Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Breeding by western Yellow-billed Cuckoos in xeroriparian habitat in southeastern Arizona, 2024, Journal of Field Ornithology (95) - 4
- Contrasting migratory chronology and routes of Lesser Scaup: Implications of different migration strategies in a broadly distributed species, 2024, Journal of Field Ornithology (95) - 1
- Utilizing artificial nesting platforms as a management tool: Enhancing breeding productivity of Western Flycatchers (Empidonax difficilis occidentalis) in southwestern Colorado and southern Arizona, USA, 2024, Journal of Field Ornithology (95) - 1
- Eggshell thickness and egg morphometrics in five songbird species from the Central Valley, California, 2024, Journal of Field Ornithology (95) - 1
- Dive characteristics of Common Loons wintering in the Gulf of Mexico and off the southern U.S. Atlantic coast, 2023, Journal of Field Ornithology (94) - 1
- An evaluation of transmitter effects on adult and juvenile Common Terns using leg-loop harness attachments, 2022, Journal of Field Ornithology (93) - 4
- Interannual colony exchange among breeding Eastern Brown Pelicans, 2022, Journal of Field Ornithology (93) - 1
- Using automated telemetry to identify population connectivity and migration phenology of Snowy Plovers breeding in the Southern Great Plains, 2021, Journal of Field Ornithology (92) - 4
- Current distribution and abundance of Kohala forest birds in Hawai‘i, 2021, Journal of Field Ornithology (92) - 4
- Book review of "A most remarkable creature: The hidden life and epic journey of the world’s smartest birds of prey", 2021, Journal of Field Ornithology (92) - 3
- Population estimates and trends of three Maui Island-endemic Hawaiian Honeycreepers, 2021, Journal of Field Ornithology (92) - 2
- Diverse patterns of migratory timing, site use, and site fidelity by Alaska-breeding Whimbrels, 2021, Journal of Field Ornithology (92) - 2
- Survival of greater Sage-Grouse broods: Survey method affects disturbance and age-specific detection probability, 2021, Journal of Field Ornithology (92) - 1
- Brood provisioning rates and fledgling behavior of Cordilleran Flycatchers in southwestern Colorado, 2021, Journal of Field Ornithology (92) - 1
- Divergent movement patterns of adult and juvenile ‘Akohekohe, an endangered Hawaiian Honeycreeper, 2020, Journal of Field Ornithology (91) -
- Satellite transmitters reveal previously unknown migratory behavior and wintering locations of Yuma Ridgway’s Rails, 2020, Journal of Field Ornithology (91) - 3
- Spatial and temporal patterns in age structure of Golden Eagles wintering in eastern North America, 2020, Journal of Field Ornithology (91) - 1
- Comparative breeding ecology of Mississippi Kites in urban and exurban areas of West Texas, 2019, Journal of Field Ornithology (90) - 3
- Behavior of adult and young grassland songbirds at fledging, 2019, Journal of Field Ornithology (90) - 2
- Effects of leg flags on nest survival of four species of Arctic‐breeding shorebirds, 2018, Journal of Field Ornithology (89) - 3
- Improving our understanding of demographic monitoring: avian breeding productivity in a tropical dry forest, 2018, Journal of Field Ornithology (89) - 3
- Population estimates of the Endangered Hawaiʻi ʻĀkepa (Loxops coccineus) in different habitats on windward Mauna Loa, 2018, Journal of Field Ornithology (89) - 1
- Reproductive success of Mariana swiftlets (Aerodramus bartschi) on the Hawaiian island of O'ahu, 2017, Journal of Field Ornithology (88) - 4
- Conservation status assessment of an endangered insular raptor: the Sharp-shinned Hawk in Puerto Rico, 2017, Journal of Field Ornithology (88) - 4
- Breeding sites and winter site fidelity of Piping Plovers wintering in The Bahamas, a previously unknown major wintering area, 2016, Journal of Field Ornithology (87) - 1
- Depth of artificial Burrowing Owl burrows affects thermal suitability and occupancy, 2015, Journal of Field Ornithology (86) - 4
- Estimating regional landbird populations from enhanced North American Breeding Bird Surveys, 2015, Journal of Field Ornithology (86) - 4
- Elevational gradient in clutch size of Red-faced Warblers, 2015, Journal of Field Ornithology (86) - 2
- High frequency of extra-pair paternity in an urban population of Cooper's Hawks, 2015, Journal of Field Ornithology (86) - 2
- Book review: Flight ways: Life and loss at the edge of extinction., 2015, Journal of Field Ornithology (86) - 2
- Radio-transmitters have no impact on survival of pre-fledged American Woodcocks, 2015, Journal of Field Ornithology (86) - 4
- Field‐readable alphanumeric flags are valuable markers for shorebirds: use of double‐marking to identify cases of misidentification, 2014, Journal of Field Ornithology (85) - 3
- High fidelity does not preclude colonization: range expansion of molting Black Brant on the Arctic coast of Alaska, 2014, Journal of Field Ornithology (85) - 1
- Radio-transmitters do not affect seasonal productivity of female Golden-winged Warblers, 2013, Journal of Field Ornithology (84) - 3
- Comparison of point counts and territory mapping for detecting effects of forest management on songbirds, 2013, Journal of Field Ornithology (84) - 3
- Differentiation of subspecies and sexes of Beringian Dunlins using morphometric measures, 2013, Journal of Field Ornithology (84) - 4
- Book review: The man who saved the whooping crane: The Robert Porter Allen story, 2013, Journal of Field Ornithology (84) - 1
- Habitat use and movement patterns of Northern Pintails during spring in northern Japan: the importance of agricultural lands, 2012, Journal of Field Ornithology (83) - 2
- Invertebrate availability and vegetation characteristics explain use of nonnesting cover types by mature-forest songbirds during the postfledging period, 2011, Journal of Field Ornithology (82) - 4
- Home range dynamics, habitat selection, and survival of Greater Roadrunners, 2011, Journal of Field Ornithology (82) - 2
- Evaluating gull diets: A comparison of conventional methods and stable isotope analysis, 2011, Journal of Field Ornithology (82) - 3
- Migration and wintering sites of Pelagic Cormorants determined by satellite telemetry, 2011, Journal of Field Ornithology (82) - 3
- Validating growth and development of a seabird as an indicator of food availability: Captive-reared Caspian Tern chicks fed ad libitum and restricted diets, 2011, Journal of Field Ornithology (82) - 1
- Estimating carcass persistence and scavenging bias in a human‐influenced landscape in western Alaska, 2010, Journal of Field Ornithology (81) - 2
- Association of wintering raptors with Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program grasslands in Pennsylvania, 2010, Journal of Field Ornithology (81) - 4
- A saltwater flotation technique to identify unincubated eggs, 2009, Journal of Field Ornithology (80) - 1
- Seabird nest counts: A test of monitoring metrics using Red-tailed Tropicbirds, 2009, Journal of Field Ornithology (80) - 3
- Capturing Common Loons during prenesting and nesting periods, 2009, Journal of Field Ornithology (80) - 4
- Testing the importance of auditory detections in avian point counts, 2009, Journal of Field Ornithology (80) - 2
- Estimating survival of precocial chicks during the prefledging period using a catch-curve analysis and count-based age-class data, 2009, Journal of Field Ornithology (80) - 1
- Modified method for external attachment of transmitters to birds using two subcutaneous anchors, 2008, Journal of Field Ornithology (79) - 3
- Predators of Dusky Canada Goose goslings and the effect of transmitters on gosling survival, 2008, Journal of Field Ornithology (79) - 4
- Secrets in the eyes of Black Oystercatchers: A new sexing technique, 2008, Journal of Field Ornithology (79) - 2
- Predators of Greater Sage-Grouse nests identified by video monitoring, 2008, Journal of Field Ornithology (79) - 4
- Comparison of the egg flotation and egg candling techniques for estimating incubation day of Canada Goose nests, 2008, Journal of Field Ornithology (79) - 4
- Latitudinal variation in population structure of wintering Pacific Black Brant, 2007, Journal of Field Ornithology (78) - 1
- Movements and foraging effort of Steller's Eiders and Harlequin Ducks wintering near Dutch Harbor, Alaska, 2007, Journal of Field Ornithology (78) - 2
- Ovarian follicle dynamics of female Greater Scaup during egg production, 2007, Journal of Field Ornithology (78) - 1
- Detrimental impacts of radiotransmitters on juvenile Louisiana Waterthrushes, 2006, Journal of Field Ornithology (77) - 2
- Conspecific attraction in a grassland bird, the Baird's Sparrow, 2006, Journal of Field Ornithology (77) - 4
- Sex determination of Pohnpei Micronesian kingfishers using morphological and molecular genetic techniques, 2006, Journal of Field Ornithology (77) - 2
- Use of radio-telemetry to reduce bias in nest searching, 2005, Journal of Field Ornithology (76) - 3
- A simple, inexpensive video camera setup for the study of avian nest activity, 2005, Journal of Field Ornithology (76) - 3
- Habitat and nesting of Le Conte's Sparrows in the northern tallgrass prairie, 2005, Journal of Field Ornithology (76) - 1
- Geographic variation in survival and migratory tendency among North American Common Mergansers, 2005, Journal of Field Ornithology (76) - 2
- A method for trapping breeding adult American Oystercatchers, 2005, Journal of Field Ornithology (76) - 1
- A technique to produce aluminum color bands for avian research, 2005, Journal of Field Ornithology (76) - 1
- Nest-site selection and hatching success of waterbirds in coastal Virginia: Some results of habitat manipulation, 2004, Journal of Field Ornithology (75) - 4
- Brown-headed Cowbird parasitism of the Black-throated Sparrow in central Arizona, 2004, Journal of Field Ornithology (75) - 3
- Determining nest predators of the Least Bell's Vireo through point counts, tracking stations, and video photography, 2004, Journal of Field Ornithology (75) - 1
- A quantitative approach to identifying predators from nest remains, 2004, Journal of Field Ornithology (75) - 1
- Species density of waterbirds in offshore habitats in western Lake Erie, 2003, Journal of Field Ornithology (74) - 4
- Effects of subcutaneous transmitter implants on behavior, growth, energetics, and survival of common loon chicks, 2003, Journal of Field Ornithology (74) - 2
- The Imperial Valley of California is critical to wintering Mountain Plovers, 2003, Journal of Field Ornithology (74) - 1
- Capture of breeding and wintering shorebirds with leg-hold noose-mats, 2003, Journal of Field Ornithology (74) - 4
- Time-lapse video sysem used to study nesting Gyrfalcons, 2003, Journal of Field Ornithology (74) - 4
- Morphological traits of Pacific Flyway Canada Geese as an aid to subspecies identification and management, 2003, Journal of Field Ornithology (74) - 4
- Variation in plumage, molt, and morphology of the Whiskered Auklet (Aethia pygmaea) in Alaska, 2003, Journal of Field Ornithology (74) - 1
- Effects of implanted radio transmitters with percutaneous antennas on the behavior of Canada Geese, 2003, Journal of Field Ornithology (74) - 3
- Distribution and abundance of snowy plovers in eastern North America, the Caribbean, and the Bahamas, 2002, Journal of Field Ornithology (73) - 1
- Breeding habitat use by sympatric and allopatric populations of Wilson's Warblers and Yellow Warblers, 2002, Journal of Field Ornithology (73) - 4
- How many kilojoules does a Black-billed Magpie nest cost?, 2002, Journal of Field Ornithology (73) - 3
- Age and sex determination of the Maui Parrotbill, 2001, Journal of Field Ornithology (72) - 1
- Killdeer population trends in North America, 2001, Journal of Field Ornithology (72) - 1
- Effects of color bands on Semipalmated Sandpipers banded at hatch, 2001, Journal of Field Ornithology (72) - 4
- An inexpensive method for quantifying incubation patterns of open-cup nesting birds, with data for black-throated Blue warblers, 2001, Journal of Field Ornithology (72) - 3
- Patterns of colony-site use and disuse in saltmarsh-nesting Common and Roseate terns, 2000, Journal of Field Ornithology (71) - 2
- Comparison of line transects and point counts for monitoring spring migration in forested wetlands, 2000, Journal of Field Ornithology (71) - 2
- A radio transmitter attachment technique for soras, 2000, Journal of Field Ornithology (71) - 1
- Nest box use and productivity of great crested flycatchers in prescribed-burned longleaf pine forests, 2000, Journal of Field Ornithology (71) - 1
- Capturing American black ducks in tidal waters, 2000, Journal of Field Ornithology (71) - 1
- Distribution of recoveries of Steller's Eiders banded on the lower Alaska Peninsula, Alaska, 2000, Journal of Field Ornithology (71) - 3
- Consequences of antenna design in telemetry studies of small passerines, 2000, Journal of Field Ornithology (71) - 3
- A nonbreeding concentration of Roseate and Common Terns in Bahia, Brazil, 1999, Journal of Field Ornithology (70) - 4
- Sex determination of the Acadian Flycatcher using discriminant analysis, 1999, Journal of Field Ornithology (70) - 4
- Density and habitat of breeding Swallow-tailed Kites in the lower Suwannee ecosystem, Florida, 1999, Journal of Field Ornithology (70) - 3
- Abundance and reproduction of songbirds in burned and unburned pine forests of the Georgia Piedmont, 1999, Journal of Field Ornithology (70) - 3
- Evaluation of bursal depth as an indicator of age class of harlequin ducks, 1999, Journal of Field Ornithology (70) - 2
- Loss from harlequin ducks of abdominally implanted radio transmitters equipped with percutaneous antennas, 1999, Journal of Field Ornithology (70) - 2
- Clinal variation in the juvenal plumage of American kestrels, 1999, Journal of Field Ornithology (70) - 3
- Subcutaneous anchor attachment increases retention of radio transmitters on Xantus' and marbled murrelets, 1999, Journal of Field Ornithology (70) - 4
- Effects of radio transmitters on migrating wood thrushes, 1998, Journal of Field Ornithology (69) - 2
- Increasing point-count duration increases standard error, 1998, Journal of Field Ornithology (69) - 3
- Digital playback and improved trap design enhance capture of migrant Soras and Virginia Rails, 1998, Journal of Field Ornithology (69) - 3
- The North American Bird Banding Program: Into the 21st century, 1998, Journal of Field Ornithology (69) - 4
- Nest relocation using PVC "spotters" , 1998, Journal of Field Ornithology (69) - 4
- Assessing relative abundance and reproductive success of shrubsteppe raptors, 1998, Journal of Field Ornithology (69) - 2
- Effects of capture and handling on survival of female northern pintails, 1998, Journal of Field Ornithology (69) - 2
- Age and sex identification of Akohekohe, 1998, Journal of Field Ornithology (69) - 4
- Discrimination of Ross's and Lesser Snow Goose eggs, 1998, Journal of Field Ornithology (69) - 4
- Changes in land use as a possible factor in Mourning Dove population decline in Central Utah, 1998, Journal of Field Ornithology (69) - 2
- Mourning Dove nesting habitat and nest success in Central Missouri, 1998, Journal of Field Ornithology (69) - 2
- Evidence of Newell's Shearwater breeding in Puna District, Hawaii, 1997, Journal of Field Ornithology (68) - 1
- Nest materials as a source of genetic data for avian ecological studies, 1997, Journal of Field Ornithology (68) - 3
- Avian cholera in ospreys: first occurrence and possible mode of transmission, 1997, Journal of Field Ornithology (68) - 4
- Shorebird diet and size selection of nereid polychaetes in South Carolina coastal diked wetlands, 1997, Journal of Field Ornithology (68) - 3
- Primary song by a juvenile willow flycatcher, 1997, Journal of Field Ornithology (68) - 4
- Distribution of autumn-staging Lesser Snow Geese on the northeast coastal plain of Alaska, 1997, Journal of Field Ornithology (68) - 1
- Injury due to leg bands in willow flycatchers, 1997, Journal of Field Ornithology (68) - 4
- Breeding dispersal of Eastern Bluebirds depends on nesting success but not on removal of old nests: An experimental study, 1997, Journal of Field Ornithology (68) - 3
- Breeding bird census: Planted cottonwood forest -outside levee, 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 4 Supplement
- Breeding bird census: Planted cottonwood forest -inside levee, 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 4 Supplement
- Breeding bird census: Coppiced cottonwood forest I & II, 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 4 Supplement
- Breeding bird census: Bottomland hardwood forest I-IV, 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 4 Supplement
- Habitat associations of birds in the Georgia piedmont during winter, 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 1
- Productivity of the spruce grouse in fragmented habitat at the edge of its range, 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 3
- Diet and trophic characteristics of great horned owls in southwestern Idaho, 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 4
- Demographic characteristics of molting black brant near Teshekpuk Lake, Alaska, 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) -
- Food habits of diving ducks in the Great Lakes after the zebra mussel invasion, 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 1
- Using candlers to determine the incubation stage of passerine eggs, 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 4
- Influence of radio transmitters on prairie falcons (Falco mexicanus), 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 4
- Food habits of redheads at the Horicon marsh, Wisconsin, 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 4
- Technique for implanting radio transmitters subcutaneously in day-old ducklings, 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 3
- A sexing technique for California Gulls breeding at Bamforth Lake, Wyoming (Una tecnica para determinar sexos en larus californicus reproduciendose en el Lago Bamforth, Wyoming), 1996, Journal of Field Ornithology (67) - 4
- A 24-hour remote surveillance system for terrestrial wildlife studies, 1995, Journal of Field Ornithology (66) - 2
- A colored leg banding technique for Amazona parrots, 1995, Journal of Field Ornithology (66) - 4
- A new tether system for captive raptors, 1995, Journal of Field Ornithology (66) - 4
- Do downy woodpeckers migrate?, 1995, Journal of Field Ornithology (66) - 1
- Captive and field-tested radio attachments for bald eagles, 1995, Journal of Field Ornithology (66) - 2
- Bird censuses 123-128: Kentucky bluegrass prairie and mixed prairies I-V, 1995, Journal of Field Ornithology (66) -
- A device for simultaneously measuring nest attendance and nest temperature in waterfowl , 1995, Journal of Field Ornithology (66) - 4
- Nesting by Golden Eagles on the North Slope of the Brooks Range in Northeastern Alaska, 1995, Journal of Field Ornithology (66) - 3
- Modified transmitter attachment method for adult ducks, 1995, Journal of Field Ornithology (66) - 3
- Survival and causes of mortality in juvenile Puerto Rican parrots, 1994, Journal of Field Ornithology (65) - 1
- Nest monitoring using a micro-video camera, 1994, Journal of Field Ornithology (65) - 3
- Decoy trapping and rocket-netting for northern pintails in spring, 1994, Journal of Field Ornithology (65) - 3
- Bird censuses 126-131: Kentucky bluegrass prairie and mixed prairies I-V, 1994, Journal of Field Ornithology (65) -
- Portable platforms for setting rocket nets in open-water areas, 1994, Journal of Field Ornithology (65) - 4
- Blood sampling in juvenile buff-breasted sandpipers: Movement, weight change and survival, 1994, Journal of Field Ornithology (65) - 4
- Evaluation of three elevated mist-net systems for sampling birds, 1993, Journal of Field Ornithology (64) - 2
- Sex and age identification of palila, 1993, Journal of Field Ornithology (64) - 4
- Identifying sex and age of apapane and iiwi on Hawaii, 1993, Journal of Field Ornithology (64) - 2
- Time-activity budget of Northern Pintails using nonhunted rice fields in southwest Louisiana (Presupuesto de actividades cotidianas por parte de individuos de anas acuta en campos de arroz no utilizados para cazar en el suroeste de Louisiana), 1993, Journal of Field Ornithology (64) - 2
- Growth and survival of Mountain Plovers, 1993, Journal of Field Ornithology (64) - 4
- Nests and nest sites of the San Miguel Island Song Sparrow, 1993, Journal of Field Ornithology (64) - 3
- Lesser scaup forage on zebra mussels at Cook nuclear plant, Michigan, 1993, Journal of Field Ornithology (64) - 2
- Bird censuses 116-121: Kentucky bluegrass prairie and mixed prairie I-V, 1993, Journal of Field Ornithology (64) - 1
- Diet of double-crested cormorants wintering in Texas, 1993, Journal of Field Ornithology (64) -
- Breeding bird census, 1991: 16. Mature beech-maple-oak bottomland forest, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 1 Supplement
- Breeding bird census 1991: Mixed oak-Virginia pine forest, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 1 Supplement
- Effects of habitat on avian productivity in abandoned pecan orchards in southern Georgia, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 1
- Nest guarding from observation blinds: strategy for improving Puerto Rican parrot nest success, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 4
- Determination of hatching date for eggs of black-crowned night-herons, snowy egrets and great egrets, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 2
- Feeding flights of breeding double-crested cormorants at two Wisconsin colonies, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 2
- Breeding chronology of mottled ducks in a Texas coastal marsh, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 2
- Bird censuses 115-120: Kentucky bluegrass prairie and mixed prairie I-V, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 1
- Survival and other observations of adult female northern pintails molting in California, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 2
- Feeding flights of breeding double-crested cormorants at two Wisconsin colonies, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 2
- Determination of hatching date for eggs of black-crowned night-herons, snowy egrets and great egrets, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 2
- Survival and other observations of adult female northern pintails molting in California, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 2
- Intraspecific variation in egg shape among individual emperor geese, 1992, Journal of Field Ornithology (63) - 3
- Effects of resighting errors on capture-resight estimates for neck-banded Canada geese, 1991, Journal of Field Ornithology (62) - 4
- Breeding Bird Census, 1990: 49. Mixed oak-Virginia pine forest, 1991, Journal of Field Ornithology (62) - 1 Supplement
- Breeding bird census, 1990: 9. Mature beech-maple-oak bottomland forest, 1991, Journal of Field Ornithology (62) - 1, Supplement
- Breeding bird census, 1990: 48. Isolated oak-tuliptree-pine upland forest, 1991, Journal of Field Ornithology (62) - 1, Supplement
- Breeding bird census, 1990: 8. Isolated moist tuliptree-red maple upland forest, 1991, Journal of Field Ornithology (62) - 1 Supplement
- Breeding bird censuses 86-91: Kentucky bluegrass prairie and mixed prairie, 1991, Journal of Field Ornithology (62) - 1
- Body mass and lipid content of shorebirds overwintering on the south Texas coast, 1990, Journal of Field Ornithology (61) - 4
- Breeding bird census: 12. Isolated moist tuliptree-red maple upland forest, 1990, Journal of Field Ornithology (61) - 1suppl.
- Breeding bird census: 34. Isolated oak-tuliptree-pine upland forest, 1990, Journal of Field Ornithology (61) - 1suppl.
- Breeding bird census 1989: 11. Selectively logged mature tuliptree-oak forest, 1990, Journal of Field Ornithology (61) - 1S
- Breeding bird census: 10. Isolated tuliptree-beech forest, 1990, Journal of Field Ornithology (61) - 1S
- Breeding bird census: 9. Mature tuliptree-oak forest, 1990, Journal of Field Ornithology (61) - 1S
- Capture-recapture estimation of prebreeding survival rate for birds exhibiting delayed maturation, 1990, Journal of Field Ornithology (61) - 3
- Surveying woodland raptors by broadcast of conspecific vocalizations, 1990, Journal of Field Ornithology (61) - 4
- Wintering localities of Cooper's hawks nesting in northeastern Oregon, 1990, Journal of Field Ornithology (61) - 1
- Effects of neck bands on the behavior of wintering greater white-fronted geese, 1990, Journal of Field Ornithology (61) - 2
- Bird censuses 77-82: Kentucky bluegrass prairie and mixed prairies I-V, 1990, Journal of Field Ornithology (61) - 1
- An improved method to monitor nest attentiveness using radio-telemetry, 1989, Journal of Field Ornithology (60) - 2
- Longevity records of North American birds. Supplement 1, 1989, Journal of Field Ornithology (60) - 4
- Observations of a nest of red-crowned ant-tanagers in Paraguay, 1989, Journal of Field Ornithology (60) - 4
- Breeding bird census: 86. Selectively logged mature tulip tree-oak forest, 1989, Journal of Field Ornithology (60) - 1 suppl
- Solar radio-transmitters on snail kites in Florida, 1989, Journal of Field Ornithology (60) - 2
- Nesting phenology and success of ring-necked ducks in east-central Maine, 1989, Journal of Field Ornithology (60) - 1
- Breeding bird census: 1988 - Kentucky bluegrass prairie: mixed prairie I-V, 1989, Journal of Field Ornithology (60) - 1
- Correlates of nest-defense behavior of common terns, 1988, Journal of Field Ornithology (59) - 2
- Kleptoparasitism by bald eagles wintering in south-central Nebraska, 1988, Journal of Field Ornithology (59) - 2
- Factors influencing predation associated with visits to artificial goose nests, 1988, Journal of Field Ornithology (59) - 3
- Nesting by pomarine jaegers near Barrow, Alaska, 1971, 1987, Journal of Field Ornithology (58) - 2
- Some aspects of the breeding biology of the snail kite in Florida, 1987, Journal of Field Ornithology (58) - 2
- A quick-catch corral trap for wintering canvasbacks, 1987, Journal of Field Ornithology (58) - 2
- Longevity records of North American birds: Coerebinae through Estrildidae, 1987, Journal of Field Ornithology (58) - 3
- Organochlorine contaminants and reproductive success of black skimmers in south Texas, 1984, 1987, Journal of Field Ornithology (58) - 4
- Modified milk carton nest box for studies of prothonotary warblers, 1986, Journal of Field Ornithology (57) - 4
- Dieldrin and endrin residues in fulvous whistling-ducks in Texas in 1983, 1986, Journal of Field Ornithology (57) - 2
- Winter distribution and oiling of common terns in Trinidad: A further look, 1986, Journal of Field Ornithology (57) - 4
- Breeding chronology, molt, and measurements of accipiter hawks in northeastern Oregon, 1985, Journal of Field Ornithology (56) - 2
- American black duck record from Korea, 1985, Journal of Field Ornithology (56) -
- Determining age and sex of American coots, 1985, Journal of Field Ornithology (56) - 1
- Recoveries of ferruginous hawks banded in south-central North Dakota, 1985, Journal of Field Ornithology (56) - 2
- Reproductive success of black skimmers in Texas relative to environmental pollutants, 1984, Journal of Field Ornithology (55) - 1
- Breeding biology of the blue-gray noddy, 1984, Journal of Field Ornithology (55) - 3
- Consumption of commercially-grown grapes by American robins: a field evaluation of laboratory estimates, 1984, Journal of Field Ornithology (56) -
- Use of radar with a stationary antenna to estimate birds in a low-level flight corridor, 1984, Journal of Field Ornithology (55) - 3
- Longevity records of North American birds: Columbidae through Paridae, 1983, Journal of Field Ornithology (54) - 2
- Recent population trend of the snail kite in Florida and its relationship to water levels, 1983, Journal of Field Ornithology (54) - 3
- Longevity records of North American birds: Remizidae through Parulinae, 1983, Journal of Field Ornithology (54) - 3
- Organochlorine and metal residues in royal terns nesting on the central Texas coast, 1983, Journal of Field Ornithology (54) - 3
- Organochlorine residues and shell characteristics of roseate tern eggs, 1981, 1983, Journal of Field Ornithology (54) - 4
- The fledging of common and thick-billed murres on Middleton Island, Alaska, 1983, Journal of Field Ornithology (54) - 3
- Communal roosting in the Hooded Merganser, 1982, Journal of Field Ornithology (53) - 3
- Recent changes in the North American distribution and abundance of wintering Atlantic brant, 1982, Journal of Field Ornithology (53) - 4
- Techniques for trapping, aging, and banding wintering canvasbacks, 1982, Journal of Field Ornithology (53) - 4
- A technique for live-trapping cormorants, 1982, Journal of Field Ornithology (53) - 4
- Observer variability in estimating numbers: An experiment, 1982, Journal of Field Ornithology (53) - 2
- Organophosphate insecticide poisoning of Canada geese in the Texas panhandle, 1982, Journal of Field Ornithology (53) - 1
- Longevity records of North American birds: Gaviidae through Alcidae, 1982, Journal of Field Ornithology (53) - 2
- Measurements of fall migrant peregrine falcons from Texas and New Jersey, 1982, Journal of Field Ornithology (53) - 4
- Body lipids and pesticide burdens of migrant blue-winged teal, 1981, Journal of Field Ornithology (52) - 1
- A technique for vasectomizing birds, 1981, Journal of Field Ornithology (52) - 1
- Problems with wing tags: Evidence of harm to willets, 1980, Journal of Field Ornithology (51) - 1
- The effect of band loss on estimates of annual survival, 1980, Journal of Field Ornithology (51) - 1
- Effect of delayed reporting of band recoveries on survival estimates, 1980, Journal of Field Ornithology (51) - 3