models for predicting stream concentrations of multiple pesticides, 2013, Journal of Environmental Quality (42) - 6
- Measuring environmental change in forest ecosystems by repeated soil sampling: a North American perspective, 2013, Journal of Environmental Quality (42) - 3
- Hydrologic connectivity to streams increases nitrogen and phosphorus inputs and cycling in soils of created and natural floodplain wetlands, 2013, Journal of Environmental Quality (42) - 4
- Wetland management reduces sediment and nutrient loading to the upper Mississippi River, 2013, Journal of Environmental Quality (42) - 2
- SPARROW models used to understand nutrient sources in the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin, 2013, Journal of Environmental Quality (42) - 5
- Hydrologic connectivity to streams increases nitrogen and phosphorus inputs and cycling in soils of created and natural floodplain wetlands, 2013, Journal of Environmental Quality (42) - 4
- Concentrations, loads, and yields of organic carbon in streams of agricultural watersheds, 2012, Journal of Environmental Quality (41) - 6
- Eleven-year trend in acetanilide pesticide degradates in the Iowa River, Iowa, 2012, Journal of Environmental Quality (41) - 5
- Relations between retired agricultural land, water quality, and aquatic-community health, Minnesota River Basin, 2012, Journal of Environmental Quality (41) - 5
- Volatile organic compounds in the unsaturated zone from radioactive wastes, 2012, Journal of Environmental Quality (41) - 4
- Evaluating changes in matrix based, recovery-adjusted concentrations in paired data for pesticides in groundwater, 2012, Journal of Environmental Quality (41) - 4
- Soil property control of biogeochemical processes beneath two subtropical stormwater infiltration basins, 2012, Journal of Environmental Quality (41) - 2
- Ultraviolet irradiation effects incorporation of nitrate and nitrite nitrogen into aquatic natural organic matter, 2012, Journal of Environmental Quality (41) - 3
- Regression models for estimating concentrations of atrazine plus deethylatrazine in shallow groundwater in agricultural areas of the United States, 2012, Journal of Environmental Quality (41) - 2
- Relating management practices and nutrient export in agricultural watersheds of the United States, 2012, Journal of Environmental Quality (41) - 6
- Groundwater and surface-water exchange and resultingnNitrate dynamics in the Bogue Phalia Basin in northwestern Mississippi, 2012, Journal of Environmental Quality (41) - 1
- Nutrient and sediment concentrations and corresponding loads during the historic June 2008 flooding in eastern Iowa, 2011, Journal of Environmental Quality (40) - 1
- From agricultural intensification to conservation: Sediment transport in the Raccoon River, Iowa, 1916-2009, 2011, Journal of Environmental Quality (40) - 6
- Phytoestrogens and mycotoxins in Iowa streams: An examination of underinvestigated compounds in agricultural basins, 2010, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 6
- Microbial degradation of plant leachate alters lignin phenols and trihalomethane precursors, 2010, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 3
- Increasing precision of turbidity-based suspended sediment concentration and load estimates, 2010, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 4
- Occurrence of herbicides and pharmaceutical and personal care products in surface water and groundwater around Liberty Bay, Puget Sound, Washington, 2010, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 4
- Trends and transformation of nutrients and pesticides in a Coastal Plain aquifer system, United States, 2010, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 1
- Impact of sampling techniques on measured stormwater quality data for small streams, 2010, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 5
- Determining sources of dissolved organic carbon and disinfection byproduct precursors to the McKenzie River, Oregon, 2010, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 6
- Soil-test N recommendations augmented with PEST-optimized RZWQM simulations, 2010, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 5
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil of the Canadian River floodplain in Oklahoma, 2010, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 2
- The green alga, Cladophora, promotes Escherichia coli growth and contamination of recreational waters in Lake Michigan, 2010, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 1
- Predicting unsaturated zone nitrogen mass balances in agricultural settings of the United States, 2010, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 3
- Order of functionality loss during photodegradation of aquatic humic substances, 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 4
- Sources and distribution of organic compounds using passive samplers in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada and Arizona, and their implications for potential effects on aquatic biota., 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (39) - 7-8
- Removal of organic wastewater contaminants in septic systems using advanced treatment technologies, 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (38) - 1
- Geographic relatedness and predictability of Escherichia coli along a peninsular beach complex of Lake Michigan, 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (38) - 6
- Hydrologic and biogeochemical controls of river subsurface solutes under agriculturally enhanced ground water flow, 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (38) - 5
- Gene and antigen markers of Shiga-toxin producing E. coli from Michigan and Indiana river water: Occurrence and relation to recreational water quality criteria, 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (38) - 5
- Identifying pathways and processes affecting nitrate and orthophosphate inputs to streams in agricultural watersheds, 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (38) - 5
- Nitrogen losses from dairy manure estimated through nitrogen mass balance and chemical markers, 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (38) - 6
- Sources and transformations of nitrate from streams draining varying land uses: Evidence from dual isotope analysis, 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (38) - 3
- Effects of highway construction on stream water quality and macroinvertebrate condition in a mid-Atlantic highlands watershed, USA, 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (38) - 4
- Comparing wastewater chemicals, indicator bacteria concentrations, and bacterial pathogen genes as fecal pollution indicators, 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (38) - 1
- Assessment of water quality trends in the Minnesota River using non-parametric and parametric methods, 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (38) - 3
- Soil nitrogen balance under wastewater management: Field measurements and simulation results, 2009, Journal of Environmental Quality (38) - 3
- Environmental occurrence and shallow ground water detection of the antibiotic monensin from dairy farms, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 5 (Supplement)
- Variations in pesticide leaching related to land use, pesticide properties, and unsaturated zone thickness, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Decadal-scale changes of nitrate in ground water of the United States, 1988-2004, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - SUPPL. 5
- Near-decadal changes in nitrate and pesticide concentrations in the South Platte River alluvial aquifer, 1993-2004, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - SUPPL. 5
- Limited occurrence of denitrification in four shallow aquifers in agricultural areas of the United States, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Comparative study of transport processes of nitrogen, phosphorus, and herbicides to streams in five agricultural basins, USA, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Whole-stream response to nitrate loading in three streams draining agricultural landscapes, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Pesticides in rain in four agricultural watersheds in the United States, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Nitrogen fluxes through unsaturated zones in five agricultural settings across the United States, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Using heat to characterize streambed water flux variability in four stream reaches, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- National, holistic, watershed-scale approach to understand the sources, transport, and fate of agricultural chemicals, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Determination of dominant biogeochemical processes in a contaminated aquifer-wetland system using multivariate statistical analysis, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 1
- A basin-scale approach to estimating stream temperatures of tributaries to the lower Klamath River, California, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 1
- Occurrence and fate of pesticides in four contrasting agricultural settings in the United States, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Pesticide fate and transport throughout unsaturated zones in five agricultural settings, USA, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Simulated fate and transport of metolachlor in the unsaturated zone, Maryland, USA, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Transport and fate of nitrate at the ground-water/surface-water interface, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Water movement within the unsaturated zone in four agricultural areas of the United States, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Chemical and toxicologic assessment of organic contaminants in surface water using passive samplers, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 3
- Effects of ionic strength, temperature, and pH on degradation of selected antibiotics, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 2
- Chronic and episodic acidification of Adirondack streams from acid rain in 2003-2005, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 6
- Land management impacts on dairy-derived dissolved organic carbon in ground water, 2008, Journal of Environmental Quality (37) - 2
- Nitrate retention in riparian ground water at natural and elevated nitrate levels in North Central Minnesota, 2007, Journal of Environmental Quality (36) - 2
- Interaction and influence of two creeks on Escherichia coli concentrations of nearby beaches: Exploration of predictability and mechanisms, 2007, Journal of Environmental Quality (36) - 5
- Denitrification in the shallow ground water of a tile-drained, agricultural watershed, 2007, Journal of Environmental Quality (36) - 1
- Best management practices for nutrient and sediment retention in urban stormwater runoff, 2007, Journal of Environmental Quality (36) - 2
- Identifying fecal sources in a selected catchment reach using multiple source-tracking tools, 2007, Journal of Environmental Quality (36) - 3
- Ground water stratification and delivery of nitrate to an incised stream under varying flow conditions, 2007, Journal of Environmental Quality (36) - 3
- Effect of river sediment on phosphorus chemistry of similarly aged natural and created wetlands in the Atchafalaya Delta, Louisiana, USA, 2007, Journal of Environmental Quality (36) - 4
- Assessment of contamination from arsenical pesticide use on orchards in the great valley region, Virginia and West Virginia, USA, 2007, Journal of Environmental Quality (36) - 3
- Improving the accuracy of sediment-associated constituent concentrations in whole storm water samples by wet-sieving, 2007, Journal of Environmental Quality (36) - 1
- Risk assessment test for lead bioaccessibility to waterfowl in mine-impacted soils, 2006, Journal of Environmental Quality (35) - 2
- Isotopic evidence of nitrate sources and denitrification in the Mississippi River, Illinois, 2006, Journal of Environmental Quality (35) - 2
- Upland disturbance affects headwater stream nutrients and suspended sediments during baseflow and stormflow, 2006, Journal of Environmental Quality (35) - 1
- Pharmaceuticals and other organic chemicals in selected north-central and northwestern Arkansas streams, 2006, Journal of Environmental Quality (35) - 4
- Preferential flow estimates to an agricultural tile drain with implications for glyphosate transport, 2006, Journal of Environmental Quality (35) - 5
- Nitrogen loads through baseflow, stormflow, and underflow to Rehoboth Bay, Delaware, 2006, Journal of Environmental Quality (35) - 5
- The legacy of leaded gasoline in bottom sediment of small rural reservoirs, 2006, Journal of Environmental Quality (35) - 6
- Effects of watershed-scale land use change on stream nitrate concentrations, 2006, Journal of Environmental Quality (35) - 6
- Transport and fate of nitrate and pesticides: Hydrogeology and riparian zone processes, 2005, Journal of Environmental Quality (34) - 6
- Cascading ecological effects of low-level phosphorus enrichment in the Florida Everglades, 2005, Journal of Environmental Quality (34) - 2
- Evaluating microbial purification during soil treatment of wastewater with multicomponent tracer and surrogate tests, 2004, Journal of Environmental Quality (33) - 1
- Alum amendment effects on phosphorus release and distribution in poultry litter-amended sandy soils, 2004, Journal of Environmental Quality (33) - 5
- Dissolved organic carbon and disinfection by-product precursor release from managed peat soils, 2004, Journal of Environmental Quality (33) - 2
- Identifying relationships between baseflow geochemistry and land use with synoptic sampling and R-mode factor analysis, 2003, Journal of Environmental Quality (32) -
- Nitrate distributions and source identification in the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer, northwestern Washington State, 2003, Journal of Environmental Quality (32) - 3
- Size and performance of anoxic limestone drains to neutralize acidic mine drainage, 2003, Journal of Environmental Quality (32) - 4
- Simplified method for detecting tritium contamination in plants and soil, 2003, Journal of Environmental Quality (32) - 3
- Herbicides and herbicide degradation products in upper midwest agricultural streams during august base-flow conditions, 2003, Journal of Environmental Quality (32) - 3
- Sequestration of phosphorus by acid mine drainage floc, 2003, Journal of Environmental Quality (32) - 3
- Surface water qualit: Revisiting nitrate concentrations in the Des Moines River: 1945 and 1976-2001, 2003, Journal of Environmental Quality (32) - 6
- Accumulation, release, and solubility of arsenic, molybdenum, and vanadium in wetland sediments, 2003, Journal of Environmental Quality (32) - 6
- Relating net nitrogen input in the Mississippi River Basin to nitrate flux in the Lower Mississippi River--A comparison of approaches, 2002, Journal of Environmental Quality (31) - 5
- Chemical transport from paired agricultural and restored prairie watersheds, 2002, Journal of Environmental Quality (31) - 4
- Transport and fate of nitrate in a glacial outwash aquifer in relation to ground water age, land use practices, and redox processes, 2002, Journal of Environmental Quality (31) - 3
- Selenium stable isotope ratios in California agricultural drainage water management systems, 2002, Journal of Environmental Quality (31) - 4
- Tracing sources of sulfur in the Florida Everglades, 2002, Journal of Environmental Quality (31) - 1
- Preliminary comparison of landscape pattern-normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) relationships to central plains stream conditions, 2002, Journal of Environmental Quality (31) - 3
- Differentiating nonpoint sources of deisopropylatrazine in surface water using discrimination diagrams, 2001, Journal of Environmental Quality (30) - 5
- Major herbicides in ground water: Results from the National Water-Quality Assessment, 2001, Journal of Environmental Quality (30) - 3
- Sources of salinity near a coal mine spoil pile, north-central Colorado, 2001, Journal of Environmental Quality (30) - 4
- Biogeochemistry of a treeline watershed, northwestern Alaska, 2001, Journal of Environmental Quality (30) - 6
- Hazards to wildlife from soil-borne cadmium reconsidered, 2000, Journal of Environmental Quality (29) - 5
- Atrazine adsorption and colloid-facilitated transport through the unsaturated zone, 2000, Journal of Environmental Quality (29) - 5
- The relationship of nitrate concentrations in streams to row crop land use in Iowa, 2000, Journal of Environmental Quality (29) - 6
- Statistical evaluation of effects of riparian buffers on nitrate and ground water quality, 2000, Journal of Environmental Quality (29) - 5
- Water selenium speciation and sediment fractionation in a California flow-through wetland system, 2000, Journal of Environmental Quality (29) - 4
- Chlorofluorocarbon dating of herbicide-containing well waters in Fresno and Tulare counties, California, 2000, Journal of Environmental Quality (29) - 2
- Rice pesticide concentrations in the Colusa Basin Drain and the Sacramento River, California, 1990-1993, 1999, Journal of Environmental Quality (29) - 3
- Nitrate behavior in ground waters of the southeastern USA, 1999, Journal of Environmental Quality (28) - 5
- Occurrence and transport of acetochlor in streams of the Mississippi River Basin, 1999, Journal of Environmental Quality (28) - 6
- Estimation of nitrate contamination of an agro-ecosystem outwash aquifer using a nitrogen mass-balance budget, 1999, Journal of Environmental Quality (28) - 6
- Calibration of paired basins prior to streambank fencing of pasture land, 1999, Journal of Environmental Quality (28) - 6
- Surface water-ground water interaction: Herbicide transport into municipal collector wells, 1999, Journal of Environmental Quality (28) - 5
- Agrichemicals in ground water of the midwestern USA: Relations to soil characteristics, 1999, Journal of Environmental Quality (28) - 6
- Observations on preferential flow and horizontal transport of nitrogen fertilizer in the unsaturated zone, 1999, Journal of Environmental Quality (28) - 5
- Determining travel time and stream mixing using tracers and empirical equations, 1999, Journal of Environmental Quality (28) - 5
- Tributary stream infiltration as a source of herbicides in an alluvial aquifer, 1999, Journal of Environmental Quality (28) - 1
- Oxidation and mobilization of selenium by nitrate in irrigation drainage, 1999, Journal of Environmental Quality (28) - 4
- Lead exposure of waterfowl ingesting Coeur d'Alene River Basin sediments, 1998, Journal of Environmental Quality (27) - 6
- Transport of agrichemicals to ground and surface water in a small central Indiana watershed, 1998, Journal of Environmental Quality (27) - 4
- Relation between irrigation method, sediment yields, and losses of pesticides and nitrogen, 1998, Journal of Environmental Quality (27) - 2
- Seasonal and spatial patterns of nitrate and silica concentrations in Canajoharie Creek, New York, 1998, Journal of Environmental Quality (27) - 2
- Salinity trends in surface waters of the Upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado, 1998, Journal of Environmental Quality (27) - 3
- Temporal trends of selected agricultural chemicals in Iowa's groundwater, 1982-1995: Are things getting better?, 1997, Journal of Environmental Quality (26) - 4
- Agricultural chemicals in groundwater of the midwestern United States: Relations to land use, 1997, Journal of Environmental Quality (26) - 4
- Logistic model of nitrate in streams of the upper-midwestern United States, 1997, Journal of Environmental Quality (26) - 5
- Boron contents and isotopic compositions of hog manure, selected fertilizers, and water in Minnesota, 1997, Journal of Environmental Quality (26) - 5
- Assessing aquifer contamination risk using immunoassay: Trace analysis of atrazine in unsaturated zone sediments, 1997, Journal of Environmental Quality (26) - 4
- Selenium in irrigated agricultural areas of the western United States, 1997, Journal of Environmental Quality (26) - 3
- Agricultural chemicals in alluvial aquifers in Missouri after the 1993 flood, 1997, Journal of Environmental Quality (26) - 2
- Pesticides in the San Joaquin River, California: Inputs from dormant sprayed orchards, 1997, Journal of Environmental Quality (26) - 2
- Acidic deposition, cation mobilization, and biochemical indicators of stress in healthy red spruce, 1997, Journal of Environmental Quality (26) - 3
- Uncertainty of groundwater vulnerability assessments for agricultural regions in Hawaii: Review, 1996, Journal of Environmental Quality (25) -
- Atrazine concentrations in near-surface aquifers: A censored regression approach, 1996, Journal of Environmental Quality (25) - 5
- Movement of nitrate fertilizer to glacial till and runoff from a claypan soil, 1996, Journal of Environmental Quality (25) - 3
- Pesticides in near-surface aquifers: An assessment using highly sensitive analytical methods and tritium, 1995, Journal of Environmental Quality (24) - 6
- Prediction of areas where irrigation drainage may induce selenium contamination of water, 1995, Journal of Environmental Quality (24) - 5
- Aerodynamic measurements of methyl bromide volatilization from tarped and nontarped fields, 1995, Journal of Environmental Quality (24) - 4
- Off-site movement of pesticide-contaminated fill from agrichemical facilities during the 1993 flooding in Illinois, 1995, Journal of Environmental Quality (24) - 5
- Persistence of metals in soil and selected vertebrates in the vicinity of the Palmerton zinc smelters, 1994, Journal of Environmental Quality (23) - 3
- Adsorption and desorption of atrazine and deethylatrazine by low organic carbon geologic materials, 1994, Journal of Environmental Quality (23) - 3
- Effects of ion exchange on stream solute fluxes in a basin receiving highway deicing salts, 1994, Journal of Environmental Quality (23) - 5
- Displacement of soil pore water by trichloroethylene, 1994, Journal of Environmental Quality (23) - 4
- Hydrologic and land-use factors associated with herbicides and nitrate in near-surface aquifers, 1993, Journal of Environmental Quality (22) - 4
- Atmospheric transport of organophosphate pesticides from California's Central Valley to the Sierra Nevada Mountains, 1993, Journal of Environmental Quality (22) - 1
- Pesticides in shallow groundwater in the Delmarva Peninsula, 1993, Journal of Environmental Quality (22) - 3
- Effects of climatic variations over 11 years on nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in the Raccoon River, Iowa, 1993, Journal of Environmental Quality (22) - 1
- Erosion response of a disturbed sagebrush steppe hillslope, 1993, Journal of Environmental Quality (22) - 4
- Sorption of cadmium and lead by clays from municipal incinerator ash- water suspensions, 1993, Journal of Environmental Quality (22) - 3
- Aluminum in soil solutions from a subalpine spruce-fir forest at Whiteface Mountain, New York, 1992, Journal of Environmental Quality (21) - 3
- Selenium and sulfur relationships in alfalfa and soil under field conditions, San Joaquin Valley, California, 1992, Journal of Environmental Quality (21) - 3
- An improved method for field extraction and laboratory analysis of large, intact soil cores, 1992, Journal of Environmental Quality (21) - 2
- Sampling vadose-zone water for a volatile organic compound at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey, 1992, Journal of Environmental Quality (21) - 2
- Pesticides in Iowa precipitation, 1992, Journal of Environmental Quality (21) - 3
- Formation and transport of deethylatrazine in the soil and vadose zone, 1991, Journal of Environmental Quality (20) - 3
- Reduction of nitrate in aquifer microcosms by carbon additions, 1991, Journal of Environmental Quality (20) - 1
- Application of a hollow-fiber, tangential-flow device for sampling suspended bacteria and particles from natural waters, 1990, Journal of Environmental Quality (19) - 3
- Changes in litter near an aluminum reduction plant, 1987, Journal of Environmental Quality (16) - 3
- Reduction of hexavalent chromium in water samples acidified for preservation, 1985, Journal of Environmental Quality (14) - 3
- Adsorption and desorption of hexavalent chromium in an alluvial aquifer near Telluride, Colorado, 1985, Journal of Environmental Quality (14) - 1
- Contamination of the O2 soil horizon by zinc smelting and its effect on woodlouse survival, 1984, Journal of Environmental Quality (13) - 2
- Denitrification associated with stream periphyton: Chamber estimates from undisrupted communities, 1984, Journal of Environmental Quality (13) - 4
- Causes of acidification of four streams on Laurel Hilld in southwestern Pennsylvania, 1984, Journal of Environmental Quality (13) - 4
- Heavy metal concentrations in earthworms from soil amended with sewage sludge, 1982, Journal of Environmental Quality (11) - 3
- Acid rain, air pollution, and tree growth in southeastern New York, 1982, Journal of Environmental Quality (11) - 3
- Influence of PCBs in water on uptake and elimination of DDT and DDE by lake trout, 1981, Journal of Environmental Quality (10) - 3