Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Report and publication subtype USGS Numbered Series
- Coastal vulnerability assessment of the Northern Gulf of Mexico to sea-level rise and coastal change, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1146
- Whole-rock analyses of core samples from the 1988 drilling of Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawaii, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1093
- Geomorphology and depositional subenvironments of Gulf Islands National Seashore, Perdido Key and Santa Rosa Island, Florida, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1330
- Low-flow frequency and flow duration of selected South Carolina streams in the Broad River basin through March 2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1305
- Groundwater conditions and studies in the Brunswick–Glynn County area, Georgia, 2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1275
- Surface-water quality-assurance plan for the USGS Georgia Water Science Center, 2010, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1263
- Public water-supply systems and associated water use in Tennessee, 2005, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1226
- Continuous tidal streamflow, water level, and specific conductance data for Union Creek and the Little Back, Middle, and Front Rivers, Savannah River Estuary, November 2008 to March 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1169
- Southeast Regional Assessment Project for the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1213
- Report of the River Master of the Delaware River for the period December 1, 2005-November 30, 2006, 2010, Open-File Report 2011-1177
- Evaluation of geodetic and geologic datasets in the Northern Walker Lane-Summary and recommendations of the Workshop, 2010, Open-File Report 2011-1282
- Potentiometric Surface of the Aquia Aquifer in Southern Maryland, September 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1201
- Difference between the potentiometric surfaces of the Lower Patapsco aquifer in southern Maryland, September 1990 and September 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1208
- Historic Flooding in Georgia, 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1230
- Implementation of the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) ground-motion prediction equations in Fortran and R, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1296
- Computer simulation of reservoir depletion and oil flow from the Macondo well following the Deepwater Horizon blowout, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1266
- An initial SPARROW model of land use and in-stream controls on total organic carbon in streams of the conterminous United States, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1276
- Biogeochemical processes in an urban, restored wetland of San Francisco Bay, California, 2007-2009: Methods and data for plant, sediment and water parameters, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1299
- Microbial and geochemical investigations of dissolved organic carbon and microbial ecology of native waters from the Biscayne and Upper Floridan Aquifers, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1021
- Shenandoah National Park Phenology Project-Weather data collection, description, and processing, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1272
- A Servicewide Benthic Mapping Program for National Parks, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1264
- The national assessment of shoreline change: A GIS compilation of vector shorelines and associated shoreline change data for the New England and Mid-Atlantic Coasts, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1119
- Geologic map of the Bartlett Springs Fault Zone in the vicinity of Lake Pillsbury and adjacent areas of Mendocino, Lake, and Glenn Counties, California, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1301
- Assessment of coal geology, resources, and reserves in the northern Wyoming Powder River Basin, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1294
- Selected low-flow frequency statistics for continuous-record streamgage locations in Maryland, 2010, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1310
- Water-quality, bed-sediment, and biological data (October 2008 through September 2009) and statistical summaries of long-term data for streams in the Clark Fork basin, Montana, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1267
- Channel change and bed-material transport in the Umpqua River basin, Oregon, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1314
- Strontium isotope detection of brine contamination in the East Poplar oil field, Montana, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1326
- Use of wildlife webcams - Literature review and annotated bibliography, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1306
- Documentation for assessment of modal pushover-based scaling procedure for nonlinear response history analysis of "ordinary standard" bridges, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1328
- Audio-magnetotelluric survey to characterize the Sunnyside porphyry copper system in the Patagonia Mountains, Arizona, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1311
- Geophysical investigations at Hidden Dam, Raymond, California — Flow simulations, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1153
- USGS-NPS Servicewide Benthic Mapping Program (SBMP) workshop report, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1194
- Comprehensive database of wellbore temperatures and drilling mud weight pressures by depth for Judge Digby field, Louisiana, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1303
- Geochemical data for core and bottom-sediment samples collected in 2007 from Grand Lake O' the Cherokees, northeast Oklahoma, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1298
- CO2calc: A User-Friendly Seawater Carbon Calculator for Windows, Mac OS X, and iOS (iPhone), 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1280
- Improved USGS methodology for assessing continuous petroleum resources using analogs, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1309
- Reducing Uncertainty in the Distribution of Hydrogeologic Units within Volcanic Composite Units of Pahute Mesa Using High-Resolution 3-D Resistivity Methods, Nevada Test Site, Nevada, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1304
- Reconnaissance of Macondo-1 well oil in sediment and tarballs from the northern Gulf of Mexico shoreline, Texas to Florida, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1290
- Bird migration patterns in the arid southwest-Final report, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1271
- Development of monitoring protocols to detect change in rocky intertidal communities of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1283
- Geophysical and sampling data from the inner continental shelf: Northern Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1006
- Streamflow, water quality, and constituent loads and yields, Scituate Reservoir drainage area, Rhode Island, water year 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1275
- Internet-based interface for STRMDEPL08, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1247
- Vegetation and substrate on aeolian landscapes in the Colorado River corridor, Cataract Canyon, Utah, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1273
- Great Basin Integrated Landscape Monitoring Pilot Summary Report, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1324
- Helicopter electromagnetic and magnetic geophysical survey data, portions of the North Platte and South Platte Natural Resources Districts, western Nebraska, May 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1259
- Unintended consequences of biofuels production?The effects of large-scale crop conversion on water quality and quantity, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1229
- Procedures for conducting underwater searches for invasive mussels (Dreissena sp.), 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1308
- Geologic map of the White Hall quadrangle, Frederick County, Virginia, and Berkeley County, West Virginia, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1265
- Surficial geologic map of the Heath-Northfield-Southwick-Hampden 24-quadrangle area in the Connecticut Valley region, west-central Massachusetts, 2010, Open-File Report 2006-1260 G
- Framework for ecological monitoring on lands of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges and their partners, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1300
- Potentiometric Surface of the Magothy Aquifer in Southern Maryland, September 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1203
- Hydrologic Data for Deep Creek Lake and Selected Tributaries, Garrett County, Maryland, 2007-08, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1092
- The difference between the potentiometric surfaces of the Upper Patapsco aquifer in southern Maryland, September 1990 and September 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1206
- Potentiometric Surface of the Patuxent Aquifer in Southern Maryland, September 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1209
- The Difference Between the Potentiometric Surfaces of the Magothy Aquifer in Southern Maryland, September 1975 and September 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1204
- Potentiometric surface of the Upper Patapsco aquifer in southern Maryland, September 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1205
- Potentiometric Surface of the Lower Patapsco Aquifer in Southern Maryland, September 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1207
- The Difference Between the Potentiometric Surfaces of the Aquia Aquifer in Southern Maryland, September 1982 and September 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1202
- Mineral facilities of Northern and Central Eurasia, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1255
- Water-quality data from storm runoff after the 2007 fires, San Diego County, California, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1234
- Mineral facilities of Asia and the Pacific, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1254
- Mineral facilities of Europe, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1257
- Chemical and morphological comparison of erionite from Oregon, North Dakota, and Turkey, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1286
- Spatial and stage-structured population model of the American crocodile for comparison of comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) alternatives, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1284
- Hydrologic conditions in the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge, 2006-2007, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1270
- Analysis of California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus) use of six management units using location data from global positioning system transmitters, southern California, 2004-09-Initial report, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1287
- Estimating Monthly Water Withdrawals, Return Flow, and Consumptive Use in the Great Lakes Basin, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1211
- Identification of tsunami deposits in the geologic record; developing criteria using recent tsunami deposits, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1239
- Floods of May 30 to June 15, 2008, in the Iowa River and Cedar River Basins, eastern Iowa, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1190
- Colorado River fish monitoring in Grand Canyon, Arizona; 2000 to 2009 summary, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1246
- National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) area-characterization toolbox, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1268
- Preliminary assessment of trends in static water levels in bedrock wells in New Hampshire, 1984 to 2007, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1189
- An analysis of the risk of introduction of additional strains of the rust puccinia psidii Winter ('Ohi'a Rust) to Hawai'i, 2010, Open-File Report 2008-1008
- Trip report: pilot study of factors linking watershed function and coastal ecosystem health in American Samoa, 2010, Open-File Report 2006-1383
- Seamounts and ferromanganese crusts within and near the U.S. EEZ off California - Data for RV Farnella cruise F7-87-SC, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1069
- Nogales flood detention study, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1262
- Coastal circulation and sediment dynamics in Maunalua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii: Measurements of waves, currents, temperature, salinity, and turbidity: November 2008-February 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1217
- Temporal and spatial distribution of endangered juvenile Lost River and shortnose suckers in relation to environmental variables in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon: 2009 annual data summary, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1261
- Tools and data acquisition of borehole geophysical logging for the Florida Power and Light Company Turkey Point Power Plant in support of a groundwater, surface-water, and ecological monitoring plan, Miami-Dade County, Florida, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1260
- The global flow of aluminum from 2006 through 2025, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1256
- Water-chemistry data for selected springs, geysers, and streams in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, 2006-2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1192
- Magnetotelluric data, Taos Plateau Volcanic Field, New Mexico, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1245
- Evaluation of extraction methods for hexavalent chromium determination in dusts, ashes, and soils, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1243
- Speciation of arsenic, selenium, and chromium in wildfire impacted soils and ashes, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1242
- Water quality in the Yukon River Basin, Alaska, water years 2006-2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1241
- Ecological requirements for pallid sturgeon reproduction and recruitment in the Lower Missouri River: Annual report 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1215
- Modified Mercalli intensity assignments for the May 16, 1909, Northern Plains earthquake, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1185
- Historical ice-out dates for 29 lakes in New England, 1807-2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1214
- Water-level data for the Albuquerque Basin and adjacent areas, central New Mexico, period of record through September 30, 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1228
- Groundwater level and specific conductance monitoring at Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, Onslow County, North Carolina, 2007-2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1103
- Selenium concentrations and stable isotopic compositions of carbon and nitrogen in the benthic clam Corbula amurensis from northern San Francisco Bay, California: May 1995–February 2010, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1252
- U.S. Geological Survey Science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative-2009 Annual Report, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1231
- Probability and volume of potential postwildfire debris flows in the 2010 Fourmile burn area, Boulder County, Colorado, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1244
- Carbon dioxide dangers demonstration model, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1174
- Caldera demonstration model, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1173
- The potential influence of changing climate on the persistence of salmonids of the inland west, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1236
- Monitoring and assessment of ocean acidification in the Arctic Ocean-A scoping paper, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1227
- Quality of surface water in Missouri, water year 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1233
- Database of recent tsunami deposits, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1172
- Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) in southeastern Oregon: A survey of historical localities, 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1235
- Maps and documentation of seismic CPT soundings in the central, eastern, and western United States, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1136
- Coast Salish and U.S. Geological Survey 2009 Tribal Journey water quality project, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1143
- Effects of the 2008 high-flow experiment on water quality in Lake Powell and Glen Canyon Dam releases, Utah-Arizona, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1159
- Streamflow, suspended-sediment, and soil-erosion data from Kaulana and Hakioawa watersheds, Kaho'olawe, Hawai'i, 2006 to 2010, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1182
- Surface-wave site characterization at 52 strong-motion recording stations affected by the Parkfield, California, M6.0 earthquake of 28 September 2004, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1168
- Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, and accompanying conodont data, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1254
- Description of extreme-wave deposits on the northern coast of Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1180
- Photographic documentation of the evolution of Crater Glacier, Mount St. Helens, Washington, September 2006–November 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1141
- Co-Cu-Au deposits in metasedimentary rocks-A preliminary report, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1212
- Otolith analysis of pre-restoration habitat use by Chinook salmon in the delta-flats and nearshore regions of the Nisqually River Estuary, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1238
- Assessing survival of Mid-Columbia River released juvenile salmonids at McNary Dam, Washington, 2008-09, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1237
- Stratiform chromite deposit model, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1232
- U.S. Geological Survey Rewarding Environment Culture Study, 2002, 2010, Open-File Report 2006-1192
- USGS exploration geochemistry studies at the Pebble porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposit, Alaska— Pdf of presentation, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1225
- Megascopic lithologic studies of coals in the Powder River basin in Wyoming and in adjacent basins in Wyoming and North Dakota, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1114
- Chemical analyses in the World Coal Quality Inventory, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1196
- Approach, passage, and survival of juvenile salmonids at Little Goose Dam, Washington: Post-construction evaluation of a temporary spillway weir, 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1224
- Development and analysis of a meteorological database, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1220
- Accuracy of EAARL lidar ground elevations using a bare-earth algorithm in marsh and beach grasses on the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1163
- Estimates for self-supplied domestic withdrawals and population served for selected principal aquifers, calendar year 2005, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1223
- Land-cover change in the Ozark Highlands, 1973-2000, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1198
- Dependence of frictional strength on compositional variations of Hayward fault rock gouges, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1184
- Geologic cross section, gas desorption, and other data from four wells drilled for Alaska rural energy project, Wainwright, Alaska, coalbed methane project, 2007-2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1210
- A westward extension of the tropical Pacific warm pool leads to March through June drying in Kenya and Ethiopia, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1199
- Groundwater quality in the Lower Hudson River Basin, New York, 2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1197
- Near-field receiving water monitoring of trace metals and a benthic community near the Palo Alto Regional Water Quality Control Plant in South San Francisco Bay, California; 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1188
- User's guide for MAGIC-Meteorologic and hydrologic genscn (generate scenarios) input converter, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1221
- Magmatic sulfide-rich nickel-copper deposits related to picrite and (or) tholeiitic basalt dike-sill complexes: A preliminary deposit model, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1179
- 2009 weather and aeolian sand-transport data from the Colorado River corridor, Grand Canyon, Arizona, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1166
- Social values for ecosystem services (SolVES): A GIS application for assessing, mapping, and quantifying the social values of ecosystem services-Documentation and user manual, version 1.0, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1219
- An occurrence model for the national assessment of volcanogenic beryllium deposits, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1195
- Continuous resistivity profiling and seismic-reflection data collected in 2006 from the Potomac River Estuary, Virginia and Maryland, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1151
- Mars Global Digital Dune Database; MC-1, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1170
- Analytical results for municipal biosolids samples from a monitoring program near Deer Trail, Colorado (U.S.A.), 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1162
- Estuarine sedimentation, sediment character, and foraminiferal distribution in central San Francisco Bay, California, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1130
- Distribution and condition of larval and juvenile Lost River and shortnose suckers in the Williamson River Delta restoration project and Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1216
- Magnetotelluric survey to characterize the Sunnyside porphyry copper system in the Patagonia Mountains, Arizona, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1171
- Sampling protocol for post-landfall Deepwater Horizon oil release, Gulf of Mexico, 2010, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1191
- CoalVal-A coal resource valuation program, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1282
- Emergency assessments of postfire debris-flow hazards for the 2009 La Brea, Jesusita, Guiberson, Morris, Sheep, Oak Glen, Pendleton, and Cottonwood fires in southern California, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1186
- Floods in Florida due to Tropical Storm Fay, August 15 through September 26, 2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1142
- Decision analysis framing study: In-valley drainage management strategies for the western San Joaquin Valley, California, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1121
- High-resolution seismic-reflection data offshore of Dana Point, southern California borderland, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1111
- Connecticut Highlands technical report— Documentation of the regional rainfall-runoff model, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1187
- Characterization of the contents and histology of the gastrointestinal tracts of White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) captured from Upper Lake Roosevelt, Washington, October 2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1193
- Biostratigraphy of the San Joaquin Formation in borrow-source area B-17, Kettleman Hills landfill, North Dome, Kettleman Hills, Kings County, California, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1140
- Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2007, Kuril-Kamchatka Arc and Vicinity, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1083 C
- Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2007, Nazca Plate and South America, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1083 E
- Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2007, Japan and Vicinity, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1083 D
- Terrigenous sediment provenance from geochemical tracers, south Molokai reef flat, Hawaii, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1155
- A sampling plan for riparian birds of the Lower Colorado River-Final Report, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1158
- Summary and statistical analysis of precipitation and groundwater data for Brunswick County, North Carolina, Water Year 2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1154
- Kittlitz’s and Marbled Murrelets in Kenai Fjords National Park, south-central Alaska: At-sea distribution, abundance, and foraging habitat, 2006–08, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1181
- USGS cold-water coral geographic database-Gulf of Mexico and western North Atlantic Ocean, version 1.0, 2010, Open-File Report 2008-1351
- Steady-state and transient models of groundwater flow and advective transport, Eastern Snake River Plain aquifer, Idaho National Laboratory and vicinity, Idaho, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-5123
- Stream-sediment samples reanalyzed for major, rare earth, and trace elements from ten 1:250,000-scale quadrangles, south-central Alaska, 2007-08, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1147
- Development of sea level rise scenarios for climate change assessments of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1165
- Preliminary atlas of active shallow tectonic deformation in the Puget Lowland, Washington, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1149
- A method for quantitative mapping of thick oil spills using imaging spectroscopy, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1167
- Arctic sea ice decline: Projected changes in timing and extent of sea ice in the Bering and Chukchi Seas, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1176
- Summary of hydrologic testing of the Floridan aquifer system at Hunter Army Airfield, Chatham County, Georgia, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1066
- Rainfall, discharge, and water-quality data during stormwater monitoring, H-1 storm drain, Oahu, Hawaii, July 1, 2009, to June 30, 2010, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1161
- Characteristics of fall chum salmon spawning habitat on a mainstem river in Interior Alaska, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1164
- West Florida Shelf: A natural laboratory for the study of ocean acidificiation, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1134
- A high-resolution land-use map; Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1156
- Sea-floor geology and character offshore of Rocky Point, New York, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1007
- Lead isotope database of unpublished results from sulfide mineral occurrences — California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1157
- Evaluating the feasibility of modeling the subsurface structure of two volcanic units in drill holes UE-18r and ER-EC-2a using existing magnetic data, Nevada Test Site, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1112
- Fort Collins Science Center-Fiscal year 2009 science accomplishments, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1148
- Effects of Glen Canyon Dam discharges on water velocity and temperatures at the confluence of the Colorado and Little Colorado Rivers and implications for habitat for young-of-year humpback chub (Gila cypha), 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1137
- Grassland birds wintering at U.S. Navy facilities in southern Texas, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1115
- Spatial Databases of Geological, Geophysical, and Mineral Resource Data Relevant to Sandstone-Hosted Copper Deposits in Central Kazakhstan, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1124
- Preliminary assessment of factors influencing riverine fish communities in Massachusetts, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1139
- A rapid method for creating qualitative images indicative of thick oil emulsion on the ocean's surface from imaging spectrometer data, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1107
- Applying probabilistic well-performance parameters to assessments of shale-gas resources, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1151
- Assembling probabilistic performance parameters of shale-gas wells, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1138
- Reserve growth during financial volatility in a technologically challenging world, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1145
- Program and abstracts of the Second Tsunami Source Workshop; July 19-20, 2010, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1152
- Practical guidelines to select and scale earthquake records for nonlinear response history analysis of structures, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1068
- Digital tabulation of stratigraphic data from oil and gas wells in the Santa Maria Basin and surrounding areas, central California coast, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1129
- Three-dimensional geologic model of the Arbuckle-Simpson aquifer, south-central Oklahoma, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1123
- Hawaiian Volcano Observatory seismic data, January to March 2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1079
- Surficial geology of the sea floor in Long Island Sound offshore of Plum Island, New York, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1005
- Environmental flow studies of the Fort Collins Science Center— Cherry Creek, Arizona, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1272
- A Review of Aeromagnetic Anomalies in the Sawatch Range, Central Colorado, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1095
- Public Review Draft: A Method for Assessing Carbon Stocks, Carbon Sequestration, and Greenhouse-Gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of the United States Under Present Conditions and Future Scenarios, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1144
- Thermal Imaging of the Waccasassa Bay Preserve: Image Acquisition and Processing, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1120
- Historical Zinc Smelting in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C., with Estimates of Atmospheric Zinc Emissions and Other Materials, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1131
- Initial Results from a Study of Climatic Changes and the Effect on Wild Sheep Habitat in Selected Study Areas of Alaska, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1135
- Detailed Sections from Auger Holes in the Emporia 1:100,000-Scale Quadrangle, North Carolina and Virginia, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1121
- Floods of May and June 2008 in Iowa, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1096
- Neosho madtom and other ictalurid populations in relation to hydrologic characteristics of an impounded Midwestern warmwater stream: Update, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1109
- Sediment-transport during three controlled-flood experiments on the Colorado River downstream from Glen Canyon Dam, with implications for eddy-sandbar deposition in Grand Canyon National Park, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1128
- A probabilistic assessment methodology for the evaluation of geologic carbon dioxide storage, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1127
- Seismicity of the Earth 1900-2010, Aleutian arc and vicinity, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1083 B
- Evaluation of Water Year 2011 Glen Canyon Dam Flow Release Scenarios on Downstream Sand Storage along the Colorado River in Arizona, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1133
- Karst map of Puerto Rico, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1104
- Integrated Multibeam and LIDAR Bathymetry Data Offshore of New London and Niantic, Connecticut, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1231
- Geological Impacts and Sedimentary Record of the February 27, 2010, Chile Tsunami-La Trinchera to Concepcion, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1116
- Estimated minimum discharge rates of the Deepwater Horizon spill— Interim report to the flow rate technical group from the Mass Balance Team, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1132
- Preliminary Aeromagnetic Map of Joshua Tree National Park and Vicinity, Southern California, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1070
- The power to detect trends in Missouri River fish populations within the Pallid Sturgeon Population Assessment Program, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1020
- Hurricane Influences on Vegetation Community Change in Coastal Louisiana, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1105
- Coastal Change on Gulf Islands National Seashore during Hurricane Gustav: West Ship, East Ship, Horn, and Petit Bois Islands, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1090
- Gas, oil, and water production from Grand Valley, Parachute, Rulison, and Mamm Creek fields in the Piceance Basin, Colorado, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1110
- Flood of September 2008 in Northwestern Indiana, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1098
- Basal Resources in Backwaters of the Colorado River Below Glen Canyon Dam-Effects of Discharge Regimes and Comparison with Mainstem Depositional Environments , 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1075
- Environmental Assessment for a Marine Geophysical Survey of Parts of the Arctic Ocean, August-September 2010, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1117
- Proceedings of the 25th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1099
- Hydrostratigraphic mapping of the Milford-Souhegan glacial drift aquifer, and effects of hydrostratigraphy on transport of PCE, Operable Unit 1, Savage Superfund Site, Milford, New Hampshire, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1047
- Streamflow, Water Quality, and Constituent Loads and Yields, Scituate Reservoir Drainage Area, Rhode Island, Water Year 2006, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1046
- Streamflow, Water Quality, and Constituent Loads and Yields, Scituate Reservoir Drainage Area, Rhode Island, Water Year 2005, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1045
- Streamflow, water quality, and constituent loads and yields, Scituate Reservoir drainage area, Rhode Island, water year 2004, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1044
- Streamflow, water quality, and constituent loads and yields, Scituate Reservoir drainage area, Rhode Island, water year 2003, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1043
- Method description, quality assurance, environmental data, and other Information for analysis of pharmaceuticals in wastewater-treatment-plant effluents, streamwater, and reservoirs, 2004-2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1102
- Bed-Sediment Sampling and Analysis for Physical and Chemical Properties of the Lower Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1113
- Flood of June 8-9, 2008, Upper Iowa River, Northeast Iowa, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1087
- Effects of building a sand barrier berm to mitigate the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Louisiana marshes, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1108
- A summary of information on the rust Puccinia psidii Winter (guava rust) with emphasis on means to prevent introduction of additional strains to Hawaii, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1082
- Distribution and movement of bull trout in the upper Jarbidge River watershed, Nevada, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1033
- Geophysical and sampling data from the inner continental shelf: Duxbury to Hull, Massachusetts, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1072
- Gulf of Mexico dead zone - 1000 year record, 2010, Open-File Report 2008-1099
- Biological, Physical and Chemical Data From Gulf of Mexico Gravity and Box Core MRD05-04, 2010, Open-File Report 2007-1024
- Biological, Physical, And Chemical Data From Gulf of Mexico Core PE0305-GC1, 2010, Open-File Report 2006-1012
- Biosecurity Plan for Palmyra Atoll, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1097
- Geophysical Logs, Specific Capacity, and Water Quality of Four Wells at Rogers Mechanical (former Tate Andale) Property, North Penn Area 6 Superfund Site, Lansdale, Pennsylvania, 2006-07, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1023
- Geophysical surveys of the San Andreas and Crystal Springs Reservoir system, including seismic-reflection profiles and swath bathymetry, San Mateo County, California, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1030
- Buddingtonite in Menlo Park, California, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1053
- Distribution of potential hydrothermally altered rocks in central Colorado derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper data: A geographic information system data set, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1076
- A Method for Qualitative Mapping of Thick Oil Spills Using Imaging Spectroscopy , 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1101
- Water-Quality Data from Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes, Oregon, 2007-08, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1073
- A Review of Land-Cover Mapping Activities in Coastal Alabama and Mississippi, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1028
- Preliminary Investigation of Paleochannels and Groundwater Specific Conductance using Direct-Current Resistivity and Surface-Wave Seismic Geophysical Surveys at the Standard Chlorine of Delaware, Inc., Superfund Site, Delaware City, Delaware, 2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1058
- Seismicity of the Earth 1900–2010: Caribbean plate and vicinity, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1083 A
- Chemistry of selected core samples, concentrate, tailings, and tailings pond waters: Pea Ridge iron (-lanthanide-gold) deposit, Washington County, Missouri, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1080
- Earthquakes in South Carolina and Vicinity 1698-2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1059
- Channel Maintenance and Flushing Flows for the Klamath River Below Iron Gate Dam, California, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1086
- Ecosystem health in mineralized terrane — Data from podiform chromite (Chinese Camp mining district, California), quartz alunite (Castle Peak and Masonic mining districts, Nevada/California), and Mo/Cu porphyry (Battle Mountain mining district, Nevada) deposits, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1040
- Temporal chemical data for sediment, water, and biological samples from the Lava Cap Mine Superfund site, Nevada County, California— 2006–2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1268
- Geological Interpretation of the Sea Floor Offshore of Edgartown, Massachusetts, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1001
- Locatable Mineral Reports for Colorado, South Dakota, and Wyoming provided to the USDA Forest Service in Fiscal Years 2006-2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1084
- Summary of Organic Wastewater Compounds and Other Water-Quality Data in Charles County, Maryland, October 2007 through August 2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1071
- Long-Billed Curlew Breeding Success on Mid-Columbia River National Wildlife Refuges, South-Central Washington and North-Central Oregon, 2007-08, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1089
- Thermal Maturity Data Used by the U.S. Geological Survey for the U.S. Gulf Coast Region Oil and Gas Assessment, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1072
- Digital tabulation of geologic and hydrologic data from wells in the northern San Francisco Bay region, northern California, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1063
- Nitrogen Loads in Groundwater Entering Back Bays and Ocean from Fire Island National Seashore, Long Island, New York, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1081
- Geomorphology and depositional subenvironments of Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1250
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center-Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Report, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1060
- Assessment of soil-gas, surface-water, and soil contamination at the Installation Railhead, Fort Gordon, Georgia, 2008-2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1054
- The transition of benthic nutrient sources after planned levee breaches adjacent to upper Klamath and Agency Lakes, Oregon, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1062
- National GAP Conference 2007-Discussion Groups Report, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1026
- Documentation for initial seismic hazard maps for Haiti, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1067
- Geophysical investigations at Hidden Dam, Raymond, California: Summary of fieldwork and data analysis, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1013
- Examination of Libby, Montana, Fill Material for Background Levels of Amphibole from the Rainy Creek Complex Using Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1056
- Revised Subsurface Stratigraphic Framework of the Fort Union and Wasatch Formations, Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1061
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Environmental Flow Prescriptions for Five Demonstration Sites of the Sustainable Rivers Project, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1065
- eMODIS: A User-Friendly Data Source, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1055
- Turbidity on the shallow reef off Kaulana and Hakioawa watersheds, north coast of Kaho'olawe, Hawai'i: Measurements of turbidity and ancillary data on winds, waves, precipitation, and stream flow discharge, November 2005 to June 2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1037
- Publications of the Volcano Hazards Program 2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1052
- Final report: Baseline selenium monitoring of agricultural drains operated by the Imperial Irrigation District in the Salton Sea Basin, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1064
- Simulation of Streamflow, Evapotranspiration, and Groundwater Recharge in the Lower San Antonio River Watershed, South-Central Texas, 2000-2007, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-5027
- Review of Oceanographic and Geochemical Data Collected in Massachusetts Bay during a Large Discharge of Total Suspended Solids from Boston's Sewage-Treatment System and Ocean Outfall in August 2002, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1050
- Analyses of gas, steam and water samples collected in and around Lassen Volcanic National Park, California, 1975–2002, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1036
- Science in the Public Sphere: Greater Sage-grouse Conservation Planning from a Transdisciplinary Perspective, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1049
- Groundwater, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona— 2008–2009, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1038
- Extended abstracts from the Coastal Habitats in Puget Sound (CHIPS) 2006 Workshop, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1218
- 2008 High-flow experiment at Glen Canyon Dam: Morphologic response of eddy-deposited sandbars and associated aquatic backwater habitats along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1032
- Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Endangered Juvenile Lost River and Shortnose Suckers in Relation to Environmental Variables in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon: 2008 Annual Data Summary , 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1051
- Mercury in Sediment, Water, and Biota of Sinclair Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington, 1989-2007, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1285
- Effects of High-Flow Experiments from Glen Canyon Dam on Abundance, Growth, and Survival Rates of Early Life Stages of Rainbow Trout in the Lees Ferry Reach of the Colorado River, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1034
- Short-Term Effects of the 2008 High-Flow Experiment on Macroinvertebrates in Colorado River Below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1031
- Geophysical characterization of subsurface properties relevant to the hydrology of the Standard Mine in Elk Basin, Colorado, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1284
- Hydrologic Evaluation of the Jungo Area, Southern Desert Valley, Nevada , 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1009
- Characterization of Geologic Structures and Host Rock Properties Relevant to the Hydrogeology of the Standard Mine in Elk Basin, Gunnison County, Colorado, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1008
- Multitemporal L- and C-Band synthetic aperture radar to highlight differences in water status among boreal forest and wetland systems in the Yukon Flats, Interior Alaska, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1027
- The MW 7.0 Haiti Earthquake of January 12, 2010: USGS/EERI Advance Reconnaissance Team Report, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1048
- Reported Historic Asbestos Mines, Historic Asbestos Prospects, and Other Natural Occurrences of Asbestos in Oregon and Washington, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1041
- Relations Between Rainfall and Postfire Debris-Flow and Flood Magnitudes for Emergency-Response Planning, San Gabriel Mountains, Southern California, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1039
- Compilation of Water-Resources Data and Hydrogeologic Setting for the Allison Woods Research Station in Iredell County, North Carolina, 2005-2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1015
- Total dissolved gas and water temperature in the lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, water year 2009: Quality-assurance data and comparison to water-quality standards, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1288
- Biological Evaluations of an Off-Stream Channel, Horizontal Flat-Plate Fish Screen-The Farmers Screen, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1042
- Geophysical characterization of Range-Front Faults, Snake Valley, Nevada, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1016
- Geologic assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the North Cuba Basin, Cuba, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1029
- Application of the Systems Impact Assessment Model (SIAM) to fishery resource issues in the Klamath River, California, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1265
- The Quaternary Silver Creek Fault Beneath the Santa Clara Valley, California, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1010
- Simulation of Runoff and Reservoir Inflow for Use in a Flood-Analysis Model for the Delaware River, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, 2004-2006, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1014
- Riparian vegetation response to the March 2008 short-duration, High-Flow Experiment— Implications of timing and frequency of flood disturbance on nonnative plant establishment along the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1022
- Investigation of submarine groundwater discharge along the tidal reach of the Caloosahatchee River, southwest Florida, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1273
- The Limit of Inundation of the September 29, 2009, Tsunami on Tutuila, American Samoa, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1018
- Abundance, Timing of Migration, and Egg-to-Smolt Survival of Juvenile Chum Salmon, Kwethluk River, Alaska, 2007 and 2008 , 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1028
- Power to detect trends in Missouri River fish populations within the Habitat Assessment Monitoring Program, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1011
- Bank erosion, mass wasting, water clarity, bathymetry and a sediment budget along the dam-regulated Lower Roanoke River, North Carolina, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1260
- Geologic assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the West Greenland-East Canada Province, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1012
- Geophysical Data Collected off the South Shore of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, 2010, Open-File Report 2008-1288
- Preliminary use of uric acid as a biomarker for wading birds on Everglades Tree Islands, Florida, United States , 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1203
- USGS-WHOI-DPRI Coulomb Stress-Transfer Model for the January 12, 2010, MW=7.0 Haiti Earthquake, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1019
- Volcanogenic uranium deposits: Geology, geochemical processes, and criteria for resource assessment, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1001
- Design of Cycle 3 of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 2013-2022: Part 1: Framework of Water-Quality Issues and Potential Approaches, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1296
- Sediment distribution on the Mississippi-Alabama shelf, northern Gulf of Mexico, 2010, Open-File Report 2010-1002
- Developing an Analytical Framework: Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Decision Making - Proceedings of a Workshop, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1259
- Volcano-Monitoring Instrumentation in the United States, 2008, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1165
- Gas, oil, and water production from Jonah, Pinedale, Greater Wamsutter, and Stagecoach Draw fields in the Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1290
- A Composite Depth Scale for Sediments from Crevice Lake, Montana, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1277
- Guidelines for Standardized Testing of Broadband Seismometers and Accelerometers, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1295
- Hydraulic Property and Soil Textural Classification Measurements for Rainier Mesa, Nevada Test Site, Nevada, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1264
- Streamflow, water quality, and constituent loads and yields, Scituate Reservoir drainage area, Rhode Island, water year 2002, 2010, Open-File Report 2009-1041