


Continental to Subcontinental Climate Modeling

Comparison of Model Simulations with Observed Present-Day Climate

Simulation of a Potential 2 X CO2 Climate

Simulated Changes in Surface Hydrology

Regional Lake Responses

Lake-Specific Responses


Simulated Changes in Plant Distributions

Present-Day Climate and Plant Distributions

Comparison of Present-Day and Potential Future Ranges

Discussion of Changes in Plant Distributions



References Cited





AGCM atmospheric general circulation model
BATS biosphere-atmosphere transfer scheme (Dickinson and others, 1993)
GENESIS global environmental and ecological simulation of interactive systems
GHG greenhouse gases
INSTAAR Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research (Boulder, Colo.)
NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research (Boulder, Colo.)
RegCM regional climate model

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For more information about this report contact: Robert S. Thompson