Data Series 1045

Sediment Lithology and Radiochemistry From the Back-Barrier Environments Along the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana: March 2012

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Data Downloads

Downcore dry bulk density, organic matter, grain-size, and radiochemical inventory graphs can be viewed for each core by clicking the core location shown in figure 2, or they can be downloaded collectively as a zipped Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG) file from the table below. Maps provided in this report were created in Esri ArcGIS 10.3.1. Spreadsheets and documents in this report were created using Microsoft Office 2010. Portable Document Format (PDF) files can be viewed using the free software Adobe Acrobat Reader (

Physical Parameters, Grain-Size, and Radiochemistry Data

Sediment Core Data

Preview File Description File Format Download File Metadata
Thumbnail image showing the downloadable site location spreadsheet of Chandeleur Islands sediment core location table
Push-core locations
Microsoft Excel
Thumbnail image showing downloadable data plot depicting bulk density, organic content, mean grain size and sorting, percent sand and mud, and beryllium-7 inventory of Chandeleur Island sediment cores
Sediment core data plots
Not applicable
Thumbnail image showing downloadable physical parameter spreadsheet of Chandeleur Islands sediment cores
Physical parameter data
Microsoft Excel
Thumbnail image showing downloadable spreadsheet of grain size data from Chandeleur Islands sediment cores
Grain-size data
Microsoft Excel
Thumbnail image showing the downloadable radiochemistry spreadsheet of Chandeleur Island sediment cores
Radiochemistry data
Microsoft Excel

Supplemental Information

Preview File Description File Format Download File Metadata
Thumbnail image showing downloadable spreadsheets of grain size statistics of individual runs from Chandeleur Island sediment cores
Grain-size run statistics
Microsoft Excel
Not applicable