U.S. Geological Survey
Data Series 236
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Selected ReferencesA | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | AbbreviationsAbe, K., 1979, Size of great earthquake of 1837-1974 inferred from tsunami data: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 84, p. 1561-1568. Anderson, J.G., and Brune, J.N., 1999, Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis without the ergodic assumption: Seismological Research Letters, v. 70, p. 19-28. Atwater, B.F., and Hemphill-Haley, E., 1997, Recurrence intervals for great earthquakes of the past 3,500 years at northeastern Willapa Bay, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1576, p. 108. Atwater, B.F., Tuttle, M.P., Schweig, E.S., Rubin, C.M., Yamaguchi, D.K., and Hemphill-Haley, E., 2004, Earthquake recurrence inferred from paleoseismology: Developments in Quaternary Science, v. 1, p. 331-350. 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AbbreviationsDEM: digital elevation model DOGAMI: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries FACTS: Facility for the Analysis and Comparison of Tsunami Simulations (Borrero and others, 2004) FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency FIRM: FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map GIS: geographic information systems LIDAR: LIght Detection And Ranging or Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging MHW: mean high water MOST: Method of Splitting Tsunami (Titov and Gonzalez, 1997) NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOS: NOAA National Ocean Service NCTR: NOAA Center for Tsunami Research NFIP: Federal Emergency Management Agency National Flood Insurance Program PMEL: NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory PSHA: Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis PTHA: Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis |
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