Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Krumholzibacteriota and Deltaproteobacteria contain rare genetic potential to liberate carbon from monoaromatic compounds in subsurface coal seams, 2024, mBio (15) - 3
- Acetylene-fueled trichloroethene reductive dechlorination in a groundwater enrichment culture, 2021, mBio
- Threats posed by the Fungal Kingdom to humans, wildlife, and agriculture, 2020, mBio (11) - 3
- Phylogenetics of a fungal invasion: Origins and widespread dispersal of white-nose syndrome, 2017, mBio (8) - 6
- Vaccine effects on heterogeneity in susceptibility and implications for population health management, 2017, mBio (8) - 6
- Available genetic data do not support adaptation of Tobacco ringspot virus to an arthropod host, 2017, mBio (8) - 1
- Novel picornavirus associated with avian keratin disorder in Alaskan birds, 2016, mBio (7) - 4
- The bee microbiome: Impact on bee health and model for evolution and ecology of host-microbe interactions, 2016, mBio
- Experimental infection of snakes with Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola causes pathological changes that typify snake fungal disease, 2015, mBio (6) - 6
- Discovery of a novel hepatovirus (Phopivirus of seals) related to human hepatitis A virus, 2015, mBio (6) - 4
- Emergence of fatal avian influenza in New England harbor seals, 2012, mBio (3) - 4