Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Role of trace metal co-limitation in cyanobacterial blooms of Maumee Bay (Lake Erie) and Green Bay (Lake Michigan), 2023, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (38) - 1
- Dietary comparison of age-0 sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus sp.) between upper and lower Missouri River basins, 2023, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (38) - 1
- Characterization of fish assemblages in eleven multi-use reservoirs from North Carolina, USA, 2023, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (38) - 1
- Microhabitat use of larval fish in a South Carolina Piedmont stream, 2022, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (37) - 1
- Increased juvenile native fish abundance following a major flood in an Arizona river, 2022, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (37) - 1
- Diets of Longnose Sucker in Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A., 2020, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (35) - 1
- Physical characteristics and simulated transport of pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon eggs, 2020, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (35) - 1
- Climate change vulnerability assessment for Pacific Lamprey in rivers of the Western United States, 2020, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (35) - 1
- Invertebrate prey contributions to juvenile Coho Salmon diet from riparian habitats along three Alaska streams: Implications for environmental change, 2019, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (34) - 1
- Comparison of aquatic invertebrate communities in near-shore areas with high or low boating activity, 2019, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (34) - 1
- Age-0 walleye Sander vitreus display length-dependent diet shift to piscivory, 2019, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (34) - 1
- Modeling White Sucker (Catostomus commersonii) populations to assess commercial harvest influence on age structure, 2019, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (33) - 1
- Effects of sea lamprey substrate modification and carcass nutrients on macroinvertebrate assemblages in a small Atlantic coastal stream, 2018, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (33) - 1
- Effect of substrate size on sympatric sand darter benthic habitat preferences, 2017, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (32) - 1
- Terrestrial–aquatic linkages in spring-fed and snowmelt-dominated streams, 2017, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (32) - 1
- Low-cost floating emergence net and bottle trap: Comparison of two designs, 2016, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (31) - 4
- Effects of energy development on wetland plants and macroinvertebrate communities in Prairie Pothole Region wetlands, 2016, Journal of Freshwater Ecology
- Diel diet of fantail darter in a tributary to Lake Ontario, New York, USA, 2016, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (31) - 4
- Digestive physiology comparisons of aquatic invertebrates in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, 2016, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (31) - 3
- Seasonal habitat use of brook trout and juvenile steelhead in a Lake Ontario tributary, 2016, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (31) - 2
- Electronic archival tags provide first glimpse of bathythermal habitat use by free-ranging adult lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens, 2016, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (31) - 3
- The influence of a severe reservoir drawdown on springtime zooplankton and larval fish assemblages in Red Willow Reservoir, Nebraska, 2016, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (31) - 1
- Variations in water temperature and implications for trout populations in the Upper Schoharie Creek and West Kill, New York, USA, 2016, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (31) - 1
- The influence of a rapid drawdown and prolonged dewatering on angling pressure, catch and harvest in a Nebraska reservoir, 2015, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (31) - 1
- Effect of bait and gear type on channel catfish catch and turtle bycatch in a reservoir, 2014, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (30) - 3
- Burrowing mayfly populations in Chequamegon Bay, Wisconsin: 2002 and 2012, 2014, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (29) - 3
- Using cumulative diet data and stable isotope analysis to determine trophic position of walleye Sander vitreus in a large, complex system, 2014, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (29) - 3
- Seasonal drift and feeding periodicity during summer of the amphipod, Gammarus psuedolimnaeus, 2014, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (29) - 2
- Size of age-0 crappies (Pomoxis spp.) relative to reservoir habitats and water levels, 2014, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (29) - 4
- Winter feeding, growth and condition of brown trout Salmo trutta in a groundwater-dominated stream, 2014, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (29) - 2
- Larval gizzard shad characteristics in Lake Oahe, South Dakota: A species at the northern edge of its range, 2013, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (28) - 1
- Fecundity of the Chinese mystery snail in a Nebraska reservoir, 2013, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (28) - 3
- Interactions between invasive round gobies (Neogobius melanostomous) and fantail darters (Etheostoma flabellare) in a tributary of the St. Lawrence River, New York, USA, 2013, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (28) - 4
- Gradients of microhabitat and crappie (Pomoxis spp.) distributions in reservoir coves, 2013, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (28) - 4
- Fall diel diet composition of American eel (Anguilla rostrata) in a tributary of the Hudson River, New York, USA, 2013, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (28) - 1
- Hybrid seine for full fish community collections, 2013, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (28) - 1
- Coarse-scale movement patterns of a small-bodied fish inhabiting a desert stream, 2013, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (28) - 1
- Thiamine status of rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) eggs in the Great Lakes, USA, 2012, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (27) - 1
- Diel feeding periodicity of Ephemera simulans nymphs in summer and winter, 2012, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (27) - 2
- Comparing isotope signatures of prey fish: does gut removal affect δ13C or δ15N?, 2011, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (27) - 1
- Ontogenetic and diel variation in stream habitat use by brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in a headwater stream, 2011, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (26) - 1
- A heuristic simulation model of Lake Ontario circulation and mass balance transport, 2011, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (26) - 1
- Competitive interactions between walleye (Sander vitreus) and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) under various controlled conditions, 2011, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (26) - 3
- Thiamine status and culture of rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) from Owasco Lake, New York, 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 2
- Ontogenetic Variation in Food Consumption of Rusty Crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) in a Central New York Stream, 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 1
- Invertebrate composition and abundance associated with Didymosphenia geminata in a montane stream, 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 2
- The effects of road crossings on prairie stream habitat and function, 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 4
- Cover preference of the Carolina madtom (Noturus furiosus), an imperiled, indemic southeastern stream fish, 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 1
- Influence of elevated temperature and acid mine drainage on mortality of the crayfish Cambarus bartonii, 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 1
- Anomalous spawning of smallmouth bass in Nebish Lake, Wisconsin: Implications for early spawning and over-winter survival, 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 2
- A comparative analysis of double-crested cormorant diets from stomachs and pellets from two Lake Ontario colonies, 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 4
- Survival of foul-hooked largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 1
- Variation in Lake Michigan alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) thiaminase and fatty acids composition, 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 1
- Ontogenetic variation in food consumption of rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) in a central New York stream, 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 1
- Population dynamics of the sand shiner (notropis stramineus) in non-wadeable rivers of Iowa, 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 4
- Food habits of stunted and non-stunted white perch (Morone americana), 2010, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (25) - 1
- Influence of diet of double-crested cormorants on thiamine, lead, and mineral contents of their eggs, 2009, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (24) - 1
- Maximum length and age of round gobies (Apollonia melanostomus) in Lake Huron, 2009, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (24) - 1
- Summer movements of sub-adult brook trout, landlocked Atlantic salmon, and smallmouth bass in the Rapid River, Maine, 2009, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (24) - 4
- Influence of diet of double-crested cormorants on thiamine, lead, and mineral contents of their eggs, 2009, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (24) - 1
- Lake St. Clair zooplankton: Evidence for post-Dreissena changes, 2009, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (24) - 2
- Thiamine content of eggs and lengths of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in relation to abundance of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in eastern Lake ontario, 2003 to 2006, 2009, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (24) - 2
- Diel diet composition and feeding activity of round goby in the nearshore region of Lake Ontario, 2008, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (23) - 4
- Diel diet composition and feeding activity of round goby in the nearshore region of Lake Ontario, 2008, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (23) - 4
- Diel variation in near-shore great lakes fish assemblages and implications for assessment sampling and coastal management, 2008, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (23) - 1
- Influence of summer water-level variability on St. Lawrence River-wetland fish assemblages, 2008, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (23) - 4
- The effect of fixative on total length of small-bodied stream fishes, 2008, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (23) - 3
- Habitat features affect bluehead sucker, flannelmouth sucker, and roundtail chub across a headwater tributary system in the Colorado River Basin, 2008, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (23) - 3
- Use of an annular chamber for testing thermal preference of westslope cutthroat trout and rainbow trout, 2008, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (23) - 1
- Introduced species and abiotic factors affect longitudinal variation in small fish assemblages in the Wind River watershed, Wyoming, 2007, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (22) - 2
- Walleye consumption and long-term population trends following gizzard shad introduction into a Western South Dakota reservoir, 2007, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (22) - 2
- Diel periodicity of drift of larval fishes in tributaries of Lake Ontario, 2007, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (22) - 2
- Effects of highway construction on sediment and benthic macroinvertebrates in two tributaries of the Lost River, West Virginia, 2007, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (22) - 4
- Fish assemblages of the upper Little Sioux River basin, Iowa, USA: Relationships with stream size and comparison with historical assemblages, 2007, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (22) - 1
- In situ growth of juvenile zebra mussels in a regulated stream, 2006, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (21) - 1
- Diel and seasonal variation in food habits of Atlantic salmon parr in a small stream, 2006, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (21) - 3
- Relative persistence and dispersal of age-0 and age-1 largemouth bass stocked into two Ohio River embayments, 2006, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (21) - 4
- Biotic and abiotic correlates with black bullhead population characteristics in Nebraska sandhill lakes, 2005, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (20) - 2
- Relationships of elevation, channel slope, and stream width to occurrences of native fishes at the Great Plains-Rocky Mountains interface, 2005, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (20) - 4
- Prey selection by trout in a spring-fed stream: Terrestrial versus aquatic invertebrates, 2005, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (20) - 4
- Effects of lowhead dams on the ephemeropterans, plecopterans, and trichopterans group in a north American River, 2005, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (20) - 3
- Evaluating single-pass catch as a tool for identifying spatial pattern in fish distribution, 2005, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (20) - 2
- Habitat associations of age-0 cutthroat trout in a spring stream improved for adult salmonids, 2005, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (20) - 2
- Drought responses of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) in coastal plain tributaries of the Flint River basin, Georgia, 2004, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (19) - 4
- Fishes and habitat characteristics of the Keya Paha River, South Dakota-Nebraska, 2004, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (19) - 2
- Factors affecting swimming performance of fasted rainbow trout with implications of exhaustive exercise on overwinter mortality, 2004, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (19) - 4
- Habitat selection by two species of burrowing mayfly nymphs in the Les Cheneaux Islands region of northern Lake Huron, 2004, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (19) - 3
- Age and growth of flathead catfish, Pylodictus olivaris rafinesque, in the Altamaha River system, Georgia, 2004, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (19) - 3
- A simple technique for trapping Siren lacertina, Amphiuma means, and other aquatic vertebrates, 2004, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (19) - 2
- A simple technique for trapping Siren lacertian, Amphiuma means, and other aquatic vertebrates, 2004, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (19) - 2
- Characteristics of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) and shadow bass (Ambloplites ariommus) populations in an Ozark stream before and after rainbow trout introduction, 2004, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (19) - 4
- Elevation and stream-size thresholds affect distributions of native and exotic warmwater fishes in Wyoming, 2004, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (19) - 2
- Habitat selection of the channel darter, Percina (Cottogaster) copelandi, a surrogate for the imperiled pearl darter, Percina aurora, 2003, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (18) - 2
- Cladoceran zooplankton abundance under clear and snow-covered ice, 2003, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (18) - 1
- Biological characteristics of the blue sucker in the James River and the Big Sioux River, South Dakota, 2003, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (18) - 1
- Distribution and movement of juvenile paddlefish in a mainstem Missouri River reservoir, 2003, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (18) - 1
- Snorkeling as an alternative to depletion electrofishing for assessing cutthroat trout and brown trout in stream pools, 2003, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (18) - 2
- Fish community responses to the establishment of a piscivore, northern pike (Esox lucius), in a Nebraska Sandhill lake, 2003, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (18) - 3
- Aquatic invertebrate assemblages in shallow prairie lakes: Fish and environmental influences, 2003, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (18) - 4
- Demographics and chronology of a spawning aggregation of blue sucker (Cycleptus elongatus) in the Grand River, Missouri, USA, 2003, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (18) - 4
- Egg-to-fry survival of two strains of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in stream incubators under laboratory conditions, 2003, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (18) - 3
- Relationship among side channels, fish assemblages, and environmental gradients in the unimpounded Upper Mississippi River, 2003, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (18) - 3
- Effects of Photoperiod on Behavior and Courtship of the Neosho madtom (Noturus placidus), 2002, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (17) - 1
- A comparison of diets of blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis) and threadfin shad (Dorosoma petenense) in a large southeastern U.S. Reservoir, 2002, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (17) - 2
- Proposed standard-weight (Ws) equation and length-categorization standards for brown trout (Salmo trutta) in lentic habitats, 2001, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (16) - 1
- Water quality in three creeks in the backcountry of Grand Teton National Park, USA, 2001, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (16) - 1
- The fish community of a small impoundment in upstate New York, 2001, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (16) - 3
- Fish species composition two second-order headwater streams the North Central Appalachians ecoregion, 2001, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (16) - 1
- Proposed standard-weight (Ws) equations for kokanee, golden trout and bull trout, 2000, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (15) - 4
- Copepod (Crustacea) emergence from soils from everglades marshes with different hydroperiods, 2000, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (15) - 4
- Flooding and fish diversity in a reclaimed river-wetland, 1999, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (14) - 4
- Nektonic invertebrate dynamics and prolonged summer flooding on the lower Illinois River, 1999, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (14) - 4
- Potential effects of interspecific competition on Neosho madtom (Noturus placidus) populations, 1999, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (14) - 1
- Standards for assessment of age and growth data for channel catfish, 1999, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (14) - 3
- A technique for estimating the accuracy of fish locations identified by radiotelemetry, 1998, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (13) - 3
- Variations in zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) veliger densities throughout 1996 at Dam 52 on the lower Ohio River, 1998, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (13) - 3
- Foraging characteristics of larval bluegill sunfish and larval longear sunfish in the Kanawha River, West Virginia, 1998, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (13) - 2
- Relationship of lake herring (Coregonus artedi) gill raker characteristics to retention probabilities of zooplankton prey, 1998, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (13) - 1
- Late summer and fall use of stream margins by young-of year brown trout in a high-elevation stream, 1997, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (12) - 2
- Habitat associations and effects of urbanization on macroinvertebrates of a small, high-plains stream, 1997, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (12) - 1
- Food and prey selection of recently released American shad (Alosa sapidissima) larvae, 1997, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (12) - 3
- The influence of seine capture efficiency on fish abundance estimates in the upper Mississippi River, 1997, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (12) - 1
- Longitudinal patterns in abundance of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the upper Mississippi River, 1997, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (12) - 2
- Pharyngeal teeth of the freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) a predator of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), 1997, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (12) - 3
- Distribution and winter survival health of Asian clams, Corbicula fluminea, in the St. Clair River, Michigan, 1996, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (11) - 2
- Recovery of macroinvertebrates by screening in the field: a comparison between coarse (1.18 mm) and fine (0.60 mm) mesh sieves, 1996, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (11) - 1
- The effect of zebra mussel consumption on growth of freshwater drum in Lake Erie, 1996, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (11) - 3
- Relations between benthic community structure and metals concentrations in aquatic macroinvertebrates: Clark Fork River, Montana, 1995, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (10) - 3
- The relationship of habitat characteristics to the distribution of chironomidae (Diptera) as measured by pupal exuviae collections in a large river system, 1995, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (10) - 4
- Feeding rate of young-of-the-year ruffe on eggs of lake whitefish, 1995, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (10) - 3
- Diel feeding chronology of six fish species in the Juniata River, Pennsylvania, 1995, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (10) - 1
- Diel feeding ecology of three species of aquatic insects, 1995, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (10) - 2
- Effects of handling and aerial exposure on the survival of unionid mussels, 1995, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (10) - 3
- Preference of redear sunfish on zebra mussels and rams-horn snails, 1995, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (10) - 1
- Size limitation on zebra mussels consumed by freshwater drum may preclude the effectiveness of drum as a biological controller, 1995, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (10) - 4
- Evaluation of the mussel fishery in Wheeler Reservoir, Tennessee River, 1994, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (9) - 4
- Macrohabitat of Sonora Chub (Gila ditaenia) in Sycamore Creek, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, 1993, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (8) - 4
- A sampling method for conducting relocation studies with freshwater mussels, 1993, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (8) - 4
- Crayfish (Orconectes virilis) predation on zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), 1993, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (8) - 3
- Reproductive characteristics of a population of the washboard mussel Megalonaias nervosa (Rafinesque 1820) in the upper Mississippi River, 1993, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (8) - 1
- Energy budget for yearling lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, 1993, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (8) - 4
- Spawning activity of paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) in the lower Black River, Wisconsin, 1993, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (8) - 3
- Morphometric differentiation of American shad and white sucker eggs from riverine samples, 1993, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (8) - 2
- First collection of rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus (Cyprinidae), in the New River, West Virginia, 1993, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (8) - 3
- Competition for food between crayfish (Orconectes virilis) and the slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), 1992, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (7) - 2
- Habitat use by larval fishes in backwater lake of the upper Mississippi River, 1992, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (7) - 4
- Heavy metals in the threeridge mussel Amblema plicata plicata (Say, 1817) in the upper Mississippi River, 1992, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (7) - 2
- Trace elements in lake sediment, macrozoobenthos, and fish near a coal ash disposal basin, 1992, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (7) - 3
- Morphology of ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) protolarvae from the St. Louis River, Lake Superior, 1992, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (7) - 1
- Effects of submersed macrophytes on dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature under different conditions of wind, tide and bed structure, 1991, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (6) - 2
- Assessment of the sensitivity of Missouri reservoirs to acidification, 1991, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (6) - 4
- Crayfish (Orconectes virilis) feeding on young lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush): effect of rock size, 1991, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (6) - 2
- Macroinvertebrate communities associated with three aquatic macrophytes (Ceratophyllum demersum, Myriophyllum spicatum, and Vallisneria americana) in Lake Onalaska, Wisconsin, 1990, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (5) - 4
- Effects of fish predation on invertebrates associated with a macrophyte in Lake Onalaska, Wisconsin, 1990, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (5) - 3
- Spatial and temporal variation in proportional stock density and relative weight of smallmouth bass in a reservoir, 1990, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (5) - 3
- Improved method for sectioning pectoral spines of catfish for age determination, 1990, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (5) - 4
- Seasonal reproductive development of Lampsilis cardium, Amblema plicata plicata, and Potamilus alatus, 1989, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (5) - 1
- The relation between human presence and occurrence of Giardia Cysts in streams in the Sierra Nevada, California, 1987, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (4) - 1
- Diel and seasonal changes of dissolved oxygen an pH in relation to community metabolism of a shallow reservoir in southeast Missouri, 1987, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (4) - 1
- Distribution of submersed macrophytes in the St. Clair-Detroit River System, 1978, 1986, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (3) - 4
- Comparison of species composition and richness of fish assemblages in altered and unaltered littoral habitats, 1986, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (3) - 4
- Invertebrate colonization rates in the tailwater of a Kentucky flood-control reservoir, 1985, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (3) - 1
- Distribution and food habits of young-of-the-year fishes in a backwater lake of the upper Mississippi River, 1985, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (3) - 1
- Comparison of methods for measuring surface area of submersed aquatic macrophytes, 1985, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (3) - 1
- Observations on burrowing rates and comments on host specificity in the endangered mussel Lampsilis higginsi, 1984, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (2) - 6
- Rediscovery of lake balls in Lake Michigan, 1983, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (2) - 2
- Responses of plankton communities to the introduction of grass carp into some Georgia ponds, 1982, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (1) - 4
- Loss of nitrogenous dissolved organic matter from small lakes, 1981, Journal of Freshwater Ecology (1) - 2