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Field Activity Logs

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Field Activity Collection System (FACS) Logs

FACS logs are standardized forms used by the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program. For more information see Click on the links below to access PDF files containing the digital FACS logs and scanned images of the handwritten FACS logs for each cruise. 00SCC Digital FACS logs were generated after the cruise using the handwritten logs and personal accounts of the crew members. The CR83 and P86 FACS Logs were generated after the cruise using data from the Louisiana Sand Resource Inventory 1885 Vibracore Services Report (Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc., 1986) and the Coastal Geology Technical Report No. 8 from the Louisiana Geological Survey (Suter and others, 1991). These FACS Logs for cruises CR83 and P86 are incomplete. The Digital FACS logs can all be found within the FACS folder. Note that there are no FACS logs available here for the USACE EUSTIS cores; please contact the USACE for more information.

CR83 Digital FACS Logs P86 Digital FACS Logs
Crew (80 KB)
Crew (84 KB)
Equipment (88 KB)
Equipment (96 KB)
Overview (128 KB)
Overview (128 KB)
Sample Storage (72 KB) Sample Storage (68 KB)
Sample Log (380 KB) Sample Log (228 KB)

00SCC01 Digital FACS Logs 00SCC03 Digital FACS Logs 00SCC05 Digital FACS Logs
Crew (88 KB)
Crew (104 KB)
Crew (112 KB)
Equipment (100 KB)
Equipment (108 KB)
Equipment (96 KB)
Overview (128 KB)
Overview (136 KB)
Overview (136 KB)
Sample Storage (64 KB) Sample Storage (64 KB) Sample Storage (64 KB)
Sample Log (512 KB) Sample Log (584 KB) Sample Log (588 KB)
USGS CMG 00SCC01 Metadata USGS CMG 00SCC03 Metadata USGS CMG 00SCC05 Metadata


Click on the links below to access the PDF files containing scanned images of the handwritten science logbooks for 00SCC01, 00SCC03, and 00SCC05, completed in the field by J. Flocks. The CR83 Logbook contains handwritten pages completed by the crew of Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc. The P86 Logbook pages are part of a published Final Report containing information about other surveys not included in this data set. Summary information and evaluation of data are referenced in Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey, Inc. (1986). The Digital FACS logbook files for each cruise can also be found in the LOGBOOK folder. Note that there are no logbook files available here for the USACE EUSTIS cores; please contact the USACE for more information.

CR83 Digital FACS Logbook
P86 Digital FACS Logbook (section of Final Report)
00SCC01 Digital FACS Logbook
00SCC05 Digital FACS Logbook
preview 83CR00 Logbook

CR83 Logbook (6.7 MB)

preview 00SCC05 Logbook

00SCC05 Logbook (39.8 MB)

NOTE: PDF files may be viewed using Adobe Reader software. Information on PDF accessibility may be viewed at Adobe-Accessibility Resource Center. If unable to access the PDF files, obtain the original RTF files for the FACS Logs, located in the FACS folder, or please contact

Home | Acronyms | Contents | Methods | Maps | Core Data Table | Vibracore Description Sheets | Interpreted Core Classification Profiles | Grain-Size and Penetrometer Data | Photographs | USACE EUSTIS | Field Logs | Metadata | Software |

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