Water Quality in the Upper Snake River Basin, Idaho and Wyoming, 1992-95

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ISSUE: Do anthropogenic activities adversely affect water quality in the upper Snake River Basin? page 6

ISSUE: Does water use in the basin affect the quality of the water resources? page 8

ISSUE: Have fish communities in the upper Snake River Basin been affected by water-quality degradation? page 10

ISSUE: Is nitrate a concern in streams and ground water in the upper Snake River Basin? page 12

ISSUE: Are pesticides and other organic compounds reaching streams and ground water? Are they persisting in the environment? page 14

ISSUE: What are the water-quality concerns in the Snake River between Milner Dam and King Hill? What are the primary sources of pollutants? page 18

U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1160

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Suggested citation:
Clark, G.M., Maret, T.R., Rupert, M.G., Maupin, M.A., Low, W.H., Ott, D.S., 1998, Water Quality in the Upper Snake River Basin, Idaho and Wyoming, 1992-95: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1160, on line at <URL:>, updated June 18, 1998 .

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